^m± rs*-;i*5oo basic kanji bookj «rt (vol.2 ) xhh0 Ltztf*? x, s*w£ff*^\ ^j§m 0 t [si B# C, * m n 11 iotU v * & h fz46(:(i, h'X h'T^Sitt±^'o T^ < M*(734", titzlf (if:x.T!5 L^ £ T- U I £ ± lf 4 ^ t (Z h h X\ (, »6 V t£ t it * '/£ £ X £ L T ^ tz tz § £ l > t .19 o £ &\ cDSt^tK Ztz-tf>tz^*%iLi<*i) * - fir* I @ ^ (Table of Contents) II P- 23 Hobbies 1 I ? I a 1 ft I S fe e n * i3 1 T.V. Programs 9 24 life] -4- RttWfijft Verbs -4- Opposite Actions & a ig £ & it iä & ff it ig ^ 12 11 Writing a Schedule 1 20 25 Ip it it Wedding Ceremonies rS ii 21 Review Lessons 21 — 25 L2\-L25<7)m&/ [$mtiSL(2)) (287) 31 26 Japan's Four Seasons iff. % 12 35 © Greeting Cards New Year Cards), etc. 43 27 m& -2- ft* Affixes -2- : Jobs * H 12 45 © Occupations 54 28 Test Questions i I * I g |Bl I i i ^ 55 ^ P* 12 © Copypaper HCfiffl^^v^- 63 29 it m An Entrance Examination It & ffi&f£*-&t&£ 55 X. . 64 51 £ 12 © How to Fill in a Form 72 30 SBf -5- ^^tR Radicals -5- m #f & S IT ä£ M ;ik 10 73 81 Review Lessons 26 — 30 L26-L30COÜ^/ [fflft • ■ im) (345) II If p- 31 m & Travel m m m m m « m m & ?e # ,t. 12 85 © Pamphlets 93 32 Means of Transportation m. is m £ « ^ m s§ & a 1: 12 94 Timetables 102 33 Signs # !l »J ü § ö3 ^ * H ia 10 104 © Signs on Doors v>5v^& ft • -*M y 112 34 General Terms for Tools and Utensils ^ i I ?f ffl l& ft i It 10 113 © Department Store 121 35 Economic Terminology 10 123 Review Lessons 31 — 35 L31-L35COfl^/ C!5flSj£(3)] (399) 130 36 Kanji for Feelings >i> m m m a ^ i i s # 10 133 © Parts of the Body HI ■ IW • Ifi • ^ • 142 37 mm - 5 -g•m Verbs -5- Vi-Vt fs it n & ffi s& gij * 3fe w Ä 11 144 © Kanji Lettering 153 38 %mm -3-Adjectives -3- 10 154 © Washing Instructions 163 III 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ?s m m öx 7c fi£ fit Airport 10 Names of Countries Geograpical Features P- 1641 1172 Ii t I S ¥ S M, 10 '173 Review Lessons 36 — 40 Kanji Compound -2- L36-L40l^co«^^ 81* 3; (H») reflect TO-t O) l n n 0 B^ Sft(oo)^) to be reflected B!ft:S(x.v> • jj?) a movie l(^)t to reflect ±Bft ( £ I 1 • X.V>) to show ( a movie ) picture Kanji strokes (8) —"■ r n s 3 J. JL H^JHO- • (iA, • a Japanese painting MW-iff • >W a painter MM iff ■ &A,) a screen (TV/computer) Mgk( < • "t~ 7 ) stroke count number ? copy project ^o--t (5) ; T 2£(-9 0)& to be photographed ^^(L^'LA.) a photograph ^("5 "^)"t~ to copy, to take ( a photograph ) 252 253 254 — 2 — Lesson 23 m* % true, genuine just, exact í/to- y> (10) — 1 t *£cM£ • J • fcri*) midnight *a(L^ • (9) truth |tfi(S (o) • L^) realwhite K$0( L A, • tt A,) & serious 0 sound (9) v 1 % ia (&<{:) sound, noise 5ii3 ((±o • & A,) pronunciation (& L • Jo enjoyable ^SKfcA, ■ :**<) music ^(/cC0)Lti> to enjoy ^(f><)& easy, comfortable ingredients fee, fare (10) f r J: "9 • ^) cooking <£ 9 • c> A/) a fee, a charge • ^ ll) ingredients WMOfA, ■ <0 l l) raw material — 3 — Lesson 23 259 < a, t>H^ (am) unite assemble <-tr V <*/-<** (11) < *n fa ft. (<) friiih) £>■& a combination a group, a set #&(tfA,- <*&) a (tv) program ffit(^ • L£) organization 260 ffl think fancy jo & - 7 (9 1 n m 0 5 9 to think S(J5^)V^(/-i)1- to recall .a(i3fc)v>ai(-C) a memory ( L • d ^ • £ <) thinking power color feature (6) n 1 ! 1 fe(v>6) color /SfeOf/v- L i. < ) primary colors 7jcfe(^-f • l^) light blue #fe(t< ■ L £ < ) a characteristic j 261 white confess L^-v^ (5) h 6 262 Ö ( L-6) white color fi(L5)V> white Ö.ft(f± < • *j i -)) a swan filftdi < ■ L) blank paper — 4 — Lesson 23 t > 3 5 (H&) black < 6 (11) 1 n T m e E E H ( < 6) black color M(<^>)l> black m(z < • U.) a profit, surplus (±*A,) a blackboard red &^-v> (7) W(hir)^^ red • u» a deficit if-{hfr)1o*?L a baby /^jf (-£ # • t"-) ) the equator -—-,---—---■ . —--—--,_ 2-2. WLHWm 1. Sf 2. J^Ltf 3. 4. MSU> 5. 6. 7. Iv> 8. it 9. fe ' -loT 11. 12. BfcH#^ 13. f4i- ' 14. ^-t, ^ ^ — 5 — Lesson 23 to 9. &\fiHZ&\,*W n i ? o 4. music 5. sound 6. enjoyable *A A?< fcSO — 6 — Lesson 23 7. comfortable 8. a program 9. to think 10. a memory 9 11. color 12. white snow 13. a black cloud 14. a red flower < h < 4) *A> Ii4 n. nizxztotems£xti%zv>0 1. black and white < 3 4. a photographer LA- 2. a baby ^ ^ 5. a musician &A AK ^ 3. a fee hi H 6. a painter 7 — Lesson 23 (A Dream) LV>„ 7^>£tfcAA\ |lSA$ AC0(5fctA>L*^o t? ! j *t*— r a date Z}lfi-£& to shave oneself &/4s< to polish 7>kf—x a one-piece dress -lAtH"^ to be crowded a wall A — K mood 7 > wine a cheek g £o,K£> to shut one's eyes I^t|ot~ to make bold to do~, to dare to -^^ a bell ^ v K a bed 2. ^A(A4JIA$A<7)in:fr< fttHA fiT£L£ LAt^0 3. *a?$A[ifpJfe(7)7 > LAA0 5. >I<7)AA>'(i* ;'• $ A t it o - AA § £ t ,Sv ^ AA0 — 8 — Lesson 23 www.nhk.or.jp 066066 1] 00 ElO/0ti€5|g^ MA i i^&m&woio tf^rmmtt 2961499 ff9& 1 7?P3 234 78760 • *^ • 3*cM • Ail! 7j — w- 16 :£GJ9§® 6718147 so soT^mts iM^m M*ffll«> 3551154 3.0511]«« 9230068 4.00#.&®28 1411616 4.45^0^!^ 5421155 www.nhk.or.jp 0OIUKS;fcSHI 5471654 /0 :/Ui"!tof§ 3002876 f% 25i^rftMAX mtmM 2329050 25 50 www.ntv.co.jp/ OOlsjST—* • -hZlllISH - fuMl 300499 25@,>W:X;7 — )l> • 2311031 SsSCDBSJi: 789 ^^^rTJ 228692 45m&mm s 45 62741 OS]fI8**4 760 30[u@feo-pn rT-^u^r O^*?*!- 62370 r klv5t»7^3J mm 316050 mCD^® 9308708 3om^^^/)v -.m^s^^ te^U-eS 62334 0. oom+t-f a. >X Z E R o OHU^^ 7603074 1.00M¥jmim 2202616 /.30 Wi£Ea 9957987 2. oosia»©2om»isi "*bj*wj VjSftJ^OJ 6691513 2.50ffiOo< d« .sast. ®t£©-/Kl3a> 3555906 3.50 H^'AiH 8165426 4.20fflgmim 1401884 4.50 /hni)^ 8305161 75"? ! ffipDDC*o^O 452673 00 ffimsZCD-MM -17sh<- V»^^ 822741 58 &€> ! &A,&mMff NA<£^<£?S£;W*N?» ■^-sfrtetV/ 12172302 03^iAcP«-y-X^ >X*II» rise^^is •« unjft£>© 5 e^Fg^ss (, VcQ^©^l1g©itg?& mm—mm ~msm m^m^ i\\±m&& mzmyzm 471708 is @ ©^ g a w^ra /o.54^t^A^ mmuiR 1 ?B347j ©SfilJi®® 8»s.» 20724437 //.24iaajsegt iiift&ft? *wx*s-^* ©«SL fiim.?g70%M^'i'^#J V58r^MAX ! VS)&&M, ! 59733532 0.231s];h f 10&H%® fpDCm« 4357971 0.53Hl^ —n EH-U^ffi— 2182141 /.23!sig:-x+ ! 1705987 /.28r-D^A/ffi 4993513 /.58 IRRl'i rtST&dM 38609277 4./8 NNN24 6088432 2003-f• 11H18 HI.f m H ffM ^ W — 9 — Lesson 23 O i*3i*3£IE# Z- j- " X news [f^j ^^"J'fl* ("C A/ ^ X H "9 ) weather forecast [Zz] .I! ^ glHn ( ^ ^ - < - ) bilingual [^Pl ^C^fe^ ( & -) ^ ^ ) teletext broadcasting ]S| Xr 1/t stereo HI lap %M.1&y& (£ L®7 sound multiplex broadcasting l^l (Lti>fc>) sign language |pp r?Sfcj£ ( £ V * (1 7 T ) rebroadcast [«M] i. i*hj±, w^ft>^mdit*. 3. ttfro 6. & £i±t'(om&£ JLx (area) OfffflWr Hf#ffiS4:l."r<^ t L i 9 . 10 — Lesson 24 | £52411 I Ji7h 1 US - 4- JSftCDiJfE (Opposite Actions) 7..z, ivmxm&t&mmmm^xtc AL JM 1$ ta ft m r.*.-<-Dfr [ ] — 11 — Lesson 24 U t'7 L tz i"9 L O ilil^ffelAPl (Intransiti ve Verbs and Transitive Verbs) <~t5j Vi> (to get up, to happen) So (to stand up) (to turn, to be bent) (to begin) (to finish) <~fr ~£ Vt> (to wake, to cause (to set up something (to bend something) (to begin something) (to finish something) — 12 — Lesson 24 -*-+Egsi(7)Ä*atí 2- i. >1^(7)#£^ rise initiate fc-cii- do) * 2§ to get up, to rise 1Z> to happen, to occur J§(Jo) to cause, to wake someone up • to stand up sleep fa-fr-t (13) N r r r f s? i(l (fa) h to sleep ( L A/ ■ L ) a bedroom to put (a child)to sleep :g:n¥( LA/- /i^- L ^) a sleeping car [ play, fun . wander (12) > m. ffi(íbÝ)^ to play )Sll|ife(^ 9 ■ X-A/-"^) an amusement park (£>-?")£/ play, recreation 265 266 267 — 13 — Lesson 24 3; mil) stand establish 7t-o 'J7 ; tz-Xh Hi ■ \ w w 1 J \L(tz)-o to stand ®jZ(>I< • tyo) national ±^{tzh - l£) a standpoint &JZl(L ■ ^) private 269 seat (10) r p &(tt>)2> to sit a seat IEJ!*i* • to sit up straight; to sit in the formal Japanese style fit use (8) f it i -9 to use, to employ {tiffl ( L • £ i)~t & to use f^(o75")v^(/ii/^) way of using/directions for use (V ^ • L) an ambassador begin start liC-lÖZ (8) 4 ft j i *p(liC)S^ tostart Hfl&(5H> • L)f4 to begin t&(lit)?>2> to start something $p|§(L-li-^) the first train — 14 — Lesson 24 N end fc-x.& (11) f r $r(io)t>Z> to end L v 1 • "CA,) the last train to finish something L # ■? • XA,) the terminus lend rent (12) / i fWt to lend, to rent *> ^ • /iv^)v > -> a y a rental jfdfr1) Ltfl {ti) L loaning out condomunium # borrow rent (10) I r fW')>)4 to borrow fgfffl* (L * < • I l • L jt) an IOU fflf&(L*o • a debt return back frz.-t (7) r 3&05>X.)1~ to return jlfg^A, • L/Uf" h to reply (by letter) M^-i^A, • £) an answer il-^(^A. • to return, to pay back — 15 — Lesson 24 ü* 35 (ma.) send *i<-4 V? (9) s * j£(fc<)£ to send j^S'J^(-?■■)• • ^V>) a farewell party .ILj£(& " -fc < ) & to see someone off 7 • 0 7. ^S^A: < TJ^i-tfAALA^^ lotftl^I^Ltc 2-3. m%mm I. DCt^ t -5 &il^£A;ri&$i>o 1. to start (learning) Japanese 2. to finish one's work *bh ft** t- - lit' *? . to lend a car 4 . to rent a room 5. 5. to pay back 4- < hi A 6. to get up 7. to sleep 8. to stand 9. to sit on a chair 10. to play hi 11. to use chopsticks (iL* 12. to send a package to *< 17 Lesson 24 1- the last train 2. a sleeping car 3. a seat 4 . a reply n LA, 4. a national university 6. loaning out t ^A, U 7. to see someone off Z< *jo fi^ #< 4> £ & fc< the opening ceremony 9. the closing ceremony 10. an embassy L ^ n f j: -5 L£ l. ^«i^M, r-tfxiicn^v^LLT, rri zi±^&t>h0 4. L*o£A,fcfrx.-f fciol*, abSfc^T^Cb J;4taÜt?t±^fj^-C^S-tc — 18 — Lesson 24 ■I7h 3 'aft <-H<7)£>£> Read the following interview script and fill in the chart below. -Y > ? kf i 7 - r&WA *,£iti=V$fflZ^tztzliiti)\j SWA rliv^D in-rzlx Aj A^'iT- ri;oi±, £&fcw-B wAffi (-£i>Ao) (:o^ti> < o^R^lc^T^ SWA r(i*0j S«A rA?-eAA0 7S#r^A£0j An'ir- rD3^:(ioj SWA rti^oj An\7- r-e\ j3ft»i±MB#r«»toi) it^oj -f>?H\x7- rA&A ^^^0(i7BfAr^-C-A^oj SWA rv>.A ^-C^tr^^T'Jf /:i>tv>9S|t^:i;o*.f Utt << > ? kf j. 7 - r')§^LXfrhmZ> iX^m^t/^^Z t £ LT^i-fA SWA r^)0 xUHAE/^AHIA/i^Atao -f>n'i7- r-c\ wr^stt^j SWA Ac^-Cv^llUf r^-CAtacj A^"^- Af^WHi;ii:&l^U &A Al^'t a lover) &t>£^U If:*?," h LX (to idle one's time away) l^Jt -{ > 9 HA 7 - rtA t & AA n r A j 'oj J oj -o j [M] ±^ (Al a chart) K£#*B#ffi, £ttA&£ &B#PBA **A£0# — 19 — Lesson 24 < 4liW (A Schedule) > 2 M FEB. sa 14 -45 8 9 in 11 12 J 2 3 4 S h 7 K 9 10 11 121» IS " 1 U MON 8 4 10 11 i2 1 J ;t 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (I 12 16m ■17 i* 9 10 1112 1 2 3 4 S P 7 ft 9 10 1 1 12 is m 17* K 'i 10 1 1 1 I 2 .1 * '> I' 7 8 9 10 11 1Z 18:: f ? 19* 20sf ■■.I meeting submission return □•ft (t5?o L kj> < ) a training camp fftJCiOMH Useful words start finish getting up going to bed Lesson 25 h 1 B^CDISÜÄ (Japanese Wedding Ceremonies) [fD (Japanese style) (Western style) 7E«fciÖ x -o ^afclS "CfD^/E! (the schedule up to the wedding) (arranged marriage) |^£^^J arrangement I_ (love marriage) m % love ft] \ engagement (^W-}) a betrothal gift ^f^KWfo an engagement ring #p&t^ ^ wedding ceremony — 21 — Lesson 25 (V) j means 'Japanese'. See the following words. flJÄ (fr L §) ^<) Lo) Li) Li <) • L) Japanese style Japanese clothes = Sr^ Japanese style room Japanese books Japanese food Japanese sweets Japanese poetry with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables (3 9) J means 'Western'. (<£ -5 • L £) Western style M$ U 7 • ^ <) Western style clothes #11 (<£ "9 • L^>) Western style room (J;-9 • Li) foreign books (£1 • Li <) Western food '^H^ («£ -) • #J • L) a cake #7@ • Ln>) foreign liquors B$?@((ltiA,- #H («t -9 • a foreign film <-» fUMiMl (A gift) A special envelope with a ceremonial red and white cord is used to L ) Japanese liquors Japanese film make a monetary gift. You write r$P;i:£ (fcV^foO, a gift) j or r^f ( Z. h £'c£, felicitations) j and your name on the envelope. You may use an envelope with a gold or a silver cord, but the left edge of the envelope must always be red. You should not use a similar kind of envelope which has a green or grey edge, as this is used to make an offering of money to departed spirits. People write rMW.Wl (3"tlP -t?/v, to before the spirit of the departed)j on the envelope and offer it at funerals. — 22 — 2-1. m^vmzjj Lesson 25 < ^ «t * * > a ^ (®&) /he connect ' conclude (12) i r & ** fä(tsi~)& to bind, to connect fäfä (lj-d • Z A.) marriage Infra Oto • hL) aconclusion g*((to • a result ^ wedding (11) K ij fämOt-o ■ ZA,)tZ> to get married $r^Mr( L/l • d/^ • I? j; • d) (CI• <) 1"£ to get engaged a honeymoon separate li^-ti^ 'J li^-t (19) >- fir ft 1 n it HI (!i &) tl £ to separate ( 0 • d ^) 1" h to divorce Ü((i&)"f to part, to detach SUSt• 0 ) separation — 23 — Lesson 25 % seat (10) r J* f a seat ta^S(L-tv>• -£§) a reserved seat ajJS?(Li»o •to attend ^ ($"•-££) a seat defect lack ^- < ( 4) 1-7 ft(rt>)lt& to be missing, to be short of ft^Oto • T/v) a fault fcJSOto • -££)t& to be absent previous preparatory a (4) :?5e( 1 • "C^) a schedule, a plan («fc • < )i~& to reserve Jisi^W-iX A, • £ • et • \lo ) a weather forecast a fix settle Ztz-tbh (8) Is - Li <) a set meal $EJt("£v> • v^) an admission limit 5e£I(T<^ • §) a commuter's pass — 24 — Lesson 25 < Ä, «fc & t>3; (jg&) ocean occidental (9) N / «.