Lesson 22 I mum I i-7h 1 ( Nouns made from two Kanji) JÖCTa ^ * ^) ffi^ ^ ' ^) * "» %g (7-7 • u) ffcd^ • . frA,t£%%x&(V^t\fX-$o Wk^~^frhX$tz^t\S\±,tz^X^ (inmost a book shop • golden color $ßff(tf- V a) a place • ^ >) a used book Mdo • 7°) a ticket a stamp a name a letter Lesson 22 T) uncooked food "fe^t = (y^ • v) a square piece of fancy paper (for writing a poem on) = • t5?&) colored paper @ T = -y ' ii) at present = {tb ' L.tz) one's inferiors, one's subordinates —fcjrj = (>f „ . ^) all = {X>h ' % tl) a piece 0^Ipt-(i> fOlp (to «T„ Japanese native wordsh Slip {fr A. CI\ words of Chinese origin), 0&*V»£>l/»Cr, words of foreign origin) tto ) 7^ X (rice) S»¥(v* • K7 • v+) *-(acar) m(tzlf) WtfrOJ a • ^) h (travel) HjSf(v»*) • tf) TtTSfCv • v h7) -y h (a market) fc* • Jfcfit (U a • * >) *f^(a hotel) *t • t) *) SSt('/i • 'J 3 7 • v 3) I/y- h (a receipt) fi^«c; 3 7 • v.* 7 • vs) 3. 4. Kffi * [20) a homework 2. 16Fp^ — 213 — Lesson 22 JL— 7h 2 2-1. 313=0)** 38" ( Kanji Writings) administration (9) T f if if' 5fern(^V> • i:) politics Bfc)ft(-£v> • .$0 the goverment ff ©C (£ "7 •administration govern f- (8) / / .-^ ."A /\ /n /a Vd (& i3) -f to cure 7& £ to govern ®C7d^c■ D • a politician (#> • C) name of an era control pass through (11) f r to pass through IS'SlUt^ ' £V) economy H'g'Ot^ • x.V>)-3-& to manage 240 241 242 Lesson 22 < A, J: * t>3? < 1- 3) * finish save -t-i-t (ID N N J / i if ?3Cf)tr to finish i&lS^Ot^ • £V • j&*<) economics JESK"^ • to pay back s career (14) r r r r f r if K£(tL§ • L) history ^S(**< • one's educational HJiiiiKO • fci* • Li) one's personal history background t history (5) n t £^(L • ris<) historical science B#5&(£ • • L) jffif£3l (c* A • 7tfV> • L) modern history Japanese history breed raise *tz-Xh (8) 1 f t W(-^i)"C& to bring up ffcW(£l^-^<) education (fcv> • v> <) physical exercises — 215 — Lesson 22 K change -ization (tf-»t*) * (4) V it Vcfri.fr • fr<) chemistry • fr) culture T&.iXVc{^ ^ ' fib* • fr) modernization &iXik'i~Z> to modernize reason ration, logic ]) (11) — T ftlUo • *)) physics fil(l) x 7 • to cook afi (IJ • *9> -9) a reason J&g^ (*> • 0 • #? <) geography branch division (9) i i ft ty^ifr-ffO science ^40f-7W surgery tfc^r* (In Li) a textbook number some, several j&»**-x.* (13) * * t 1 ** ft(j&»*P)x.& to count ft(#*i*) number ft^CI-1? * #J<) mathematics ^A("f"^ -HA.) several people — 216 — Lesson 22 medical doctor (7) — T*" • 7&?<) medical science • L^>) a doctor • V^A-) a doctor's office 2 — 2. I7c IE. Write the following sentences using kanji. e.g. \ZllL(D L*tf»V>T?H\ rt?< fcV^ofic 1. ^WCili ft* ztzxtttfh, fiv^^-e tt^sv* ^a^i? while bringing up her child close your eyes internal medicine surgical medicine t/j: o Lo/i0 5. #vc:.d tilt t?-co < HO ^A^t ^oLii: & 0 — 219 Lesson 22 Z7h 3 £*Ui#M0 0 (* £ 19 T a sketch) -el"0 £ tlfrbT bf I ft A □ a. rB*^lr«l<^llj c. rK>f 7Sfcfc&AFli d. r/n° v n > Basic <7)^V^j e. r^^LV^*^j f. nffU^fS&TtFO^ftj g. r^ t [S^j h. r->i^^xerff^j i. rAnalytical Chemistryj j. rAtomic Energyj k. rTrends in American Politicsj — 220 — Lesson 22 KL.t-£§) books stationery new books 6(^0 L) magazines - A:£?r¥(£A-£A'jfa&*<) humanities - (t * #>V^>&* < ) sociai science «W(#J:^<) - S (L-tf ^ < ) natural science £»5fc(-£v>.Koj&*<) la^ (< ) * #H (D"C A,) languages • dictionaries (§ 1 "7 i ) literary arts • culture — 221 —