Lesson 19 I 191 I - v h 1 S8fÖ)äJ¥ (Kanji Affix) mm OP Prefix Word Suffix e.g. UA. § n Z i a big hospital a research institute LA ^ L* ttH-tB a new company a movie theatre unkind a musician 9] Divide the following words into meaningful units. e.g. jftj^lS = + H a zoological garden animal garden 1. mmm = 3. ^fa^ = 4. ttm 5. *SfH 6. *mm — 179 — Lesson 19 ( Kanji for Places) (V 3 /V 3 ) : Wf^Rfi '{■t/o # * ^ L i) a research institute "Cv> 0 0 ^ L i) a stop an information bureau ttr Li) an office (y^/lf) ^ a,^L«t o) a playground a baseball ground a parking lot one's place of work a shop-counter a library mm (fcv>v> < tSpA,) a gymnasium a movie theatre an embassy hums [it < -£o^A,) a museum : m«g [tlx to) a library in (LtrLo) an office UtA. # v?> 7 LO) a seminary room (LotfALo) a laboratory (*) : (-?£><*>) a holiday resort a residential section mm a tourist resort (Li < a colony (x» : (if^oU) a zoological garden »H (Li (^oiA) a botanical garden (-> + ) : ( L/v^a L <0 a newspaper company L*) a travel agency Lesson 19 h 2 2 - 1 . m^ < 1" T) ground base V f- (6) + *-> i&T^ • underground ifajfilb • (io) a locality, a district *&|g|(*> • r) a map ±*(i: • *,) a land 206 ik iron f7 (13) / f f i^(-Co) iron a railroad i&T$c(*> • • to) a subway • To) a private railroad 207 craft, skill construction (3) —' T X I:tJf(>I') • Ci 9) a factory If (■l'? • O construction I^(CL-9 •#*<) engineering • §* i "9 ) industry 208 — 181 — Lesson 19 209 place scene If ->* 3 ■> (12) .— + *" **- *Bf(tf • Li) a place fc^sCOh • If) a square SMHlf • hV») a case MWßWiio A- • '-f) a map 12*(fc ■ Li) books 3£ÄI1I("CA • # ■ 1*) a weather map 210 It mansion hall (16) / A f 1 r r it if if It mWitit ■ Li • frA,) a library ■ L • frA,) an embassy $rll£f (x.v> • • T^AJ a movie theatre public official (4) / <&W{Z. 7 • UK) a park &al(Z. 7 - *)-d) public &Hf!(£ 9 • to open to the public 211 212 — 182 — Lesson 19 s garden (-eo) x> (13) 1 n n n Fl Fl m ffi ifi si &H(C: o • x.A) a park Wj^Mit'O • .So • X.A,) a zoo j§[Hi& (i# • X.A • ^>) an amusement park dwell inhabit (7) r ft(1")tr to live ftü: (Uu> 9 • inhabitants ttBf (L »9> -9 ' Li) an address tt^ (L *9> "9 • £ <) housing place that which (8) J*f a place ^PJf (£V ■ £h) a kitchen $F^£ßf(lJ^ • ^ *) • Li) a research institute 4- number order (12) a- (f£X • CT-9 ) a number 3511 (C -9 • (3TA,) a police box • C*) a program -# (V>*> • tfA,) the most, No.l — 183 — Lesson 19 Ü3= * y a ~ f call, naming [suffix] order (5) n f a sign, a symbol ("CA, • t> • \ZL • r?) a telephone Ist? (L^ • >T number "9) a traffic light 2 — 2. gfc^tiA, b m> 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ttTft 2. Xi§ 3. mm 4. H»|f 5. ffi^f 6. 7. ffitr 8. &m 9. M/K 10. H . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 2. mm*%X < fzZ^o ^h^htztfftWIbt) Jf0 r£j tt^tfc, r^>j til 3. iztz^\t&&(Dm o (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a subway 2. land 3. a railroad 4. a factory *> i>* To fc % To 5. a park 6. a library 7. a place . a numbe 5 C i -5 8. an address L> k» -5 t 9 — 185 — Lesson 19 4. a convenient place 5. a house number 6. a quiet place 7. Room No. 1 1 8. a sales counter 9. a car park lo 10. an embassy 9 (i* *>K»9L^i;3 If 19. industry 20. construction 21. a weather map 5c I? ^£9 22. a public school 3 9 C 23. an extension lecture Z. 9 3 9 ■5 3 9 £* 186 Lesson 19 JL-y h 3 Read the following letter and find Miss Tanaka's new house in the map below. Choose from A—F. 7*$A,, JoTC^-e-t^o ^BM«oT, $Ov»-Cl-fe0 *Ui$te S^TMliBKff L^UttoCi L£ L/j(moved)o if Lv^tiifeT^^ L i tc^H^ $^ta°LX. Sns-Sr^i Li-9o KfL^miS 03(3428)5697X1"^^, ^MIS LT 0 ^otv^t„ mm] — 187 — Lesson 19 — 188 — Lesson 19 mm It II II II II V V vv v at x 1*5 ® Y TT [HUB] 1- /J^#, ^ftti^< o*i)S-t-^o 2. rplxFif ( < L i ) WICM^ ») t tfr 3. Ml» (Lid ten L i ) o 5. lh*-£^CDWL