Zawi Chemi Shanidar •Excavated by Rose Solecki •Site is near Shanidar Cave •On river bank Zawi C huts Zawi Chemi huts And modern hut ZC map-2 Zawi Chemi on river bank ZC map-1 Detail of excavation Zawi Chemi bone handle Zawi Chemi grd stone Zawi Chemi grooved stones ZC bone tools Zawi Chemi bone implements ZC celts ZC stone objects ZC microlithhs ZC stone objects Zawi Chemi lithics and stone objects Karim Shahir •Excavated in ca. late 1950s by Bruce Howe •Dug as example of “Era of incipient agriculture” SAOC cover KS photos of excav KS plot plan Karim Shahir Karim S aerial Topographic setting of Karim Shahir Karim Shahir excav Pebble layer Celts Karim Shahir stone artifacts Ground and polished stone objects KS celts KS lithics-1 Celt varieties KarimShahir lithics KS cores-1 KS cores-2 Karim Shahir unidirectional cores KS stone objects Decorative objects Asiab •Excavated in1960 by Bruce Howe •On river bank near Kermanshah, Iran •Pit structure, ~5 m in diameter •Contained bones of large wild goats •Lithics similar to Karim Shahir •No celts •No grinding stones •Probable hunters’ camp • Asiab-3