g, ^-^fS Japanese linguistics, which implies contrast with other languages and which can provide a grammar for foreign people to learn nihongo-gaku Japanese © b *s t -r z> x&m © p ^mvfSMZfflftMMi t-tz ©b*moCfI, 1991) Japanese; the Japanese language national language = -0©[I^Ä^o[q©f LTÄtt native language = SIS mother tongue = ®fo HiS0^«: mmi tfiv^5*-et*<-a©-tis, -rftfr t-croaks JB»# b * AO n Kjfe* ■ LfcOtt, s bkä-^JftSÄIII t V ^ 5 JfcÄäSffi ä, ft o fc k?&20 reai§j of:fS= § a.-^—*/■ ^ WJIffi&iffix.oofcS,, Ä^oTHI&fbfcV^fi, ^iÄ^iiCt^^S £V^§fIÄ©f& qp koku-go ## i^t\-itmm mmmm, mi) ramtn^j (m^±, 1996) Jcfife &# # rr