fA©1"ŽfcbXk7> My Favorite Restaurant 044 * (t>;!>;6) east exit Tokyo (east) (8) - r f*> 3 e f # jfc. 045 Cl -tri +M S (Kb) west So (CK't.) west exit it® (*?-t"f) northwest PflB (*>-9--f) Kansai region (west) (6) "~ f" fi Ft f$ B 046 p£j south i^o (M-A(-%) south exit l^A (+ > r) southeast (south) (9) ~ * T ft ft ft ft ft ft 047 Jt (5/.:) nqfth ito ( J / j <• 6) north exit &}fc (h-?*?) Tohoku region itMiM. (*5»*^ H ) Hokkaido (north) (5) - -i } J' ifc 048 < % a? iter (*<•;'>3^) population (mouth) (3) i n o 049 ii5 (?-*>) to exit tiJD (-?<'<=>) exit tfc-J" (fc""f) to take something out £^ (^^•yfe=r) attendance NT& (a.J'a'JO export (to exit) (5) 1 + + 4 iU 050 AS (*¥) right (^-fc'y) right turn (-fra-fr) ,-ight and left (right) (5) J 9~ & *a 051 Utž 0 4 (t>n>)) left 4# W-fe'SO left turn (left) (5) *" /* Jfc j£ £ 052 7> 7> 7*> B.'^ (^7>) five minutes T5ř (i'l'y'/y) ten minutes (i-'7->) oneself (^>-/>) half (minule; to divide) (4) * -9- ^ osa 5 1 jfcá; C-feV-t-f) teacher ŤtiS (-fevi^^) last week ifetC (SSIC) ahead (ahead) (6) ' >- * £- f- 054 (fitm) student 9SS> t$i#*%) teacher JÉ-Štlá (pŘti&) to be born —i. í-—)3l (-i V *s 3 E -Í K) once in a life time (birth) (5) ' + 055 m, m 9 i (i'-itfi'-fe-f) college student **v» (íiiJž^) big C* 4 tough (JStft) adult (big) (3) - £ A 056 it? (^ftf?) university #31 (tf^-fe-f) student ^rfé iH-jn^) school ^rJ: (s4'*) to study (learning) (8)•," ^ * f ^ 057 1fA Ý £ 9fÚ (.# (f t) outside (outside) (5) 1 ? * ?| ?h 058 S < V- *í«a («-(3?) foreign country + 13 (*-3.'£#')i China 11 (< C) country (country) »1 n ri in a b b a (In this chart, katakaua indicates the on'yotni and liiriignnn indicates the knii'yumi.) 1278 >S)W£(DWM (Kanji Practice) A. Combine the following kanji and make compound words. You can use the same kanji more than once. Example: ft ± n & & x a B. Indicate where each place is located on the map. 1. ( ) ux |-7> • r^f>f : x. bco^i-h1) il% i^D^-eijff-f0 2. ( ) aU'i-t-f;v:£J^oin-(, iofU^Cb^tt. 4. ( ) 2 T £X : BD SI O t ffeV^ff-3 t < f£*Vv0 5. ( ) : ifcDfc&t, 4-M-#<' bWf o t < J£'$$% i! lei LbJ i m j | H | i t i t i i i i i 1 l M f—|—|-1- H 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 N 4 Si Z. J station * 5 to exit ii-fi' straight ® Wo&h&h (Bulletin Board) Look at the bulletin board on the next page and answer the questions. 1. If you want to buy a bicycle, who are you going to contact? 2. Where will the party be held? Are you going to bring anything? 3. How do you set to the concert hall? 4. What can you do for the winter break (from December to January)? ""Wllllll IIIIWII iia + -nzfAH(B) — ua(±) ¥20,000 (dF^,?*~l I a*) J*ffl 597-1651 9 3 / - 2 6 8 2 £9 2 1,200 R A-fey h (f7 r • 3-h-) B-fe-y h ('O • 3 —t—) P 6:30- h/K—ib Mary writes about her favorite restaurant. Read the passage and answer the questions. L ÍŤ T — 0 7v h /v t X h L > r o ft t ° í v\ A $ ť T •t _ A, äs t X m L •y 0 -r t T "C CD < A ž o $ y -r tz o X t > -r h > -t iá t, »_ > x < i 0 ■v a "C * o -f ] < l t i- 1 o L L o <* 1/ > li X T X > 0 •T r> i> h "C ti I \ ^ i 7 (ä W -r * t T O X * c A o "7 0 í c v \ i 7 > I -c "ť T íá -r x. 9 X tz 'J V t > 0 'J fit f < I R \t 0 7 í) T x. h In1) cooking always A S everyone A. Where is the restaurant? 1 I I I i I I M I I I I I- n í i? (e) i i 11111111 H6MMÍÍ28iN, B. Circle the food or drink the writer has at the restaurant. C. Choose the correct answer. i. mí Ľxi-7>n0 2. -? > v * - m -c-to 1. v > ®fc