Yoshihiro Nishiaki Marie Le Mière The oldest pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia : New evidence from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria In: Paléorient. 2005, Vol. 31 N°2. pp. 55-68. Citer ce document / Cite this document : Nishiaki Yoshihiro, Le Mière Marie. The oldest pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia : New evidence from Tell Seker alAheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria . In: Paléorient. 2005, Vol. 31 N°2. pp. 55-68. doi : 10.3406/paleo.2005.5125 http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/paleo_0153-9345_2005_num_31_2_5125 Abstract Abstract : The oldest Pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia, including the Khabur basin, has long been believed to be represented by the Proto-Hassuna (Sotto-Umm Dabaghiyah) entity. Recent excavations at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, on the upper Khabur, produced new evidence that questions this view. The excavations revealed that a Pottery Neolithic phase predating the Proto-Hassuna existed on the Khabur, characterized by a distinct set of pottery as well as architecture and lithic technology. The long uninterrupted sequence at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, beginning perhaps from the Middle PPNB and ending with the Proto-Hassuna, shows that this cultural entity, provisionally referred to as "Pre-ProtoHassuna ", was derived from a local fades of East Taurus PPNB and gradually developed into ProtoHassuna. Radiocarbon dates for this phase indicate the early centuries of the 8th millennium BP, a period prior to that of Proto- Hassuna settlements in both northeast Syria and northern Iraq. These new data highlight the necessity of reconsidering the Neolithic framework of Upper Mesopotamia in general. Résumé Résumé : La céramique Proto-Hassuna a longtemps été considérée comme la plus ancienne du bassin du Khabur et de l'ensemble de la Haute Mésopotamie (Sotto, Umm Dabaghiyah...). Les données fournies par les fouilles récemment effectuées à Tell Seker al-Aheimar remettent en cause cette vision. Elles démontrent qu 'une phase céramique a précédé le Proto-Hassuna, se distinguant de celui-ci par la céramique aussi bien que par l 'architecture et la technologie lithique. La séquence longue et continue de Tell Seker al-Aheimar, qui commence peut-être au PPNB Moyen et s 'achève au Proto-Hassuna, montre que cette entité culturelle, appelée provisoirement « Pre-Proto- Hassuna », s 'est développée à partir d'un faciès local du PPNB du Taurus oriental et a progressivement évolué vers le Proto-Hassuna. Les datations radiocarbone indiquent pour cette phase le début du VIIIe millénaire BP, une période antérieure à celle des sites Proto- Hassuna aussi bien de Syrie du Nord-Est que d'Iraq du Nord. Dans la mesure où aucun site vraiment comparable au « Pre-Proto- Hassuna » n 'est connu en Iraq du Nord, ces nouvelles données soulignent la nécessité de reconsidérer le Néolithique de Haute Mésopotamie dans son ensemble. The oldest pottery Neolithic of upper Mesopotamia : New evidence from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria Y. NISHIAKI and M. LE MiÈRE Abstract : The oldest Pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia, including the Khabur basin, has long been believed to be represented by the Proto-Hassuna (Sotto-Umm Dabaghiyah) entity. Recent excavations at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, on the upper Khabur, produced new evidence that questions this view. The excavations revealed that a Pottery Neolithicphase predating the Proto-Hassuna existed on the Khabur, characterized by a distinct set ofpottery as well as architecture and lithic technology. The long uninterrupted sequence at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, beginning perhaps from the Middle PPNB and ending with the Proto-Hassuna, shows that this cultural entity, provisionally referred to as "Pre-Proto-Hassuna ", was derivedfrom a localfades ofEast Taurus PPNB and gradually developed into Proto-Hassuna. Radiocarbon datesfor this phase indicate the early centuries ofthe 8th millennium BP, aperiodprior to that ofProtoHassuna settlements in both northeast Syria and northern Iraq. These new data highlight the necessity ofreconsidering the Neolithic framework of Upper Mesopotamia in general. Résumé : La céramique Proto-Hassuna a longtemps été considérée comme laplus ancienne du bassin du Khabur et de l'ensemble de la Haute Mésopotamie (Sotto, Umm Dabaghiyah...). Les données fournies par lesfouilles récemment effectuées à Tell Seker al-Aheimar remettent en cause cette vision. Elles démontrent qu 'une phase céramique a précédé le Proto-Hassuna, se distinguant de celui-cipar la céramique aussi bien que par l 'architecture et la technologie lithique. La séquence longue et continue de Tell Seker al-Aheimar, qui com mence peut-être au PPNB Moyen et s 'achève au Proto-Hassuna, montre que cette entité culturelle, appelée provisoirement « Pre-ProtoHassuna », s 'est développée à partir d'un faciès local du PPNB du Taurus oriental et aprogressivement évolué vers le Proto-Hassuna. Les datations radiocarbone indiquent pour cette phase le début du VIIIe millénaire BP, une période antérieure à celle des sites ProtoHassuna aussi bien de Syrie du Nord-Est que d'Iraq du Nord. Dans la mesure où aucun site vraiment comparable au « Pre-ProtoHassuna » n 'est connu en Iraq du Nord, ces nouvelles données soulignent la nécessité de reconsidérer le Néolithique de Haute Mésopot amiedans son ensemble. Key-Words : Upper Mesopotamia, East Taurus PPNB, Proto-Hassuna, Mineral-temperedpottery. Mots Clefs : Haute Mésopotamie, Taurus oriental, Proto-Hassuna, Céramique à dégraissant minéral. The Khaburbasin, northeast Syria, is situated at the western into use. In other words, the interface between the Pre-Pottery edge of Upper Mesopotamia (fig. 1 : 14). One of the unan- Neolithic and