Prehistoric Pottery of the ancient Near East Department Archaeology of the ancient Near East Masaryk University, Brno, Tsjech Republic Background Reading Monday 18 – Introduction & History Pottery Studies Orton, C, P. Tyers & Vince, A. 1993 “History of Pottery Studies”, in: C. Orton, P. Tyers, and A, Vince, Pottery in Archaeology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 3–22. Wednesday 20 – First pottery in the Near East Nieuwenhuyse, O.P., Akkermans, P.M.M.G. & Van der Plicht, J. 2010 “Not so coarse, nor always plain – the earliest pottery of Syria”, Antiquity 84: 71-85 Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2009 “The Late Neolithic ceramics from Shir: a first assessment”, Zeitschrift für Orient Archäeologie 2: 310-356. Hayden, B. 1995 “The emergence of prestige technologies and pottery”, in: Barnett, W. K. and Hoopes, J.W. (eds.), The Emergence of Pottery: Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies (The Emergence of Pottery. Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies, Washington, Smithsonian: 257-265. Nishiaki, Y. & LeMiere, M. 2005 “The oldest Pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia: new evidence from Tell Seker-alAheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria”, Paléorient 31/2: 55-68. Thursday 21 – Pottery becomes firmly established Akkermans, P.M.M.G., Cappers, R., Cavallo, C., Nieuwenhuyse, O.P., Nilhamn, B., & Otte, I. 2006 “Investigating the Early Pottery Neolithic of northern Syria: new evidence from Tell Sabi Abyad”, American Journal of Archaeology 110-1: 123-156. Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. & Dooijes, R. 2008 “A new life for old pots. Early pottery repairs from 7th millennium Tell Sabi Abyad (northern Syria), Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies 24: 159-170. Tuesday 26 – Painted pottery Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2008 “Feasting in the steppe: Late Neolithic ceramic change and the rise of the Halaf”, in: Córdoba, J., Molist, M., Carmen Pérez, M., Rubio, I. & Martinez, S. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid, UAM: 691-708. Bernbeck, R. 2008 “Taming time and timing the tame”, in: Córdoba, J., Molist, M., Carmen Pérez, M., Rubio, I. & Martinez, S. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid, UAM: 709-728. Wednesday 27 – Organization Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2010 “A household affair? Pottery production in the Burnt Village at Late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad”, in: Bolger, D. & Maguire, L. (eds.), The Development of Pre-state Communities in the Ancient Near East: Studies in Honour of Edgar Peltenburg, Oxford, Oxbow: 97- 105. Van der Leeuw S.E., Spruijt A.J. and Shelton-Bunn V.A. 1987 “Ceramic production Assendelver polders”, in: Brandt R.W., Groenman-van Waateringe W. and Van der Leeuw S.E. (eds.), Assendelver Polder Papers 1, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam Press: 225-352. Peacock, D.P.S. 1982 Pottery in the Roman World. An Ethnographic Approach, London, Longman. Thursday 28 – Styles Garfinkel, Y. 1998 "Dancing and the Beginning of Art Scenes in the Near East and South-East Europe”, Cambridge Archaeological Journal 8: 207-237 Watson, P.J. & LeBlanc, S. A. 1973 “A comparative statistical analysis of painted pottery from seven Halafian sites”, Paléorient 1-1: 117-133. Yoffee, N. 1993 “Mesopotamian Interaction spehers”, in: Yoffee, N. And Clarke, J.J. (eds.), Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization. Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq, Tuscon, University of Arizona Press. Campbell, S. 2010 “Understanding Symbols: putting meaning into painted pottery”, in: Bolger, D. & Maguire, L. (eds.), The Development of Pre-state Communities in the Ancient Near East: Studies in Honour of Edgar Peltenburg, Oxford, Oxbow: 144-152. Friday 29 – Surveys and settlement & Pottery repairs Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. and Wilkinson, T.J.W. 2007 “Late Neolithic settlement in the area of Tell Beydar, (NE Syria)”, in: Lebeau, M. & Suleiman, A. (eds.), Beydar Studies I, Turnhout, Brepols (SUBARTU XXI): 268-303. Dooijes, R. & Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2007 “Ancient repairs: techniques and social meaning”, in: Benz, M. & Kästner, U. (eds.), Konservieren oder restaurieren, die Restaurierung griechischer Vasen von der Antike bis heute, Munich, Beck Publishers: 17-22. Dooijes, R. & Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2009 “Ancient repairs in archaeological research; a Near Eastern perspective”, in: Ambers, J., Higgit, C., Harrison, L. & Saunders, D. (eds.), Holding it all together, London, Archetype: 8-12.