VIKERA08 Creative Information Work

Survey tools

Survey tools

This week we bring you a material focused on online interviewing. Surveys are often an important part of semester papers or even diploma theses; therefore, the knowledge of the work with survey tools is a must for all students. This text is focused on the use of online methods while collecting and administering questionnaire data. It discusses some basic methodological problems connected with, above all, the returnability of online questionnaires. It presents and compares some concrete tools which may be applied not only for study purposes.

At the completion of the module you should:

  • know useful applications for the collection of data (voting, polls and surveys),

  • be able to orient in the offer of available online applications and software,

  • be able to define the advantages and disadvantages of online interviewing,

  • be able to describe the factors affecting the returnability of online questionnaires.


You need two hours and half for the study of this module.


Study material



Recommended bibliography

Survs (

SurveyGizmo (

SurveyMonkey (

Polldaddy ( (


You will get an assignment with feedback in this module, i.e. a task to do.

 Your task will be to create a simple questionnaire in the tool of your choice, and briefly assess the chosen tool. It is not the objective of this module to teach you what a questionnaire should look like as far as its methodological aspects are concerned; its objective is for you to try and create a simple questionnaire. Write a brief annotation (with a maximum of 1,000 characters), mentioning how you liked the work with the tool + think of 3 positive and 3 negative aspects of the tool.


Send your homework to e-mail till 6. 5. 2012 23.59.