the Pottery Neolithic is unclear. Proto-Hassuna swered questions on the Neolithic archaeology ofthis basin and (Sotto-Umm Dabaghiyah) is generally considered to be repreUpper Mesopotamia in general is when and how pottery came sentative of the oldest Pottery Neolithic in this region. HowPaléorient, vol. 3 1/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 Manuscrit reçu le 12 août 2005, accepté le 15 décembre 2005 56 Y. NISHIAKI and M. LE MlÈRE ■< IRAQ Fig. 1 : Map showing the location of Tell Seker al-Aheimar (star) and the other sites mentioned in the text. 1 : Cayonti ; 2 : Cafer Hôytik ; 3 : Kumar tepe ; 4 : Mezraa-Teleilat ; 5 : Akarçay ; 6 : Ras Shamra ; 7 : Ain el-Kerkh ; 8: Halula ; 9: Abu Hureyra ; 10: Gù'rcti tepe ; 11 : Assouad ; 12 : Sabi Abyad I ; 13 : Damishliyah ; 14: Halaf; 15: Feyda ; 16: Gharrah (Jabal Abdul Aziz) ; 17: Khaneke ; 18 : Raheke ; 19 : Kashkashok II; 20 : Khazna II; 21 : Ginnig ; 22 : Maghzaliyah ; 23 : Sotto ; 24 : Thalathat II ; 25 : Umm Dabaghiyah ; 26 : Hassuna. ever, its origin and precise chronological position are not well understood since almost all Proto-Hassuna settlements such as Kashkashok II, Sotto and Umm Dabaghiyah, are founded on virgin soil that did not have earlier settlements underneath. Moreover, the rarity of the excavated Pre-Pottery Neolithic sites in this region makes the period immediately prior to the Proto-Hassuna virtually an enigma. Tell Ginnig in northern Iraq is a rare excavated Proto-Hassuna site that was founded on aceramic Neolithic deposits1 ; however, no architecture was recovered from the aceramic level and its cultural assemblage is not entirely defined. Tell Maghzaliyah, another important site in northern Iraq, has rich late Pre-PotteryNeolithic (PPNB) levels but no Pottery Neolithic was found above these levels. In fact, the excavator expresses the opinion that there should still be a certain chronological gap between the PPNB of Maghzali yahand the Proto-Hassuna2. Recent excavations at Tell Seker al-Aheimar carried out by a team from the University of Tokyo have, for the first time, provided evidence of a continuous sequence from the PPNB phase to the Proto-Hassuna phase in this cultural province. Interestingly, in addition to PPNB and Proto-Hassuna als, a new group of pottery pre-dating the Proto-Hassuna was discovered here3 ; this apparently fills the gap between the PPNB and Proto-Hassuna phases at least in the Khabur basin. Thus, the new information from Tell Seker al-Aheimar should shed light on the beginning or development of not only pottery production but also the Proto-Hassuna entity. This paper comprises three major parts. First, we provide a summary of the excavations of the site. Second, we present the newly discovered PotteryNeolithic entity with special ref erence to the ceramic evidence. Third, we address the impli cations of this discovery for the Neolithic chronology of Upper Mesopotamia. TELL SEKER AL-AHEIMAR AND THE EXCAVATIONCONTEXT Tell Seker al-Aheimar is a Neolithic mound on the right bank of the Upper Khabur, approximately 45 km northwest of Hassake in northeast Syria. It covers an area of approximately 300 m by 150 m, and has a height of around llm over the su rrounding fields. Our attention was first drawn to the mound during a French-Japanese survey carried out in 199 14, and it subsequently became the focus of six seasons of excavations from 2000 to 2005 5. Due to the presence of a modern village and its associated cotton fields, fruit gardens, cemetery and other domestic structures on the mound, the excavated trenches (Sectors A to E) were generally limited to the northern slope facing the Khabur river (fig. 2). All the trenches produced rich Neolithic cultural deposits with a thickness of up to 7 m. In addition, a surface survey, an examination of the stratigraphy of the local wells and a series of core-drillings for geo-archaeological purposes indicated that Neolithic deposits are also present on the southern slope. The Neolithic settlement appears to be distributed quite widely over the mound, probably around 4 ha or even more, which makes Tell Seker al-Aheimar one of the largest known Neolithic sites on the Khabur. Thus far, an area of approximately 750m2 has been exca vated. Virgin soil has been reached in three trenches (Sectors А, С and E). The combined stratigraphy of the excavation trenches enabled us to define at least five Neolithic phases 1. Campbell and ВAiRD, 1990. 2. BADER, 1989 : 355. 3. NISHIAKI, 2001. 4. NISHIAKI, 1992, 2000. 5. NISHIAKI, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004a. Paléonent, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 The oldest pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia : New evidence from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria 57 Fig. 2 : Plan and the excavated areas of Tell Seker al-Aheimar. -three PPNB and two Pottery Neolithic phases, primarily from architectural evidence. The earliest PPNB phase was exposed in Sectors С and E. Small rectangular buildings on a cobble-paved platform were found6. The plans of the buildings consisted of a few parallel rooms, the floors of which were made with packed mud. Also remarkable in this phase were large rectangular pit-ovens with numerous burnt rocks inside. New types of buildings and fea tures appeared in the next PPNB phase, which was exposed in Sector E7. Larger, rectangular multi-roomed buildings on stone socles became popular. Stone socles were present in the earliest phase as well, but those in this phase were higher and far more substantial, up to 80 cm wide. Buildings with small rooms, less than lm on each side, were also present ; these may represent under-floor structures. The common use ofgypsum plastering for architecture was yet another important change. Apart from this, pit-ovens with burnt rocks inside were progressively changed to smaller and narrower oval pit-ovens. This was fo llowed by the