bi- {tip: 7^ x. h o \^ ■ ÍSTt § □ Lesson 3 I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Istila fc$p( U^žo A □ MUT t:t(ž)Q)ižc o-r* 6 ti 8 í^^mMiR^a^o Brti(LA,L*>o)-r& 46 a) i. m±%~'3tefc>tfz>, 2. mm*ftwmMiz>o 4. áM4cOŤ^%7t:^^^pDp^^^^o -k a, l±'l,> b) i. élk^Mľc 2. ÄÄ^is-ch L K» Ť 15 3. ^jÜv^^fe-To 4. dt>^7t.HMÝ^i5Í-o C) 1 . 2. 3. 4. •ä *. K« 7 L 311*1-5 TU L d) 1. Jl|T*fcl?ŕifcA££tjt£o 4. WWF(ifr#ě^IIS^)coM^7t:1-^^( ä*5í ^ ■'ÄS** L z. A, ž a,Ľ j: »1-5 É KU Ť Ľ J; 5ii ť 2. IcMogiE 3. mmľé^(7)||í| 9. nmmmm 10. Ť^tftB^íOÄ^-tí: [ ] XM [ ] T U fcf F 7 v [ ] ílnŽŽ [ ] 8tK t ] ŕ U V [ ] »1 a. b. c. d. m, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. V + V V + N? V + N~ m± 'Ml 5m mu ( tü^ ( ŕtiž ( ffl* ( tti-f ( tfj* 5-> + + + + + + + + + + ( m < ) + ( @ ) + ((á)tt) + ( A ) + ( 'X ) =&xm< = A£ffi1~ 4S 1 F« i 1 Kip] Kuh reading verbs and On reading verbs to divide the land, territory, payments, etc. 5HI(«£^£A,)l-& :tfc|f. it*, 8IIL Sffl, -£~ to share the work, task, expenses, etc. to classify animals, plants, books, vocabulary, etc. 5^@fi(,£A.(±V)1-& :M!4, :£#k -£~ to share the money, to distribute the profits, food, etc. frJ#(.£A,M>)1-& tt&m, to disassemble a machine, to resolve a compound, etc. to divide the enemy, road, etc. to repair a machine, a bicycle, a car, etc. to treat a disease, an injury, etc. : am, to amend a law, a rule, a treaty, etc. to revise budget, to retouch a negative, to amend writing, to alter the wording, etc. to correct errors : ft®. f&£\ Wis -*~ to cancel the plan, to call off the game, etc. to stop operation, to suspend business, etc. (to stop temporarily) 49 □ Lesson 3 $t#j(§*>-5 £ to withdraw from school to retire from the service, to resign an office, etc. to resign one's post, office, etc. VXD*, & ItA. tj TfcK ift * Jt£J8fcifc£A£~ to rescue a person, to save a life to rescue a person out of the danger MS-eSoTv^A^ £^{SoT~ to aid people in a disaster goTUSA* to give financial assistance U &fJj£^fSoT~ to give support to the activities to cheer for sports players to manufacture goods to make paintings, sculptures, to produce TV programs to make a plan, to compile a document, etc. to write/make an original work fl^&fc-, AtfJcitz- ({ii:^-co< &) to create the world, culture iri ii t • ^ A>^tfJ^B ~ to nurse/rear a baby ' -p k?i> i ~ to bring up a child to educate people j ■1« .1 .