Information Literacy Module 3 Information institutions Library services Text study material objective: The aim of the textual support is to acquaint you with basic library services, so that you are able to orient in them and use their advantages not only for your studies. Basic terms: loan services, ILS, IILS, DDS, DDD, EDD, Search services, Reprographic services, Reference services, educational services, document, copy Contents 1 Library services 1. 1 Loan services 1. 2 ILS and IILS 1. 4 Search services 1. 5 Reprographic services 1. 6 Reference (information) services 1. 7 Enabling access to electronic information sources 1. 8 Educational (and cultural) services 1. 9 New library services 2 Concrete steps to take when you want a document 2. 1 I want to borrow a document 2. 2 I want to make a copy 2. 3 I want information Information Literacy Module 3 Information institutions 1 Library services Libraries provide their services in order to satisfy the information needs of their users - readers. 1. 1 Loan services A prerequisite of using loan services is registration in the given library (and acquisition of a reader’s identification card) and getting acquainted with the library rules. Documents are selected via a card or an electronic index, or from free-access books. Loan services are either off-site (you can take the publication away from the library) or on-site (you are only allowed to study the publication inside the library; you may copy it there). Different types of documents have different loan periods (to be found in the library rules). You may extend the loan period before it expires unless the book is required by another reader (reservation). In case you exceed the load period (do not return the book in time), you will be charged a payment for delay (fine). The deadline for returning a document can be checked in the so-called reader account (an overview of loans and requests, loan history, an option of loan extensions, reservations, change of personal data etc.). 1. 2 ILS and IILS ILS (interlibrary loan services) and IILS (international interlibrary loan services) are intended for obtaining documents the given library does not own, either from another Czech or from a foreign library. You will pay for these services in accordance with the library’s price list (see the library rules). The other library lends the document or makes its copy based on an application (sent via post, e-mail, online form). IILS are always charged. 1. 4 Search services You may ask the library to search for certain documents in their internal and external sources (this way you may obtain a list of literature on a given topic, both from Czech and foreign sources). 1. 5 Reprographic services They enable you to copy a document or its part in a copy machine or scanner. 1. 6 Reference (information) services They include answers to queries related to the library (library services, registration, index search, loan service, reservation etc.), information about available sources and their use, bibliographic and factual information, help with problems connected with the search for information. There is a service called Ask your library online where you can submit your query via an electronic form. Hint! When processing your query, it will help the library if you formulate the query as accurately as possible, and add information as to what sources you have already used to get an answer. 1. 7 Enabling access to electronic information sources The library may enable access to the Internet, paid electronic versions of books and periodicals, and specialized paid databases. 1. 8 Educational (and cultural) services Libraries organize various kinds of events according to their area of expertise. Some libraries even offer more specialized trainings (e.g. in the field of electronic sources or information literacy). 1. 9 New library services In order to increase interaction, readers may use the so-called web services 2.0 Among these Information Literacy Module 3 Information institutions services are e.g. blogs, social networks or user-oriented indexes. 2 Concrete steps to take when you want a document 2. 1 I want to borrow a document Find the following information in the library index (electronic or card): Does the library have the document in stock? Is it possible to borrow the document off-site or only on-site? What is the location number of the document? (you will find the document according to this number). As soon as you find this information, proceed as follows: 2. 1. 1 The document is present in the library - according to the instructions above, find out whether you can borrow it off-site (away from the library) or only on-site (in which case you may only read it inside the library, usually in the study room). 2. 1. 2 The document is lent out If the required document is lent out, you may book (reserve) it electronically, directly in the index. 2. 1. 3 The library does not own the document You may take advantage of the interlibrary loan service or the international interlibrary loan service. 2. 2 I want to make a copy You may copy or scan the library’s materials for your own use (pursuant to the copyright law). In case you do not know how to operate the copy machine or scanner, ask the library staff for help. You can either make a copy (in a copy machine) or apply for a copy via ILS; you can also make an electronic copy (via a scanner or the DDS service - Document Delivery Services). 2. 3 I want information 2. 3. 1 Information on the library Most information is found on the library’s website. Information on the library and its services will be provided directly in the library, too - ask the reference services staff. 2. 3. 2 Other information Ask the reference services staff for help; they will direct you on to your information target. Summary In this textual support you have got acquainted with basic library services and ways to get library documents.