latest PPNB phase at Seker al-Aheimar, which was marked by the emergence of rectangular buildings with large rooms (approximately 4 to 5 m on each side) and mudplastered floors. The other architectural remains were quite similar to the previous ones, however : narrow pit-ovens and small-roomed buildings with gypsum-plastered floors were also present. The architecture of these phases strikingly resembles that of the PPNB levels of Cayônii8, southeast Anatolia. According to the terminology developed at Cayônii, the three aceramic phases of Seker al-Aheimar are comparable to the "Cobblepaved building", the "Cell-plan building", and the "Cell-plan/ Large-room transitional building" phases respectively. Thus, although sufficient radiocarbon dates are not yet available, the earliest PPNB phase ofSeker al-Aheimar is provisionally dated to the Middle PPNB, and the later ones to the Late PPNB9. The oldest PotteryNeolithic phase was recognised in all the excavation trenches except in Sector D, which is a sounding pit with too small dimensions (3 m x 4 m) to produce sufficient cultural materials. In Sectors А, С and E, this phase appeared directly on top of the PPNB layers without any stratigraphie break. While the building construction methods including those for ovens were fundamentally the same as those during the lat est PPNB, the use ofstone socles for walls became uncommon and the walls came to be narrower. "Cell-plan" buildings were no longer constructed. The construction of"large-room" build ingsmay have continued, but only fragmentary walls hinted at their presence. The strong tie with the architectural sequence at Cayônii appears less evident in this phase. On the other hand, noteworthy in this phase were large platform structures made of mud-slabs, often laid as foundations for buildings. In addition, the more frequent method involving floor plastering with gyp sum and the more elaborate features such as gypsum-lined benches, niches and water channels characterise the architec tureof this phase (figs 4-6). Above the layers containing these architectural remains, cultural assemblages of Proto-Hassuna pottery were recorded in all the five sectors. The pisé-walls of the Proto-Hassuna, built directly on the ground, were all very narrow, comprising small rectangular rooms whose floors were not carefully plastered with gypsum. In this way, the cultural sequence at Tell Seker al-Aheimar consists of well-defined architectural phases that cover much of the previously unknown Neolithic periods on the Khabur. Apart from a few possible surveyed and sounded PPNB sites10, the oldest excavated Neolithic sites were the Proto-Hassuna settlements of Tell Kashkashok II11 and Khazna II12. There- 6. NISHIAKI, 2004a. 7. The excavations at Sector С have been carried out in a stepped trench, with unexcavated deposits between the first and the third PPNB phases. 8. ÔZDOGAN, 1999. 9. The latest PPNB of Seker al-Aheimar may include the Final PPNB or PPNC. 10. BRAIDWOOD, 1958 ; HOLE, 2000 ; NISHIAKI, 2000. 11. MATSUTANI, 1991. 12. MUNCHAEV e MERPERT, 1994. Paléorient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS EDITIONS 2005 58 Y. NISHIAKI and M. LE MlÈRE 10m Fig. 3 : Part ofa Pre-Proto-Hassuna architecture in Sector С, Tell Seker al-Aheimar. Fig. 4 : Pit-oven of the Pre-Proto-Hassuna phase in Sector E, Tell Fig. 5 : Section ofa bench structure ofthe Pre-Proto-Hassuna phase Seker al-Aheimar. in Sector E, Tell Seker al-Aheimar. Repeated floor plastering is evident. fore, the first four phases that were newly identified at Tell Seker al-Aheimar provide us with important insights into the THE OLDEST POTTERY NEOLITHIC OF TELL Neolithic cultural development ofthis region. Among these, we SEKER AL-AHEIMAR would like to focus on the oldest PotteryNeolithic phase, ten tatively termed as "Pre-Proto-Hassuna"13, which is new not only to the Khabur but also to Upper Mesopotamia in general. MATERIAL CULTURE 13. This admittedly awkward term is used in the present paper simply to indicate that the period concerned predates the Proto-Hassuna. When future studies show that it represents a specific Khabur group within the Proto-Has sunacultural area, an entity name such as Seker or Sekerian could also be used after the site of Tell Seker al-Aheimar. The stratigraphy of Tell Seker al-Aheimar indicates the Pre-Proto-Hassuna as being an intermediate phase between me PPNB and the Proto-Hassuna. Very similar to the architecture outlined in the previous section, material remains such Paléorient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 The oldest pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia : New evidence from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria 59 Fig. 6 : Water-channel ofthe Pre Proto-Hassuna phase in Sector E, Tell Seker al-Aheimar. as flaked stone artefacts also indicate this intermediate nature (fig. 7)14. An example is the gradual change in the use of obsidian. Obsidian was relatively uncommon in the Middle PPNB phase, occupying only approximately 20 %-30 % of the total lithics, but in the Late PPNB, its proportion rapidly increased to 50 %-70 %. From the Pre-Proto-Hassuna phase, it gradually decreased to approximately 20%-10% in the Proto-Hassuna phase. Typologically, from the Pre-Proto-Has sunaonwards, there was a decline in the manufacture of Cayônii tools (fig. 7 : 10), which were the most popular ofthe obsidian tools during the Late PPNB phases. On the other hand, the manufacture of side-blow blade-flakes (fig. 7 : 11), which appeared during the Late PPNB, increased over the Pre-Proto-Hassuna and became popular during the Proto-Hass una.Regarding flint technology, blade production, which was comparatively common during the Late PPNB, decreased in popularity from the Pre-Proto-Hassuna to the Proto-Hass una.During this period, the proportion ofblades among flint blanks dropped from approximately 30 % to less than 10 %. In tool typology, the