Prehistoric Pottery of the Ancient Near East Olivier Nieuwenhuyse Brno April 2011 3 – Pottery What do you do with it? Pots in context Function? Technology? Symbolism? Date? What can archaeologists do with sherds? Foodways? Deposition? The archaeologist excavates them – and then what?? Lots of sherds Lots of sherds Lots of sherds Lots of sherds Lots of sherds Lots of sherds The archaeologist collects them – and then what? A pottery specialist! All sherds? Careful sampling bulk processing all sherds and/or sampling ceramic technology residue bitumen etc. fabric firing etc. Interpretation raw materials Fieldwork Laboratory ExcavationsGeomorphology Statistical bulk processing thin sections chemical analysis contextual information pottery data Setting up your own professional sherd yard Tell Chagar Bazar Sherds are fun: a comfortable place in the shade Tell Sabi Abyad This is where the action is: sherd migration (“sherd flow”) 2: washing 1: new sherds 3: drying 4: sorting 7: storage 5: counting 6: coding 8: back to earth Sherdyardogram No expensive high-tech equipment needed First step: quantification – how much pottery? Sorted sherds How many sherds? Make your own counting sheet Shape of fragment Type of pottery Similar system, different site: Tell Chagar Bazar To weigh or not to weigh... Weights: a different measure of quantity Number of excavated sherds counted 25 3803 22 3994 535 6423 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 L20 L21 M20 M21 N20 N21 Weight of excavated sherds counted (kg) 14,72 104,47 13,46 215,76 37,01 82,19 0 50 100 150 200 250 L20 L21 M20 M21 N20 N21 How much pottery? Weight: information on 1) fragmentation, 2) size, 3) strength 10,9 15,9 29,8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 KL7 L7 Nort Area 7000 BC 6500 BC 6200 BC Time Shir (Hama Province) “BMI index” Average weight of body sherd (Body Mass Index) Fragmentation: depositional information Proportions of vessel shape Complete pot Complete profile Rim sherd Body sherd Base sherd Build your own code sheet Shape Size Ceramic technology Similar system, different site: Tell Chagar Bazar Measuring rim diameter and thickness “Excavation is destruction” – well, so is fabric analysis Quantity, size, and type of non-plastic inclusions “Pot reading” - looking for traces of the shaping process Pot reading: traces of the shaping method: coiling Pot reading: traces of the scraping the exterior surface Colour: information on raw materials, firing, use, deposition For instance: completely oxidized or not? Finally - to restore or not to restore, that‟s the question… … but if you must … use your mind! (not your marker) Impossible to remove Water resistant Penetrating the pottery Very conspicuous Life after Death – 21th century depositional practices Helping Salladin: a wall of sherds in the Hama „Azm Palace Think carefully about your sherd deposition! Ancient site Modern site ‫رکش‬ً‫ا‬ ! ‫ا‬ً‫شکر‬ Think about your future