Lesson 10 — (1) Ask for the following things using g < tz 5 ^„ Write the word in hiragana in the boxes. 1 CP (2) Ask for more things using the pictures on page 35. 77 Talking About Your Favorite Things • •New Words í c :a r (í L »»» English Japanese language ( c* after the name of a country means language spoken in that country.) want flower arranging dwarf tree planted in a pot abacus stamp teacher 42 [ 43 ] Lesson II ■f vi ž. tr> tt a. ž:" ť t š. ■e t ** X ; yes of course but (a particle, see Explanation l ) roller skate skateboard Kent ski Basic Expressions 2. w»t j mi tezt* -f jt-to 3. á) & /= ti ic tí a, r** -e ^ á t ** ^^x., tH>íev»-ci-0 My younger brother can speak English. My younger sister likes cats. Can you speak Japanese ? No, I can't. Do you like fish ? No, I don't. I want a dog. 1. When you want to say that someone likes something or can do something, set up your sentence this way : someone \i something This particle ji shows the subject or the topic of the sentence. This particle"^ is used before -f J X"t and to show what you like or can do. PRACTICE I Talking About Your Favorite Things The following pictures show things people like or like to do. Following the pattern in the example below, make a complete sentence describing each picture. Ex. nz ^ **** hŕzl it/v if Ť 2- "C £ i i~ is a verb which means "can do," OR "is able to." *C* £ i i~ can mean different things. In a sentence about language, it means "can speak." In a sentence about tennis, it means "can play." In English you must use the specific verbs — "to speak," "to play," etc. When you want to say that you can't do something, you say -f k 44 45 Lesson 11 PRACTICE | A Substitution Drill Ex.: (r < H X +■ I. kh\£fo 2- t^;tv* 3. X^r- 4. ctix,r 5. PRACTICE! B =i>(5-< ti Ý 3, fix i to ■i>ii*< (i -tv>«.v>**-eí* í-to ixr < (i x*-**-e£ á t» ■Dlä*< (i t:tä/ir*f-e$ í to ií'< ti *>>ra*-e$ i to Answer the following questions with 1. * ft ti X^- b K** "C Jiti'. 2. ž, ft/č ti D-7-xy- h "c* j i t* 3. h ft /= ti %h t í ^ ** tííti'o 4. Ž) ft/i ti t^i^^tJit*1. 5. ž, ft tz ti tn ur**-e Jit*>. 6. & ft/i ti x+-**-e*i-t*». Explanation 3. -f t means "is," "am," "are." When you want to say "isn't," "am not," "aren't," you say L>í^"fť You maY also near Ľ-ŕ & 0 á-tí-A for t-fícn-C-ŕ- PRACTICE! With a partner, take turns in asking and answering the following. Pretend that you don't like these things. 00 Ex.: £> ft tz ti *řt J ťtí'o tHf ft^t'to Talking About Your Favorite Things 4. In order to say that you want something, you use the expression The sentence pattern will be : someone ii) something t* n L ^-eto Ex: ^>/č Líifci;:** ří lv>-eto ' want a cat. PRACTICE! Look at the pictures on p.24 and say that you want these things. Ex: (I" < ti fz £ 11 I ^-C'to I want an egg. 46 47 Lesson II Let's learn the following dialogue. tzh ô XY-Y tf- K t £ "C-f**. y > h (i xy- b 'ijf- K*f t £ t:*-f o ^ > h (i X*r- \ **- K** t* J í t» t-1, ŕzhi ti "C ŕ í -tí-X,o Talking About Your Favorite Things ( ★ EXERCISE ★ ^ 1. Choose the proper particle in the blanks, and put a circle around it. (1) tr< ( ii, *») ox.r ( **) t^-e-f0 (2) z^l ( ii, s ) s/t-et ( **, *• ). (3) *£ i ( ft, a ) < /=$ V»Q (4) fc*>*^ ( li, ft ) X*- ( **, ft ) fMt. (5) zn (ti, ft ) t^**-et. (6) htzi ( ji, **) ( ft ) tiiv>-ei-c 2. Find the expressions from B—group, and apply them to the A—group expressions. Find as many expressions possible and write their numbers. A—group a- dftii b. ztlí c y > h ti d. htzi. ii e- í" tí X, r £ f- tz í r k g- ir < ti xy- > -if— k** B—group 1. Ý(i~Č"řo 2. < tz$^o 3. x*-«* -e*ii\ 4. ictiA, ľ x,-e-to 5. íj.^-ei-*% 6. *.v» r a* -e ^ á -f c s. -ti** 9. i. < t* -r ^ -c-to 48 49