notable changes from the PPNB to the Pre-Proto-Hassuna are the decrease of end-scrapers, the increase of burins and glossed pieces and the more diversified manifestation of arrowhead types. The arrowheads of the PreProto-Hassuna phase include a larger number of Amuq and Nemrik points (fig. 7 : 3) as compared with those in the Late PPNB, when the Byblos points were dominant. Further, other types of artefacts belonging to the PreProto-Hassuna, - such as bone tools, gypsum objects, stone ornaments, stone vessels, ground stones, clay figurines, etc. (fig. 8) -, exhibited the characteristics of both the PPNB and the Proto-Hassuna phases. The gypsum objects are particu larlynoteworthy. Small quantities of white ware (vessels made ofgypsum) appeared during the Late PPNB ; this ware became considerably more common during the Pre-ProtoHassuna and decreased during the Proto-Hassuna. The PreProto-Hassuna is the period with the richest collection ofgyp sum objects at Seker al-Aheimar. These include not only ves sels with a variety of shapes but also possible ritual objects. Of special interest among the latter are the unique objects with several animal jaws embedded in parallel (fig. 8 : 7)15. Over ten examples ofthis curious group ofobjects were discovered in the Pre-Proto-Hassuna levels of Sectors А, С and E. An almost identical gypsum object is known in the Proto-Has sunaphase at Umm Dabaghiyah16, suggesting a link between the Pre-Proto-Hassuna of Seker al-Aheimar and the ProtoHassuna of Iraq. While these artefact classifications and the architectural remains display chronological changes over the different phases, the changes appear to represent continuous processes, in which the Pre-Proto-Hassuna connects with the Late PPNB and the Proto-Hassuna. Needless to say, there does exist an element that is specific to the Pre-Proto-Hassuna. This is in the form of a distinct group of pottery, which will be described below in some detail. POTTERY The best evidence of ceramic at Seker al-Aheimar comes from Sector A. In this sector, the sequence consists of at least 1 1 occupation levels. The upper levels are from the ProtoHassuna (Levels 4 to 6)17 and the lower ones are from the PreProto-Hassuna (Levels 7 to 15, and possibly further levels below). Proto-Hassuna pottery is characterised by light col oured paste, mostly plant tempered (over 80 % or even 90 % of the entire assemblage), closed carinated shapes with con cave bodies and plastic or painted decorations. Its assemblage includes light coloured wares, with or without plant tempering (in the last case, the mineral inclusions are small in size), 14. NISHIAKI, 2004b, in press. 15. NISHIAKI, 2002. 16. Stuart Campbell, pers. comm. 17. Levels 1-3 ofSector A belong to the Chalcolithic period. Paléorient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 60 Y. NISHIAKI and M. LE MlÈRE 3cm 11 12 t Fig. 7 : PPNB and Pre Proto-Hassunaflaked stone artefactsfrom Tell Seker al-Aheimar. 1 : bullet core ; 2 : Byblos point ; 3 : Nemrik point , 4 : Amuq point ; 5-6 : sickle elements ; 7 : burin ; 8 : bullet core ; 9 : unretouched blade ; 10 : Cayônti tool ; 11 : side-blow blade-flake , 12 : burin ; 13 : corner-thinned blade, Balikh type. (1-7 :flint ; 8-13 : obsidian ; 1 &5 : LPPNB ; others : Pre-Proto-Hassuna). Paléorient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 The oldest pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia : New evidence from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria 61 Fig. 8 : Pre-Proto-Hassuna objects from Tell Seker al-Aheimar. 1 : stone bead ; 2 : clay figurine ; 3 : stone bracelet ; 4 : basalt handstone ; 5 : marble bowl ; 6 : bone spatula ; 7 : gypsum object. Grey-Black Ware and also some imported Dark-Faced Bur nished Ware18. In contrast to the primarily plant tempered Proto-Hassuna pottery, Pre-Proto-Hassuna pottery is exclu sively mineral tempered, unknown to date in the Khabur val ley. The following two wares can be recognised in the material that is available thus far (figs 9 and 10)19. The first type of ware is rather dark in colour, with a dark grey or black surface and paste. The paste mainly contains white-coloured inclusions, which, at first, were suspected to be calcite. However, a series ofthin-sections of sherds of this ware revealed that the white inclusions were not calcite but mainly volcanic. In many examples these inclusions were a volcanic mineral containing carbonates called carbonatite, and occasionally, limestone20. One ofthe main characteristics of this ware was its variability in type, size and quantity of inclusions. Earlier in this paper, this has been referred to as mineral tempered ware but whether these inclusions were nat urally present in the clay or intentionally added to it remains to be determined. We will provisionally refer to this ware as "Early Dark Ware". The surfaces of this ware are always bur nished, often strongly. This ware is characterised by very sim ple shapes (fig. 9 : 1-3), mainly closed and holemouth, sometimes vertical but never open, with convex bodies and large flat bottoms ; the rims are often very regular with a flat top. It is never decorated. The colour of the second mineral tempered ware ranges from dark beige to dark brown ; the reddish-brown colour was 10cm Fig. 9 : Pre-Proto-Hassuna pottery from Tell Seker al-Aheimar. 1- 3 : Early Dark Ware ; 4-8 : Basalt Tempered Ware. 18. For the definition ofthese wares, see LE MlÈRE, 2001 : 1 80- 1 8 1 . 19. The material available thus far is limited; therefore, all indications should be considered with caution. 20. We wish to thank Maurice Picon and Gisela Thierin for these prelim inaryindications. Further mineralogical and chemical studies will complete these data. Paléorient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 62 Y. NISHIAKI and M. LE MlÈRE Fig. 10 : Pre-Proto-Hassuna pottery from Tell Seker al-Aheimar. 