\ / w / / M# -7) the West (t i • I i) the East, the Orient m$(ll Western clothes J; ■? • Li <) Western food ceremony formula, style (6) j£(L£) a ceremony, a formula $^ff^;( Ito • -^ • L § ) a wedding • L§) a formula jEÄOtfV» • L£) & formal, official peace sum, Japanese (8) / f fa • fr) peace fflÄ(fr • Li () Japanese food fP(fo) harmony, sum, total fHflg(t?-^<) Japanese kimono vivid vigor * 7 / * y -(9) X % V / / £ffi(-t*V • life, living fg!6(ji»o • active f§^(^o • L) printed type (^0 • t'n) activity — 25 — Lesson 25 2-2. m&wm 1. 2. tfjirt* 3. frffi-tz 4. ffi^ 5. 6. 7. jjjfss^T^ 8. mm-tz 9. io. 2. ffili-^ffUHtj&Lfco 5. ^^s-ar^ib, ^H^tfo/co 6. Mli#ti:Lit^\ IfltCLJt^o 7. jft § /e^C LS"fo I'll have the fixed menu with grilled fish. 8 &l±3% 5C-^fti:«I^T4ffiLtV»ito I live away from my father and mother. — 26 — Lesson. 25 2-3. wznw 1. marriage 2. divorce 3. to attend Ito »3 -A L KP o It-5 4. to be absent 5. Western food and Japanese food 6. the East and the West Ifcf t 7. a fixed menu 8. a schedule 9. life, living 10. a ceremony «k "CO -t+O fro 1. to tie a string 2. to leave the country 3. activity fo"t < <_ \tU fro £'■? 4. Western books 5 . Western liquor 6 . Western style Li 10. a conclusion 11. a result Olffl 12. an engagement 13. a honeymoon (to ^ 14. an admission limit 15. a reserved seat 16. to reserve L X^ -t+# et ^< in. o^jtKit?ii?^«otti^i^$t> 3. ^^ItoiAtJitv^t, 4. -£/Ufo-£i,> Lg {Z I? ^ L-C, &£fro£{± — 28 — L/:^LSoti>Jt„ -tire, jpJ^fc«v^^0-rtf^^v^^1-^\ B*A m^0 rfJB& (-tfA,*) * <)j etc. @$SB(§-fro)w*v^o : r$ < ££l± I;** LA0j r$ti-v^B7)foA§i i-frtKj etc. rv^^?iJ-t^Ltr-f^0j etc. rA" L%U>£iLtzA\ H/ivA^ Woj etc. : r£Tj rt;6tjitAfeJ6A £0^(news), ^(question), jofaAV (request), £ ft ^ (thanks), & A(apology), L 1 -? (invitation) ta t" ri3@(;AA4W^^LAALTV^1-0j r£ «t 1 £bj etc. ®3Mft£ tif: rmn ((t^C)j (-eUAj etc. — 30 — Lesson 25 a- < U Kb o nun......i................... m m ............i........nun..... Review Lessons 21 — 25 n:&7& mm m$. (#ow (i)^ at)^ (in #(fo &m mm mm mm & &m M (f)l *na; A: £u> Iv^ v:|b§^ g£ 5:0 wm-th mm-th ^£1-* — 31 — Lesson 25 !Š$f J& (2) Word Structure I. *Dg0 Ex. ± 1. AL O 2. fe£Z> 3. 4. tB /£ 5. IS *£ 6. fD ^ 7. Ml ± 8. & & 9. a 10. ^ ^ T 11. « 1- 12. tu h 13. 14. ft 15. & 16. S 17. £ 18. Jfc 19. 4k 20. if tl — 34 — Lesson 26 I I 0-~y h 1 0^(7)29^ (Japan's Four Seasons) There are four seasons in Japan ; spring, summer, autumn and winter. Memorize these Kanji with the corresponding adjectives. — 35 — Lesson 26 spring (9) #0±&) spring $53^ ( L t?> A- • A,) 0) B the vernal equinox day #f/fc(li<2> • -^1~)& spring holidays W^K-^1 • L ^ A.) youth summer (10) rT IT 1" ¥ -7 H ]E(&o) summer ^"JKtlv^ • fy) a cool summer Hffc(&"3 • summer holidays autumn (9) f **. autumn H&$c(!i*A, • I, *9> ") ) late autumn $C53* ( L »0 0 •^A^'OB the autumnal equinox day 288 289 290 — 36 — Lesson 26 winter (5) / s 4*-(*k#>) winter 8$c%-(fzAs • tn) a mild winter &.fo{&\fip • winter holidays hot ( for climate) (12) 1 n i k k IK^)^)^ hot H 41 (LJ:-*>i$-9-^-i^) a summer greeting card fH&^>)$ heat, hotness hot ( for things ) (15) + * pi hot fever, heat ^'iMfoo " LA,)& eager, enthusiastic cold ( for climate ) (12) s 1 iff lS($tf)v» cold M'3= (Hit) cold (for things) l>-*?t (7) / <£(o«ö)£v> cold, cool l$m(tV<* ' air-cooling -^"t" to cool, to refrigerate '<%M.J$-(tl^^ ■ -iri • -I) a refrigerator A warm (for climate) (13) i n B B b' B* B* B* * b£ fä(äbtztz)fr^ warm ^®(Jb^ • tzh)'% warm, mild mmitzA, ■ heating Vfe&itzA, • t 7) a mild winter /JUL warm ( for things) $>tztz-ih $>tztz-fr^ *> htztz-^h (12) N / / OA / /tn /im /jm. iMiiäbtztz) 7H> warm f^'Sif(fc^-joA,- (t^)a clinical thermometer 7ml§E(io/i • Lo) a greenhouse SI (-fe A • -tir^) a hot spring cool refreshing f-f- L 'J 3 ^ (11) \ N N > ..* / )> L1^ cool WJ1,(I9 n • -*0 ) a cool breeze :I«B 4. WLV^M 5. P^^h 6. <£fc^7k 7. S^x--/ 8. A^W> 9. j^db£ II. o£-<7)i|^ff^££>(^£^#£&$^0 3, g(±^0j&^£Lv>pjfMf£/^o 4. $^<7) 0 W£M i>hZ>a air-conditioning and heating 6. S> **, *-0 to take your temperature 8. B*At±5£>#i/>B#% #+^V»Wf±**§ £#< o to write cards to inquire after each other's health 2-3. *2*fg i. nK-cztizm^ixtitiz^o 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 5. a cool day liS ££? ^«J> -f-f 6. a hot day 7. hot tea 8. a cold room 9. cold water V>£5 0 *>* OA . a warm house 11 . warm food 12 . the wea htztz htztz tz XL — 40 — Lesson 26 1. four seasons I, m> A- L© o t *) 2 . summer holidays 3 . winter holidays 4. the vernal equinox 5. the autumnal equinox 6. the Milky Way L K6 ? «£A< CO 7 . air-cooling and heating 8 . to cool 'sake' in the refrigerator t 1. ( ) n-c £ t 9 fcil^fcAfUfrSV 1. ^-W^O^ii, ( ) *ifcc 5. ( ) ( ) <^s\ ( ) r^£> ( T A J J: li i * £ SO 0- i h t.: — 41 — Lesson 26 V h 3 o^Ji'^-C, T^i {Vll a chart) AttT < £$v> * 1 months events ie n B^Kitmn (§-£o) 0. iftfc rK^j (L£) ti^io =.M > *^l|5 a season -£(^•9 We call ~ ~ ~ & ~ and ~ and so on $)hc\h here and there fi= (fcd&) fr;7x& to be held h$ (l-§) four seasons ~-C*4 = ~t*/X"t is~ 7ej1, flower viewing M moon viewing a tournament, a meeting i&Tj a district IE ft (Ln t5s'o) the first days of the New Year Lesson 26 H#Ali, JEM (Ln^) K^fi# (taA,**t i -9 a New Year's card), (7)#V^B#IC#^£|S| (Li*)H)-)ASl'1 a mid-summer greeting) COli^^ m B * ft ft UOOl # fc *> -f- ^ $ A1 7c 2 ^ - ^ *> « *>■ *> tt ti -5 7c CD flf IS SS W o $ & & * t Li J T T O $ ff L -4' 3 *> £ t* ft • ° 9 o ? ■a *9I (*) A Happy New Year SiE (t4*L j: i), etc. B^^cf3 ( £ < faA-*> * 1 ) during the last year fctfrfS *) J Lfc Thank you for your assistance. (fc#0 o$ (i>i) l±lfi-f polite form of i5fgv>Li1" ^f*R i) polite form of (all of you) itzZo) great happiness £#f (v>co) f)>/^-Lf1" I wish, I pray TtKifflLtzA,) New Year's Day, the 1st of January -jggt (^o^> <) co-l £ to be active jo7W#"C by everyone's favor, thanks to you Jo>9=B# time, when (t$)V>) T ( Please take care of yourself. — 43 — Lesson 26 < + — 3t Twelve Animals Used as Names of Years> 1. i1 (ta) = a mouse 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2. ("9 L) = * a cow 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 3. (th) = it a tiger 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 4. 5P (?) = a rabbit 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 5. (fco) = Hi a dragon 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 6. E W = a snake 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 7. = m a horse 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 8. * ) - ^ a sheep 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 9. = m a monkey 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 10. B (t *)) = .% a bird 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 11. = ± a dog 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 12. M = a wild boar 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 s n ( 1 ) A¥(iW (£K t'L) X~tfr0 (2) ^aim (Kiit'D tt^o — 44 — Lesson 27 h 1 JgJrfGD)!^ - 2- ft* (Occupations) For expressing one's occupation the following suffixes are used. — ^ (L^) = IS (v\ medicine) +# a doctor IB# = 12 record) +# a reporter = ^ (t5j<, study) + ^ a scholar 5jf2u# = Wf^S Ot A- £ H> 7 , research) a researcher tfcW^" = ffcW J: ^ ^ < , education) +^ an educator — ^ {L$>) Hfc#-= f: song) a singer = & (H, throw) a pitcher = il select) a player 'MMi^ = (^^"C^, drive) a driver — J| (v^A.) iHM = IS (£*, conference) a member of an assembly irm = 1r (x.^, station) + JI a station employee /SM = /£ ("CA,, shop) +M a shop clerk ASM — IS (-£A, ship) + Jt a member of the crew ^tt (jJ*v>L*, company) + m a company employee miM = Wtf7 (^A--!?, bank) a bank clerk SIMM = @**t (tLtK, library) a librarian — 45 — Lesson 27 ■m (*) li^ = IB painting) +^ a painter ftW. = ft (c-o [£<], make) a writer 'hl$M = 'Mft (LiH^, novel) + ^ a novelist &.in%. = fl&'/n (-£v^L, politics) a politician "a= H >M (ioA^X, music) +^ a musician ^JC^ = ¥^ (L^LA,, photo) +^ a photographer a book store a rice store a flower shop and a florist butcher a fish shop and a fish monger a shop and a shop keeper = ^ (liA,, book) +1 *S = * (dfc, rice) +S %LM = ft (l±&, flower) + 1*111 = 1*1 (l~ < , meat) +H &M = & (£^£, fish) +1 MM = ffl [tMt], liquor) +M a liquor shop = HI ( < "f" 0 , medicine) +S a pharmacy 2£Hit = ¥H (L^LA,, photo) +M a photo shop business U = I craft) +H industry SSI! = iS (Li -9, trade) + H commerce H^l = It (^9, farming) +M agriculture #H = # (OA,, wood) +H forestry J&H = $1 (§1, fishing) +H fishery SSt1cS = S17,C (frLZi, tourism) +H tourist industry •+t--kfXH = -9--t:X (service) + ft service industry — 46 — Lesson 27 2-1 . >f± serve (5) \ \- ft ttV(L • CTt) a job, work tt^(L • how to, a method affair, fact engagement (8) n ■3- lj*(>I3 5 mm carry fate (12) j c c l n C7 C c e ädiCl)-^ to carry Mil A.) luck, fortune MW](~)^ • exercise, sports jSJ£(tA • -tl) conveyance roll turn (11) r fi PI f r fe(i^))^ to fall down jUteC"? A • TA,)i~ä to drive g$5$( C • T/v • L*) a bicycle H]$e(7H* • XL)~fh to rotate \ sip select (15) i e" es -r s If it. 'M(z-h)-£ to select, to choose jl^ (-£ A • § i ) an election jS#(-£A • L*9>) a player record describe (10) > >- r > fi -> >i 6 £p an article StlX(£ • v«> 9 )& to fill in BlEU-o • §0 a diary §£#(§ • L^) a reporter — 48 — Lesson 27 < A. 3l (®&) >V discussion (20) >■ >• >-«■»* \ n >-0 a 6 5 0 p oft P^ wilKfr^ • §0 a conference Ht£(• fr»/5) Parliament "9 ) a chairman Eftfm (^h ^) "f" & to discuss a member 4 > (10) 1 n 1 n Fl m •CD @ @ 2sJt(fr^ ' ^A,) a member of an association 5eM(T^ • v^>/v) an admission limit A • v^A. ) a sales person B commerce, merchandize (11) ~\~~ ^7 1 Pi ft ft ft % iS/S (Li 9 • X k) a store ffi5u( L J ^ • tiV) trade iSpp(Lj;t • £>A.) goods i§itt(Li;-9 ■ L «0 a trading company f job, business (13) l w ? lH(i9 • ¥xi) manufacture M%(Lxi ' ^Xl) commerce mMicOo • gx o) agriculture (£ A, • J: t ) industry Lesson 27 * > 3 ^ (h&) farming agriculture (13) n to ft 1 % * mini • *a.) a farm villag a farmer e jft^(<0^ • H*(<7^ • fr) a farm house c>* J; T ) agriculture 2-2. 1. ^Oft* 2. 3. 4. gtsi-a 5. x-xc7)ii^ 6. ffWfS# 7. S£!iJi 8. 9. r§n io. nn ii. £ii i2. £tti 3. fA7^A(ilS#Wft**ii^S L£„ 4. ££>#ffflfe*li*3(> L^vtto — 50 — Lesson 27 5. &<7)JäM(±J£<7)i§jpp^o^-CJ: < LoTv>ito OA. 7. Ä^tf>tt»f±ttLv>f1-o 8. uimmm&füiizBmzt^ris^o 2-3. 1. to drive a car 2. to do a job 3. to see a doctor 4. a tennis player L t It > L- ^ & 5. a newspaper reporter 6. a librarian -ttA, Lkd LA/ £ U 7. a member of Parliament 8. commerce t Li frA, OA, 9. agriculture Z-j §f OA/ 10. to write a diary 11. a bicycle CO V £' i 9 12. a sales person < L T A, TA, OA. — 51 — Lesson 27 1. a conference room 2. a young man 3. an article 4. a meal 5. construction 6. a scholar 7. a scientist U< £ 9 U . the station staff 9. sports 10. a driver 11. industry x.5 t,^ 9 ^ £'9 9 ^ XL L * -9 ?n 1. JbLtz ( ) f ( ) ^'i^aJto 2. ( ) i;ot>t ( ) i: ( ) /$J&£0 ■ft A. L • l, ^ ^ ^ 3. ( ) (2 ( ) ^ -C ( ) fit^A^o U t> C 9 L' *jt»9 i 4. ( ) (2AfHlW ( ) CtoT, ( ) A^&fcW/ii: ( ) 9o 5. IJofc ( ) £ ( ) ££v>-t\ 7;WM h&£'£LT ( ) LX ^4A* r7 'J - ^ - j - I' 3)- -J — 52 — Lesson 27 — 7 h 3 1-H<&^ kX-to A,Tb?$L tzlffil&fo {\fA,?n to develop) thz\kk&*) 3. felilH'^Cfot^Jto trri» Ll±¥* a conductress) t T a signal) £3£o "CI"„ 5. ^wAfcteLfcty. %^hh^^K^mih\ftznth(nmk Sfn3M (Test Questions) («tv» : good) ^— 3|v^ (;b&v> : bad) lElA^ (fcfc'L^ : correct) —► fafrl o T V * § (£ *>^otl ^6 : to be wrong) [WJi: (isfci; : same) —* & 9 (5 # "5 : to differ) ll^3& (-C §fc-5 * : suitable) — Ut t £ n ts. : unsuitable) $tLV> (fr-f>U> : difficult) — ^SU» (easy) >X(D (o *f<7) : following) 0*!gT-*h (4) £ ft £ «]>o (l.kind 2.easy 3.gentle) ( ) ^DlJLl^JIft&o ( ) ^i:lu^e^^o <*f>^ lit" i>) 1. ( 2. -bK.L'CW,: ( — 55 Lesson 28 S 2 2-1 . «1* 'J a v (7) X t j &U)v> good • 1) i i) the best B.'b( n • la) conscience 312 bad ill t>h-^^ 7A (11) s 1 1 vi» % j bad M-Atifr-J • A)A& to change for the worse £.