Lesson 23 I £523111 6. mm — I — Lesson 23 - -y h 2 2-1 . ^o-t (9) 1 n r b b1 to be reflected Hk® (x_v> • a movie 9t(-9 0)-j- to reflect ' i^)t^ to show { a movie ) ill picture Kanji strokes if iit (8) —■" r n 111 s iE JL B 2^11(1- • liA< • a Japanese painting ' #0 a painter fjfH^ screen (TV/computer) lllt(^5 < 7 ) stroke count number copy project ?^-"t (5) T J to be photographed ¥*^(L^ • LA,) a photograph ^■(l^>)~f to copy, to take ( a photograph) 252 253 254 — 2 — Lesson 23 255 % ' N true, genuine just, exact (10) —" -H \ t Ä&tMi • * • fcriO midnight MMiLA, • 0) truth IS(ž(o) ■ L6) realwhite L/k • itÁ,) & serious 0 sound (9) N >- >-v 1 #(iJt) sound, noise ^Hf (tio • £ Á,) pronunciation JSLa'í&L • footsteps #|^{ jo A • J;) ^ 'ON'reading 256 / amuse, pleasant music £ó9-Lfr (13) / ť ft * 3 U(tz(D)L^ enjoyable &>M(&Á. ■ rtK) music fé(/j<7))Ltf to enjoy ^("ôO& easy, comfortable ingredients fee, fare 'J 3 ^ (10) f * i ^ • 0) cooking a fee, a charge $14 (£V • i -9) ingredients HíftOfX • *9 J: "7) raw material 257 258 — 3 — Lesson 23 259 < A, i: <^ * > 3 5 unite assemble <-0 v (11) t <) ^n"(^)) t>-$ a combination a group, a set #&(tfA,- a (TV) program • L£) organization 260 ffl think fancy (9 n IT] o & i ffl to think ,SU3fc)waU£)-r to recall &{£&)v>ft(-C) a memory ( L • «I 9 • "9 J; < ) thinking power color feature (6) J n Oy ! ■ fe(V^) color /^"feOfA,1 L J: < ) primary colors 7kfc(^T -V^) light blue #fe(i:< ■ L <£ <) a characteristic j 261 white confess Lh-^ (5) h ft 262 fi ( L-6) white color Ö(L^j)V^ white Ö ,ü (li < • i ■?) a swan filftOi < ■ U blank paper — 4 — Lesson 23 t>3; (®&) black (11) n E i»* £ S ( < black color M(<*>)v> black 1 i \mz < ■ a profit, surplus \£A,) a blackboard red ! &7^-V> (7) Tfc(faip)^-* red >Jj-^\,hip • u> a deficit ?fc ^ ^ a baby #il (-£ # • t' -) ) the equator -——-—,--—--■ ■ —--—--.-.--_---_„--_™- 2-2. ^^^g 1. Sr 2. -^Ltf 3. 4. ^L^ 5. 6^ 6. 7. Mv> 8. tf 9. ' ,1(L ¥^ 11. M% 12. ffifcH^ 13.^ '14. ifc^*?L II • ^ §*C0^(7)^^^ £ f> #t&-C# £ & $ l\ — 5 — Lesson 23 it A. tto ■To 8. €^H£ bitzfrh, ^n^ttio 9. ^^HS^So^-e^^r-^ L7^^ tii, ^Lvv&^ffi-C-fo 2-3. ftg 1. a movie 2. to cook 3. a photograph 4. music 5. sound 6. enjoyable tiK tit tzm — 6 — Lossen 23 7. comfortable 8. a program 9. to think 10. a memory hi 11. color 0 12. white snow 13. a black cloud 14. a red flower < 3 1. black and white < 3 4. a photographer 2. a baby ^ ^ 5. a musician to A, AK ^ 3. a fee 1911 ^ 6. a painter 3. t iitzht^^ Li Kty x i ^ £o< ^(7)(i^coLv\o — 7 — Lesson 23 X~ y h 3]-■-—--—Bc## (A Dream) X^tztiK B&Ii(££& L^^otc ^-<(;(i^i^^^^ i^i^W1-X-£0 KU^^-K^o ,St^oTieH[:Ko/:0 " l'l if. ]'• ?• A . li\ ii\ (?< tlto^/vLT < fz* i j *r— h a date LMf to shave oneself &#J< to polish 7>tf—X a one-piece dress ^A"Cl>^ to be crowded a wall A — K mood 7 > wine tifc a cheek g £ o to shut one's eyes S^ftlot- to make bold to do~, to dare to a bell ^ v K a bed — 8 — Lesson 23 www.nhk.or.jp NHKxf/fcf [1] 0570-066066 oo Gao/ottfi3ffl^ hia H"3"iBimJ& 2961499 a - X 7 CT^K m& 1 234 30[s)^ u -XT v -fm\\ ;£J^5C>B 78760 3$ • Wfc • ^.M • ^)[| zkjllv/h^^t^-ffi ^c^-aSlill 44234 45 mtPMiaa 71499 00S^a-^ 9 512654 g>%&MOB 777876 OOSNHK—a. —X10 (DnV3l_ _J944 iUmSB&r? 541166 •■ -XCOQmm 6718147 Wl<\-m\h] 602296 0.00GSS O /5SN HK^ XJlz+fU^ 6876432 ^./5iWSa&^^ 6312971 /.45^«JISl 8255093 2./5{Hd-bf> • n^rh—|il e>«^€» 3551154 3.05H]lMf» 9230068 4.00#-&£>fcJS§ 3002876 25i^rnMAX mitt mmnmvmg^^x mtmM 2329050 00ii7-^ • -hZHHlH • /L^J 300499 25S;^X?—)l • ^OltJ^ 2311031 oommmst s^setf g^OE&lh 789 4=-^^7J 228692 45a#fg|ffl 8 45 62741 OdlilS^il- 760 316050 m 9 li 9 £ "9 ) sound multiplex broadcasting gg ( L tf> fc>) sign language H "9 *?" "9 ) rebroadcast [UN] l. WMi*. MifBft Jt^o 3. ®m