Lesson 26 B^(DE9^ (Japan's Four Seasons) There are four seasons in Japan ; spring, summer, autumn and winter. Memorize these Kanji with the corresponding adjectives. 35 — Lesson 26 O--7h 2 2 - 1 . m¥ .i. !> (9) f * #C autumn • L ^ ) late autumn $c5ih ( L i?> 0 • 69 B the autumnal equinox day 288 289 290 — 36 — Lesson 26 291 292 293 294 3l {}!&) winter (5) / s winter ®H%-(tzA, • hi) a mild winter %-fo(&vP • J^'t)^ winter holidays hot ( for climate) (12) 1 n k H(&o)v> hot H^ILfK L i • ^ ^ -9 • • i i5) a summer greeting card heat, hotness hot ( for things ) (15) —' $l(£o)i> hot fever, heat • LA.)& eager, enthusiastic cold ( for climate ) (12) 1 ^(£tr)^ cold H^IijIK^^-tl^--If /v-tiA,) a cold front tf) $ coldness — 37 — Lesson 26 <^J:^ t>35 (Hit) cold (for things) X>-x.h -otb-tz^ l>-*?t (7) s J j ?p(oiö)fcv> cold, cool f^J5l(*lV^ • (ar-9) air-cooling tv(&)J?i~ to cool, to refrigerate i^MW-iti^" • ^fl • -) a refrigerator A warm (for climate) htztz-ii^^ (13) \ n fl B >-0 V Wr{htztz)i)^ warm jU9f(^ • /^)& warm, mild mmitzA. • lil) heating m^itzA. - to) a mild winter warm ( for things) htztz-th $>tztz-fr^ *> htztz-t>h (12) H % % / / / / *%& /tn -a /1TT1 /SSL 7H^ warm fänLätitz^'* • i3^• (t^)a clinical thermometer TmMi&A, • Lo) a greenhouse imlUJ^ • a hot spring /ft cool refreshing (li) V / * n - P -J- isi(tf) Lv-> cool =£ l ■ a cool breeze W- (~f~T)ts to enjoy the cool air — 38 — Lesson 26 weather (4) -— ■ ^ (* t) <0)\\ (tft>) the Milky Way %%(XA, ' the weather ^S("CA, ■ >T<) heaven, paradise 2 2 . Ifii^^ll 1. SjH^OB 2. Hl^c7)B 3. f^IWB 4. ^Mtt^M 5. fcv^6 6. it/ii^TK 7. aM^-y 8. 9. g^*** i. ^ft(DU tfrft(DBim&tz0 The vernal equinox day and the autumnal equinox day are holidays. _ 39 _ Lesson 26 5. ^$t%ii> hho air-conditioning and heating 7. f) $"t"^a0 ^Uft"Cfto*C < /i$V>0 to take your temperature 8. B^AliI<7)f^m, f^^V^ti^Hf <0 to write cards to inquire after each other's health 2-3. 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 5. a cool day 6. a hot day 7. hot tea 8. a cold room 9. cold water 10. a warm house 11. warm food 12. the weather — 40 - n. act ^ 11 izmfr*\*if£^\ Lesson 26 1 . four seasons 2 . summer holidays 3 . winter holidays 4. the vernal equinox 5. the autumnal equinox 6. the Milky Way l ? CO 7 . air-cooling and heating 8 . to cool 'sake' in the refrigerator t Sit 1. *0&£§Kli, ( ) ( ) A,t£\l7tf\<*\<\ 3. #C-?£A,(2, ( ) ^ot, ( ) -C ( ) -C^ifo 4. ( ) <7> ( ) (i ( ) T\ ( ) ^ ( ) fcv>c — 41 — Lesson 26 — y N 3 ogfoi^A,-?, {v-xi a chart) izm^Xftx ^>C*} here and there tf tetl& to be held ( L 10 four seasons = -fi/trt is~ ?E^L flower viewing ^ H moon viewing a tournament, a meeting a district 1EM ( L J; "9 *?o) the first days of the New Year Lesson 26 £n o t s T a> ?g St*1 H*Ati, (In^o) H^Stfe (*aA,**t J: -9 a New Year's card), M?)#v>B£t;#tr1IL&v> (Li^Hi^ a mid-summer greeting) -C* tt i: H IS -5 0 ft L L _h % if ? • £ a o Q m m If % m t 0 r- r *> s$ o 7c cd h ** T* t 4» 4: ta -> j&\ T T V> $ is s 0 r-•a *W (&) (ti LX&tbX*t n ZZ^t+o A Happy New Year !SiE tts'Ln), etc. ( £ < *}> 0 ) during the last year £j|M:ii§ (-££>) £ Lfc Thank you for your assistance. am (tetf) (fc?) L±tf^1" polite form of £Hv>L£-T M (& 3 i) polite form of -g1^ (all of you) r#^ (^^^) great happiness fc#T (V^W) •jV^zLt-t I wish, I pray jtKiftA,tzL) New Year's Day, the 1st of January CTf&g (^o^> <) WCt to be active £7W#T: by everyone's favor, thanks to you i3^=Bf time, when (C&^) T ( 1. (fa) = fa-f& a mouse 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2. t) = ^ a cow 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 3. (££) = J* a tiger 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 4. (?) = a rabbit 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 5. (fco) = H a dragon 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 6, E (&) = ^ a snake 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 7. ("9 S) = £§ a horse 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 8. * a sheep 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 9. ($4) = ^ a monkey 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 10. (tO) = M a bird 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 11. (t^) = ± a dog 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 12. M = i^co L L a wild boar 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 n m ( 1 ) ^{iim ft) X~tfro (2) *^t±ft^ (fctCfL) "Ci-^o — 44 —