□(*>£•<*>) speaking ill of j£14(*< --e^)?) malignant 313 314 point score (9 MX A.) a point • TA) a fault ,"SKc(TA • A 0 ) the number of points L ni> 1 "TA) a terminus — 56 — Lesson 28 315 mm * > 3 • FF correct right ■fc'f (5) — T T if JEifztz) U> JEM (L j: n • correct, right 75*0) the New Year I^-t^ • £ -9 ) a correct answer iEli: ( L 1 "9 • D & honest differ (13) 1 s > 1 * to be different jii( "^7^)^ a difference Fb!js(;£ • a mistake jfiJK(i/> • l±/v) violation m same ±54-£ (6) 1 n n is] R(&£)L* same RfKt'o • Ct-9)1~& to sympathize |B]Bf (t'o • at the same time l^d!:*^ • v>)-f^> to agree 316 317 it proper fit (14) ft * ft •ft JI(T#) Ltz suitable il£ (T £ • £ -9 ) t & to adapt ji^(T§ • t -9)^ proper MU (T £ •-tiro) & appropriate 318 — 57 — Lesson 28 % mm hit concerned *>-*- ■tzh -Xh (6) 1 ^1 A' M(&)tzZ> to hit ^■^3 (X • h)X medical treatment ^{\IL ■ ) truth ) duty, one's turn 1 difficult (18) ■— 4+ i f If r f IS «t(tr-W U> difficult tt^H( 1:^-9 • ISFnj(&A, • & A,) a difficult problem g • &A) housing shortage A • & A)& difficult next (6 ) / /An ^(■^)C to be next B>X(t> < • C) a table of contents next (C • 7H4) next time 7?; shape 3 ^ ( 7 ) f ft' f^tzh) a shape Aff^(i^' a doll ff^Ot^-LIO a form ffiffl^(^"2 • i "9 ■ 't^) conjugation forms — 58 — Lesson 28 wm taste ht-hi (8) I n a Rfc(&£) taste ÜTfl^lv1 • l)t>n to enjoy the taste S*P;fc( L * ■ <&) a hobby 2-2. K*ft9 1. 2. 3. IEU> 4. i£U> 5. jg^& 6. fill: 7. 8. * 9. B 10. # 11. Pjc 12. 13. ^ 6. Ara^(iÄv\*Ä**4i:(Bl^F{;^:.ä;<)*40 as well as — 59 — Lesson 28 2-3. 1. same 2. different 3. correct 4. good 5. bad 6. difficult 5# f-fi 7. suitable 8. truth 9. a point Ltz X$ 10. a shape 11. taste ISA t 9 Xk, 12. next 1. conscience 2. speaking ill of 3. a correct answer 4. a mistake »3 A 9 LA -ttl^ £ 9 5. at the same time 6. proper 7. meaning E3 t* 9 L* T£ i 9 8. housing shortage L W> 9 tz < & ^ 60 — Lesson 28 9 . difference 10. to change for the worse 11. honest 12. a fault It-5 TA 13. the number of points 14. a terminus 15. a doll 16. the New Year Xk -to L ku r> Xk L i. n if--? 17. a form, a style 18. a table of contents 19. a difficult problem 6 < L* ttk. i> k, in. M^ii^^fo-cf^^i^K l. £<7)-eA,L*oLi»-?-cA,{±, Hlniltto 3. iß-CUoli, S^^oTV^o — 61 — Lesson 28 tH>oj Lv> ! W\, ^W^-^^-/to £&l9£jg,££, KS^-^li^n-(-tfX^) all (fiv^i: i 9^) all right Hit (^t(f) a word T&I(AM±"A.) underlining file] L) a verb #sA,l;jf& to do one's best lio h~f i> to be startled Jt n i. d^Awttyii^r-e-f^o 3. d^AiitX^A^ihS^SI-^ — 62 — Lesson 28 <®Hffltt (copypaper) 0)ftl^> ® -#J± I±, lvx*mt i r / * if* 0 _J 6 h 1 if -7 t- \ I N > 3 r I \ s crc AC CQ H H r -V— o /A m A _> -c? tzxm^ if V — ( hi ) li 18 n 1 1 t ( ) -H \ / AC — 63 — Lesson 29 I I h 1 A (An Entrance Examination) 0 t- &m...... i s K s ft *4 @ M it f4 § i 2 3 ¥ » AS # ( 5 cm X 6 cm ) H 8 ^ M « * /h & Ji: 90 » E £ (6) 9A12B (fl) 9fll3S (A) v * SI H *l»:K*t 10:00-12:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-17:00 10 : 00-11: 00 12: oo 13 : 00-17: 00 * « * ft ¥ * H ««*» 15: 00-17: 00 — 64 — Lesson 29 2-1. >»ö)*gä Sc* 3= (Kgc) try test .1 CI 6 - & v tztb-t (13) >• r >• n >:__ 6 %K to try sit-a(L • M*) a game l£(;fciö)i~ tötest lÄStflK L • < • Lo) a dressing room St proof examine A> r ir if ! h 1 If .1 »'7 t£f£(L • ItA,) an examination Aft(A* • ttA)1~^> to take the exam M(Do • ttAJAä to experiment !M£(!t^ • (tA)i~-?> to experience face surface (9) - - ^~ r ffn - tBä(£& • L^)^ interesting -TjtBUäv • £>A,) in the direction of ~ mm (*!> A • -Ao) f4 to interview ~Affi(*A)Aä to face to ~ 324 325 326 — 65 — Lesson 29 327 £1* 3 = (Mit) & connect (O-C) -t7/-fe7-(11) t r r ** }#(o)C to connect AS (*> j; < • -tiro) direct(ly) Sc (-tir o) <& to adjoin BSc(i6A, •-tiro) an interview explain (14) >• fi P P P P P P 328 WiWi (-tiro • *^)-f& to explain /M£(L i 9 • -tiro) a novel !£fJC(-tiro • £ l l)-f h to preach fäs£("CA ■ -tiro) a legend fruit result (8) n ? f ; ! IS*('to • 7» a result ^jjJrH- ^ • A) an effect *H^J(< tz • i>CO) fruit $MI(-tirl> • A) anoutcome ) a suit combine Ay (6 n a 329 330 -a (&) "9 tO Suit L-£(&) 9 to consult □"Tfl (755"o • L i?> < ) a traiviing Camp 'ktfi^i ■ lt^) a total — 66 — Lesson 29 structure frame, rank (10) ■t a % • to pass ttfö(-t^-7><) character Äf&( L • 7>< ) a qualification fffiföU* • 7> < ) a price f receive 9~tt6 (8) \ <9 'S (-) ) it & to receive 'frl&dl-* • tt/v)"t"4 to take an exam, it • ^t) reception ^TaSif { U *9> • t> • h) a tel. receiver fall drop io't-t (12) — A— / >> • tofall ' to fail (in an exam.) ^(i3)i:1" to drop IT(^o •^fli to fall, to drop remain coc-t (10) r r r r* A $K<7).I)i~ to leave 5£i6i(£% • /i?!>0 balance, remainder £S(cOCl)ä to remain ($"A • J: 9 ) overtime work — 67 — Lesson 29 < A.i& * y 3 5 (®») & sense desire (8) A- '•7 7 1 7 b£^( ^ • fa A,) memory, a mements A, • fa A,) £ regrettable 2-2. Rftftl 1. MS* 2. |£S* 3. 4. Ui^tS 5. fefc* 6. ^ 7. =!*&K-3:fr& 8. »T&=MS££,tit£ 9. f*&K&*>£ 10. 11. 12. £-5 1. WHSt^LT, Mfi^g^fra^o 2. mM^ffitfi^m^ii 3#*-Afrf>tB^o 3. ££*>£^&<7)^Uo^Tf&L'&o£o 4. &l±*^<75~/i H^KWlO^S"ttti-t-o i 1 — 68 — Lesson 29 6. *«B W*;**- v rtf-^Wffrkll^&fcil&SM^frofcc 2-3. ft§ttB I. □ KS^&g£*£Aftfc£^o 1. to try, to test 2. a game 3. to take an examination L &o L t-t^ 9 4. an interview 5. to explain the result 6. regrettable «^ -tf-o (to fr ■tiro too 7. to pass (an exam.) 8. to fail (in an exam.) 1. an experiment 2. experience 3. interesting Lo it A (to (^ 69 Lesson 29 4. a direction 5. a qualification 6. an effect ZÖ 7. indirectly 8. directly 9. to consult lift 10. to put together 11. a total 12. reception 13. to take an exam. '9 ttl^ 9 it Oft I. #<7) l. I« ( ) fi ( ) Ii ( ) ^\ 2. ( ) wt^C, fl-IK*v ( ) fcL^V1 ;b A- it vi it A 3. H^cT) ( ) i± ( ) ( ) < iX* ( ) £1"*^ U' . L <> '. > A .1 & li ■'; ' A !- i 4. ( ) fcl^ifU^ ( ) -C ( ) T^ätc J 6 « L v < L '5 & 5.( )&( )( )£( )lt£fr,( ) i* -i «") v> tJ> v i 1, v lö /L -tf '--> L it /L -j ij- o tJ- 5 4 *j ( Lesson 29 V h 3 K^BitZl?) < (Game: Sitting for an Examination) > £1\ ^£<75%lifj£#v^3v (apiece) it-.. ^Lt, T<7)f- + -h£ ^!<3lf-LtfofT$K fa*bkfrh ^s:6^ot (castadice), @ tefr^tzb. ^<75#CO0t(I 0—It^-v U / y'U < ££v>0 $Wz*btz^tzb. ^ mi -f >5 - & fa-?? 4, © 1 * 4 h ti it if (D * Off* * t^t A ■& *s est) -r=^ ) ^ -v — m tz ® m -5 0 L t 1stt**^n« ft m * ft 1» X I 7 = t HI #tz5tf)A &n6A*aintf, ®^ tzti 1 f — 71 — Lesson 29 < t£M^%?5 (How to Fill in a Form) > 7 '; -j- 14 »i| ±¥n a 3 • * t • s • h a fTU ( ) ( ) £iiu(&2x.) = £;£(L*H> = -12(^) 'ftglK^^o : sex) f±PJf ( £ "7 Li) JS^7fe(tiAo < £ # : contact address) El ^5 ( L-tz { '. one's home1 iM5M/vi^ I : one's work « 1 f I A * )i Iff $t «' ft a© ^ y-y E M ± £ @ 6 1 P§ *r i 1 « *| (si CT ft Rf f 15 - m E'TfJ-tB HI-ft a - BSfcXIi ffl SS « a - - it) • S)aSuicaSffl*«AB*(i, t**? h500Rff*HT-t = • SuicaSX8*T-(i, *t««C(t r frfi* tt/U 5eJ$#(T^ it/v) a pass Bff A ( ^ "9 (3-)) buying fp ii# (ii L-ALi) an application form frS, (LAI1: new) ffiffOt^-?< : renewal) IKFbK < ?>A : section) llELlOt^ : via) ffiffl f^te (Lii^>L) 71(±5 «t If : and) f$ (<4> n Z n § frL : term of validity) i& /7 ?£ ( L (i b V >!I n li ') : way of payment) — 72 — Lesson 30 I 2l7h 1 gfri - 5- (Radicals -5-) 5- ffit i. -^=> ^ 3. 5. &5 Ho 2. #f 5 ^B>- — 73 — Lesson 30 h 2 2 - 1 . »^Bl (Mlti) finger point out t$ If if S-t (9) 1 r if ft ft i ftiitylf) a finger $Jt(£^ • W) a thumb Ja(£)"f to point at }f ( L • "O 10 a reserved seat 336 - fold break -fey (7 ) t to fold, to break -£0) right turn #T(&)0*ft(fr7*) paper folding £#f(£ •-£o) left turn 337 pay (5) t ft JA j jL,(l±h)n to pay bIj&CS x. • (£"o) payment in advance 3t&(L • Ji -9 • L i to send a letter to the editor %C$k{tn ■ L)irZ> to invest £MMM ■ L®) a pitcher strike hit 1 - -o (5) - i JT(l)o to hit .*T(-? a preliminary meeting • §0 a percussion instrument f]%(tl • L*) a batter deep &fr-tb%> (11) ; y or A ?f; (^) ^ deep $: (7^) $6 £ to deepen ?fK^^)S-2> to become deep 't%.\%.( L A • ^?) midnight wash (9) / > >• / 0 + / to wash *$fc#J(-£X • $V) detergent i^ffiBf • * A • C l) = h^&c {X • $>b) a washroom, a toilet — 75 — Lesson 30 343 stream (10) X / / / / // — ffiitcwtl a stream sStfr (*0 1 • CI n ) fashion i/t,(&A0ft'S to stream y^ii ( ^ *9> n • o 9 ) ~t 4 to circulate diminish erase tt—r (10) \ / - 1 / / > ft 344 M (^) X. h to disappear to remove $ff? ( L J: 7 • to consume MA(L J: v • A)-f h to extinguish fire determine (7) / J to decide ftsiOto • tt>) to determine $t'k0to • LA,)~tZ> to make up one's mind 345 2-2. frc#$M 1. 2. &lf& 3. #f& 4. fcv 5. mi 76 Lesson 30 6. 7. fci í 8. mfií 9. y£v^ 10. 11. ÍÍ#T 12. 7JE#T 13. fé5EJ£ 14. ľf« 15. fäföffi 2. í^7--At:ov^TSŕM^fé»L^0 'v 3. g&irUS^&fôLT < ŕiSv^o 4. Ý£(±£#ŕešá:-£A,J&^, ^ífrLT < ŕi£v>0 5. ^>f>BfeŽ'CÍ5É^< írLT, fé^ÄK&o/Co 8. Ojtŕ[!$o^ffiW7(ci±ill^?lti-rrÍHAž0 — 77 — Lesson 30 2-3. mzwm i. n\z&^%m&*xiittz^0 1. to hit a nail 2. to throw a ball 3. to pay money 1 0 U frfc 4. to bend one's fingers 5. to wash one's hands 6. a stream 9 ft ^CK *>■ X foh UK 7. deep 8. to decide the plan 9. to turn off the light -C-A 1. payment 2. payment in advance 3. a preliminary meeting A l Iff, •5 4. to turn left=left turn 5. to turn right=right turn on*) is 3 — 78 — Lesson 30 6. a reserved seat 7. to invest 8. to write a letter to the paper L -co to l^ Li . a washroom 10 ■ midnight 11 . Black is in fashion. l * l^ < 6 0 w> 9 i 9 12. the circulation of goods 13. to decide nn<7) Li 9 0 Kt> 9 ^ 9 It-5 TO 5. rr 3 t^e, 5 M^^Lot?^ *>&;b-££fcc&v^i-c 7. c\l*&fr<-C, tztftitfhvn'e-to — 79 — Lesson 30 J-~y h 3 65C -Cv>&^c<7)Ati^¥o*Jt^}ti& (Wfr a ring) * LT d t t^^Xto & & tz cd m T? Ji d a^co^ £ M t v> v -r ^0 S. B#-CI±gc£&x.*ll#, fg*^v^1-o 1 frh 1 0 £-C&/l*B# 9TA$ L^tjAlfTu^, 1 0T^^-tfX^lAtfSto *)-CLj: — 80 — Lesson 30 Review Lessons 26 — 30 n mmm nut s a na £t±& at M: (MM W£ fro ft 7 mi m& mi ^tzh a ) Others : |WI C — 81 — Lesson 30 1. ( ) 11. 2. ( ) 12. 3. ( ) 13. MM 4. mm ( ) 14. 5. ( ) 15. 6. ( ) 16. 7. ffi« ( ) 17. mx 8. Hit ( ) 18. 9. ( ) 19. 10. E* ( ) 20. ex. il^ 1. IEU> 2. HU> 3. jgv> 4. S.7H> 5. oJf,4i,» 6. 7. ILv> ) } — 82 — Lesson 30 III. U(lZ.)X^2>m& Similar-looking Kanji 1. fe t < 2. fccD <1"»5 3. »5*7 ^ & sound dark enjoyable medicine fee department 4. t> & 5. < o white a day a ward medical 6. f-f*' Iii 7. fcä 1= & o & difficult to part time to have to wait & < & < & i& & between to hear to open to close a question 9. * t t* 10. fc & 4d 1 c & a seat a degree same what IV. |W| C a" (A,) (7)?I^ Kanji of the same 'ON' reading 1. # 2. ii> r' 3. A>< t-5 4. r-5 A>< PP a movie English stroke number to pass 83 Lesson 30 5. U L/v 6. LA, L-3 7. a photograph a bedroom a newspaper kind 9. tfi -5 10. 11. Li -5 KA, 12. Li7 A a hospital a Member of the Diet a merchant to extinguish fire form, style economy 13. It o Li 14. It o £*o 15. t Iti- a clock 16. L ItA 17. o 18. fóA -třo 19. -třo »i /tu. Hfl an examination an opinion an interview an explanation 20. $A, to. A, 21. <=>o taA 22. í»Hi hj> 9 3"< 5S regrettable next year 5 lunch China — 84 — Lesson 31 |lK31Sg| h 1 0 ±^-5 Jf^f (Travel) O 1 ?fi 2 0 (^o(i°< ~£ (l±o) 1 jfi 2 B / #.t.*8Si)SSfcl±iE ih'Pil ft* s ¥B■»a« ttiWa« 37,600R 41.000R 3 « 1 S 39,800R 43,200R 2 * i a 43,000R 46,400R 3-5% 1 1 22,400R 24,600R Lesson 31 2-1. >1^(7)§#^ £3= travel (10) > > r tfcitzlf) atrip Wcl? (*0 i • £>) traveling expenses Mf{*) I ■ - to travel i • an inn promise approximate (9) V h to promise *W <) ~ about ~ i^U • ^ <)"t£ to reserve *t#J (i A, • ^ < ) an engagement idea well-informed 7 > (10) * ? ^(£>A,) an idea, a proposal 5feF*3 C^>>^ ' tt^)~t%> to guide £^(#>v> • a good idea t§^i(TV> • to propose 346 347 348 — 86 — Lesson 31 < A. J: ^ * > a < (use) level semi- v JL > (13) N 7 / iff m it 3Mi(Ci9>A, • y01~& to prepare 7Kip(1"v^ • Z^>k) a standard ip-fi1. ( C *9> A- * £ i9> -9 ) a local express provide if (12) i r r 1st If \% AS gxff (-^"3 ■ tK) equipment r_ffg (i; ^ /v • If) preparation 711 ( i " W) a spare, a reserve face to face minister ; (9) - i ffl#(&^ • X) an opponent, a partner fätki^l • tiL)-fh to consult L i* • Li 9 ) a Prime Minister OA talk (15) > >- > r .> p 0 p 0 S* ttUKfc^ • tzL) a face to face talk UH^ifzA, ■ t> ■ Lo) a lounge kK^1 • fzL)-$h to hold a conference — 87 — Lesson 31 354 at* it. pair link (10) I n 0. jl(o) ftf < •?> to bring (someone) HjKCX • tiL)' the United Nations -}i(o) tiTi^ < to take (someone) JIB (fcA, • Co) day after day tangle (12) f * |7 ** Ü^KtlA • ^ ()-fh to contact, to inform 56 lodge stay t-tbh (8) •\ N / / ?fi(t)S& to stay the night ~i0(l±<)t^> to stay ~ nights ?SvS ( L *9> < • (± < ) 1" 1) to stay the night ( ? A • (i° < ) three nights stay special (10) A- t r **• #(t <) specially (t o • £ t# ^ ) a special express #glj(i:< "^o)& special #fe(M ■ L J: <) a characteristic — 88 Lesson 31 81* UP* < AJ:^ * y a ; Be) quick hurry v>*-<* (9) / # i C to hurry M- <#> 1) A suddenly =fc -?) -•5) urgent business an express train 2 — 2 . I7c<&$lli i. wm-m%^a£ a#§&$v >0 1. iC ..2- rai* 3. #A 4. ,f,A 5. ^£&A£ 6. mif-fä 7. ^föl"* 8. UftAä 9. 10. A, Al AAAo 3. SMfSrtßif^Ali, Ad A(JÄA^30&ä tfo/:„ 4. JcA*>AtBMLA, iöi&ßlf 5. ilä&ft cottRff£^A:fiAo 6. mÄ(ä#icW**aä^o — 89 — Lesson 31 8. vm-h^t^i-t^h, m^r- 0 J: ^ — 90 — Lesson 31 5. to stay two nights 6. to take someone 7. contact by telephone < 1 (- ft. A, h < . equipment 9 . a partner 10 . a promise 11 . a tourist information o *0 1) X z. n Li 12. an idea 13. a standard 14. a local express fah, "ft* Li«^ L kd A, £ 10> 9 15. an express train 16. a special express 17. a characteristic £< Li< l. § i n t(D*) xfrA,il*< Lt Ltzo 3. o^ßi^-c:w£ o § «> i in 19 t\ § *> 9 - 9 k >) f -tc 4. i^^faAT^ 'JAK«) *^>J*<-tS it^tfo 91 — Lesson 31 =L-v h 3 Mf&(±#A Ky-^^It-AtaiL^o Ifr^aA, giW/:< $Av> A:^^/io/:„ A«0ft(AfAA<7)ifi< w^K?