1-6 : plant and basalt tempered pottery. a common occurrence. The paste also contains volcanic inclu sions - in this case, clearly basalt - often very abundant and very large. In the event of plentiful basalt inclusions, particu larlywhen of a large size, the pottery is extremely heavy. Pro visionally, we propose to refer to this new type of pottery as "Basalt Tempered Ware". Although the study of this material is still in progress, it appears probable that, at least in several examples, basalt was added to the clay. This ware was also always burnished, often strongly. The shapes (fig. 9 : 4-6) are very similar to those from the "Early Dark Ware" ; however, some lugs and a few concave bodies, seemingly not yet present in the earliest levels, appeared somewhat later. Painted decorat ions,very rarely occurring on this type ofware, also appeared at a later level ; however, they are not present in the levels con taining only mineral tempered pottery. The earliest pottery of Seker al-Aheimar was mineral tem pered but plant tempering came into use shortly after that. Ini tially, this pottery was commonly associated with mineral (basalt) tempering. Plant temper was not very abundant and was very large in size. This plant and basalt tempered pottery was almost always burnished, and strongly so. Its shapes (fig. 10), still very comparable to those of the mineral tem pered wares, became more elaborate, exhibiting some carinations, and the lugs were more numerous and varied. In a manner similar to Basalt-Tempered Ware, it is sometimes painted later on. Gradually, plant tempering was used without basalt, and the occurrence of rare and/or very large plant tempering decreased. It must be emphasised that the successive replace mentof wares occurred in a very progressive manner. Early Dark Ware completely disappeared from Level 8, where Basalt Tempered Ware was already rare (< 3%) ; it was replaced by plant and basalt tempered pottery. This type became quite rare in Level 6 and disappeared in Level 5. Plant tempered pottery developed simultaneously ; a type of fine pottery with small mineral inclusions appeared from Level 8 onwards. Further, Grey-Black Ware (see above) as well as painted decoration is present in a significant quantity from Level 6 onwards. Accordingly, from this level on, pottery assemblages were of the Proto-Hassuna type. The Proto-Hassuna sequence, which displays some evolution, is still under study and will be reported elsewhere. In summation, the Pre-Proto-Hassuna phase of Seker alAheimar begins with mineral tempered pottery. Plant temper ingappeared at a later stage and was initially used together with mineral tempering. Subsequently, plant tempered pottery developed to be, by far, the main group ofpottery, and it was assembled with a small group of fine pottery that contained no plant inclusions and some other specific wares ; these were very limited in quantity. Thus, the early mineral tempered wares were progressively replaced by a Proto-Hassuna assem blageat this site. DATING Atthis point, it appears appropriate to refer to the sites su rveyed by a Yale University team21 in the neighbouring region, which could also testify to the occupations during this time period. Tell Feyda, situated on the Khabur- approximately 20 km downstream from Seker al-Aheimar - was once reported as a PPNB site ; nevertheless, the possibility had remained that its small sounding failed to recover sherds22. Indeed, an 21. HOLE, 2001. 22. Ibid. : 68. Paléorient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 The oldest pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia : New evidence from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria 63 on-going re-examination of the surface material has revealed the presence of sherds that possibly predate the Proto-Hassuna phase23. The reported radiocarbon dates of Tell Feyda, or 7 710 +/- 85 BP and 7 945 +/- 85 BP24, also place this site in the range of the Pre-Proto-Hassuna phase of Seker al-Ahe imar.Further, some mineral tempered sherds collected on the Jabal Abdul Aziz- which is also under study, may turn out to be the Pre-Proto-Hassuna25 as well. Accordingly, Pre-ProtoHassuna settlements, such as Seker al-Aheimar, could have formed a cultural horizon on the Upper Khabur during the early centuries of the 8th millennium BP (the 7th millennium cal. ВС). DISCUSSION The above lines of evidence show that there exists a new Pottery Neolithic phase predating the Proto-Hassuna in the Khaburbasin. In order to place this new phase in an appropriate context, we shall examine its relationship with the Late PPNB and the Proto-Hassuna phase from a regional perspective. The PPNB of Seker al-Aheimar shows affinities with the PPNB tradition distributed in the East Taurus highlands and their foothills. As mentioned earlier, its architectural tradition is shared with Cayômi, and perhaps also with Cafer Hôyiik26 in southeast Anatolia and Tell Maghzaliyah27 in northern Iraq. To the contrary, it was markedly different from the architecture in the lowlands towards the west, where rectan gularmud-brick architecture built on the ground was com mon, as identified at Halula and Abu Hureyra. The popularity of obsidian and the manufacture of Cayônu tools during the Late PPNB also indicate similarities with the East Taurus group. At the same time, it should be noted that a unique aspect also exists in the material culture ofTell Seker al-Ahe imar.It is the virtual absence of bipolar core technology for flint and obsidian reduction. Albeit not always abundantly, bipolar technology -a.fossil directeur ofthe PPNB to the westwas known at settlements in East Taurus, as exemplified at Cayônii28 and Cafer Hôyiik29. On the other hand, to date, 23. Frank Hole, pers. comm. 24. HOLE, 2001 : 68. 25. HOLE, 2004. 26. CAUVIN e/ a/., 1999. 27. BADER, 1989 ; BlCAKCI, 1998. 28. CANEVAeia/.,1998. 