THE COMPLETE TALE OF TROY IN ANCIENT LITERATURE I. Prologue on Mt. Olympus 1. Zeus and Themis confer over the advisability of the Trojan War. 2. Zeus fathers Helen on Nemcsis/Leda. 5. Zeus and Hera force the sea goddess Thetis into marriage to King Peleus. II. The Twenty-Year Period Before the Trojan War 4. Zeus' grandson Peleus marries Nereits' daughter Thetis on Mt. Pelion in Thessaly. All gods except Eris (Strife) attend. Peleus' and Thetis' child will be Achilles. 5. Eris sows discord among Hera. Athena, and Aphrodite over which of them is the most beautiful. f>. The three goddesses approach Paris (Alexander), son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy and shepherd on Mt. Ida. as judge. Paris had been exposed there as an infant. 7. judgment of Paris: Aphrodite is the most beautiful. Paris' reward will be Helen, wife of King Menelaus of Sparta. 8. Parte sails to Greece and abducts Helen from Sparta. 9. The Greeks muster to take revenge. They elect Agamemnon. King of Mycenae and brother of Menelaus. as their leader. 10. The Greek fleet departs from Aulis but lands in Mysia, too far south of Troy. 11. Achilles wounds Telephus. king of Mysia. 11. The Greek fleet leaves Mysia for Troy but is scattered by a storm. 1 3. The Greek fleet again assembles at Aulis. Agamemnon kills a harl sacred to Artemis and is forced to sacrifice Iphigenia. his daughter by Helen's sister Clytenmestra (Klytaimeslra). 14. Telephus arrives at Aulis and is healed. 15. Calchas the seer receives an augury that appears to predict the fall of Troy in the tenth year of the war. 16. The Greek fleet departs from Aulis again and lands on the islands of Tenedos and Lemnos. Philoctetes is abandoned on Lenmos. III. The Ten Years of the Trojan War A. The First Nine Years 17. The Greek fleet lands in the Troad. Death of Protesilaus. 18. An embassy to the Trojans led by Odysseus and Menelaus to demand Helen and Paris is unsuccessful. 19. Achilles kills Cycnus. 20. Achilles conquers 2 1 mainland and island towns to isolate Troy. Among his captives are Chryseis and Briseis. The former functions as the starting point for the Iliad. B. The Last Year 21. The plot of the Iliad f 51 days), a small episode in the entire war, now occurs, with the conflict between Agamemnon and Achilles and its consequences, especially the deaths of Patroclus. Achilles' closest friend, and Hector, son of Priam and Troy's greatest hero. 22. The Amazon queen Penthesilea arrives and is defeated by Achilles. Thersites abuses Achilles, who kills him. The Ethiopian king Memnon arrives and kills Nestor's son Antilochos. among others. 2 3. Paris and Apollo bring about Achilles' death. 24. Ajax and Odysseus dispute about Achilles' divine armor. Odysseus wins: Ajax is driven to madness and suicide. 25. Odysseus causes Philoctetes and Achilles' son Neoptolemus to join the army. 26. Odysseus' trick with the wooden horse brings about the fall of Troy and the deaths of most of the Trojans, among them Priam. IV. The Ten Years of the Greeks' Returns 27. The Greek survivors return home. Agamemnon is killed in Mycenae by Clytenmestra in revenge for Iphigenia's death. 28. The plot of the Odyssey (40 days): Odysseus returns to his island kingdom of Ithaca after ten years of wanderings. He is reunited with his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus and restored to power after an absence of 20 years. 29. Further travels of Odysseus: he is killed by Telegonus. his son with Circe. V. The Survival of Troy 30. The plot of Virgil's Aeneid: Aeneas, son of Anchises and Aphrodite (Venus), journeys to Italy in search of a new home for the surviving Trojans, including his son Ascanius. Their descendants found the city of Rome. Fusion of Greek myth and Roman history.