pi H 1 V/SA'/SSS/jW. I . TIH?) 3 ^ľll^iá, a . ~ d . k 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A 1 2 3 4 5 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. b. 5fc + ^g£ ( £>V> + faA,£*) next fiscal year a. Hj% + BI ( f «£o + X.A,) zoological garden (zoo) c . 3£+ + (x.V*+ £*< England, Germany, France a. 5HI + # (^AfcA+L*) sharer, partner b . iS5 + ^CJEE ( -) + §; high atmospheric pressure d. $§jtB + $|A (i^L^O + l^tC^^) export and import a . jSflt + tt (L i ") ?i •)+^>) commercial district d. ^^L + 'J?^ (-£V*;fc^+L J: "9faA/) younger generation a . j^f+ ( *9 i. i + L*) travel agency b. IE+vKM (i£V* + {AA;fcU>) direct opposition c. If + ^+^fH + + snow and moon and flowers b . mm m\m± §fMS -mm. mm mm p«ifi $ (^v^^+TV^L^) sudden stop X_l/^^A,) movie theater t$ttA,C±) (public) health center lllfA, L*3) clinic Ctfti) /IIS (CfrLo) office iHi^) kindergarten L/v^A, L-^ ) newspaper company LA^A,-^) newspaper agency, news dealer tt A § *9> 9 ) research institute It A, ^ "9 L"^5) professor's office, seminar room tz V > L frA,) embassy L i ") tf") L i ) fire station H-o^tAL"^) laboratory U- o &t A C i ") ) testing site U- v9>") < "t?) residential area Cl")) parking lot tLl^) /H»^ (tLiLo) library il t 9 C i "9 ) baseball ground C/i^A) /HI?!! (cTi-) to) beauty parlor io£TA) /W&M. (io?Lo) coffee shop § ^ 9 C i 1 Ln)^JV rapid rise ^^CD'))-f impossible O-H 0 L^) unofficial, informal ts\/^&)i~ meaningless IF X -) if 9 ) i~ unequal LA-tir^iOA.) new product/7^Mna whole products CL -9 ffi < tl ^ ) high academic career ^-ti*V^ < )i~ incorrect, inaccurate -if A/-£/6*V>) whole world/ffiirl^ new world D^^i^^i")) heavy industry il v9> 9 >!l 9 ^) X ;V steep dive, sudden drop LA(±OfJV) newly on sale tf ^ A L A) ~f~ indifferent fzKA.'fo ) a large number of people $V^i#>-) i < ) most powerful, strongest 107 K. -fcí-t- 1. ftfŕM^^ 7ÝIo/:o 2. {ÍS^ÍÁo/:0 3. Wáfoi&^v^soo 4. %K^££0 8. ±&0 mm io. m%mo &m )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( ) = «9. EAP 1 2 3 4 ■ Sialic 6- 108 Bi S1;;l Í?0 & Pi: ' t-. ■ f.' ■',: - ■ 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. I. A. mm CA na* 19 o 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. röJ Ii Hb 3. ( ) (Dth^o^mí ( ) cc^^^^ŕio 6. WíiÉSifclBI ( 8. £<7)r^ W^fW ( 10P □ Lesson 6 B. m w * it m m m ± 9. 10. n. 12. íl' 13. »S=ŕ ( ) (DXm^tzi^L^^X^^hL^o 14. t^B^Tiä, ( Mt) t M IV. [ í * I S ± t A i. ti n. 12. 13. 14. 5 o E -5 ,v>/. 5tf 10. Zivi It 15. JU fr 110 It A, a , □□+□ : ,Hfr# = #4t + # express ticket L ı = fäW + ± fireman /ÜJ^^i = ttj/i^ + ?