THE TEMPORAL STRUCTURE OE THE ILIAD Prologue ( 1.1-12a): the poet invokes his Muse and announces his theme I. Exposition (21 days) 1. Day I (1.12D-52): Chryses 2. Dans 2-9 (1.5 J): plague in Creek camp J. Day 10 (1.54-476): quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles, embassy to Chryse 4. Day 11 (1.477^192): return of embassy, wrath of Achilles 5. Days 12-20 (1.493): gods visit the Ethiopians b. Day 21 and following night (1.49 3-2.47): Thetis' plea to Zeus. Agamemnon's dream U. Main Narrative (6 days) 7. Day 22 (2.48-7. iSO): First Day of Fighting - Agamemnon tempts the army - catalogues (review of troops) - lirst truce: duel of Menelaus and Paris is to decide outcome of war - Helen and Priam look down on Greek army from walls of Troy - PandanM hrenks truce — great deeds of Diomedes — Hector in Troy — duel between Hector and Ajax 8. Day 23 (7.381-4 32): second truce, burials of the dead 9. Day 24 (7.4 3 3-482): Greeks build walls around their camp 10. Day 2 5 and following night (S. 1-10.579): Second Day of Fighting — Greeks forced to retreat — Trojans camp on the plain before Troy — Greek embassy to Achilles — Dolon episode 1 1. Day 26 and following night (11.1-1S.617): Third Day of Fighting - great deeds of Agamemnon - great deeds of Hector - Greek leaders wounded - Achilles sends Patroclus to Nestor - lighting at the walls of the Greek camp - Trojans invade Greek camp - lighting by the Greek ships - Hera seduces Zeus - great deeds of Patroclus. his death in a duel with Hector - Achilles' new armor, description of his shield 12. Day 27 and following night (19.1-2 i. 110a): Fourth Day of Fighting - settlement of quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles - great deeds of Achilles - duel of Achilles and Hector. Hector's death III. Conclusion (24 days) 13. Day 28 (2 3.1 l()b-2 57a): funeral of Patroclus 14. Day 29 and following night (2 3.2 5 7b-24.21): games in honor of Patroclus 15. Days W-40 (24.22-30): Achilles abuses Hector's body 16. Day 41 and following night (24.31-694): Priam visits Achilles and obtains release of Hector's body 17. Day 42 (24.695-781): Hector brought back to Troy 18. Days 43-50 (24.782-784): third truce 19. Day 51 (24.785-804): funeral of Hector