Bibliography Translator's Note: All of the works in the extensive bibliography in the original text are included here. I have replaced the Italian translations of classical works, such as those of Aristotle or Plato, with a standard English translation. I have sometimes added an English translation of an entry in the original bibliography after the sign ET. I have also used the sign ET in my translation to indicate that the page references are to the English version of these works. Readers who need the bibliographical information about Italian translations of various works in the bibliography can get that information from the original text; hence, 1 have merely indicated here the existence of an Italian translation by the sign IT, followed by the year of publication of that translation. VARIOUS AUTHORS: 1972 Atti del Sijmposium Internazionale sulla problematics, delk attuale grafia musicale (Rome: Isätuto Latino-americano). 1978 Teatro popokre e cultura moderna (Florence: Vallecchi). 1980 La seem del-principe (Florence: Edizioni Medicee). 1981 Ipotesi sulla seduzione (Bologna: Capelli). ABRUZZESE, ALBERTO 1980 "Alcune question! cü fondo," La societa. 34/35: 4-9. ALBERTI, LEON BÄTOSTA 1436 Deila pittura (Basel: 15401); Luigi Mallé, ed. (Florence: Sansoni, 1950). ALLEGRI, LUIGI 1978 "Semiotica e teatro: rappresentazione, codifieazione, díscorso," in Per una stork del teatro come pettacolo: il teatro di burattini e di marionette (Parma: University of Parma, Centro Studi e Archivio della AMSTERDAMSKÍ, STEFAN 1981 "Ripetizione," Enciclopedk (Turin: Einaudi) XU: 76-85. APOLLONIO, MARIO 1938-50 Storia del teatro italiano {Florence: Sansoni) 4 vols. (ed. in 2 vols.: vol. H, 1954; vol. I, 1958). ARGAN, GIULIO CARLO 1968 Storia dell'arte italiana (Florence: Sansoni), vol. 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