$i percentage of attendance § * 1 □+□□ : iBftffl] = IB+«0 old regime = 1? + AlU re-entry (into a country) Jts T^Wi = ra + AIMI super-state, super-power C t ö * -5 if □+□+□ : _t t£ T = ±+Fr1 + T good, fair and poor =$M4\i — =f + ^ +4tL snow, moon and flower ( — natural beauty in Japan) L t T *> < 12V io felt TJ6 ^Ä'l'tlS = fi^+f't + IS: pine-bamboo-plum ( = congratulatory trees showing three ranks) (□+D)^ : n;P^ = + ^ younger people =DA-fDA E£#||l = + army and navy : ffjtflA = 3tft+$tA export and import ** MWPte^Z-b no limit tot ft &^^<7) the youngest re-production every direction W.2 □ Lesson 6 min Mm W^'k-h^*? classroom V* o {jTV* 1iZJ$ <(, fully open correct answer mm incorrect, inaccurate unofficial, informal whole world i fillSt L "C V * & V ^> not experienced yet st^C^Ó^Ó^OM various problems *M£áĎS Cl t £^"o total expenses old regime f r®(^i^)j i±, i: t±. "super-" i^?Mt rN^®(^)x^, N JÖLJtöDj J fCD J:-9 K rí)»t^Nv í) ) value \i) sect ~[}±|(/'i/v) group CAO crowd ~1f£(C/v) troop fcV^) zone field, world ttA.) ticket ~$&(-t?V>) tax & f Ü2 n pan" t> TO MS ideal E=P |Pl impression changing parts of speech ~&H~f~ -tive, -al (-na adjective forming) e.g. machine -*■ ^ftM^^ mechanical ■* idealistic ■* fP^-fl^^ impressive jl/ -ize, -ization (verbal noun forming) fUM machine —► fUM'ffc mechanization $k¥Ht'fZ> to mechanize MM ideal -* M-ft idealization MMiktZ> to idealize -ness, -ability (noun forming) oTfb& possible — nTitbtt possibility JHllt" & to rely lafltt reliability Wo J:-5 U §f(LA.)~ m*>o~ : %>?)- ate M2. «4. #J5. p. 20« I p. 308 ■^'271 I: p. 295 m p. 2(H) Ml p. 325 p. 255 P. in 1 p. 328 * 11:1 m n m p. AW p 289 P 255. . p. 306: p. 309 a m fi * 266 p. 288 p. 216 p. 306 p. 311 22 *o t>* Ľ. i. era m m m nun ta m m m m □□^ m m m m nnm 2. □□: ( Si 3. 4. nnü m Y4 Y4 □□/t )lt )iT )lt 9. DDi ( fil#) ( ( 10. DM m m m 114 mmmm □ 1 . A : [ |g # It ± fr IB * M * # ] 7. ■^i j: 12. 13. 14. -mu □ 10. ft, 15. An B : [ kŕ #f s I S f H i. 6. mM íl- ^ 7. L J: ^ 12 ^ PH PI 13- Í;f M m** 96 ^aa i * -Hr^b 5. (f io- ^ili 15. 115 □ Lesson 6 c: [ S m m m tt nm m # ] 7- ^CÄ 13- 2. 10. SjZjé 15- Hp5 16- Ml£ 11. Än^to 6. 12. ^ft# 18. ^Et «2. |rl§^A^^A^#^0 — ( )[□□+□□] *> i Ť W Ť t) t < U í — ( m/mti/m ) t (□+□□)+□ ] — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] O* mu ru tmu Pí*- O 3 9-ť O/ r pív CD 1 P nu- 5 ?■ nu[i w -M 0 /'/ at Kí n /v O r\ o J \m| IV H nun m KV n OJ B m I * 94- 7* a EU- S cv kí 3,1111 □ I . ^<7)fŕME 1993¥(¥ß!c5¥) 2^193 (bťu) ífe * 75 A £ß »5 tífcÁSO D , « — & EJ « — 73 © A 2> S — O A " © £ — — * Ť A C C S + B« s ts st ■r tŕ tt- s -fc 75 T fe U -íp A 5E Vi ffi T • © ... K S SÄ 0 S 0 71 m m « a* -Igt ss — « u iP ± ■> © ta - a s o -h 0 O H it í: <£ 3 íjs A M Ö t. © O 'y c* * 1 -r-'j. K/ ifiL lľA'^ ^ f)-'VI j fc íg " 7J tt (3: «? ta a A A £o K E> "f -P* O «SAP© t?—. ^ 20074p 1 «286475A 2on^2 1 «304475A 2007*P 2630757000A 2007íp 2617752000A 2025*f© S»Ap 3320751000A 27.283$ 324475A 25.8^ ©«fi« 1997íp 1.499 1994ffs 1.495 í t Ť - A H C . O - A Q C *P B fc s 7j o *a iC - í* • H - O m B i- O -ŤOÍ 0 - 75 _ ßA-CMB-tA CtHSH-fö «aí55+A-x. D (C + ffi /V S "> H E3 ^ 75 — ° ŤL H 75 A E O < akä ä © ~ s -y- © & m Z> MÚ CD (D =.com é, m o ta ä A v> _ - tt s§ c ^ -- fp -t; © S -t-*) _h Al B TU 1993^ 2 Ü 19 h «£ 0 ) IIS äs* ši m m m m it »JHt {hin žfr) □ Lesson 6 m m mm® m m m m mu® m m 120