£bA/b£ o An £&T(A fKA^LU*£AW£A-t>WJI|EB$Ait^ AAjII&LAo ill EB £ Alifi J TfrAAA^T < AT, *A^dibf,¥T*rtLT< ftAo Mfl^A WAA tfttjAddAfiATv^AAA^Wdt ^SoAo jo^AfAft UoAA ) (A ¥ JU o AA t AA ttlih LAoAo the Kansai area >A Nara f Ut^v\ =f Ltt At> I asked him to lend it to me, it AA (£ J: A AT ib) Kiyomizu Temple fr^x. IZ^h to come to see Mffi^ {*? < L A Yakushi Temple ASA =~(CO^T,gA to think about— A real Aft (^o A A a statue of Buddha H M -A^i£i!AT\ dcoAA-^iit^ALAdtA^t^^oAA^^ ( ) ^iRTJUE^AH^oAo ( ) miST^lB^A^LAo ( ) m^-£X, 3 B K-Cflitfrt h \Z l±, (B%0lii/>o^H>-Ct^o I* ft a O ¥54,800 ¥61,300! ¥67,800 ¥ 49,800 |¥ 56,300 |¥ 62,800 9 10/1 IIS B fl 1* *l*l± 1 • 2 3 IfiCJ 5 6 7.! 8 9 i ojo I ? 16 i7|Ä*i»^o==ffl^(s^»«)====fflJ«s«»fxiiffl«Ä)s(») 3Affi=rfirtam»ii*^)=:^ 19:00 - 20:30 tH 7£p — 93 — Lesson 32 I I h 1 3£jI$tHtl (Means of Transportation) ' t§J (-7 <£> XJ j In the direction of - 3* t J>Yi L rushing "/±S.( *3 9 V> '. beware) Beware of (children) rushing out I H^M-tf^J -Line — 94 — 45 Lesson 32 h 2 2-1 . )lt^CD»£^ £3= SB* line -fey (15) I f f 1 r t ifcl(-£/v) aline (§ j; < • a curved line ~ifcl(-£A,) -line £ < • -£A<) a straight line issue start -^■y (9) tHH(L^o • l£o)-f& to depart %tc( (±o ■ a sale 3&!§:({±o • -9)"f£ to announce 3Mf G± o • ^ ■?) publication 358 359 360 reach approach (8) f IJ;t (t n ■ tz o) i" & to reach, to attain ?IJSr( £ 9 • * < )"f h to arrive — 95 — Lesson 32 361 < A, cross exchange (6) 3c.it) \L to mix $C.it \l.)foZ> to cross , to associate tyijciti^" • o 9) traffic ^ 0) diplomacy machinery chance * ! (16) t ft flM(# • tH^) a machine ~J z. y h$t(&) a jet airplane $tft(§ • ) an opportunity, a chance 362 363 barrier relate, joint 77 y !]4) i r r F F' Fl Fl H n < i ! PsIH^OA, • It^)1~& to relate • 7>AJ an engine, an organ m~^Lik1)ifrL • ■ • lln) the Kanto District Si section bureau * 3 V ( 7 ) f^KhO a T.V. station Wi^M (IJ 9 • 1 • § J; <) fiEBi&JHj • ;b • § «t < ) a telephone office a broadcasting station 364 — 96 — Lesson 32 m* t y 3 5 (ís&) \% trust, believe message v > (9) / f f r íl 4a(LA,)C& to believe iaffl(LX • J: 9)1"á to trust "9 ) a signal L AJ corresponc enee road route D (13) 1 n D D— V ISK&C-ttA • ■6) a railroad track ■ a passage M&sit'-) • h) a road, a street jSU§(LA • h) a course, a route old & dear s. late, obstacle (9) + 1 i i' t ft i&A(3 • DA,) the deceased ( C • -1) an accident • Li:^)-f£ to break down pour focus (8 ) > / V / UmAh ■ V J-f & to care, to warn '$> ') • & Vi (*> i?> ■? ) explanatory notes jig ( * -) ■ & < ) h A,) 1 ž to order to pay attention — 97 — Lesson 32 MM ^3; (« Be) intention meaning (13) ■ft i ttA,) an opinion • L§) consciousness mM{^^ • <&) a meaning 7t> (^ • L) an intention 2 — 2 . I7c<&&fli 1. f£ 2. fHf^ 3. 4. £:£ 5. 6. 7. £j8. %7c-r^ 9. m\^h io. iHi-t-a 11. 3cjl#i& 12. ^jltil 2. mmmmxicmmw&^tzo % ± n 5. {t^m^htxfthi^tio Lesson 32 6. B t B * vii L $ 1"0 10. #<7) JR j^w,t.frm¥<7)^^:NFfS]li^Hff^LB#-c*1-0 2-3. mm I. □Uii^^iH#:*A^^$^ 1. to start 2. to arrive 3. to be careful 4. traffic L © (i'o to *> V < 9 o9 5. an organ 6. a road 7. a line 8. a signal i'9 h LA --9 9. an accident 10. an opinion 11. a pharmacy S £ < — 99 — Lesson 32 1. a straight line 2 . a railroad track 3. the Tokaido line itf hi t'i 4. a sale 5. diplomacy 6. a jet plane 7. an opportunity 8. to relate 9. the Kanto District 10. to believe Life 11. to order 12. a breakdown -1 Li i 13. a telephone office XL t> § i < in. £ ^ g ^ & ii^ £ it o -c * § fr 14- $ ^ 1. Z^*»^f'Lj:i 4. < 4 i *> 7 ^ LT < fz^^o 5. ^CO&^ti, L4rJ5fri3iol/»-C1-fec 100- Lesson 32 H7h 3 ^<75^-i/<7)P#^JS ( < J o ) £ETJ> e, 4 & ■■ m ti5| %/»flr« * W P" - bs m H ■■ sis k --HI * - 1»! UjS Sf ft 1» - «i 111 - * « •& ■■ Hit * ri: ft ~ » a mi - 48 III - » ill i:i -K>- Hi ■■ m T 1» -'i- HZ< \% » ■ yij i:i it* wj n r as* 9205.\ ion 9399.1 555/1 ■H3A 103 A JW3J HI 303/1 9207.1 5/1 91731 30S3.1 547, «5/ 105.1 253/ 5^ 7 A 20071 357/1 11203 01261 1110! 01399 01399 01355 02113 11103 02619 01303 11207 11173 11083 02517 02405 11105 02647 11007 01357 & 205 © SEE 261 © 101 © BEE 399 o GEE 399 iff SEE 355 & 105 o m 45 43 loss 649 710 717 u u u 809 713 721 732 V u u 725 730 745 808 817 828 844 856 OS) 726 754 U U !■ 1/ qj? 753 v 750 1/ I. \, \, 1/ -- -- 736 U 753 v i \, 1/ CxM> 746 754 U 1-v \, OS) 750 758 809 I V V V V -- 755 801 815 U I. u u 755 801 813 U 1. 1/ !• -- 756 804 815 835 844 858 908 920 803 U 820 U v ^ ca> 810 817 909 813 821 852 V V V V I 1/ u I. 1-v 845 812 U 834 I. I. 904 u 1. u u u 856 *> 1 )v 7. auL 'ie? *• 1 ilET- 859 915 930 950 1007 1018 U U U U U 908 L-1-1-1-915 v \, 901 1/ 922 u \, [■ u u 926 u-u u u i 953 u u u u u 936 U 1-U 956 924 ■ 941 959 1018 1035 1047 u u u u 945 912 U 954 U u 1004 I V I V V 956 V-*• 1 .11- 845 1. U 905 U 858 U 1. 909 U 916 1. 923 957 950 927 \, U 954 U l- 958 1. 958 I I 1048 1100 1114 945 U 1005 U u 958 V V I 923 u 943 1 934 946 U 955 957 1020 1004 V 1011 V 1014 U 1014 1117 1139 V 1023 u 1045 V 1034 1055 1049 925 940 944 959 955 949 948 1002 954 1009 1021 1056 1005 1020 1012 1027 1016 1030 1016 1050 1141 1156 1025 1040 1044 1059 C8S> CJ25 c3t> c25> <££> <3p C2D <33> CS5 CJ2> 2 ?i) V i 1 I-h & CJD 951 1005 V 1021 U 1042 951 1005 u 1021 U 1042 959 1012 U 1030 U 1051 1011 1024 1. v 1057 1015 1029 1040 1101 1112 1155 1058 1052 1102 1114 1150 1147 1029 1042 U u u 1113 1052 1045 U U 1119 1051 1105 I 1121 V 1142 1059 1112 V 1150 u 1151 1043 V 1100 1. V V 1124 1043 U 1100 U U U 1124 1052 U 1109 U U U 1133 1058 1-1115 \, 1139 1145 1207 1220 1254 1245 1256 1308 1114 U 1/ v U 1148 Cfl 2 NJ13 ffll± i ~ 1252 1310 1120 1/ V v V 1158 '"J 2?i| ?!]-> •> 1 1 h £3 1123 1134 1147 1155 1205 1217 1229 1143 I I ^ L-1219 1152 U 1209 l-l. U 1253 1125 l> 1158 1/ 1218 1236 1125 U U 1158 U U 1218 1236 1134 U u 1. 1217 1226 1244 13 S aj-c? 1140 u u 1212 V I 1232 1250 1149 U U 1220 U u 1258 1255 1159 v 1255 1. V 1253 1511 1209 1225 1242 1259 1315 1554 1345 1405 1243 1305 1322 1338 1349 1359 1408 1428 1220 1/ V V V V 1507 1325 1254 1/ I 1506 u 1/ 1526 1344 di> 03> C35> t— C3J> <3£> 03> dj> d3> 7003; 300* TOO* 700* 700* 700S 300S 700* 700* 700* OS 700* 300* 500* 300* 300* 100* 300* 700* 300* 100* 700* 700* 16K 16M 8 ffi 8 m 16S 16M 16S 16S 6 jSj 16S 16S 16H 16ffi vm 6 16B 16H 16iBI 4 ffi 16H5 8 m 11 1 22 tl H! 10 n 22 24 28 1:1 11 11 am m a 12 28 30 51 i:i as a & 10 H 22 25 11 • M27 8 • H28 as H m ■ 11 ft 1 22 H 3! «e 1110 • R 1421 ■ 13 15 • • 11 17 n i 4 21 • 6 B 7 El • • as i 9 *efl i 10 H • 20 22 • 1327 1 29 n El 2 • 1 11 5 13 1 ai • K13 1* a # u n 23 B (i as JTBf&fr rxf- KB#M^J (2003^11 H 1 H Wfi) £ »16 — 102 — Lesson 32 limited express special express sleeping car ® ......7'j->^ green car < reserved seat > ♦ (skb?±^)...... special (seasonal) l ......mm passing 'the station) cx> -%T¥-itzmmm&< 7m$> x ......&m dining car two story buffet all train partly Lesson 33 I I h 1 (Signs) Hi B3 E ft* ................ 1 #» ^I^fi(i;i5)a)i:fcf^< 73 $ V A (Please take one. ) iVHH^ (X-V^ i ^ *9> ^ '.open) i^H^1 (^^^i*)'^^"? • closed) ^Pfffl 41 ( C ^ ^ lT"t? "9 i getting ready to open) — 104 — Lesson 33 vr ,1 7. í (Please buy the ticket of return at Ticket Reservation Office of Shinjuku station.1 cfat^V) CO P (Green Counter: Ticket Reservation Office) £ ? / s' n (i P|* M pif -r- £llm>£ L £ 1" o -ť . »t No Smoking 1 íj g f 3! A ŕ* Smoking Area X rs < í I ľ! > -ft ^ 1*3 ( h ^ & V ^) (information) #-K(J, iHW^TCO (Only the visitor of a domestic tour and traveling abroad needs to take a card.) ft&W) (llt'o) (automatic) (Please push.) — 105 — Lesson 33 2 - 1 . m^OWZJj MR 3^ (II&) ft press push (8) f * * I to push #A(fc L • ^)ti a closet pull draw (4) 370 371 fJI(O-) < to pull, to draw 51 L a drawer ?I^J(^A • 0 i O gravitational force • 0 • § 10% off #J£(fr 0 • M>) rate, a ratio ##J • ri»o) division — 106 — Lesson 33 375 % carry on operate (12) rv if- ft Iii H (X. V ~> • § X 9 ) ~f h to carry on business Hit (itv> • k.^)~$h to run an enterprise iS's"( 7 A- • k.^)~$h to manage self (6) / f ft ft i S^(L,7^<) one's own home ElHs ( L • L/v) self-confidence S^ML'^A,) one's own SS(C-^t) freedom, liberty course line JX ■3-? (5) I n rh & 1 1 1 i i 1 gffiOt^ • i?>) via, by way of ÜEÖ (• ^ 9 ) reason get, hold acquire (8) r f 1*. © ( • > <) t4 to acquire — 107 — Lesson 33 X. > request demand (7) — t t ✓ $i(i)t)!!bZ> to ask for I^( • L£) knowledge £P(L)|q-£& to let know, to inform iiftUo^ -^)t^ to inform 2 — 2 . jJ3c£tttmi? 51 £4fro fra^>*v>0 6. A^CAf«£ffito 7. S£-tT*#j£i^& 1 I . to break 7 . to know 8 . freedom 9 . to run an enterprise h L «3>9 109- Lesson 33 II. □ Ujg^&?H^£Att&$V> 1. a closet 2. a drawer 3. a ratio 4 . to retire t 1+& tz 5. 10% off 6. business 7. reason 8. by way of 0 «0 9 10> 9. one's own home 10. self-confidence 11. a notice L fz< L LA 12. knowledge 13. transaction 14. an application 15. to demand <0 *> L t tfk. La <3tztzLX*tc 3. &<7)*-£(i% r^f,z.V^nLti^o 4. UXWv^Ci^^^t^liXt^^ 5. L^^t^iC r->^ y f-Z&LXK fz$^oj t&hWiLtzc Lesson 33 JLZ. y h 3 [-WlH^ ir^Jgfe, tti:U-t>/:„ (?< CD ~7°V — \ — i ( b^ AA£(i L < &7>&7W£*f>fi&^0 ^ - ^JfiM^T H^^7is\ BttWlH 75^-/6^^ >0 -b^R-eta*, ^=l!l5l^'ei-«t0j tfot Attw&<7){ir#JLjH|j&»&^£ @ Btioilo^ (frA,ffz.& '■ to think) /Effi (TVi7> : a fixed price) iSfiS (h-fhi ■ to forget) ±11 [faLffL : one's dearest wish) 2 . fWJEKfi^S LAtK 3 . v>£ LAtK 6 . v> < ib-CHv>i LfcriN, 7. AttOii^i O/Eiffili^ < fj-C-T^o Lesson 33 ( XLh ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( — 112 — Lesson 34 I ^3411 | H7h 1 ytO&mti&fa (General Terms for Tools and Utensils) stationery furniture LA. <" bedding ^ZZ^* kitchen utensils 7 t ~ 7 X 7°~ > n v 7° m (Zh) ^ 0 €3> tableware M (^) : £* II EH m& it* ffl* S* §i (*):£fl £H Its ftS £fl £S Si >-L35) : i^pap t^oap ltfipaa (it Li il>L) — 113 — Lesson 34 2 - 1 . >1^(D»^^ 81^ ■IP* 35 (Uli) a board, table base 9 4 (5) \ n I* a (£V) a table, a platform aife(7\:V • *>) a plateau — a (^*> • 7"iV) one (for machines) aB,(tz^^ • a typhoon window i ¥ v ^ (11) s 1 ft If i 380 381 M (i t') a window RtiXt'-} • ir 9 • tH-1) an alumni association □ (j£ ■ C h) a window, a counter J. equipment instrument (8) ) n @ J. Ä Ti.Mc(t'o • C) a tool, an instrument §£JL (fr • C) furniture s.^S<](C • fci^ • T^)& concrete (&£ • C) rain-wear 382 — 114 — Lesson 34 MM container, tool physical organ (15) 1 n a an ft ft ft fK^ofr) a container &f|( L J: o • §) tableware ^M^s-ifö-d • §) a musical instrument ' C) a utensil use errand &*>-V^£ 3^ (5) ; n - ffl = fflf(i ■) • IS) an errand, business FftMAXn •^>)~fi> to prepare fflÄ (J: 7 • <*) a tool ?IJffl ( 0 • i -) )>& to use clothes, dress obey -7 5 (8 ) ] n r BP HR fl&U»<) clothes Hffl(^< • «t-5)1-^> to take (medicine) ■;«u') •< < J Japanese clothes Western clothes paper d journal (10) i t 1 r $c (^&) paper ^IÄ (T • ^^) a letter #f (£) 0 fÄ(^) paper for folding Äifä (£> j: T • L) a cover — 115 — Lesson 34 MM term, affix resign (13) t $ % H ( L' • L J:) a dictionary (-^o • Z) an affix ft rough - miscellaneous ■fy/-if ?-0/7) (14) r it $t#($'o • fcA,) noise }I$tU< • £"o) £ complicated $tffl (• J; ^ ) miscellaneous duties * IMi (-f 9 • § A,) a dust cloth record magazine (14) > >-r > 0 {J PI pis* £S&£(£'o • L) a magazine Ba£(Mo • L) daily records SflJIfe(Lt9> o • ^A • L) a weekly magazine — 116 — Lesson 34 2-2. WtfrU^ i. £0ŕ 2. üä 3. äs 4. ž¥# 5. #n 6. *tit 7. í£s 8. fflÄ 9. í*ft 10. Ma 1. ^ä^0í|l±5ll-CÍIAflft^^íH±3|5S-C-t-c 2. ÉÄU±£MČgtí*KB*K**o x? 5. HUSH íá^íKSr^v^c »Jítlř.í:^^/i»í Lt^íto HA 8. iW^HiŕliE^'š < Ti££v\, 9. z.omttfttk'B+frtzitzh, mmLx<Ťzz^0 ~117 — Lesson 34 2-3. m%\ 1. a table 2. a window 3. paper 4. a dress 5. a magazine 2"o l 6. a letter 7. a tool 8. tableware 9. an errand X ififr £' 9 <- Lio 10. a dictionary i 9 l* Jt f i; Li l 1. stationery 2. bedding 3. a musical instrument MA. <- LA. <- 4. a fire extinguisher 5. to use 6. a tool l i. 9 l 11. western clothes 12 . Japanes e kimono 13 . origami art =t 9 14. to take medicine 15. a window 16. a weekly magazine l * 9 l 18. an English-Japanese 19. for ladies dictionary x.i^ b' XL _ 14 ". '^--r- -t f£(n£fz< £4 J: 9^L/j Lesson 34 to ff Lw^J]g^fof]lit^^^tttlfi:'^ 0 £-£A,0 tt*f), tr^L^f, rtstihtf -77, #?£>Al±, ^•t-4B#t;^«&0 2 7&^^<*f>v^i3^S:^:<7)AO^(zjSLS to rl£*rt (i9>^£>-5)j tf^^to #§<7>Ati, rAj&*£fr^fcEoit&it tU£&v£-£A-o ^^^Wjo^li, ^«A^IAv>Jt *%.&{frXi<->) a home JtcJ ( £ A 0 fiw J a dressing table tr^L old times trt*!