29. CAUVIN eř a/., 1999. there has been no evidence of its local use at Tell Seker alAheimar30. When blades produced from bipolar cores were found, these were identified as imported. The local blade pro duction was almost exclusively here using single-platform cores, either by percussion or by pressure debitage (fig. 7:1, 5). This suggests an affiliation with the east, Tell Maghzali yah31and further afield. As such, the PPNB of Seker al-Ahe imarappears to represent a local faciès of Upper Mesopotamia, which is most likely to have been a member of the non-Levantine, East Taurus group. It was this entity that began to use Pre-Proto-Hassuna pottery at its latest stage. On comparing the Pre-Proto-Hassuna pottery with the early pottery from other regions, it is preferable to look to the west including the Syrian lowlands, since no comparable materials have been reported from the north and the east. In previous studies, one of us defined three different stages for the first development ofpottery production in the Near East32. Thus far, the first stage has hinted at only a few sites {e.g. Ras Shamra and Ain el-Kerkh) that correspond to initial attempts at making pottery. This stage is represented by a technically primitive ware, which soon disappeared. The second stage occurs at a larger number of sites, particularly in certain areas of the Syrian Jazirah, namely the Euphrates valley (Kumar tepe) and the Balikh valley (Tell Assouad, Tell Damishliyah and Giircii Tepe among others). The pottery there was still very simple, with a maximum oftwo different wares, a strong pre-eminence of plant tempering - often ofa very large size -, very simple shapes and very rare decoration. The third stage is identified by a spreading out of the technique. Atthis stage, pottery was found at all sites except in the Syrian Desert and the southern Levant, where the pottery technique appeared a few hundred years later. The pottery at this stage displays more variation in terms of wares, shapes and decoration, and introduction of regional diversification. Proto-Hassuna pot tery, commonly found in the Khabur basin, belongs to this stage. The Pre-Proto-Hassuna pottery from Tell Seker al-Ahei marexhibits certain elements (few ware variations, simple shapes, and an absence of decoration) that are reminiscent of the second stage pottery from the Euphrates and Balikh val leys. Yet, one important element was unknown from the latter until recently ; it is the presence, at the beginning of the sequence, of pottery that was exclusively mineral tempered. 30. NISHIAKI, 2004b, in press. 31. BADER, 1989 : 58. 32. LE MIÈRE and PICON, 1998, 2003. Paléorient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 64 Y. NlSHIAKI and M. LE MlÈRE However, during the time that investigations on Tell Seker alAheimar were commenced, Akarçay Tepe on the Euphrates of Turkey provided a new pottery sequence in the oldest levels with pottery that was exclusively mineral tempered. The tem perused in this case was crushed calcite there33. It was also revealed that plant tempering, often rather rare and of very large size, appeared progressively in the same manner as it did in Tell Seker al-Aheimar, first associated with mineral tem pering, and after some time it was used exclusively and became the main temper. Gradually, Pre-Halaf assemblages, characteristic of North Syria-Cilicia at the third stage of development of pottery34, then settled. Early mineral tem pered pottery has also been found at Mezraa-Teleilat, a few kilometres north ofAkarçay35. Further, most recent investiga tionsat Tell Sabi Abyad in the Balikh valley also produced new evidence to suggest the same sequence, or at least part of it, in the Balikh valley36. Consequently, the oldest Pottery Neolithic of the Euphrat esand possibly the Balikh valleys also includes a new phase that is characterised by the exclusivity of mineral tempered pottery37. Whether this new phase represents a new stage in the development of pottery or only an early phase in the sec ond stage is not yet clear : while the exclusive mineral temper ingsets this pottery group apart from most of the second-stage materials, the similarity of shapes is pleading for an early phase within the same stage. An important element in this di scussion is the very progressive evolution of pottery in the sequences that we are already aware of. The link between these new wares and the first stage of the pottery development of other regions is still unclear. On the basis of evidence from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, one can sug gest an equivalent incipient nature in the Pre-Proto-Hassuna pottery production. First, Late PPNB levels exist at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, immediately preceding the levels where pottery appears. Second, pottery in these levels is scarce to the point that when their excavation was enlarged sherds were revealed at levels that were first believed to be aceramic38. Further, and 33. Joseph-Miquel Faura and Yutaka Miyake, pers. comm. ; ARIMURA et al, 2000. 34. LE MlÈRE and PICON, 1998. 35. KARUL et al, 2003, 2004. 36. Peter M.M.G. Akkermans, pers. comm. 37. This does notnecessarily mean that these areas share the same cultural entity in this stage. For instance, the architecture and other artifact remains such as figurines associated with mineral-tempered pottery at Mezraa-Teleilat, the Upper Euphrates, are strikingly different from those of Seker al-Aheimar (KARUL et al, 2003, 2004 ; ÔZDOGAN, 2003). 