As you proceed with the course, you have reached a stage when you will have to present the outcomes of your work. Whether it is a presentation in a seminar, a diploma thesis defence, or a presentation at work or in a project team, it is always important to handle the presentation well. In this module we will focus on the presentation of information, or in other words on the creation of presentations.
At the completion of the module you should:
- be able to define the presentation structure
- be able to describe the formal and content proprieties of a presentation
- be able to use the formal elements correctly while creating a presentation
Key concepts
Presentation structure, Formal proprieties of a presentation, Content of a presentation, Creation of a presentation, Presentation tools
Study material
You will again get an assignment with feedback in this module.
Your task will be to create a presentation. You can choose your tool - it may also be a tool not mentioned in the study material. The topic selection is entirely up to you - you can choose an informal topic, as well as a topic related to your study field. Your presentation will have the minimum of 5 windows/slides, while you will observe all the formal proprieties. Upload your completed presentation in the Homewrok valuts (Presentation) to 13. 5. 2012 in the .ppt or .pptx or .pdf format, or as a link (you can insert a link by means of the Earth symbol on the toolbar).