> a daughter o-^fiS to go into bankruptcy, to be ruined —73(^0 (3°t ) on the other hand H'ia Of o & * one's monthly salary 2^5> for two months £T, Now, Well, 3. t'Ut rtftJ6rifHA^££, ic^oAft&j \±, ffiX'tfro 5. ±<7)yc£gcA.T\ tt>btf?z\<^A,fzt&\,>Ztfr0 6. ^^/L-wH-Cli, *£$t£B#, ^<7)A£&wAl±f»;r£ lii-fr Lesson 3-1 <7/\°- h(7)iar*35lr*3> Jl ± (fe(i;n) (i ft « x I I P H $ i# (^kp^L^L'J;?: — 121 — Lesson 34 6F Wnigi (i> I i>cd D i n i Special Exhibition Hall H^fl^nnp ([/UoiTin1V- A) Art and Craft LX h 7 > 5 F m^Sifn 'TA OA '^Shi/i -OA ttff £ft £Hr i/cft ^'AO Toys X?< X*=-7ffinDn i .2" A < ) Kimono 3F #±(LAL)JJ£ Men's Fashion * * * »±$ft (L A- L Co) Men's Shoes 2F 4jtAU»LA,)ljR Women's Fashion ij v jl T ;l/ • 7x7 Casual Wear ?l;np*tM' (<£ "7 OA, £*o tf1) Women's Goods and Accessories IF £§AWt(^LACo) Women's Shoes ;^y Y^-y 9 • i]//jV>OA.A>*>L/&T>v! L i) Cloakroom a. A c. & d. r-7'1^3-^- e. X'*> f. ift) g. -f^XCO^T-'y r h. $>lffc> i. 3-t-*77" j. AA."f k. X*-h l. □e(<-t)^H) m. 7}>* n. icOjkCOi^ o. #?<7)A<7)<0 p. -7 "C*B#It q. **>*A.?)<0 r. (i£A s. aSft<*0 t. + *irti tzt if 3 ^fflf(£i>Pt-t^o Electric Appliances Household Goods Watches and Jewelry — 122 — Lesson 35 I I H7h 1 (C[lfj#<7)& 3 c_ Lt (IB A) Ml (£'A^) a bank fil^fe («t 2? A) a deposit ( L § A) capital, funds i-MH (ttV^AL^) a producer iS/fi (Lnt^ a shop Sop ( L J: "9 OA) goods, commodities (Li^Lf) a consumer HI A (i LA) an individual (£V§A) money 1) : 2) lJto=£i*li: 3) m.m=£mvi ■ 4) : 5) mum i 6) tiffi : 7) ifetifi: — 123 — Lesson 35 2 - 1 . if < 4 3 = II silver (14) A f f $ i? IS (c?4) silver ISfif(£'4 • -9) a bank § 4) mercury £') Ginza 390 capital fund if (13) s ✓ ✓ i f 391 (L • (54) capital, a fund ■ DfS to invest 'MPr ( L • 19 J: -7 ) data, materials ifffS( L • ^ < ) a qualification a pa article, goods (human quality) (9) 1 n tt □ 1 □ 0 a 01 □ an 0 DO pptJ (L& • &CO) goods, articles Maa(L £ 7 • l>A.) a commodity MSh (Ll< • *) 17 • l>k.) food ±p°p (C i 9 • X>L) & elegant 392 — 124 — Lesson 35 393 MM 3; (11IA m individual (10) i i\ CI 1@A (Cl • ISA) an individual 1@H (>I • L^>) a private room —1@(^o • d) one (thing) f@A A: • d)<7) individual price (8) i r ^fffiA'^o • A) commodity prices iWjflffi (CI n ■ A) A expensive fffffi(Ai; -) • to evaluate f6f£(A • 7) A ) a price produce give birth A> ^ - A (11) -A it S?(o)A to give birth AH (Av^ • £ A) A& to produce 31H ($ A • j; o ) industry MM ($ A • ) producing area #3 term, period expect A (12) — r tt s t / £8!H3(§? • A A) a period A^l (AA • £) a school term $3f#(§ • A>AA£ to expect /eW • §0 a commuter's pass — 125 — Lesson 35 397 < A J: A. * > 3 S (H&) 1 (symbol of repetition) (3) (O t • If t) people ( < {Z • CiZ) various countries fe^r (V^ • V^) & various ^"^ ( L J; n • L X 1) a little, a few 398 report reward *-7 (12) ± 4 5 ft MM. {II 1 ■ t'd) news W&iX-A,- tfn) a telegram i^-fR (■£ ■ 15 T ) a forecast IffW. (X J: n • ill) information it. a tell announce 3 * (7) ; >- i it n P $R-£(tiv ■ Z\<)t& to report ^S=(iJv • -< • L-i ) a report £rf(Cl;) ■ ZL i0 4. CCO J: ? A^fffi^lSm, l±, 7Efffi<7)2#J5I^T7g(9 ifo 2-3. rntvm I. □tc®^^g|**A^!fc$^0 1. people 2. a period 3. industry 4. a commodity I I I ' ' I I 1 I _i_I I__i_I L I I 5. commodity prices 6. a bank 7. a fund 8. an individual I I 1 I I I ! I I &i S'A, ~9 L % L Z ISA, — 127 — Lesson 35 9. to produce 10. to report 11. goods "1 \th I ] Hh -t+O £A iio - < 1. to invest 2. a material 3. capitalism to t L (i A. L K6 i* 4. quality 5. elegant 6. vulgar 7. information 8. a price 9. a fixed price 10. an advertisement 11. to expect -9 -< § f-o 1. £*A,I nXi)^L«L%L*i)^)tz0 2. £<7).k-£-C(±, ^o^o& < [ICO L i < I) i -5 ULtffrTLh* 5. C\tL(DZ.it)(T)^^ %tz\^Ltz\itX\i.-fiii^ti0 Lesson 35 OL~y h 3 Af < tz£v>o itiotzffinm^tfWtiöX, niW£ftii\ >$»^ <7) pnp co % hU * # v > X h h ii - V £ i> h o X < £ $ v > 0 ih 2 o £ plf w Ji ^ t5 *> & 11 til£\ 3oU"ot(r:'äi>D i^ofc^lill-CHt^ nDn?!!^3oJ.Ua> i:n)Iot, ¥ < ^M^tzktmh (frh winner) T-to (4) © 7-^- ! = 4, ===== o £ L 7= o A'3 I t '16 fttf 5 z>6 6DBt 7 7-f^>*S^ p. ® ft 7J* < (12) Iß © & ^ 1 T" i)5)ÄJ .tJ tu & — 129 — Lesson 35 Review Lessons 31 — 35 N gfi &m m m (&m mm m& mm) mm mm m)& ®(a) mm (ah Ad : #^ v: inth #t 3i< m& VN :(tf)ts $lt^ ffiirf£ aos&t* m(M)tz im-th mik-th mm-rz> wm-tz> Lesson 35 O \mXcox n iz^ztttWh •) itc 1^3^ 1^ 5 ^ ia»t& a^m m^m mm ^mw k'm?z xmm mtm$& mim^m A^um^ m^n^m mmmmt m^cmmm O &^^ H 1 2 3 A -c m m 4 5 6 A A ^ t A • S < £ £ 3 7 7° • £ b & ^ > • J - \ & £~ k? T 7 • ¥ 9 - 4' to be ashamed, shy c\t>^^ to be afraid (of) ■9 b i Lv^ envious 7|(^b)9 ^(jo.L)£ to get angry ^(iot-^) <=CJfo3; (Hit) heart .1 c: 6 -> > (4) Iii 'L-(ZZfb) a heart, mind 'kM¥ (LA. • t) • fr<) psychology 4>K(L4 • l±V)1-£ to worry P^lM^4 • LA-) interest # feel sense (13) r r F Is !l i& fä(frA,)LZ> to feel üS'lM/^A, • LAJfä to be impressed &iL(frA,-fr<) a sense !SHt(^4- L^)1~£ to thank emotion state of affairs (11) r f f '1* 1 ft It 'ft If (ft£) tt&V> miserable if $x (L j; -? ■ II n ) information üSi'f (frA, • L i n ) a feeling #if (&^ -Uli) love, affection 400 401 402 — 134 — Lesson 36 *(* < A J: h- t>3; (K&) it S01T0W i^ta-LXs (12) ) 1 =) U> sad Lfr to feel sad mUU-lfZ) a tragedy weep cry fc-< (8) X J / ->- ?£(&)< to cry, to weep * animal's cry=&.!(&)< laugh smile *b ^ - n V a 7 (10) 1 k kh %(foh)n to laugh, to smile ^(fo to smile wryly head leader X (16) n V D \ 5 a' 5' Si (£> i) a head SM ("f • o i ) a headache m&ihtzt • down payment USB 9 • -£) the head — 135 — Lesson 36 407 PA ^ > 3 ; (Hi % awake sense 3-£- ■it (12) w »/ 1 IT * %x.h to memorize §1K(#> • 50 t LBvFlt an alarm clock • ^{) a sense ^ < ) perception forget (7) s -t l -t: 1 _ 1 fe{fc>-f)tl2> to forget ."S^^ ({?7 • fa A, • tHJ a year-end party 7E.(frt)ti%S(i>?)) a thing left behind 408 think n7 (6) '— #(#>A\,;#f) to think # (^A^5") X. a thought, an idea A, 9 • d • 7)J<) archaeology • >! -9 ) ~th to select 409 — 136 — Lesson 36 2-2. mfrwm l. itx-ä 2. 3. &ti& 4. &< 5. mit? 6. £7 7. SCä 8. 4> 9. #|'f 10. II 1. ^^^H^?: «t < #x."C 1/^(7)T\ $~'lsl?z0 I was impressed with him because he memorizes kanji well. 2. gjtf LB#lt4-gßMi:^tlT*i L/:0 unpleasant 6. A£'0 8. fÄ«|f^t> 5. to memorize 6. to forget 7. to think 8. to feel fth 9. a feeling 10. sad frA frh, L i. n ii>ti 1. to feel relieved 2. to worry 3. to be impressed \1& &A LA LA liV frA LA 4. helpless 5. reassuring 6. sense 7. psychology -3'X frA *>< LA >3 Lesson 36 i ■ I'd like to express my heart-felt thanks to you all. (for a formal speech) 9. humanity 10. love 11. a complaint 12. to wake up A £-I 13. information 14. a tragedy 15. a smiling face 16. a headache m Z X 9 12 9 O If $ x. As& f" ^9 17. way of thinking 18. a year-end party 19. a thing left behind X. frč If 9 AH-" in. -aw 1 . ( ) A ( ) í- ( ) AAě*A ( :í i a. >)■ i ■ sit fi 2. ( ) AW ) WAT ( ) AA£c 3. ( ) <7) ( ) A&AoA, ( ) LA ii li •} í -'• S tiLi it A. í « i L-J 5. fl/HA Ali ( ) LI]c9AAV£cDA ( ) (,> ) AAW, ( ) Lv> ( L At A. A. * *; ) AA^A^c — 139 — Lesson 36 -lit $g n ^' i ti ft^O sl.^' X ft < ft^p ft < ^ o c o 1 it 90 fm b ft ^ ^ O -1" 7 3 i& L' -5 s a i ft < & £ < ft ■5 o l Mfc l ~ 2 0J; < 35 btift ^ - y it & t V) LftUo 7cM^'ft ^ ( L) £ -A f 3 3 l/- ^ -i -y -i ~y L ^ n — h - * X h 1/X a stress (desease) ~B£ (if) degree of ~ 5E(L) death ~75u> ■£•(;: ft £ to be disgusted with ~ l^tf ? to say "No" -1" 7 -f 7 ~t h to be irritated, to be nervous —140 — Lesson 36 A * 1-UXJ£80~-100% 0 C * h U*J£20~50% Li)\z-$hz\t\*-A'®Q tit x.(±\ ioS, i^lw^b — o/AtA£>f L x n 0 tefrcoA^Mn D X h ~20& ixx, Ml:11 i^^lfo : i^a ^ ^> Attfco £ALA, * U>£r££MitT < ($fl£ rananj 1988^ 6 £ 3 B ^ «t ^ ) — 141 — Lesson 36 — 142 — Lesson 36 fo(D^ft(D%m&%Z.t L «fc 9 □ l K m 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. S 14 15. m 16. )g 17. ^ 18. (W) 19. £ • JHJ (*D B3 :i 1 1 1 I I "fr rMj Wgl^li, fall internal organs) ^£ it iZfebtl t tc 4>H (LA^'9) heart ffll (^A-P'-9) liver "f"V^j§S$ ("t^-?'-)) pancreas —143 — Lesson 37 I mm I Kill - 5 - : iSöfl^ffei&ll (Intransitive Verbs & Transitive Verbs) A (£) : ^w^KAUiH* (life) : ^4-*^'>o^^A(v^)tt^ tf} (g) :£*frblti(tz)1- (g) : *tf*M — 144 — (1) (2) (3) (4) ~ Vi. Intransitive Verbs -aru %th (í)Ožž) g£A£ ifcfoh) -u m< 31 tr (AAtf) M< (^*<) |JA (J;6C1^) fg< (±5^<) -ru -eru $Ě&7* (AAá) VS. 30* £ Vt. Transitive Verbs -eru {ŽAá (-z>tz*.2>) ^Aá (AAá) -eru fétbí {t tib í) fällt, (oAitá) -asu -su -u (A <) .6) fwi : AáAAAá, ŕiUAäit, W^Z/fétt, i^/t^ž, ^i.ž/It, P^áA^A, & A Lesson 37 OL-y h 2 2-1. it i t>3 I mm transmit legend -ofz-t>Z> (6) / i r \^ fai^tz) ?zh to transmit *¥fz;(T • o/i) 9 to help, to assist fopil ("CA • föWCCA • . :*A) a biography a message 410 substitution period, fee 1r-k.h ? ■< (5) ft ft it(fr)fc>%> to substitute ntSMft( • ^ • /i^) room rent Btft ( U • £V) an era 3c ft{z\-j • tz^^)~f Z> to take turns call (8) n D a OA 411 412 Pf(«t)^ to call PfUJUO* ■ /i) L calling D f-1 (z ■ a breath — 146 — Lesson 37 413 414 im au *>3$ (Hie) burn (12) t * r r **■ to burn, to roast *£( ^ )£[*]( U <) grilled meat B ^) It sunburn (-tf/v • L J: 0 ) t h to be burned down Ä bend, curve melody i-lfZ> (6) 1 n ih rtti ft to curve fftfH ( § i < • ) a curved line $\(i)lf£> to bend ftfffi^ ( £ o • § J; < • fr) ■ a composer undress J drop out &-<* (11) 1 I 1 I 1. IM(*k) C to undress, to take off Mttiitzo ■ Ltf>o)f <2> to escape WOMitlo • h < to drop out 415 416 separate part with P 1 ^7 (7 3'J glj(t>^)tl& to part from glJ(^o)<7) different, another #glJ(£<-^o)& special K5JIJ(<-^o) distinction — 147 — Lesson 37 417 418 419 420 Ü 80 collect assemble (12) / f f ft f m (*>o) i h to collect to gather A41 ( U 1 • Z:h to gather n9> -9 ) "t" & to concentrate line up (8) f If it 3fe (& h) to line up 3fc/fc (&<& • #) a tree-lined road ordinary tio) parallel % joy pleasure (12) + ) IT f % C3 -=tr (thZ)& to be glad pleasure a comedy surprise astonish < 3 ? (22) ** t to be surprised surprise ■ ^ ) a wonder — 148 — Lesson 37 2 — 2. K*M 1. 2. f|< 3. 4. Bf^ 5. fSx.& 6. 7. tt< 8. 8ft <* 9. %Vbh 10. 11. ffi^S 12. (eW 1. $U 9 BfUlROiy «t 1 Kfsx.T < /i$ v^0 to greet 3. ^ftWf-^-Ca^-CffoT^-C < tzfs^\ 6. £UA&B#, 0 — 149 — Lesson 37 2-3. I. D^ii^&il^Ati&^o 1. to transmit 2. to substitute 3. to call 4. to burn < 5. to turn 6. to take off 7. to part from 8. to gather 9. to line up 10. to be glad 11. to be surprised 0. □ (:Jfi^&Jil'i-£Ati££i> 1. a message 2. a biography 3. to represent 4. money to be paid XL -L XL § 5. an era 6. a breath 7. to burn everything up •5 -trx 1*9 — 150 — Lesson 37 grilled meat 9. grilled chicken 10. to distinguish 11. to escape 12. different places 13. special 14. to compose 17. a tragedy and a comedy CO t < . a curved line 16 . a meeting place L * n 18. to concentrate o if § S If s L * 7 *3 «> -9 & (7) i 4" ^3 & Ü ^ * o X # § ^ X. & $ V > 0 1. L fa A, t/iv^lli, £<7)U>fcfcv>T*3&*£< £>^&£0 2. .I-Iti I, t*^^-<0(7)i d^)T*{i^ LS L j: i — 151 — Lesson 37 y h 3 1-H<&#J (3#ffi, «^LtU^0)fLt, ZtiZ&tDAizfcJLZto fcz.Z>#\i, * * _ f^H>Cl----1 xto ftt±»v>-c, t<'^xi)-2At'^tztZ,htztn^X^^iLtz0 *i'/:«S:^^ r- feH^3 £&fr<fttf&^£i/><7)-ei-7lJ, 1 75?] Lfrt> V £-£A0 -thi^Li)\ 275 — 152 — Lesson 37 £n o t t * fr r^~n t # £ t fr ciľzza < JHÍ W U 2 lJ > 1 (Kanji Lettering) > imiLHc ^wu? >; >A(±Ad-efiAA-rv^i-A? (föi, #?±, /£) — 153 — Lesson 38 I I h 1 M^mom'Z- - 3 - (Adjectives - 3 -) pairs - - m^' - Bf^ - £v> irregular ttu> m^^-c^z (mm) — 154 — Lesson 38 2 - 1 . >1^»#^ MM slender minute i£-jH> (ID I f In ffl(ll*)\<* slender details small, detailed ffl5Mt ( $ ^ • .£ /v • fr) t h to subdivide fat big (4) —* A(^i)v> fat, thick &R|(£i,> • £7) the sun to get fat V> • ^V* • X. -7 ) the Pacific Ocean heavy important (9) s n f f it(23&)^ heavy #lt (/i V*-• Zty-j) weight SA(C i9> 9 • £V) & important fiy^J ( C * d • 0 J: <) gravity 421 422 423 Lesson 38 WM - light (12) ~~ n P | j $£(#>&) V> light fj^fi (!t^ • ^) gas oil, light oil li^ Ot^ • L l <) a snack litlfjJi^Ot^- t ■ £ o ■ L ^ a compact car 1* narrow (9) / \ r ^("tii)^ narrow, small ( c? X ') ■ cO a narrow sense $ (-tir S ) £ PI (t /v) the strait gate (to Heaven) weak i^-s (10) —1 r 15 li SjSjUfr)^ weak li^ U fc> • i to) fragile, vulnerable ii(>t^)^) to weaken ii*(u^< -XL) a weak point sleep fatr-S (10) i n a § Bp K(fctrH> sleepy *-Ig(il-AA.) hibernation BE(tet/)6 to sleep £K(&A ■ a good sleep — 156 — Lesson 38 iLth t>3^ mm) % pain bitter <&-Ltr (8) ■— 4- 1 ^(#* //* '> h xn £ £ v >0 1. ffil1. • 2. 3. íľ- < 4. f|v> 5. 8RV> 6. Üffl^1 7. $ .. 8. R. ■ 9. sjsf*» 10. £-t> 11. ffiJ|L& 3. £W?WBfe, fí^L < T. MtiÍ-&A,X'lfz0 7. -f&i-ti./^, l 7jT j £ ffl t!p < LX ( fz^^^i-ČA,fy0 8. C^-sf^Uŕ^f^í? i■tí:^o 9. ^-g-i^iSi J:i 6. weak 7. sleepy 8. painful 9. simple, easy 10. small 11. bitter 1. small changes 2. slender fingers 3. fat (for a person) 4. the Pacific Ocean 5. one's weight 6. important 7. gravity .....! ¥ J;9 W> 9 U KD 9 t£ o C w> 9 0 I; En L v 11. fragile 12. a weak point 13. strong and weak 14. a sound sleep 15. a hard life £> A A A, u 16. an aerogram Ac •7 < t Li A'A to be in a difficult position "1 Lv^ < 5 fc*> If 18. bitter tea 19. pain < 09 1 . £A) A § A li^t-;Tv> ^ A', A b /i AA A v 2. Zifr\,*tifrtztft£\.