38. NlSHIAKI, 2001. more importantly, the pastes of the Early Dark Ware have an extremely large variability in the type, size and quantity of mineral inclusions. This could imply trials in pottery making, as does the early disappearing of this ware followed by the disappearance of Basalt Tempered Ware, which was possibly discarded for technical unsuitability (the weight and breakability of Basalt Tempered Ware, for example). These observations could place the Pre-Proto-Hassuna at a very early stage ofpottery production in the Khabur basin. Meanwhile, whether the first pottery was locally made is debatable : in Seker al-Aheimar, carbonatite, used as temper for some of the earliest pottery, is an extremely rare mineral and further geological investigations are necessary to deter mine if it is available in the Khabur basin. It is even possible that the technique was imported, if not the pottery itself. At Akarçay Tepe, where an almost similar pottery sequence is known to have existed, chemical analyses demonstrated that its earliest mineral tempered ware was probably imported39, indicating the preceding development of the pottery technique in some yet unknown region. Another important issue is the relationship of the PreProto-Hassuna with the Proto-Hassuna, notably in northern Iraq. The possible evolution of pottery over this period at Tell Seker al-Aheimar raises a new question on the temporal posi tion of Proto-Hassuna sites in Upper Mesopotamia. In north ernIraq, Proto-Hassuna appears as the oldest entity at all the known Pottery Neolithic settlements such as Hassuna, Umm Dabaghiyah, Tell Sotto and Telul eth-Thalathat40. Its pottery is quite comparable to the Proto-Hassuna pottery of the Khabur41 ; however, here it is not the oldest type of pottery. It would be useful to examine the radiocarbon dates from the relevant Proto-Hassuna sites. The radiocarbon dates pre viously reported for Tell Kashkashok II42 on the Khabur are too diverse to be considered reliable. The dates for Iraqi sites from old excavations at Telul eth-Thalathat II43 and Sotto44, also require verification. Meanwhile, a series of charcoal sam ples from Kashkashok II and Thalathat II kept at the Univers ityMuseum of the University of Tokyo was subjected to reanalysis in 2004 ; this resulted in the production of the dates listed in table 2 (fig. 11). These new dates from Kashkashok 39. LE MlÈRE and PICON, 2003 : 185. The earliest pottery of Mezraa-Tele ilathas also been interpreted as imported (KARUL et al, 2003). 40. Le MlÈRE and PICON, 1998. 41. LE MlÈRE, 2000. 42. MATSUTANI, 1991. 43. FUKAI and MATSUTANI, 1981. 44. BADER, 1989:313-314. Paléorient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 The oldest pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia : New evidence from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria 65 Table 1 : Radiocarbon datesfor the Late PPNB and Pre-Proto-Hassuna levels of Tell Seker al-Aheimar. Sample #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 Level 9, Sector A Level 9, Sector A Level 10, Sector A Level 10, Sector A Level 3, Sector С Level 3, Sector С Level 3, Sector С Level 3, Sector С Level 4, Sector С Level 4, Sector E Level 8, Sector С Level 5, Sector E Period Pre Proto-Hassuna Pre Proto-Hassuna Pre Proto-Hassuna Pre Proto-Hassuna Pre Proto-Hassuna Pre Proto-Hassuna Pre Proto-Hassuna Pre Proto-Hassuna Pre Proto-Hassuna Pre Proto-Hassuna Late PPNB Pre Proto-Hassuna Date 7750+/-80 7800+/- 100 7820+/-80 7880+/-110 7780+/-110 7820+/- 100 7900+/- 120 7900+/- 160 7830+/-90 7890+/-200 8065+/-45 7540+/-45 Lab. No. TKa-12714 TKa- 12333 TKa-12715 TKa-12332 TKa- 12331 TKa-12465 TKa- 127 17 TKa-12330 TKa- 12466 TKa-12329 MTC-04347 MTC-04349 Code SEK01-A-93 SEK01-A-100 SEK01-A-105 SEK01-A-108 SEK00-C5-34 SEK01-C3-4 SEK01-C1-11 SEK01-C7-51 SEK0l-C10-23 SEK01-E4-4 SEK03-C13-72 SEK03-E10-17 Notes Charcoal ; Room-fill in A Charcoal ; Room-fill in A Charcoal ; Room-fill in A Charcoal ; Room-fill in A Charcoal ; Reddish brown loam in C5 Charcoal ; Oven in C3 Charcoal ; Reddish brown loam in Cl Charcoal ; Building debris in C7 Charcoal ; Reddish brown loam in C10 Charcoal ; Building debris in E4 Charcoal ; Building debris in C13 Charcoal ; Burnt soil in ЕЮ Table 2 : New radiocarbon datesfor the Proto-Hassuna levels of Tell Kashkashok II and Telul eth-Thalathat II. Sample Period Date Lab. No. Code Notes Kashkashok II #1 #2 #3 #4 Layer 3 Layer 3 Layer 3 Layer 3 Proto-Hassuna Proto-Hassuna Proto-Hassuna Proto-Hassuna 7360+/-80 7480+/- 100 7470+/-90 7460+/-110 TKa- 127 19 TKa-12720 TKa-12721 TKa- 12722 88KK2-01 88KK2-02 88KK2-03 88KK2-04 Charcoal ; Gypsum bin in Sq. E6 Charred grain ; Ash pit in Sq. E8 Charred grain ; Ash pit in Sq. E8 Charcoal ; Gypsum bin in Sq. E8 Thalathat II* #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 Level 15/16 Level 15/16 Level 15/16 Level 15/16 Level 15/16 Proto-Hassuna Proto-Hassuna Proto-Hassuna Proto-Hassuna Proto-Hassuna 7600+/-60 7620+/-50 7520+/-60 7450+/-60 7470+/-60 TKa- 13420 TKa-13421 TKa- 13418 TKa- 13422 TKa-13419 5ThII-SS68 5ThII-SS81 5ThII-SS53 5ThII-SS84 5ThII-SS61 Charcoal ; Hearth in Sq. NVIII Charcoal ; Ash layer in Sq. OVIII Charcoal ; Ash layer in Sq. NIX Charcoal ; Kiln pit (KP210) in Sq. MIX Charcoal ; Pit (P202) in Sq. MIX * Two levels are amalgamed here, because the stratigraphie division in the original report (FUKAI and MATSUTANI, 1976) is no longer supported (MATSUTANI and NlSHIAKI, 1998). clearly point to the mid-8th millennium BP (the second/third quarter ofthe 7th millennium cal. ВС). The dates for Thalathat II are also concentrated around the same period. Interestingly, one ofthe dates from Seker al-Aheimar, evidently too recent for its stratigraphy (#12 in table 1), is completely within the range of dates from Kashkashok II and Thalathat II. It may indicate a date for the Proto-Hassuna at Seker al-Aheimar, whose sample might have been intrusive in an earlier layer due to slope erosion or root action. In either case, the dates indicate that these Proto-Hassuna assemblages are not as old as previously believed. Despite the absence of secure dates, recent overviews of the Neolithic chronology ofUpper Mesopotamia45 regard the beginning of the Proto-Hassuna phase to be approximately 8 000 BP, when the PPNB ended in much of the Syrian Jazirah. If the new dates, although admittedly still limited, are sufficiently relia ble,what were in Upper Mesopotamia during the early centu riesof the 8th