Lesson 31 I $31R I -v h 1 0 i <_ o ÍŘÍT (Travel) O 1 ÍÓ2 B (^ofi° < ^o^) 0 fit *9 (O^x. <9 ) • i ?e 2 b / #mítíefó i ^ ii i • ffi % b / 9 ft 1 b-11^30b b 3 - x ft* m = = (*>SS) = --— /jaKifiSiR---Ujťs&ííiY) S a L "1 J RÍUffl ¥b • ttH3Ě 4 ■ 5S 1 1 37.600R 4i,ooon 3« 11 39.800R 43,200H 2 £ 1 ^ 43.000P3 46.400H 1 ť í, 3-5% 1 ^ 22.400H 24,600H Lesson 31 3--7h 2 2-1. m^fnmtn MM travel (10) > > r ifcitztf) atrip IfcWCOx • £>) traveling expenses ^ff(»? J: • - to travel Jfefla ( ^ J: • 5^,) an inn promise approximate (9) ft #Jj£(^< • to promise #j(^<)~ about ~ i^U • ^ <)1~£ to reserve *i#j(^A,-^<) an engagement idea well-informed (10) IT ^(&A,) an idea, a proposal • tt^)~th to guide • a good idea #§^("CV> • hh)~$~h to propose 346 347 348 — 86 — Lesson 31 349 350 351 352 < A J: & * > 3 < (üf^r) level semi- V a > (13) N ft ifMfi (C H> A. • -f"£ to prepare >MM1"V* • Mtpk) a standard (C * A, • § ^ -9 ) a local express \% provide (12) ) i r r f If ft if gxfK^r-^ ■ Iß) equipment £ * A ■ preparation i^ii (X. • Iß) a spare, a reserve ft face to face minister ; (9) 1 +§#•(&• T) an opponent, a partner fflÜH^ • tzA,)t& to consult f • L i i ) a Prime Minister talk (15) > r >■ p > D D *tik(fcv> • /iA) a face to face talk fikfS^/'iA • t> • lo) a lounge • tzL)-f h to hold a conference 87 _ Lesson 31 353 iH=P pair link u > (10) ■— r n 0 $ 4 litt1 I) to bring (someone) \ to take (someone) 1 • LS (^ ■ fcA,)" the United Nations M-O) day after day tangle 7 ? (12) f It 3l*Mt^ • f)<)fä to contact, to inform lodge stay < • (i < ) i- & to stay the night ( £ ^ ■ (i° <) three nights stay 354 355 356 special Yt/Yv- (10) It If specially £ special #j|f- (i o • § ^ -9 ) a special express ^fe ( 3 : (In BO quick hurry (9) / n 1 ,%(^) C to hurry & 0)K suddenly urgent business an express train 2 2 . I7c<&i$tii 1. iC „2. rö S ^ 3. #K 4. 5. e. ^fi-& 7. 1^1-& 8. 9. iit^ io. 6. mM(älicW«^^c — 89 — Lesson 31 9. ^t^^iitLr^n^^ff^i-to 2-3. • I. DKil^&igl^S-Xft&S^o 1. to travel 2. to consult 3. to contact 4, specially 0 i 3 "9 €9 t < 5. to stay the night 6. to hurry 7. a reservation 8. to guide 9. preparation C t 10. suddenly £ Kb 7 1. a trip 2. a tourist 3. traveling expenses 4. an inn tz0 5. to stay two nights 6. to take someone Lesson 31 7. contact by telephone fix 1 < h < 8. equipment 9 . a partner 10 . a promise 11 . a tourist information offfice PX m -tfo a X *< 12. an idea 13. a standard 14. a local express J 15. an express train 16. a special express 17. a characteristic £ kd 5 31-5 £ O t kd -5 ID. M^^I?^fot|^i^^c .2. ^/u-ttWcv^^TttA^ < L£^C «h^^A-et^o 5. >tT)H;^^t^^, U ^ A. ^ LT^-C < 7"i£t>o 91 Lesson 31 17 h 3-Wih\ty mut^-i Vy'y ?*%X-~AX^Lfz0 fftt*fc> Tl:?Wio^o -?-<7)BfelivS7K#<7)Jfi< W^^ffiUfflio^o JU ^JTot-f oi:1-(ff? L^o/jo *B$®(^£V>) the Kansai area ^&(£ib) Nara ffL"C'b^V\ =^LX ii h ot, I asked him to lend it to me, ?i?K^F (§ Z\h ^lT=~(:ot'ta9 to think about— #VB{\lA.1if Ky^^^dlrlt^xmf^M^L^o ( ) JII0B$^^t^^Lt^o/:o] ( ) SIHfo/:0 — 92 — Lesson 31 _u ft o TI * £ t i? r 1 T $ S1" ft BflB£!&2£BfIB, ^4^ag0-e-fo B ( L ^ < i: o a national holiday) t^t>-£X, 3 BfMfffSCIi, S (±^o^m>-e-f 3« 11: ¥54,800 ¥61,300 ¥67,800 :t't ¥49,800 i ¥56,300, ¥62,800 ■ ± £ b 9 3 O fl 1* *i* *l± 1 1 ' 2 3 '61 7j 8 9 ID ä 16 17 M 23 24 27 ?8 29 30 B * *l«|±| I 5 6 I i? '3 It iff! 1 7 18 19 20 2 22 ■f§24| ft 26 27 28 29 $3, BJ3 ■x * ± 3 A 7 '* rt 1 81 9 10 1 1 l?J I3,i M IS] 16 17 18 21 22123 24 26 26J27 28 2s|30 1 «taitn/3-23 an o ■:oo-io:oo --n ft ms.m ti=mm (i? m)=mmxitmmm 81 H) m 19:00-20:30 tfl — 93 —