Lesson 36 J-~y h 1 ^§ ft il 5i (Kanji for Feelings) gf (H/UfA,) co>^ c:^) <7)®j!, !*ft oj^i:^) «r*f>^tc JfftOi-f^) Li^ to be ashamed, shy 1 t>v-> to be afraid (of) ■? "q^S Lt1 envious ]> =f£.{t>h) n um < ^(i3C) 6 to get angry to be surprised n h *? is to envy fflifrty'tZ) to be disappointed V?7&\ #(5&>A,#)x.-C Lesson 36 2-i. m^omzij MM heart .1 c: 6 -> > (4) 1 Iii 'tC:^)) a heart, mind 'L^S^ ( LA, • <0 ■ <) psychology 'kgtKLA- • l±V)1-£ to worry M-ll- (^A> • LAJ interest feel sense (13) r r F Is !l i& fä(frA,)LZ> to feel üS'lM/^A, • LA)t"& to be impressed JSIK^A, • <) a sense iSItK?^- L^)1~£ to thank emotion state of affairs (11) r f f '1* 1 ft It If tt&V> miserable If $x (C j; -? ■ II n ) information Ü&if (frA, • L i n ) a feeling #if (£>^ ■ L X love, affection 400 401 402 — 134 — Lesson 36 < ^ J: * t>3; (K&) S01T0W ^&-Ltr (12) ) 1 =) U> sad Lfr to feel sad ^*l(0"lf£) a tragedy weep cry fc-< (8) s >» N J N / ->- ?£(&)< to cry, to weep * animal's cry=R! (ft )< laugh smile (10) i V- k W %(foh)n to laugh, to smile ^(fo to smile wryly head s leader X (16) t n V D 5 a' 5' 3M.{$>tz$) a head sM (""f • o "9 ) a headache m&ihtzt • down payment USB 9 • -£) the head — 135 — Lesson 36 407 t > 3 : (in 00 % awake sense 3- -it (12) w 1 IT t %x.h to memorize §1K(#> • 20 i LBvFlt an alarm clock • • ^{) a sense ^ < ) perception forget (7) s -t l -t: -£ 408 S(^>"t") to forget • faA • tH^) a year-end party S(*>1-);hj!l (*>£>) a thing left behind think (6) '— #(t^tI>j) to think a thought, an idea 9 • d • 7^<) archaeology ■ >! -9 ) th to select 409 — 136 — Lesson 36 2-2. mfrwm 1. 2. 3. Stl* 4. &< 5. mitf 6. ^ 7. ffiDS 8. 4> 9. Stf 10. II II. & l i -"> < t; £ * § 13. information 14. a tragedy 15. a smiling face 16. a headache 17. way of thinking 18. a year-end party 19. a thing left behind X. ft frč AH1 1. ( ) -e ( ) í- ( ) ( ) ^tžc 2. C ) £W ) W^T* ( ) ^Lt^ž^ f« ( )tf%<%Zc *V ^ £ '_ .1" ,h f,- K A" '. 3. ( ) kic^h-Q ( ) ^c 5. ti/K'^ ( ) 3ůJ&^i, ( ) U> ( ) ^A^^ -139 — Lesson 36 JL -1ST £g ft /&* o i Lt Pal cutset So 6 o ft ii* ^ Ufr b /£ <<> ^ O -1" 5 5 o 1 iSP^C 1 ~ 2 0J; < U bft& ^ -yltSbt 5E ( L) * h So i> o -A fa 31/- \ 'f 7^ 7 L ^ n — h - * x h 1/X a stress (desease) ~B£ (if) degree of ~ £E(L) death to be disgusted with ~ l^tf o to say "No" 'f 7 7 to be irritated, to be nervous —140 — Lesson 36 A * r U-XJf80~100% B * h PXJf 50~80% C XM^xjf20~50% afefcfcw* hUxgEli, 7i»4v»-ei-0 **Ui v>fflSJ±*») i-^:A,^ib, ^l^gB L4<-C<>w»T?Lj: Oo T?z\ t teXWo tzt D Xbl/X^O-20% *&fct±±#£x r ux£n> fD-)yt4-H?tlito ^^^itli¥ — 142 — Lesson 36 fo<0$%