millennium BP ? This time period is evidently filled with the Pre-Proto-Hassuna entity on the Khabur, but 45. Cf. Matthews, 2000 ; Anatasio et al, 2004. Paieraient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 66 Y. NlSHIAKI and M. LE MIÈRE Atmotphaicdata firom Staiveret al. (1998); OxCal v3.9 Bronk Ranuey (2003); cub r4 *d 12 prob utp[chron] TKa-12719 7360±80BP TKa-12722 7460±110BP TKa-12721 7470±90BP TKa-12720 7480±100BP TKa- 13422 7450±60BP TKa-13419 7470±60BP TKa-13418 7520±60BP TKa-13420 7600±60BP TKa-13421 7620±50BP TKa-12714 7750±80BP TKa- 12333 7800±100BP TKa- 1271 5 7820±80BP TKa-12332 788ОШ0ВР TKa-12331 7780±110BP TKa-12465 7820±100BP TKa-12717 7900±120BP TKa-12466 7830±90BP MTC-04347 8065±45BP KK2 TH2 SKR SKR (PPNB) 8000CalBC 7500CalBC 7000CalBC 6500CalBC бОООСаЮС 55OOCalBC Fig. 11 : Calibrated radiocarbon datesfor Tell Seker al-Aheimar (SKR), Tell Kashhashok II, (KK2) and Telul eth-Thalathat II (ГН2). the situation in northern Iraq is uncertain. The possibility ered in a reportedly PPNB level of Maghzaliyah47. Bearing in exists that the PPNB persisted as the final PPNB46. If this is mind this and the fact that sherds are very rare in the Prenot the case, then the Pre-Proto-Hassuna or the much older Proto-Hassuna levels of Seker al-Aheimar, such a situation as Proto-Hassuna settlements may have remained undiscovered in the Khabur basin may not have been completely unlikely to in Iraq. We can recall that at least one sherd had been recov- be the case in northern Iraq as well. Unfortunately, however, 46. MAZULOWSKI, 1997 : 175-176. 47. BADER, 1989 : 105. Paléorient, vol. 31/2, p. 55-68 © CNRS ÉDITIONS 2005 The oldest pottery Neolithic ofUpper Mesopotamia : New evidence from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria 67 this question cannot be explored further with the existing evi dence. CONCLUSION Due to the lack ofstratified sites, the Neolithic period of the Upper Khabur has always been discussed either from the view point of excavations of a few short-period sites, surveys, or from the data accumulated from the neighbouring regions. The exposure of the long sequence at Tell Seker al-Aheimar has considerably improved our current knowledge on the cultural developments ofthe Neolithic Khabur. First, it attests to contin uousoccupations from the PPNB to the Pottery Neolithic. Sec ond, it shows that the emergence of pottery production on the Khabur was in tandem with that in other regions of the Syrian Jazirah, almost during the same period. The oldest PotteryNeol ithic revealed was not Proto-Hassuna but what this paper refers to as "Pre-Proto-Hassuna". Third, the sequence indicates that the oldest pottery industry of the Khabur was gradually tran sformed into Proto-Hassuna over the initial centuries of the 8th millennium BP (7th millennium cal. ВС). The unique evidence discovered at Tell Seker al-Aheimar as well as the radiocarbon dates reported here underscore the necessity of reconsidering the Pottery Neolithic framework of the region. The Pottery Neolithic phases dealt with in fact cor respond to an important period marked by a range of major cultural changes in Upper Mesopotamia. The most remarkab leof these is the change in the settlement pattern during the Proto-Hassuna, which marks the onset of the extensive exploitation ofthis large fertile plain. A solid temporal frame work is indispensable in order to provide an adequate expla nation regarding the backgrounds ofthis and other significant changes in this period. Although we do not know the extent to which the above picture is applicable to the Iraqi plain, the sequence at Tell Seker al-Aheimar provides us with such a basis for the Khabur, which can be used for further analyses ofthe archaeological records. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Dr. Bassam Jamous, Dr. Tammam Fakouch, Dr. Michel al-Maqdassi, Mr. Ahmed Taraqji and the entire staff of the Directorate General ofAntiquities and Museums, Syria, for per mission to conduct our research at Seker al-Aheimar. The local assistance provided by Mr. Abdul Mashih Bagdoo, Mr. Orhan Nano, Mr. Khaled Ahmo, Mr. Maufaqa Daher and other staff at the Depart mentof Antiquities, Hassake, is also much appreciated. Mr. Yaser Shohan of the Department of Antiquities, Deir ez-Zor, similarly gave us significant assistance. Dr. Kunio Yoshida, the Radiocarbon Laboratory of the University of Tokyokindly offered us the radio carbon dates discussed in this paper. Among others who made con tributions, our special thanks go to Dr. Bertille Lyonnet of CNRS ; without her survey project, we would not have discovered the site of Tell Seker al-Aheimar. The financial support for this project was obtained from the Takanashi Foundation (2000), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2001-2005), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science, Japan (2005), and the Mitsubishi Foundation (2002-2005). Yoshihiro NISHIAKI The University Museum The University of Tokyo Hongo 7-3-1 Tokyo 113-0033 Japon nishiaki@um.u-tokyo.ac.jp Marie LE MlÈRE UMR 5133 Archéorient Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée 7, rue Raulin F-69365Lyon Cedex 07 marie.le-miere@mom.fr BIBLIOGRAPHY ARIMURA M., BALKAN-ATLIN., BORELL F., CRUELLS W., DURU G., Erim-ôzdogan a., Ibanez J., Maede o., Miyaké y. and Molist m. 2000 A new Neolithic settlement in the Urfa region : Akarçay Tepe, 1999. Anatolia Antiqua 8 : 227-255. Anatasio S., Lebeau M. and Sauvage M. 2004 Atlas ofPreclassical Upper Mesopotamia. Turnhout : Brepols Publishers (Subartu XIII). AurencheO., Galet P., régagnon-Caroline E. and Évin j. 2001 Proto-Neolithic and Neolithic cultures in the Middle east, The birth of agriculture, livestock raising and ceramics : A calibrated chronology 12 500-5 500 cal ВС. Radiocarbon 43,3: 1191-1202. BADER N.O. 1989 Earliest Cultivators in Northern Mesopotamia. Moscow : Nauka. 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