Talking About Actions 1. 2. /i^it 3. fiOAJc-t 4. Ääf 5 5. «tAi-f 6. JJi-t 7. *^>i-f [ 50 ] Talking About Actions • • New Words write T > Ann • eat rl/f tv : * i t listen "Thank you." J what "No, thank you." • Lit do then J coffee record < bread (a particle, « : K-t- Donna see Explanation 4) J Basic Expressions 4. v^X., /c^ä-tf/Co What are you going to do ? I eat apples. OR, I'm going to eat an apple. You'll eat it too, won't you ? No, I don't. -l=ffl''lf#HMil- 1. The verbs on the previous page take objects. The objects and verbs are connected by a particle. The particle in this case is always £. Ex.: 0 tz^i ~fo I/You/She is going to eat an apple. The £ -f form of verbs indicates either "am going to" or something a person does as a habit. 2. To say that you don't do something, you change the suffix £ -f to 51 Lessort 12 Ex.: I/Irs tz-<£ to I'm going to eat an apple. I'm not going to eat an apple. PRACTICEl A Transformation Drill Ex 1. 2. ^> 3. Ait 3> 4. ■# 5. * * * "t €> 6. €> PRACTICEl B Answer the following questions either with (ivi or viVi*.. Then... /sf speaker // .you answer Ex. x. I. 2. Vi Vi £. 3. V* Vi x. 4. 5. vi Vi a. 6. Vi Vi x. 7. 8. 9. Vi Vi £. 10. X¥&.& *>*$£ Vi Vi x. I I. fl/t*J Alt*'. 52 Talking About Actions 12. Ä-fS OAit*" Vi Vi 3. If you want to use a complete sentence to say that someone does something, set up your sentence this way ; someone something verb ex.: ir< ti urj tz^i-fo PRACTICEl Look at the pictures and the verbs in the boxes below. With a partner, take turns in asking and answering, following the pattern in the example. Question Answer Ex.: tzhlli £C£ tz-<±-tit\ tzhlii 0/Lr£ tz^iir. tz-h =) ex. o ^ r 4 X I 1 3-h- 5 f U t 6 r-y £5 £ T £ »Ali" 4>v»it i'^l-t tz^ft Ait iAit 53 Lesson 12 Explanation 4. The particle ;fa If you want to say, "isn't that so ?'' of the sentence or the phrase. put the particle fa at the end Ex.: h ti. tz ti d tit' -f $ -e-f *a. You like this, don't you ? This is a present, isn't it ? Let's learn the following dialogue. fzh O if T to /;^>9 ^H*., lf-5 I 1 "C*~to Talking About Actions ( ★ EXERCISE ★ ) Put the Japanese word in the blank. drink (1 ) y> Hi S write (2) * X. Idt tU eat (3) -y-zi-y-wi fcx,**< s (4) T>ti £ttv>£ listen to look at buy 2. Read the example below! Then fill in the blanks in the sentences with the form of the verb that means "doesn't." Ex.: K-Hi o^i-fo tzhlli C0Ai^rA,o (1) T>ti tz^Hr* £!-^*/Ui (2) trHi ttLn'AS *H>if0 K^-ti _ (4) tz h 1 ti IA h t*t£ £ *\Mto ^ > Hi _ (5) htzlit fVt'J Ait. ^ ti 54 55