>t, AA^A < AAAA(;Ao^t>L&£^ 5. ^Alfoii, i; Ai^-^-x -XA;BAAo A0 Lesson 38 -IL-7 h 3 tit a crab omelet 3f@ 80S A^ A^ M-m» A£ii A? l 1 Af? L1A2 •/ft A? II 4 1 i ^ 7" 'J - > A? l 1 * y 7°2A3 A? l 1 ft A? l 2 LA* A: c- l 1 * # if (At 't)n) ingredients W (A i A) an egg = A A 3 IS©) three il — a crab fee a spring onion L J; ;) A ginger A^#HAA < A) starch Lfc) salt L^A(t a mushroom #tŠ($ 1 A) H a wok All ( £ b) a plate A A sauce ft 0 77 : ©tm«. #J£o I^ALA AiilfflA < , L<- >A AíAtfl < UJ& ©SPfctš, LAíAAíi, Jtt'J>5i;i/2>:i«/;*U 1 i: AWAh$ L 1 AAí? L 1 AA^A(-,cO(Aji];AA X < ÍAA (D^¥^^AvĚA$ L 4 ^AA &'AA*&LA, ®t i AA ť> to £ 1 J£C A LAA£ ©A-¥A A^ž-tfá0 ©A/K'A^ioA© LA, #£(WiA:ii;#A A( «A, ©$AALA, ifcšfe£oit\ ICWžo ©cAAHt-áo A-»A2 L 1 řír^lAA x-AAAAAo A £ AAA, ©A - AA&A£AAA, AA?&A© — 161 — Lesson 38 ®JPi '• h to cut £ $*tr to chop i: < to beat (an egg) to mix fr^i-^h to stir up trP ( < t>) X. & to add ^(fao)-f £ to heat VJiELAtL^ to pour to put together hi (^/j) £ h to become hard, to set m(fr?z)libZ> to harden b\^h to melt 17i>1" to dissolve £>o < tyM't to turn over * GO & to boil to bake, to grill ®{^^tz)*bh to fry lightly M(ts) ~f to steam ?Wt& to pour on, to put on [ISffi] *4-7cWli|Wf«^^f49-W^ 0 //LT < fz ? '- ■ —162 — Lesson 3£ 1. -tťÁ^Offii (Lkj-M1) kinds of fabric {tbk.) cotton ^ (it) wool % linen H silk ^IJX^XJl/ polyester 2 . ffcii^X-tirAfc < )(7)f;fc;j how to wash 53 40 KS3 less than)/tftM T ^ U >fij$íU(180 ~2io"c)-e^it, A T CO (cloth) í" f£ (to squeeze; ~3CT x > y 3()°C W K 7^n/li|S äi (80 120°C)T"7)^tž iíilM (x. A Ý itv\ chlorine, chloric) <7) i* ŮM (O l 1 ti < a bleach) tH£ x. ž — 163 — Lesson 39 Lesson 39 2 - 1 . >1^(7)#^^ MM < k.i.h. *>3 * mil' sky, air ? -7 empty, vacant (8) ■ (•?- ) sky '^M( < 9 • -tir £ ) a vacant seat i < 9 • £ ) air PM(< n ■ frA,) space port harbor (12) ; i i X . | 432 i'S ' 4* t) a harbor, a port i&Wj" (^i't ■ J^) a port citv '^i&< ')) an airport I'l'iife,: ' - ') >" • Z-) ■ +tk ' an airship — 165 — Lesson 39 434 MM t y a 5 mm step floor il4 (12) " i f y f f ~ floors fzA,' stairs — (v>o • tH^) the 1st floor (/iA • /KJ a step, a stage 435 build construct 7-> (9) -1 =3r ^ tfi o to be built JgtKfcT- t«) a building il L- T/j to build Slf&OtA • -£-o)-f& to construct -ZTL found P^s. establish (11) v -ir ->r i-ir f ;n 5 5 5 67 1 . I 1 ixBf (ito • (t^)"f~ h to plan, to design nxfiiif (+io • [/) equipment (-tiro ■ \) o) -f Z, to establish complete * y (7) N 1 'niikifrA, • -tf/v) & perfect Vfi f i/jv'v ■ 'J ,t '))t-S to finish, to complete TcfiK^A, •to complete — 166 — Lesson 39 438 form, emerge * > 3 (. 6 ) r Jf ft, I ?&A.(-£v> • UA,) an adult $t#J (-^ • - "9 ) ~f Z> to succeed h%i>. t-ti-L^ • >0 o) 1"£ to be organized J&H (ft >9 • fc) Narita t^7 spend expense (12) —i 1 * t u'!|j'~> - J; -) ) an expense 9zMf( (') • ') • i>) travel expenses it ft'1 L- J: < • X» food expenses '"{'-ft (./jf< • O) school expenses 439 440 release let go 1$ IF (8) (£-9 ■ L*P'>)irZ> to release [Jijft ■•:;•*, "i'-v to open /ftil(SH • Jcn)t%> to broadcast Lesson 39 2-2. m^mM 1. £ 2. ?t 3. jflU 4. 5. 6. ^it 7. f m 8. eps 9. 7ě)S-rž ío. ifc£t* n. séhž-t* 2. ífefiHíHc*6£, ',■•< < A\ fffl^UKfcžo 3. äI£*<^í£?§l±*^0-M H'^tžT'5E^*0 4. -ř(7)*-ř;i/{±40Rř^-CWí ^>4-3Stl"C\ jlá*f fifRÍT jJf&o Ťz0 5. 2 ÍOH UífcgSftfcř U ŕd!ftP]lí> íl'"M-A < -CíiWí^řlTC^ < J? # <7) .ií fz^ŕzo 6. I /j Of£ 2 J] m U U [í&A(D H J X~ŕo 20A ((i *>) U & o A A £ ßic A > t: A — 168 — 2-3. mz\ I. □t:ig^&?il^£Ati£$^ Lesson 39 1. sky 2. a port 3. to fly 4. to build a house £ Xh tz 5. to let free 6. an airport 7. an airplane T 0-9 £ the 1st floor 9. an expense 10. to complete O X 9 11. to construct 12. to broadcast Ii9 € 9 1. air 2. a vacant seat 3. space 4. vacant < 9 £ < 9 "t+S < 9 frA. h — 169 — Lesson 39 5. a port town 6. traveling expenses 7. an airfield 1. stairs 9. a four-storied building 10. a radio station tzL XL fr^ tz tzX IS 9 t * < 11. to make a plan 12. to establish a school txr> Z 7 13. an adult 14. to be organized 15. to succeed in. ( ) ^ii^^it^-*#^^$^0 1. ( ) ^'i;^ ( ) ;:, i'vvM 2. ( ) V>-CV»4 ( ) (DZtZ ( ) tH^Jto 3. so^K^a ( ) i::&o£A£ i>v>M>-f&H£( ) WBtm'Jt Lesson 39 7h 3 <ÄH3!>g> 1977^H^lSBX#^t>*), 4000^-M^#Ö§1A^ M^~5A^ittJ ?-5AM^tl£LA„ -eLT, ^^^(c^'iiL/L-TjL 2*BLtz0 2003^9J!I1£, JtH^'/iU^ff t^fMffiii 1 H¥#J477fä-C\ ^§87j"5-f-A, jf tJ5900 b > £iIA"C^£ 0 o#.%^EHi^^7,u^JfftÜxT^- MÄH, ±&mfrbliR&fä&x$ J 7 J ±~ * HPS ( < £ t/ >) international 1 $3 (A'V^o £ ) the 1st period Ä% (^t'j) air cargo ^ tij ('W ^ A) an average (ItV^-ttV^) KeiseiLine ■&W) tTj to transfer -^'H (^oUö ) on the other hand \M.M (*) i < o T ) non-stop service *'Jffl# (UUf) a user Alt (*>tf) Chiba Prefecture (^o-?-^ >b) a runway 'ftjS (M^< ) IE?! (-£i^< ) A<£ (Av^A) ±^ ( L * In) at present a rapid train punctual hard, difficult & main Mtf (Z\tf) to be crowded 1] ^i^lEUttUfCX P^ÄoTV^tKiTx£#£&£v\, ) l&ffl£?gl±$f L < AAS'/£t:&£0 ) jSFH^?iogiJ^I± rtr^MiaP^/iJ -c^o ) m 1 Il^ffcotl, JSESSilCii'/f fcW 2 A ) fiXffl^'/iOMS^-^ A;Ki, 1977^H5cJi£l.£0 pA 'j a ->*; — 171 — Lesson 39 ftmomz^ikKii^ i -tj 9 -A -tx•■ s i a\ ti-h4-1-xamw( *j < abbreviated word) £f£ -) -I t ''J £ i~0 r / # & L1 iirkM) i 7 'J 7 K < 7 f-p mm i y K 7 i ]) kf > ii mmm A// 77>X id ammm) 7" v v ;l/ )J0 f)- 3 - U y / n 7. 4?$t-7°>x. 1. *Q-f& 2. 3. IS ^1-4 5. ^{Aritt 6. ffifffi ■ X 8. fUjfc^ 9. [':A^[5]-^M^ 10. ^ • m ■ m ■ if • * 11. ffiffi^H- • 4>B#II 12. ItjJrbAIBI ss • n &s§# — 172 — Lesson 40 I smok I V h 1 i-fe M (Geographical Features) 46 <7> IB (l?A,*>) a plain highlands a desert a mountain range a plateau a basin a canal — 173 — Lesson 40 0.-7 h 2 2-1. >n^oo*t^ up* position approximate (7) \ f r fö() rank q^fä (#K • ^) a degree fö (£V • • v>) the 1st place position Ü. put place (13) t rm de w f f f f ä. fir(&)< to set, to lay S (£) £ b#lt(t~ • a table clock fiig(l/> • h) position, a location öxiIK^-j • A)AZ> to set up horizontal side, wide id * 7 (15) - i r r ** H (id) the side tfkMi&l • tzL) crossing ' • (it) Yokohama #$£-(£';• T A,) to turn over 441 442 443 — 174 — Lesson 40 < A,J:* t>3 5 (®&) fa direction orientate tMt& (6) fa fa [n](tf)< to turn toward rfr|uj(&&<& • h) $ facing south [n](ti')Cl^ on the other side, over there •>!')) a direction field origin, basic (10) r r r »JS • li t,) a field Jg^f (if A. • L) an atom ISCH (tf A, • v>A,) a cause, a factor (CI -) • If A) highlands plain, flat even tf 9 ■} ( 5 ) flat, even ^B • Co) a weekday ^#1(^1^ ■ >t>) peace ¥^£(0 J: 0 • 1) baseball — 175 — Lesson 40 448 j& wind atmosphere (9) ) A n A M Ä SK^-tf) wind aM.(fz^" ■ ) a typhoon jUIU.^ • 7^-t?) a north wind fDSl(^'^o) Japanese style j3rj both, two money 'J 3 7 (6) — 1 n MMCO l 1 ■ LA.) parents WM(L* •'Oil) vehicles, cars (!•']#(ty J; 9 ' fr'x.) exchange of money Po^f ( 0 «t "7 ' 1) both bridge i (iL * 3 ^ (16) t #^ M(liL) abridge • ^ i?) an iron bridge #oi^((i • £*l • # I n ) a pedestrian bridge 449 450 2-2. l. m. 2. |pj^ 3. m 4. m 5. 6. g< 7. fig 8. ^|fi] 9. ¥ff 10. 11. ism. Lesson 40 3. B#(iA¥#<7)ffi[;f£® LT^&0 to be located 4. >I<7)±i&(i 1 ^77 y< - r- 5 7jRfi-Ci-0 per square meter approaching Lesson 40 2-3. I. OizmMtem^iXtiftZ^ 1. a location 2. a direction 3. side 4. abridge - 9 5. wind 6. a plain 7. parents 8. to face, to turn I I I r I r " r 1 [ "| ^ ^t.> X> l)J;i L/i- 1. a degree 2. position 3. an iron bridge 4. Yokohama i: Iii 5. to set, to lay 6. an ornament 7. exchange of money " I < if 8. both fli? lä 9 0 J. 9 # ;i 9. on the other side, over there 10. south-facing 1 to —178 — Lesson 40 11. a field, a sphere 12. afield 13. vegetables 14. a cause CD 15. highlands 16. raw material 17. a typhoon 18. atomic energy Z 9 tf A tfA On 19. flat 20. a weekday 21. peaceful 22. the velocity of the wind #<7> ( ) l . ( ) ( ) t; ( ) 9 ( MM ) oVT^itc 2 . ( _ ) (± ( 3. ( ) 4 UK) ( ) Ji, fii-y. ( )^ro 5. ( ) ( ) A,-Ci/>& ( ) frb ( ) tfhr>X. r( ) 7){ 6. ( ) (i ( t ( — 179 — Lesson 40 ZL~7 h 3|-WlH^ mtCD&ZitfoS 0 0 0 + U7-FJK ffi|l!i3 7y?^77^£M- Y)VXhh0 Jflii S„ m±-Z\tf\U&X'*>Z>0 \iz\m(r) x\ ^xi>imix^&'Xii\i>%<, fwiSoaifiTtu-A, mft%tf^\ '¥&tzh to be equal to ~ [M fl] l. B*<7)Amii> I I il I 1 ? m(^) mm) mm &m t(ffl) im mfo m?) (^m « M(ü) A: ffli^ ±w 11^ glV/^ NA:#giJft V.mtb '&-< ^9 -fctih #x.£ (^)Ui %*bh ®/0 1. mm ( ) li. ü*n ( ) 2. föH ( ) 12. lig ( ) 3. ^ifij ( ) i3. ( ) 4. ffiJM ) 14. ( ) 5. mm ( ) 15. ( ) 6. ( ) 16. £HK ( ) 7. ( ) i7. m-k ( ) 8. ¥KP ( ) 18. rffiJ^r ( ) 9. ) 19. fffl ( ) 10. ( ) 20. jfcg ( ) 1. 75^# & & to think a person what direction same i: 3. < hi' rank & < to cry 4. fcl' flat ^ & & a half to come 5. L to know Japanese 6. til heavy < hi a car the east Lesson 40 7. t>1) ^ & 8. a tl & bitter young fine mercy quiet 9. fr% Z.h 10. LO & & light to fall down quality funds expenses 1. \\m%*.bT;!>£ (a. Eafe b. c 5tl£) 4>£0 3. flSnTWi&THIi, Tkifi^tfXW (a. b. A^ c A^) 4. fr^W (a. ilfc^ b. Mm'- c. tffc p- C&^/^o 5. i>ZZ*ft{Z (a. H^-C b. ^fof c ffi^oT) <£'£i/>„ 6. IWn^^i-^Wfl^-ii (a. VJt'' b. Jffi-'F- c R0-£) T-fo 7. (a. b. c &) ^X^Z>0 8. j A t '-: /,>'.; \ !H:!' v' A. ;'. (a. f.\,; b. '. c. f£h) 4"is®R^ l £ 1"„ [s] IS h (iJ 4) Wfl'? Kanji of the same 'ON' reading I. ^ ^ 2. l > & 3. io ^ 4. n Lv i [ til |" a location a meaning a difference a doctor 7H> u- 5. u 6. u 7. ^ ie I !r twice to open (shop) a membership fee second floor Lesson 40 9. frK -tn> 10. A>A, < 11. U A>A. 12. A^A, fcA completion sense time simple 13. \i E 9 § J; 9 14. ^A, i £ 9 a pedestrian bridge study 15. Siv rt>l> a church 16. (JÖ -9 a direction 17. < 9 ~9 an airport 18. L- -Ö 19. i!o -9 H3 thought a school 20. HA. -tro 21. -tro 461^ 22. LA -tro 23. 9 -tro 11 construction explanation kind right turn — 184 — Lesson 41 I smih I h 1 B - 2- (Kanji Compound -2-) £A [hi ML) an old man senility one's old age man "~-;~" after -ization Lesson 41 h 2 2 - 1 . >1^CQ«£^ MM * aged (6) -^(is)v»& to get old &;£0tv> • %l)9 • £4) an old man Respect for the Aged Day tribe ^ clan (11) 3- > ^^(^ •-?"<) a family KJg-/':(AA • f < • tfJ < ) ethnology !£;$£(<&A • -?"*<) a race, a people /R^ffi (1~^ • -P < - irk) an aquarium supply j deliver (10) i n * 1 K, ( < (f) & to deliver 'L^KLA, • liV) i" & to worry @2it((iV^ • £o)1--?> to deliver 5>SS(^4 • iiV)-^ to distribute 451 452 453 — 186 — Lesson 41 11^ 3$ (Ilk) 1 art skill v jl 7 (11) \ ^f- C»«>o) an operation • C*9>*3) art, skill li^T (^ ■ Ztfp^) fine arts S^r^OfV- L:^"J-7>) an artist retreat (9) -a t it jiK^^ • ^A,)-f~£ to leave hospital Wt-(fz^^ ■ 7)f<)~t-& to leave school )Mft: (tz ^ • L v) T to leave the office effect £ - < a £ (8) >• >- ft $j(^)< to work on, to be effective ^T^/ (*9> 7 ■ ^ -) ) validity %]W:(z\n-fr) an effect feM(ts-Z\7) invalidity ft people folk (5) -7 r HH$:(>I < ' hk) a people, a nation WtRittk • hk) refugees TfTSlL • hk) a citizen BM^ifrk • • #?<) ethnology — 187 — Lesson 41 458 it* s/5 visit ütr-tL* (id 3-**• r n > a 0 5/5 @7j ( fz~f) to call on gTjRi] ((i -) • & A) t £ to pay a visit $}j(&b)tl& to visit (a place) iTj^OS "? • ^M 1"-2> to visit the U.S.A. face (18) it f * r r TfTT II(t^Jo) face 'Stiff(-^A • /6JA-)"t"& to wash one's face fffe^Jb* • ^/?) complexion gI@j(/55X • *6Aj the face 459 460 tooth (12) 1 y \y if f f ft((i) it (li) 7 a tooth 7 v a toothbrush ffifffe (L • ^ • v>) a dentist i*f$ (li • C£ £) a gear — 188 — Lesson 41 2 2. t^<&$jj|li 1. 2. 3. UK 4. II 5. it 6. >L«t^ *— b-fZ> 7. iiKt^ «— Ai%-f£ 8. 9. a* 10. mi) «— 11. Kjfc£ i. M^ciiiife^i;^^^, ^^a^l-sel-cv^o 3. 5gA*-^K^£^£#£l!>fc£o 4. &fflft£OHF^±Jcifc^T% «t < tvt*?t 7 'J #?