■I fill r e.c n : A, * to train engineers, specialists, etc. 50 *M^( LV^ < )~fh '■ $M%i~ to breed animals * M^n ( £ V)i-& ! fit ^ £ ~ to produce/grow plants T$M( X. ^ )1~ & '■ tf^^Bfll£ ~ to postpone the event $t£H:( X. A,*> i ^ ! ^fi<7)B^FhI-^SIFbI 4" ~ to prolong a meeting, the term prices fluctuate, the crust of the earth changes the temperature changes, the shape changes the colors of the things/clothes change ggHC^-W* :fr®£~, TO£~ ■'' to change/alter/modify the plan if)@ ÜJpl £-ffeSöP] (7) ffl $ Intransitive and transitive verbs TO« to ä =TO«M K & s TO£l?x-ä=TO£«1-£ Sho rtening and omission 5i □ Lesson 3 2)m\mwz-mKim-e* %„ ■ ff*l«E (=ff*lgfcf&ji,lfc) • *sm&7E (=4»g*mr$-thz.trf/zfcfcLtz) ®^s§S&PC>iili^ Structure of Kanji verbs 1) V + V: Va+V2 to do V! and V2 2) V + N: N (place) 9 V to leave a place Ait tBHI( L^o-<)« = H£ffi& ltv> tt Li N (place)— V to arrive / to appear at a place 3) Vt+N : N (object)^ Vt to put something out aipnp(L^o^%)-r^ = (^)pnn^ffit 52 ľ»< .r Structure of Kanjľcompound words í. 'J t -3 O t Ľ ŕ, S »i L»'J AÄÍrUittail-Clt^-Cš^v *§&flÍJjfc£ov>Tͱ, OBK L.20pílW(Vol. 1 p.200), L.250ÍÄW(Vol.2pp.32-33), L.35íOÍIW(Vol.2pp.l31~132)^#HS0 ä ä ä? if ií & irr ft p:2M p.2:^ :p2?;í p. 282 p. 330 p 283 p "70 p m ,> gjg || i a é g íi m P.2b9: P.2H3;||,;|53 p. í77 p 3H p.318 p; 327 £ 277* V30Í p. 328 'i 53 S < to K. BW, B * t tpmtf&^'Ť VH'K7V £o< t Ä t o fco [ fjjtts ffrst* «üfrt* »Äi-* ] [ ftlÄi-« f&Ät* Wfŕi-S IMž ] -cosier- v\dr*2.< 19fco [ ilBÉt* f&Ät* ] [ tm-ts f&Ät* Wfŕi"* ] K iäfôl^>"C> isiälifcA^vifc ŕ, fctjt^o [ »t§ »tá SÄrTS fSItž ] a**< LfcŤ^fc-^»~e^á£^ fi^mžo [ »1-3 »-13 ÉIt§ ] [ tm-rz »ts »ts ] [ HTIEtž «t§ flltž féSrfá ] v- i* í> Á. 9. ^ofé#£&£^§^^jWi, Mf^/io [ ITjE-tS &IEt5 flt§ »5 ] 10. H-CMLT, &£LTircgifW?:H:4o/;o [ #JSčtS »5 »5 ] 15. Aě^»t^rv^7 7n-Po 16. [ ^JBt5 #8*3 #BH-S ^ffltS ] 55 □ Lesson 3 o i -9 -čv 1 f3 M£^c ě^-) š ty 7 L*? 3. K&V>£ Síť l ^ «3 i 9 Li < Í5 -9 Li L i9> 9. "T-TE^^ 10. n. a^#iw 12. mh^Uw* 56 13. %mLX^Z>Ž:frbŤ¥Í> L J: li A 14. «ť)n947^"C\ 4-tíl"Cv^ť7)íá 15. m^\±m(Dfziö, 16. 7jCiÍ. »^JcSt^ £*l&o 17. 18. ^(iÄ^^á 19. 4" 20. ^j&Wri?£L£A£ tžo 21. 22. u^iá 0 X. É Ip 23. mázft -r^ r «5 i < i i ľ a. i± a. l a* a 24. Š^cDgAKÍÄá 1401 -e 25. yfcg^£-t?/v)i-& to improve the Tokyo University Hospital B6P(V»L) doctor ^-fl^K^^r^) nurse $JK(£V^) attitude K(^.<^) clothes &S$lfcT(£-WrA;ground subsidence = ft$c( authority) * & £ #f4(£V JJ i 7 ) material /g'bJi(V^ri^)^V^\/^ comfortable /"i o U^ll- -5) to shed skin = to emerge M\(\ll LA,) .policy 5i> t to m^-ew < t ť ? t£ h -e L a o fro j. * w w -r ž z. t tfx* š ,rto^j í) #x. 3i#tbu...... gtttf, Íä*. 5IÍUU ...... mu Íä, ...... c. %m+mm^ : fôl. AS&*j\ Hi^i9, ...... ...... m. fofr®, m*)®. &tžfä, ikfrfe, &§*é\...... ä, ?m ...... PMfit^íLno (&, p.2i9Hí,i? i-to) 1. 2. #J5I 3. aLA 4. 5Ľ± 5. 6. ff^ 7. n% s. mu 9. io. mm íl i^é i2. ^mA