Lesson 33 iV^H^ (X-V^ X 0 h 1 '.open) tfcH^ (^^l^Xlh^l closed) ^fi^ ( C ^ V^'h 1 getting ready to open) — 104 — Lesson 33 (Please buy the ticket of return at Ticket Reservation Office of Shinjuku station.) }f V) <7)MQ (Green Counter: Ticket Reservation Office) í i ť eh) US' No Smoking 1 35fv^£ Lito Smoking is allowed only in smoking areas. g| S PA Smoking Area V iš^y&lH (í) /v & V ^) (information) *-Kii, artKíT, ^íříto (i) (-< -í > (4) 370 371 fjl(t>) < to pull, to draw Č!KOM L a drawer • »] i <) gravitational force <3lffl (• X 1 to quote, to cite p J divide cut (12) t ér $ Tt 1 ť f'j -r—-----■ ■ 372 #J(fr) & to cut, to break, to crack - t>*) • If) & 10% off Werifr*) • MM rate, a ratio (^A • ^o) division — 106 — Lesson 33 375 3 5 (Hie) % carry on operate (12) s if- 'S ItI(k. V ^ • § £ '))~f i> to carry on business HHUt^ • to run an enterprise • x.^)"t~& to manage self (6) / f fl ft ft ( • < ) one's own home [tH§ ( L • LA) self-confidence §5^(U*^A) one's own [=j S ( C • ^ ) freedom, liberty course line 3-*) (5) I n ..... #IS0t^ • ^) via, by way of SI&C? ■ *$>t) reason get, hold acquire (8) r f fl? $ (t) h to get, to take MM ( L ^ ■ "f" £ to collect materials 19 31(0) £ transaction, trade K#(L^ • ><)t^ to acquire — 107 — Lesson 33 MM < a j: h * y a s (m$b) request demand (7) — t >^{iit)tbh to ask for ^^(Xl • to demand MAfcn (^^-?-!^A.-Cl-?-^<) a help wanted advertisement #1 pray beg (19) r i i to request II# (t!j5X • L «t) an application II {fafr) t» a wish know, aware intelligence (8) £Q ( L) & to know ait (*> • L £) knowledge ^P(L) iQ-tt^) to let know, to inform MM^T -^)T& to inform 2 2 . jJ5c<&$^ 1. ff-T 2. 3|< 3. 4. 5. Ml 6. £n£ 7. ^tbh 8. /fi^l^l^ 9. gfr<7)£=g£ 10. gffe&lW 11. — 108 — Lesson 33 3. ^-^T -7 7°£W*1"&o 8. S&^Mii^LAfttA f^llidl^^LCL^c 9. t'A^iS^otk S<*^^(ilivv0 10. *S<7^Bfg^nA75>*>r? >||ftty>^-^^f)*itc 2-3, 1. to push 2. to pull 3. to get 4. to ask for 5. to request 0 t 6 £ 6. to break 7 . to know 8 . freedom 9 . to run an enterprise h L (J ®0 109 — Lesson 33 1. a closet 2. a drawer 3. a ratio 4 . to retire * t 5. 10% off 6. business 7. reason 8. by way of IT) «J)9 Hi1 fl> 9. one's own home 10. self-confidence 11. a notice 12. knowledge 13. transaction 14. an application 15. to demand mi <0 J; 9 # tg> "5 in. #<«£ji^fc?i^&teoT#£^£&£v\, 1. iCDKTJi, £K>Tk&^£^0 2. ^<7)3 ZntfyZtto^tzMihtz L-C-to 4. t&Ltn^Tiiz^Jbntf^^tfA,-?& tz\ Lesson 33 Jl- y h 3 __ -'V-> (frA,tfz.Z> ' to think) TEffi ("CV^ : a fixed price) (t>1"tl^ : to forget) &M {fa A, ft k. : one's dearest wish) mm 1 . v>osK--*-***>f>v>£ LfcriN, 3 . v»