>il* fcmn-fho 7. lXIU-C^v^AA-ib^¥fniIfJjOH'7^KoTv^o — 189 — Lesson 41 2-3. mtmm I. DK&iS&gl^fcAfifcS^o 1. to wash one's face 2. to have a toothache 3. to visit a># 4. to worry about an operation 5. to quit school (T) i/» t«o L^ i±v tz^ ak 6. an effect 7. an old person 8. a family 9. a citizen Zo a^ a> -r< 1. to get old 2. validity «-► invalidity 3. This medicine is effective. ist. nil. (7) 4. to deal cards - 0 5 . to deliver the newspaper h < If LA MA lil^ £o — 190 — Lesson 41 6. a boy -*■ a young man -*■ a middle aged man -+ an old man 7. the art museum in Tokyo 8. to visit my teacher's home <0H 4- 9. a resident 10. This country is a multi-racial nation. t5> 1*9 4 A, I. ( ) Kft^fcjil^fct^&^o 1. ( ) £ ( ) 2. r( ) li ( ) ttrtiO ( ) *-AT\i tv^is^iij^ i r *■ t' < Sit /v 3. il<7) ( ) li ( ) X"$)£>o a multi-racial nation < l: t: A A * < Z «■ ( ) L/Co 5. ( ) -C ( ) ( ) Iftztf, ( ) 1-4 i-C* i: 3 ( ) <"h 6 . Z\ WTAAtJf*$ AAA^AA\ AéAttA£LŽLA0 £ < t:v^c A AM ÍĚ A lit. IT-£ OíAŽLAo AC^jKAb'=éc5lct;iEÍ&A*^ Ž LAo £U£l± i: A tABd LA, t-^A ^■K^fr £ Ž LA AKAéAA AA;j L Ž LA0 rAEA m%-%-Ť-%*LÍ-t0 AífiížAS^íi^AŽAAo AftAb 'A^tAJ £ L ŽAo í/AÍI±Í^ttáA, i^t^o < AA^L'J LA, A i! AóiiK L/:bVs AAAAAoj r'AMAJ li^AU^A^A&áAAAAoj H£AAPfl^ á L/A AŤfAA fAA>-AÍ)A:AA£attíA, A L AA Aftíř, C ^iA'%^IAA)ltio H^ŘÍfc-taMf-t < A^i^oj Ě=*(A A^v^íOÍC r ě A tiAA 4AÍ o A, A(i"áó b^AtOlMÝliHAAAoj tHot, É^ffi^liA MMr < fJ (A < :''iLA;- intLfzo rAWkf> ^«^7 A>{ btfAj AAAoj i(W-fi± LAA < Ax.TAbA^ t LAo rL^áA - AA^oJ ^OAiiL>7W/í7Ž'-*^oA, ioifáb^ACé^^ífě Ž LAo AfAí^A íáAAt WS LAo *ttAA (íi»^»Aí) an ambulance ij /N tf ij = ijAt"'Jf-v3> rehabilitation ~iH (AA ~ years old Eft (<& í) i^Uft < to visit a sick person ~IC ±ž to drop in (to a place) a rose [K P4J] 1. A(£Ž>£AliLA LAAISLŽ LAA0 2. Aíli wíž < biA/A> ^^-Cíi^^tt^o 3. AWCb^Ar£L&Aft(£& 19 ŽAAAo 4. U^tAJ (ifpia^CA^AAAo 5 . AWAi±AA*§AJABj£ííoAAě á LAAo — 192 — Lesson 41 On J. t'Uti, v^v^4'-^A (instructions) A'o^TV^-fo L'WCb^ — 193 — Lesson 41 m (&b)v> Wash Rinse Mt (-rv> *) *> v ) Water flow P#W (LAA) Time to (fiot^) Spin (-t±- A-7t < # Washing Machine) Water level fft (tvO Low (*> -) ) Middle ift ( CI -9 ) High mill (AAJt'A) Power On/Off Hr^^ (fHI Vacuum Cleaner) 36 ( £ j: -7 ) Strong 4" ("b *9> T ) Medium ( L v <) Weak t;j Off J* h — 7* (Stove) $$VJ&lc (AA £ J: ) Ventilation necessary ft (fa) h t § $j'A (Li 9^) Turn off when going to bed fp-/fiB#MA (^t9>-9$>LLi^A) Turn off when refuelling Z. tz A) (Kotatsu: Japanese Table-type Heater) SS (£Ah*) -t-*-Thermostat iä (TV») Low ßb ( Z\ ■) ) High Temperature fine adjustment fafatb Warm aboüö Hot mm (*-9-- Room temperature sensor 1^^ — ^ "V b (Electric Carpet) S.JS!PI@i5 (i5 A. h'A i "9 -£"3) Temperature adjustment Blifffiff^$t {tzMX3) #A-£§; § I) Ax.) Change of heating area t£ ( U-fr<0 )A>+)-- Light sensor — 194 — Lesson 42 I S42H | h 1 3: ¥ £ >S (University Life) A^ / wits • -*^a • i** V 3^ , S¥ y 4 ^ \-^ —'Jfl&^fS Oo(i%^k<) general subjects (-£A-&A^k<) special subjects il \K # @ (* /v < /V t <) elective subjects 'J^f t?f4" @ (tfoL*^'!)1!! compulsory subjects "3kW^ 'Hoit/v) experiments If #fff 2: field work ^Ullffl^C ('?"-> ^* J: "9 ^> A\£>A,) a graduation thesis WC^^&k (^iTv>';) teaching practice (^"°^rJ:')) graduation i&llc 9) necessary, required ^.fi (tzA,^) a credit — 195 — Lesson 42 h 2 2 - 1 . ^3? (n&) graduate 7 7 (8) r P AX * $f ' I -))1~& to graduate A^Wi*^ ' ^< ' • ^* i -) • -£v>) a graduate a college graduate afflB discuss debate o > (15) >• >■ r n o 6 «■••iL— 0 Ol offl] >/>. offl Srai {h ^ • a thesis, a paper IliJm( ') • h A>) a theory lifra - hk,)-fh to discuss, to argue mM(^ ^ • '9) logic fruit real (8) 1 %{&H> (üSO research tone j (15) >- >- >• r > n p D in rn tn tu M{Lh)-~<& to check Ml-(hll • L) condition, tone X 1 • ^)-fh to investigate ifi(^J;i A) harmony necessity (5) s V *l '1&(A& to demand f*() relatives ÄAK^A • -5)^)1-^ to classify MHIg-©^ • ^ • r) a synonym — 197 — Lesson 42 464 MM research tone < a. f" 3 (am) (15) 0 n in in in 0/' 5/p. M(Lh)^ to check M-f(hil • L) condition, tone 14(*) n ' ?)t^i to investigate Hfn(^ J; "9 • fr>) harmony necessity (5) s surely, without fail '&^(U"3 • J; -) )& necessary, indispensable indispensable essential (9) I n IH^) £ to need Afc (LS ^ 9 • <£ ) & important l^U ^ • £ t 9. #r io. mi 2. l^lii/MJU »3 fcffiô^o 4. txsfcžšitf&oiz&mu&mtftzi žkhho 6. %m.\z\hn^&hn^ r£íLLátj tw^0 8. m^m^i^icizt täöi>0 — 199 — Lesson 42 2 3 . & $ $111 I. □t;£3fc?£3:£A*ifc£v\, 1 . to graduate from university 2. a thesis 3. an experiment 4. to investigate 5. necessary 6. documents 7. good at 8. impolite LA £9 Li 5i> 9. condition TJ. □ ^®^£i#IA-£AA&$^0 1. a graduate 2. a college graduate 3. without fail A 4. to discuss 5. a theory 6. logic <0 200- Lesson 42 7. a fact 8. practical use 9. fruit, a nut 10. to say thank you U'Uo L o J; 9 * h- 11. to investigate 12. important 13. to demand 14. the point 41-& l 9 ±9 i9 t <® 9 J:? 15. to gain 16. income 17. to lose one's job 18. to fail Li t< l-9 r*9 in. M^ii^i?^fo-tt^^^?v>o 1. c\*>toA,7j>A,<7)L- i £ < l±, 500^Ax.ACf,L^^-To 4. dW-v^co^Cfi, t, j; -9 to^i:tlXL^L^o 5. The spring is in all its glory. #(-?'A.) £i~t = fiV^il" (humble expression) £>7!p(;FfJ|'C by a person's favor, owing to H.^^ df^^fft *>•*?) during one's college days ioWt&(~&to) to receive assistance ^!t(i) AJt) o Z£\->i Ltz Thank you very much, if (i5 *))= B# an occasion, when f$(i)0)l±lfit = W^i-f (humble expression) ^(i/>)75»i" to make good use of t£±s*S (L* 9 L^T^) a M.A. course ^tEt^ ("^"Vi-^tA, Did) a letter of recommendation $r#(/9*o X) t£ JoH^^ a one-sided request $ L|R(fc>tt) C'^^i-itA = 1"* J-^^ (polite expression of apology) — 202 — Lesson 42 t) Hill iiOti <«fi»a>EAM> How to Write a Personal History 2 (Hil) tfi (One's home address, nationality) 3 ^gffll (Higher education) £ IE At £ - 10 m) BSfP62^ 4 Jf A^ TO 2 • 3 ■ « TO2 3M£A^ 6•3•$H 00*¥OOMOOM ± TO 6 ^4 £A^ 8 • 3 • 4nt OOA^Af^OOffi?m OOt!MiOOII# Steffi (W (Academic degree) fit TO8^3 £200 OOff±/001f± OOA^ 5 SIffl (Employment) £tt£, A^£, fflftflffc ^EAt* - to 6 *-<7)H&*8 (Other work) *A<7)#f"h Lfclfcfc, gjf& — 203 — Lesson 42 m m m ft « o *« (BIS) Hgfp ^ ft b£ « ( Ht3( ) - Si ± ■ • A¥ » • • $n OOATOO^^OO^f4 • • A3* OOA^A^^005ff^f4 OOtSflOOH# // • • // • • oo&±/oois± OOA^ ^ n b ft m ^ ^ b // ■ • • ^ o i i i — 204 — Lesson 43 I fg43if | -1-7 h 1 QitOWlWl (Verbs of Change) mm ill A> m & If A. tii to increase ilt(^)& to decrease + W < fr)k_h to add to become few mn-fh to increase to decrease to change («*ro> 0 10 20 30 40 to disguise to change GOES tf$*«CTj£fb a* 1984* 1966* 1975* 1984*- "I 1 L ^W«M^k^«4.&l i 1 | 1 1 1 nnnnnn flnnrin 2A I 2 3 4 5 S 7 8 9 10 M 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 mm n a-ex to transfer jl(oib)ft& to line up to proceed (^B^cot^/i 1987j H^-tt 1987) to move + il£(oo*)< to continue + *(*>&)< to walk to move to continue to progress — 205 — Lesson 43 h 2 2-1. m^omzjj 'a add increase ^-^t (14) \ J r ** if(^)x.'6 to increase, to grow i#JP (-?r ^ • ^)*t"^> to increase if (-&»)-^i" to add, to increase add <^-X^» (5) ft JP(<^)*5^ to join #SP(£A, • to join ftD()x_& to add JDX(^ • i to process decrease ^-ht (12) N N "j /'n A M(^) 4 to decrease, to diminish WPi^fk, • L J: 1 )~th to decrease $c(^) to decrease 471 472 473 — 206 — Lesson 43 474 MM t y a < «&) ft change fr- X. h (9) -*~ r t ft ft- %(fr )hh to change ) x. h to change (something) #*)i~& to change, to vary ^A,) very, much ft transfer (11) s s i i i' r #(^o)£ to move f (l^lt to move (something) • t' ■) ) ~t h to move, to remove • hL) an immigrant 475 continue oo*-< V'A oo*-tt4 (13) & t Ir r r ** #jc(oo*)< to continue jIIje(ft A, • <) 1"& to continue ^(oo*)lt& to continue (something) ffi$c(-£ 7 • <) & to inherit exceed pass -r-rt (12) I n Pi ft * jIW^ to pass, to exceed jIj§ (o 7 • #>)-j" & to pass ii(-f) to spend (time) • Z.) the past 476 477 — 207 — Lesson 43 MM t>3; (h5 BO proceed advance t-r-ts V > (11) \ i' f ff % M (~t~t) L' to advance, to progress jM (*6 h to advance, to promote to progress advanced nations from, than (5) i 1/ Jil± (v> • D j; 9 ) more than Wbu (^ • -tf 4) previously J21T (v» • *W less than • r) after that beauty (9) Y % H(^o<)Lv» beautiful (<^ • I l • v>A,) a beauty parlor HA(C{~- CA-) a beautiful woman §i$f(£>'' C-t9>o) fine arts — 208 — Lesson 43 2-2. m*uw 1. iSx-ž 2. *£& 3. 4.J|]x.S 5. ^k1"4 6. m& 7. 8. &t>Z 9. iä^S 10. Ütr 11. JĚJLJt 12. JílT 13. HU> 1. 1950^WÍÉ, Ťt"t»WÄ'>L, ^AWAP^UÍJOLtľ^žo 3. g^I#iaoT#< OípifWffé£ i^Cíoto ■t ó 6. ^3 0#5 53Sl£'t:"to *í:^WB#ltl±^LUA-CV>t1-o 7. Síi^nŕ-TA^Lv^iJco^oAŽ-E^o — 209 — Lesson 43 2-3. 1. to increase 2. to decrease 3. to change ML L i -5 ^L 4. to move 5 . to pass by 6 . to continue hL <&•'< 7. to make progress 8 . beautifu 1 9 . more th an — — 90< o c ,t -5 1 . The number of cars increases. co Jr. 3. A new member joins the club. LL AH'1 2. to gain friends 4. to add salt ■210 Lesson 43 5. to join the United Nations 6. to go on with the plan 1-* 3< ha, ; kd 9 *>< -r-r 7. to step forward 8. the past 9. Winter passed. 10. to change the schedule 11. to move to Tokyo 12. to migrate 9 cT J; 9 9-5 W> 9 •A^i £® ^3 £f£ o A# § Ax. & $ 1. CI ^ o 9 t AfaAfaAAx.A^&0 2. 1945toA,v>r, (A5A LAOiA^'i^fc^^l^^li, i5jo^<-\AALA 3. 3faAAAAX LAtrbWLA^^ Atf A L j; i LTV>4, 4. iv>£ LAAU^ ^fAA&o£t Ato 5. t ^ § i AAoti1^ fo t i/A*AiAAJA>ti^c Lesson 43 3 1965 1980 2000 &f:(kcal) 2,184 2,119 2,644 350 226 177 60 92 89 42 63 58 70 65 25 10 17 42 1*131 30 68 79 i r 35 38 47 57 115 258 ft 76 93 101 If 36 219 251 279 59 155 114 2000^12, 177gKi#o-CV>£o 7£<75^(i, B*A1 At5?1 HK&^Tv^&Fp <7)a( g)£ < h^tz^nxhho *-¥f*A\t, 1965^*: < fc^&i:, 1980^(±, t>T^H65kcalTISIorv^^ 2000^1:fi, 460 kcal&ifx.Tv><5>0 1965^2: < 1980^$ h H2000^~CA^ t^tlt5s± t LT£ *£^ Awttffi') 1965^C(±, 1 A 1 H350g b&^T^tztiOtf, d £>40^raowgft n J: £ £ .&toti& o *Jt^'S (Li <-£105^0) one's diet Jt ( ^ i "9 ) amount •/fill (ifl> L) oils and fats ?LMpnp (K® milk products ( L ® L l < ) the staple food f?H (^S^) vegetable [ft M] 1 • 1965£r^><7)H*A?>&yi±£V)j: ^ 4» kntzitzfro 2. 2000^(79 H*A«tW±, ^gRfrri**,* <^fkL^^0 3 . * S f) ^ h ti £ < & o Jtpan llfa^o 4. &&£<7)|I]<7;&£?£li, ^^IZlfcoti', ^Lto i£ a chart *A* (feol) j; -7) calory ( ^> "9 I- ^ 0 ) milk ~Jil (.So ) -stlyle (Z\tsg) wheat -~ (I i h to be due to — 212 — Lesson 43 fcloTi^T fr B# ft B.C 500- A.D1- • 100- • 200" 300-400 500 ■ 6001 ■ 700 800 ■ 900 ■ 1000 - 1100 - 1200 - 1300 - 1400 - 1500 - 1600 - 1700 - 1800 - 1900 m 710 794 ft 1185 if 1568 11333, f*4t 1868 1945 IJIft a ffijg (-£v>tl£) the Christian Era B#ft (Ztz^) a period the division into periods W>tfa (lfA,L) primitive times ■jjfft (-I/itO ancient times ^tfr ( h tf> "9 -ttv>) medieval times iftii recent times jfift (§A©i^) modern times 51ft UfA/i^) the present age (pre-earthenware period) Jomon ware (straw-rope pattern pottery) 3ft £ (AJ:^) Yayoi ware ancient burial mounds ( A "q ) Nara (place name) ¥t£ (-^-i^A) Heian = Kyoto itlf (At < h) Kamakura Lesson 43 lUflr (tshih) a place name in Kyoto Northern and Southern Dynasties m.m (■Ö■^r<) the Age of Wars £±#fcÜJ (h^h i> i) a place name KP (If) Edo = Tokyo IS) Meiji period AIE (fcv^Ll ■?) Taisho period HSfP (Lxiio) Showa period Heisei period Lesson 44 I wum I v h 1 ü T (Expressions of Abstract Ideas) A i Bktm-tz compare A with B 0* A l BÄt4 contrast A with B common points different points — 215 — Lesson 44 7h2 2-1. m^omzu compare (4) - t ifc(<£>)^£ to compare itji(£> • \l-<®.l) specific gravity *]Jt(fc^ • l»-fh to contrast itM(£> • tlh^-fZ to be proportional 481 . contrast (13) r fj \\ J£$c(C> • 7> <) -fh to compare 482 /I opposite, anti-reserve (4) — r kfoOiA, • CO^ ) a reaction fc&diA, • to reflect jifxXV''■ (±/o) a violation of a rule R((±/0~ anti-~ 483 Lesson 44 m* MM counter-against v4 (7) f r -KfcKfcv») LT against- 2 *t (i>>) 3 2 to 3 föi((±A • fcv^-fa to oppose — *J/(^o • apair(of-) approve (15) f fr ** f t ~ t-SľfiSc( $ /L • •tírV^)"t"'2> to agree with —, to approve of — ~~^Jr|H]( $A • t'l )i" 4 toapproveof- Ü common together (tí) + 3 <7 (6) — it it it ÄiKšid -o^)cO common ÄÍ^K^J:^ • t"-') j cooperation ÍLfDHK š l n • t> • Z. < ) a republic ÄÄ!^ -) • Š J: Ť ) public, common i direct, just straight fcfc-ž ^3* fcfc-t (8) -r I ff t f Ü ÍÉE to repair iÄÍŽ("b i < • >T) immediately after íIÍSíĹ(*> «t < • direct current ítfé("b J: < - -Čo) direct — 217 — Lesson 44 mm k surface appear, table (8) t k 3i($)hfo)~f- to express %feM. (li o • 0° I n ) ~$ h to announce ^M{1> i. n • if A,) an expression 3kM(V-1 l • £>A,) a surface appearance presence (*f>t>-i-) (id — T 3K&) modern times Jl^(tfA-^A) cash 51£0f7v-$V) the present begin first Iii:-* ->a liu-iöt: (7) V ft $ ((± C) «6T for the first time iSJK L J; • tW early summer S*0($V» • L first *U#KL.t-li) the first steps — 218 — Lesson 44 2-2. r*«kb 1. it*i • * - Klá, m&J: »)féílJfc*o 9. miMM^Iktcn^^h^^htt&W&htiho — 219 — Lesson 44 2-3. wtmw 1. to compare 2. to contrast 3. to oppose 4. to agree 5. common problems 6. a direct expression 7. for the first time $>x i 9 -9-5 t A. o *> i < -tf"9 O-i -5 If A liU 1. first 2. a traffic violation 3. a game between A and B It A B(D 4. against — 5. personal relations 6. a republic ~" lx L *l> i; fC^ tzl" LA frA, 111^ Si 9 6 3 < 7. immediately after 8. direct <-> indirect 9. to announce ^i< -tfO A^ -tfO J*^ tfj;-? — 220- Lesson 44 10. a surface 11. to express 12. to compare 13. relatively ■f 14. cash If A. % A, < h 15. the present 16. the first steps 17. early summer liA (Do ft If A £V Li ti Li 7i> 18. a reaction 19. to be opposed to 20. a co-operative study It A, § J; 9 if 9 It A g Kb 9 in. ^coi^a^'ijii^t'Ko-cft^^x.i^v^ 2. iiii^tti, &3 0 t!pA £ i 9 £7>jo{::;b§&^o — 221 — Lesson 44 h 3 fWSp/f AH § i LA„ ALA, A¥<7)4Ü 0*^*4 LAo AB (A &w HFIAo^A^L&ISLLA^ Ag^iAo B*0#?tt^Ü^W->X AA^5jf^LAv>i,lo A^ä Ao BAA, äa (AAA) @wphia*i?3)i5<:ä£ l, m&xi±m%%:mm^% n t la0 aa;:;a fä* £äEÖA £> fii AA\ B ^«sttwt K(A j&nif, tfcWfc fKl(7)->Ar/. H£oT#i LA-: SiflyXfACIi, d *>3A?IJ.6&* 0 i AA\ > KAA-A4'(- >aa a ;i i a, &IA ^St B^^liUvX-rA^ibUL-A ÄiI,£Afflita£fär-j"1 (ta, a a - A, 4 > KA^-?A->*a^£#AA^A©v^Ao £A\ *A3If&£®^a£AAAli £<, B^w^tt^I^LT, f:«gfyXfA|;ovAitAi^ AA^CiiAt ♦ la's* management i£f£ (-tirACT) after the war fäü (tt A t 9 ) A 4 to examine ffN 1 . 