£ I MZ"S©m WO Daily Life — (-f ■/■) one —(-f-z-v) one o'clock «— (-i í * > -t-f) first-year student -^J- (-f one minute — O (l>b'j) one (one) (1) — =i 24z — (—) two —a# (—y) two o'clock —■í-ifc (— i->-fe-f) second-year student ~LO Ui;o) two — BFbJ UtJ**^) two days (two) (2) - X =. (+r>) three 5.Bf three o'clock (*>*>-t-f) third-year student HO (*-3-o) three (three) (3) - = = 13 (J; A) four E3«t (J:->"> four o'clock V3%-£. (J:-i->-b-f) fourth-year student E30 (Jc-d-o) four lZ9fl April (four) (5) i n n w ffl JS. 1 i five -S.n# (rf'í>) five o'clock iO (WOO') five (five) (4) - 7" * .5. A (n?) six A»t (n?>) six o'clock ^ i_ fro -řrW (o y tví') six hundred 5^77- (n.yr>) six minutes t^O ttf-3"3) six (six) (4) ' jř- 3*; -fc (š^/>$:&) seven -ťHř (y + -š) seven o'clock -to (Ířír-D) seven (seven) (2) — -t >\ eight '^9% (^.řS') eight o'clock Af ('>'/ťt'l eight hundred (^-y+M) eight years old A.O (^o'J) eight (eight) (2) * 009 ?t (%a..^) nine 7tn# ft$J£> nine o'clock (+:x'>+M) nine years old (E£0-p) nine (nine) (2) ) jl 010 + + (V^.^) ten (y"ir>>") ten o'clock -Ml (y a. -y -tr »f) ten years old + ( fe) ten (ten) (2) — -f- Oil w t *r7 W (tt?) hundred Sf (if>-h*^r^) three hundred AW (n -y tfv 9) six hundred Af (y%.y H-v ^) eight hundred (hundred) «i) - T r W f 012 -fej-f. -tf> -f- (-te>) thousand -S.-f- (*>-&">) three thousand /v-f- (vwyte>) eight thousand f (thousand) (3) - — -f 013 —^ ('f f^V) ten thousand -f-^ ">-?>) one hundred thousand (t^?-?>) one million (ten thousand) (3) — -J S 014 "gH (t \7j-~s~) one hundred yen P3 (*» circle (yen; circle) (4) i n n n 015 —b% (-f y) one o'clock -rfSOaf (Z Hi,(OtS) in one's childhood 9%<5f (fcgifS) sometimes b#f+ (h^-f) watch (time) (ill) i n h b a- a+ a* a% af (In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yotm I pronunciation originally borrowed from Chinese] and hiragann indicates the kun'yomi [native Japanese reading].) G)M^(DWM (Kanji Practice) A. Read the price of the following items in kanji and write it in numbers. Example: a 3 U — h (1) ^ > # f- (2) -yr/^-f fltR (¥ 150) (3) H« (¥_) (4) fl't* (¥___) (5) -v > -> a > □ □ □ □□ L3 □ □ □ □ □ □ODD □ □ a □ o ES (¥_) (¥___) B. Write the following prices in kanji. Example: ¥5,120 A-fE3W-+H 1. ¥30 2. ¥140 _ 3. ¥251 1. ¥6,070 6. ¥42,500 8. ¥3,200,000 5. ¥8,190 7. ¥168,000 9. ¥57,000,000 An international exchange student writes about his daily routine. Read the passage to find out about his schedule and fill in the blanks below. Hit. f-^fjztz^AH -CtAS riUS^if, $ ft -J ~fe 7:00 ( ) go to the university 9:00 _ _ ( ) eat lunch 1:00 _ 6:00 ( ) watch TV ( )__ ® IK!!!! (Writing Practice) Write about your daily routine. Use the above passage as a model.