Information Literacy Module 5 Electronic information sources I - 1 Electronic information sources I The topic of EIS is very broad; therefore, we have divided it. In this module we will explain the categorization of electronic information sources, and deal with libraries’ electronic indexes. You will need the knowledge you acquired in the module How to search for information. Basic terms: Electronic information source - EIS - a source of information stored in electronic form Electronic index - an index containing entries in machine-readable form Union catalogue - a catalogue of a group of libraries sharing one automated library system and a catalogue within the framework of this system Bibliographic entry - a collection of data on a given document, created by means of specific library methods. Physical and content description of a document allows for its identification. ISBN - international standard book number assigned to books and other publications for the purpose of their unambiguous international identification and the identification of their publishers. ISSN system - international standard serial number assigned to documents for the purpose of their unambiguous international identification. Location number - a numeric or alphanumeric expression indicating the place where a given library unit is stored in the library stock. Contents 1. MODULE INTRODUCTION 2. THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION 2. 1 EIS TYPES AND EXAMPLES 3. TIPS AND HINTS ON HOW TO DEAL WITH EIS 4. ELECTRONIC LIBRARY INDEXES 4. 1 THE CONTENTS OF AN ELECTRONIC INDEX 5. UNION LIBRARY CATALOGUES 5. 1 UNION CATALOGUE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC (CASLIN) 5. 2 CZECH NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 5. 3 ARTICLES FROM CZECH NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS AND ANTHOLOGIES-ANL 5. 4 UNIFORM INFORMATION GATEWAY 5. 5 KARLSRUHE VIRTUAL CATALOGUE KVK 6. MODULE SUMMARY Information Literacy Module 5 Electronic information sources I - 2 You use and surely will continue to use electronic information sources both during your studies and in everyday life. This topic is very broad, and it is therefore divided into three modules. In this module you will be acquainted with the basic concepts, and will learn what electronic information sources (hereinafter EIS) are. You will learn to work with electronic indexes of one or more libraries, see that there are interfaces for the search in more indexes at once, and that indexes offer web services 2.0. This text will help you in the process of learning new information and will expand the interactive lecture. 1. MODULE INTRODUCTION This text will provide you with basic theoretical information on electronic information sources and with practical demonstrations of electronic indexes. You have surely seen electronic indexes of libraries before; can you really search in them effectively, though? We believe that this module will help you find satisfactory entries in a shorter period of time. 2. THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION What can we imagine under the concept of EIS? Let us start with the term database, which is defined as a set of information, a data file on a memory medium. We can picture a database as a filing cabinet or a card index, which is its predecessor. EIS are (same as conventional printed sources) sources/resources of information. They are stored in electronic form and are available, above all, in computer network environment or via memory media (e.g. on CD-ROMs, DVDs). 2. 1 EIS TYPES AND EXAMPLES There are various viewpoints on the EIS division. From the viewpoint of types, we distinguish among  online catalogues (e.g. library catalogues),  subject portals,  digital libraries,  e-books,  e-journals... From the viewpoint of technical accessibility, we distinguish between  online access and  offline access. From the viewpoint of thematic and subject division, we distinguish between  single-subject sources and  multi-subject (polythematic) sources. Information Literacy Module 5 Electronic information sources I - 3 - 3. TIPS AND HINTS ON HOW TO DEAL WITH EIS Before you enter an online catalogue, a database or another EIS, you should know what you want to search for. It will pay off if you devote some time to analysis and think about the following:  topic,  time delimitation,  language limitation,  geographic limitation,  keywords. 4. ELECTRONIC LIBRARY INDEXES A library index is an ordered catalogue (list) containing basic bibliographic data on a given library’s stocks, and information on the location of individual copies. It may be either a list of stocks of one library or a so-called union catalogue, which contains stocks of more libraries. Card indexes have been replaced by electronic indexes. However, entries to be found only in card indexes still exist. 4. 1 THE CONTENTS OF AN ELECTRONIC INDEX 1. Bibliographic data Descriptive data, formal data on a certain monograph, journal, article, e-book etc. owned by a particular library. Descriptive data are the following:  Author,  Title,  Publisher,  Length,  ISBN, ISSN. 2. Bibliographic entry A collection of data describing documents. In the case of library indexes, it also contains location data, i.e. information as to the location of a particular title and its copies. A bibliographic entry contains only reference (descriptive) information, not full texts. Example (location data) Information Literacy Module 5 Electronic information sources I - 4 - 5. UNION LIBRARY CATALOGUES Union library catalogues are important information resources. In the following section, you will get acquainted with some of them in greater detail. However, not all union catalogues are listed here. 5. 1 UNION CATALOGUE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC (CASLIN) It contains data on documents stored in the stocks of Czech libraries and institutions. The entries retrieved will give you information on availability and the library or libraries where you can borrow the required document, that is ask your library for a loan via ILS. 5. 2 CZECH NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY It is an important information resource containing entries on documents issued in the Czech Republic. 5. 3 ARTICLES FROM CZECH NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS AND ANTHOLOGIES – ANL A union database of selected articles and essays found in periodical documents issued in the Czech Republic. The system is being gradually expanded. 5. 4 UNIFORM INFORMATION GATEWAY The UIG portal enables users to search through various Czech and foreign sources from one point and by means of one search query. The list of sources is published at (link). Unlike the Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic, it searches through some foreign library catalogues as well. 5. 5 KARLSRUHE VIRTUAL CATALOGUE KVK Have a look at the union catalogue of German, Austrian, Swiss and other foreign libraries. It works in a similar way to UIG. Information Literacy Module 5 Electronic information sources I - 5 - 6. MODULE SUMMARY In this module you became acquainted with the basic categorization of electronic information sources. You have learned what an electronic index is, and you have learned to use it both for search and for other services. You have learned of the existence of union catalogues and other search tools. Points to remember: If you need to find out whether a document can be found in a particular library, search in the electronic index of the given library. In case the document is relatively old, go to the library website and check since when its electronic index has existed. If you want to find out whether the document is anywhere at Masaryk University, search in the MU union catalogue. If you search for a document in any library, use the Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic or UIG or Czech National Bibliography, or any other union catalogue.