Lesson 29 I I -7H A (An Entrance Examination) E3 I (=«*) tan- ft#si fcftitusia /) i a & s ft ft ft *4 1 j?Mt4gj m it *4 e l 2 % Bl *4 s 3 * * tt ( 5 cm X 6 cm) tt § k a * ra m * * IS x 90 9t g jji] ffi m (si »a*Bf5t^ 9JU3B (A) \\ Hi «■ m n Slfctt* * 2 KECK 10:00-12:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-17:00 io: oo-n : 00 12: oo 13:00-17: oo * as ^ ft T I ft]*** J IS: 00-17: 00 — 64 — Lesson 29 ~7h 2 2-1 . äl¥0##Ä try V test «I CI h-h-h :y tztb-t (13) r >■ fi >-__ 5 a" ~i&{Z\Z\?>)Jt-& to try s^( L • M') a game M(;fc#>)~t" to test fjt^^(L • ^> ^ < * Lo) a dressing room It proof - examine *' _ • dB) \ r ir ff 3 £^ six if f£i£(L-ltA,) an examination <® ■ If Ay)~t £> to take the exam ^S£(£o • WA,)~t& to experiment IlltUt^ • tt/v)1~A,) in the direction of ~ ffi®(*^ •-tto)t& to interview ~ iö -2> to face to - 324 325 326 65 — Lesson 29 327 * > 3 ; mm connect (id t c to connect @ {o) -f h to adjoin ffiS(#^ • • -tiro) direct(ly) ii" ^>) an interview explain (14) >- r fi >: P P P P P p --1 Mm(^ ' tb^tZ to explain • § i £ to preach /]^(LiT a novel irM("CA, ■ alegend fruit result .* (8) n JUL f i fg^dto • tW a result ^ • *W an effect *^:^<< £f • &<7>) fruit ■ #0 an outcome ■ 328 329 330 suit combine *-^>1" #7 (6) \ n a '□(#>) "5 to suit jj§(li&) L/£(&) 9 to consult □'Ts W5'o • L ^ < ) a training Camp &tt(r 7 • ltv>) a total — 66 — Lesson 29 331 332 333 334 structure frame, rank (10) ■t t ^(^^ '^Ot4 to pass ttte(-£n*3&»<) character Wk{ L • ^ <) a qualification fffi}£(^ • ^ < ) a price & receive (8) ^Li^tfh to receive ^^(C** • A-)"t"-6 to take an exam, tt • Ofrt) reception ^5SS(i:n> ■ to • £0 a tel. receiver fall drop * 7^/7 7-ü-fc-r (i2) — -v- / / • ^(£)^>& to fall < • to fail (in an exam.) ^(iS)fcl" to drop feT(b^>'fr)t2> to fall, to drop A remain (DZ-t (10) -* 7* r ft A ^t(C0Cl)t" to leave £1.^'• /"i^1) balance, remainder £|(CDC)& to remain $Hil(£*A< • J: ■? ) overtime work — 67 — Lesson 29 * V 3 5 (SI Ik) sense desire > (8) A- ^7 I 7 pEftK c1 • foA,) memory, a mements &.1k(2'A, - foDtt regrettable 2-2. RAM i. ni£ 2. its* 3. 4. um+z 5. 9. nmzm-t>& 10. 11. 51 & 12. £-5 5. ^Ji*^3;wjiSttU^L^o Lesson 29 6. ftmUO'**? ? b^-;V^f£^(i?£;&&*^^;bo£ 2-3. ft£«S I. □ Kig^&gg^£Aft££v\, 1. to try, to test 2. a game 3. to take an examination ? L L UK 0 4. an interview 5. to explain the resu It 6. regrettable 1* (to 2^ 7. to pass (an exam.) 8. to fail (in an exam.) 1. an experiment 2. experience 3. interesting — 69 — Lesson 29 4. a direction 5. a qualification 6. an effect Ii 9 £0 7. indirectly 8. directly 9. to consult 5 J: <-£o -9 li£ 10. to put together 11. a total 12. reception 13. to take an exam. 9 ttl1 9 Ii- Ot-t £ 19» (1^ 1. ^<7) ( ) (i ( ( ) V\ 2. ( ) i^^c, ^-Itt^i^^ ( ) ZLtz^c hi- it i ■ It A. 3. H^cT) ( ) ti ( ) ( ) < 4. ( ) ZWnm-, ( ) t* ( ) Xfrtt, Jim L *i v < L "J .4 5.( )£( )co( )( )£( )tftztfA )it( * -i t) x> A- i> I. f V) A -ff -J L it A -j y -> *• J 4 »J ■ — 70 — Lesson 29 ~y h 3 If <®RTC^5 < (Game: Sitting for an Examination) > ^O^lffJ^f^/^v (apiece) H^£-fo -frLT, TcOf--v-h£ A^ < ^ tf— LTj£oTT£^o Art*0 3mtz&btz^tzb. ^ i ( ftft ftft ftftftft *5 ^ '"5 (2) <3> ft dD r f 5 7 &};:5£>A A^LT — 71 — Lesson 29 & o Li*L i < ^ (How to Fill in a Form) > 7 'J iif * • * T • S • H 7 <; 7- o 1 ( ) I ( ) 'liSIJ(^^^o ; sex) l&ft(ftA,«b< : contact address El ^£ ( £ < ! one's home iiim^/vt^ : one's work S i f i A tfi ^ If $1 Suic»£»#**2 t*-Ul- (iU¥»$|--7V,!>mft<) E M 1 ± z *i ^--r'^lfiA<^^^0 I.........................».......* (HIS ^) 1, & • if V i> 7 h in - Y w ft fiFf fflJ-JR E-7tf-iB a - - sis li gfii& y ( ) ffl « * a - _ *E$J#("t^£ it/v) a pass Pjf A ("9 f' Kb -9 ) buying ff13i* L^AU) an application form ( L A, ^ ! new) "E'l(ft^-f"< : renewal) [KfaK < ^A : section) #lEft0t^&9> : via) f^ffi(L^M>L) W (£ J: inland) [hH 0 - "9 # : term of validity) JL&'Jj'tk ( L U b V > 11 n li ') : way of payment) — 72 —