5ffS<7) rA=fXj T, |h]LJ; 9 AX tf-A£#A&äv>0 H'SIAS economic growth f'JA an advantage TfciltS advanced nations n 7 to fit, to Suit — 222 — Lesson 44 l±, ^Oo^3@l!cDs£3l (index) ^^to ©gaUII^I (reading index) m^(D^m&tmm&*50M$ (&v order) C^t^f, AotI ®SBtt*3l (radical index) ji^cog^f (radicals) fcH^^-fc^JlSHM^T* ^3 1"0 P^^v^^WgPIr (3)i^ilj^?| (stroke count index) tf$>&(DX\ ^^-t(D^±^.Xi-0 m^ co & * i91 -t0 ^co rg^m*iB#:^^j (Radicals and Similar Shapes Reference List) (i, t$ .f^lf-^"f < 1" h tzt>\z{^ tyfltzi>(DXto U\gbj« / ** ;n hj 465 464 669 381 371 / 4$ MM / n H / 1304 1311 1354 1260 ^ Fg i m / it #< 654 1058 527 1380 649 1395 [3 Itl [3 (fc) 1216 1270 178 1013 411 1385 1306 797 ± * 255 068 1156 7t / ± t* 1157 277 1391 526 828 11*16 » it £ 1302 1363 798 350 493 © A Tfc * 3fc 587 871 911 1230 287 769 3C2 #7v!t|i| (1992) ra«!«l§MSIi*ftJ (H-ISO 4^mi*) — 223 — Lesson 44 tih< hi -? bCi 2 . 2 ii^OgPf^^ b?£^t$ Ex. r^&j .• r^j £, mxhh0 mmmiizit, mwwtkn 2. 5. 3. ffiff e. 1. ttft 4. 5Et 2. txa 5. i:/^ 3. ±jk 6. tffl — 224 — Lesson 44 [ «91 ] xtDmrni^mmmm^zz^o 1. 4. ftffl 2. Jttfc 5. St) 6. ^ 1. MSilJt 2. 3. igims^ngB !ifP^*"Cir LVni^cOff IfcRfc, (i:*)I¥ - 3 - tt * flD^ (Abstract Ideas) &§1S* - = ^SI^~ all the subjects all 4=^4 all the students ik£.M all the production ^« £P£ ^ffi £1* lU - =—#~ Hfr the newest the most ~ ftrS the highest, the greatest M^Ji the first ftx m& mm mm m& m& % - =the ~ th % 1 ^ the No. 1 £30 the 3rd time t^EHS the 5th lesson M - = ~^&i> 4SMIt no examination no ~ felt® no planning $£;§;Hfc meaningless feM'b iSf* *Sf4 *5CJJ o ^ - =~-CI±&i^ *&5$ informal not ~, un- ^f4#W unscientific #l«3ft illogical yf/\ - = ~"Trti&v^ ?r-'j2>ic& unnecessary ~L&^ ^'/±S:^ careless un-, in- ^li^D^ unkind Wtt — 226 — Lesson 45 V-o If U mm® X t ■to -14 -ft = ~CD<£ 9 & -tic, -al -tive -ness, -ity character -ization -ize (with x )V) f-H-^W scientific H'/^M economical fs%SM logical ♦ itf&W comparatively £&ß«J AKW jSlfW 4.^14 productivity ATsTtt humanity ^ffl'tt practicality, usefulness IHJS'tt national character üüillfi high speed animal matter jfi'ft'fb modernization iSiiX'ik'tZ) to modernize UMit industrialization T.Mifci~Z> to industrialize mat mit gött fiMit #Hk ssfk Iff- (Li) =v>^v^& various #- OO =Zti-?ti each M~ (^n) = M;fr<7) both 7^:- (•&) = S/i~&^ not yet 05 = law = ~fj:(k method -fjHj = $UJ£ system (^) ~ lesson, section ~J$k (~$A) = line, railroad -PJ3 (*>^^) = to be ~ ing (C^d) = all ~, whole ~ its itn mmm imm itfffl #a #£tt #ifPfl #*ffi ffiffi M# MS IMA^ *£n ffifflri aWri Itlrii K¥«U äÄSU *fflHfU sun ^iäif %mm ^m* mm* 1»* B** tfrlS^ -a* Lesson 45 «7h 2 2-1 . yg^Sg^f 1:1* 3 5 (W£) . whole, all (6) / £(£o£X-fc^ not at all = £#=(-1^ ■-t?A,)"-fcV> ^K-tfA • V^A) all the members ^(-tfA • ^) all, the whole most (12) \ n & I" f M(i>^t)i> the most ~ llifi (£ V> • # A.) recently jtmS^-afcO the worst ($ V> • the lowest no, non-un-, dis- 7" (12) ; JjtL-i jt"- *(&)(,> not to exist ;K• '.: secure, safety ftSURKfr • -£v> • if A,) limitless (tf • CI 7 ) invalid 491 492 493 — 228 — Lesson 45 MM < A «t * * > 3 5 (®££) ft not, non-no good (8) ) 1 ft m&mM(l> • if A • ■ X£) unrealistic ■ CI i) • L\t •? • Ch) an emergency exit delinquency % rank (11) ) kl- %-^{ti\,^ • £A • L *?) a third person H-AAV ■ V^) No. 1 • A • V) the second ^AiA L ■ AV)C gradually target, (suffix to make na-Adj.) A A (8) f fi fi i W @W(fc<-"t£) a purpose, an aim XffcW • ^ • X & ) A IIAW(i • LA • "C#)& personal, individual cultural sex, quality (suffix to make N.) ( v 3 r> ) ( 8 ) i- t f A ITOAA • -£v>) the male 'tt>jlJ(AV^ • - • Lo) character ATflAft(A • ? • At>) possibility — 229 — Lesson 45 3< (®&) law, rules method (8) V / x___- / ffitdiT ■ l)o) a law #te(fl-9 • a method f£ffl&(L • «t 1 • 111) how to use -%&{&k-\Zn) grammar control system (8) 1 /- t> \ $ ftiJJK ("^ • t') a system ffiJH (-t±"V> • ^ <) a uniform kM$IJ(^V^ • v>A • a membership system P? L impose, assign section (15) -v >- f n d 0 p 5 >e D If to assign A#I3c(CA • C • fr) a personnel section 1f ±l£fi(l± < • L • 7> • -CV>) a doctor course — 230 — Lesson 45 2-2, mfrwm I. &m 2. 3. 4. 5. t&iui 6. aw 7. ic-tt 8. tit 9. 10. naiiK II. m^^L^mm.=mmmWi 12. s^äi?*»« 13. Atfl- « 14. 1. H AOicW$IJÄ(i> 6 • 3 • 3 • 4SIJ-CÜO 2. !ÜEI±SI^MISW|!|g-Cto a chief of the division of international relations frank and progressive 5. ga, tf^4^/m«#Mit^i,o 7. fli^ '^1WC# # C^^-efo psychologically very unstable 8. H3 0H?^»mA-t:f^^tLAo — 231 — Lesson 45 2-3. mzm^ i. nizm^bm^ixtizz^o 1. all, the whole 2. the first 3. free of charge 4. an emergency exit -tfA, Jo Li 0 i 9 <*> 5. Lesson 4 6. a purpose 7. distinction by sex 9. an educational system lii i>< -tto if 8. a method -t+o 10. a personnel section LA, L ^ 1. all members 2. all over the country 3. the whole -tfA, OA -tfA 3< 4. recently 5. the last -tfA £o 6. the biggest 7. the smallest JO 5 A, Jo Jo Lw>9 SlN fcV Jo Li -5 — 232 — Lesson 45 8. ignorant 9. indifference 10. meaningless 11. safety tf *> tc frA, LA, & ^ h & L 12. unscientific 13. illogical 14. informal, unofficial 15. a third person 16. the second time 17. the fifth plan £P ZA, Lf £V C M> fcV -* U ttl^ tX 18. emotional 19. modern 20. practical 4 I it 21. a theory -»• theoretical —to make into a theory 4 h A. h A. 3A . to produce -* productive —*■ productivity 4 •c* ?A 23. humanity 24. sociality 25. male female {ZA. [jA. -ti"^ L ? -ďv» rč'A -t+(,> — 233 — Lesson 45 26. how to use 27. commercial law 28. the civil law = L Xo . a four-year university 30. a three-shift basis J: tz^ SA 3 0 31. to institutionalize 32. the account section 33. a section chief i i it* i i i i rr~ 1. ACACIA §A/i^T§£H>7^£^At;v^0 3. 7\iW5A<7?^/U3°-? O-tiro&^ti, AA^A-fv^0 4. fct -) t \tz\ -9 CI -) £-CT\ 4 feA-ttV^cofi^/9?< A1-tA/i0 5. -?-WltV^>< ti*i <0 iZVlfA.ZiX&tZo — 234 — Lesson 45 0 7|s:fScO7-KAn-fe 7t-iffiot, J^ftot B«7- K^D-by-^-S-jg^l-o B A!£^7-7°n y 7 b h LTIi r-AS[5®J rwordj ft fri* «fc < tto tiiÖ'7 Y > K7X(Windows®)l©3>h"a-^«Dij&^Ji, WW> bT^/j^ftTv^-fc j ft§ £5 *i CftPS fff KöNft B AM^AAA'/iAlA Tn-v^AAJ t rA&AAL W2o^i)^%H to Y SffiLii rictiArj ttB^to [fT] <75 a-i:, f- *>zi°] {-h^-hk) i^frn t-to[njjf-t r^*>j-j (^*^*t), [fa A-~ü fn i hongoj (£faT )V7 y^ ^wioc^^Uo rarBij «^v-7xt«t ([aft]* 1. mm 2. mm 3. 4. 5. 6. • • • • * — A§|5 (V > /b T ) brand name of word-processing software X1J (IZ® 7 £ <) i~& to input HJ ill (ffib L) a screen 5H1S (^ < (.1A) i~ •?> to check, to confirm (J> j; n M) -f h to indicate < T> ■>) -t" & to fix fF)t (£<-£v>) to compose £* {frtth) -f without fail "f^l? ((S-PA,) to preserve, to save Lesson 45 ........ii..........i............im w............................um Review Lessons 41—45 n : £(a) mm mm mm m)& m m mm mm mr) &(m) mm) m%) mm mm mmm a: t#?t£ §tu> Mm)% mtwm% Ad : Mt>x — 237 — Lesson 45 m. mmmmiSiKtt - m / &m / mi& / km x. Ä^t) - 2. $mm - 3. mmmm - 4. ^mmk - 5. y^mMs - e. ímxmm - 7. AÍMUJŽ - 8. ?j)*ĚWm - n. ( ) nm^^m^iTfrhm^xAii^^^\ 1. BMfy^ŕ^li, 6 ■ 3 • 3 • 4( ) AAtiž„ 2. ( )apw5o%ä ID. ^©;ilfi:S^I^-i:tf*ili$i'' Lesson 45 m. w$ ( ) 1. EE - 2. ant - 3. l^i - 4. tfjD - 5. A^ - 6. AP£ - 7. iikm - 8. fBmm - 9. £W 10. 11. mfji 12. JJJL± 13. 14. #JH 15. UttW 16. naw 1. &l±*<7)&jt,K (a. #ffj£ b. c. -Ctc 2. 'J-$A(i (a. 0« b. B^m c. a £>SBJlKftA.-?v>*£ 3. zffimwai (a. b. ^ffltt c. mmt) 4, &li#N?K (a. M^m b. ji^W c. ^fi«i*)±/:c 5. ftfili, (a. fl'ttffl b. UttW c. £te$IJ) WimdlL I l)SlfrX <7itli>c 6. 3>tfjL-^(75 (a. 1£ffl^ b. ^fflflj c. £f&^1-*c 7. (a. mmn b. isffiw c. mmm ki^&^ta mt^^iLxi, Z\(DUX h 7>li, (a. £MW b. ■239- Reading Index Millie* (±-T£ffi) ii 9ii-y\±m%&, ÜbtfttmW ( 4 m 10 * l 6 28 28 m 24 htzfz-fr^ Van 26 htztz-t^^ 01 26 htztz-ih 26 htztz-thh 26 htzt bM 36 htzb-L^^ IT 8 h-tzh 28 H 26 V>-< fif 9 26 V>L S 6 ^ 37 i^^-L^ ft 16 ^ 37 v^-C Mi 31 ^ 28 v>£-v> 13 f£ 10 lA-fr ^ 13 Ä 15 ^ - 3 ftfi 15 TfT 20 yft 11 ^o-o "£ 3 S 6 i/^ ^6 X 26 ^ 12 30 ^ 15 44 H 42 || 44 ^-iU A 17 44 ^ & 23 ^ 17 ^ 5 £ 29 i' y & 9 $ 8 ^> ^18 ftg 8 -f > 1 27 ^31 Y> 31 33 [5] g 22 ^ Ü 6 1 28 ^ £ 18 I 32 U ±4 40 ^ 29 |# 43 9-ttS ^ 29 43 9 Sj 17 a ii ?~-< l& 17 ^ 12 9 L 41 7 £ 2 £ 42 ^22 9 L-h 10 — 241 — Reading Index 14 m 14 18 *r 30 n 43 23 23 43 23 23 43 •9 oto 34 1 i 7 n-itik 2 35 •9 m 11 ■9 -fr 35 V* 12 9 y 31 27 3-4 W 11 3-4 12 23 3-4 33 3-* 18 27 X_~<2> 42 3- y R 3 3- y 14 x y ffi 19 is jo-V>& Jo~X. •£> jo jo-l/i /J\ 4 £ 41 « 40 ij& 24 jojo-^IO iä-< jo < -tl& ii L-X. h ato t atz &t?-x_/ib jo jo & - -} jo^ jo 1 - <" »9 4 jo-^-r jo-to^) * y ty yk ft if ii4 U4 *4 ii4 ii4 77'M 9 77 ? 77 >? 79 ? 77 ? 77- < i/C 2 T 4 ft 7 ^ 12 Wi 14 # 14 ft 22 ft 22 5l 26 H 29 fffi 35 ön 43 43 B 159 ßt.b 45 1 @j 23 M 11 12 m 13 13 39 K 6 ft 18 M 9 >M 9 ?M 24 vf 9 ?! 24 ft 37 f. 43 jSj 23 f£ 29 % 36 U 44 m 9 ^ 25 — 242 — Reading Index if? 2 [#] A 3 7 28 if? 23 + A 32 A-ltä 25 A 3 ? ft 37 A-t Ä 24 A 9 16 AA 22 A 16 17 A-tf m 40 A m 24 A> 2 AA-x. h 22 A HE 27 A> 14 10 A 32 A> $ 35 28 A 34 is 7 25 A 35 [<] t 7 33 A 37 A 7 1 1 iL 3 iff A. 29 A Ü 27 20 AA- Lv> 36 lAA£ m 30 7 38 A A-LA 36 £-< m 9 A 34 42 §-< So 41 7 7 H 39 Ate 2 A£ 9 < A'9 m 12 15 A/: * 9 < ti-h 4 AA IK 34 £ A It 18 < □ 1 S 17 £-SA 9 < A m 13 A e> A 5 30 < [£-h So 41 A© 4 ft 24 30 < A m 23 38 12 < -tf m. 23 AA $ 15 X 3 < t 12 A A HI 1 + i*7 5 It 8 ft 37 A. 21 < ^ fö 40 A-Aä 43 A^ 31 it 44 77 > 5 A^7 33 * 9 It 19 A A 7 7 < £-Lv> 38 * y 26 As 7 < 4 - L A 38 ii y m 32 A 3 7 i 9 1 is > 36 A 3 7 15 < h ffi 23 ii> 38 A s 7 20 < *>-v> M 23 ii > 39 A 3 7 21 < A-A& m 43 ify 5 A 3 7 37 < t>-t>h m 43 ify 7C 16 A 3 7 & 38 ify 33 A 3 9 It 40 [It] ify 41 A 3 7 it 44 AAA-A& 36 A 3 7 9 A 4 A 3 7 H 27 A 18 — 243 — Reading Index >r4 It 11 37 13 ■*r4 im 38 >r4 Ä 15 37 ft 17 *)-4 m 45 >r4 Ü5 22 37 19 M 11 T4 28 37 19 m 7 38 37 32 T 4 30 37 36 % 2 fry TV 25 37 39 ft 11 7-7 In 25 37 40 Sit M 11 7-7 30 37 41 T 4 ry 1 3'7 19 s-t m 30 JE 9 3" 7 o 29 25 fy & 20 3 ? 111 13 25 fit 21 3? H 23 34 7-> 29 3? 1=1 35 20 7 > 39 CI .1 <7)-o X 3 36 11 >b 36 m 26 16 29 % 36 y> 40 21 ify 1 43 ? 21 31 3 44 zt ri 11 35 27 *yy n 44 * 9 is 29 38 13 WA rtf 8 6 ft 32 27 y 2 a f@ 35 3 y 12 y & 2 37 3 > m 13 y m 3 — 2 3 > m 25 y 6 4 3"> s 11 y 15 '3* 3 y ± 17 _f 10 [3] 20 & 10 22 3* ss pa 11 7 y 23 P 1 ■9- 11 y ft 24 3 7 *? 5 18 y & 24 3^ rH 8 24 y ft 27 3 7 ft 9 IS 15 y Sit 29 3 7 10 is 18 y m 30 3 7 « 11 «f 22 y m 34 — 244 — Reading Index =± 34 29 v y 16 ft 35 ya-7 10 y y 23 i/ 41 y^ 21 y y « 24 is 6 •>!■) 24 v y 30 ~J 7 ->^7 26 V > it 32 is 11 yi-) 37 36 14 + 3 -> y m 43 V* ft 14 y^ 19 yy A 1 19 y'i-7 38 22 ft 21 m 27 -> j.7 17 is 28 y j. 7 41 X m 19 V 33 y j. 7 # 26 X 36 is & 34 V a > 31 XA 2 25 ~> 3 et 9 X7 » 22 L-f-^4 m 14 V 3 19 *? 5 m 14 y 3 H 26 3^ 43 T 4 V 3 44 /> 8 is 16 V 3 2 /> 8 3 V 3 7 4 )§ 43 ->7 12 -> 3 7 /> 8 26 ■>7 JÄ 21 V 3 7 27 31 43 •>7 42 v 3 7 jE 28 1-t-*!>£ 43 y'7 0 1 V 3 7 M 30 t-ts ft 19 >7 42 V 3 7 m 31 -tfa-h 24 > •/ 3 V 3 7 36 L& □ pa 35 V 3 7 >m 37 b$ H 20 -> 3 7 45 IB 13 v 3 7 ± 4 -t^ 2 m 13 y 3 7 m 17 ■fe-Y 14 ¥ 1 V 3 7 19 -t^r 14 v + tt 18 V 3 7 fit 36 -t^ m 14 -> -v 23 V 3 7 9 -t>f 18 * 27 V 3 ? 23 ■t'f & 22 ft 24 im 42 jE 28 38 33 39 6 23 •W 14 45 V JL 11 ä 23 m 45 S' it. 15 -> > 5 -fc + 6 m 33 ~> > fr 8 23 — 245 — Reading Index 25 9" -try 16 9 4 43 29 9 4 -try 29 9 4 -try 30 9 4 -try 39 9 4 38 9 4 -t y 2 9 4 ■b > 3 9 4 ■fc> 27 9 4 •fe^ & 30 9'4 -te 7 32 9'4 -t£> 10 9"4 *tf > 45 9" 4 9'4 9*4 y m 23 fzfr-^" y^ ¥ 16 9 9 7'7 it 17 tzli V7 24 tz-t 7 7 m 31 tz-i- & 34 tz-f-teh *t 34 fztz-L^> m 43 fz-o 6 tz-o v ? 14 9'y 41 tz-Xh 7*7 43 tz-Xh 22 fzCO-L^" w 22 tz 3 41 4 44 14 ± 4 fr- n \_ff. 28 15 4 21 f-7 ft 6 34 15 IX 37 7 45 ft 7 If 17 ¥ 40 4 8 10 12 fa7 & 32 ft 6 f- 3 7 7 6 f37 8 17 f- 3 7 m 10 m 41 f-3 7 20 iE 28 f" 3 7 IS 42 24 44 st 39 m 37 AL 24 m 39 7^ *r 44 m 23 7 7 ft 13 m 23 7 7 17 m 31 24 9 13 29 o# B 1 6 o§* & 28 8 o-< If 17 38 o-<* 28 5 o-<* & 29 m 26 ft 11 ='■>& aX 31 37 — 246 — Reading Index 37 ± 2 oo'- < 43 43 of 15 26 oi-t> 21 31 [T] T 6 tM 8 15 25 28 ft 45 t7 19 T?> 14 T--£ 17 r > JE 13 x > 26 ■f > 27 r > 28 r*> m 1 it 12 f > 37 17 El 19 h 115 20 K ± 2 K 13 21 18 n 20 21 26 Y*7 28 30 32 36 r«i 21 K7 Ü 14 iJ 17 ft 17 28 ta + 3 vdb. m 14 m 17 m 17 11 h- ? 31 h * 42 Yt 9 kZh 19 k l 3 k-th 13 t-\ilr m 39 k-& 39 t-th ± 17 k-th 21 k-ik 31 k-fhh ± 17 k-tbh ® 21 k-sbh 31 k *> 15 k i> it 44 k *) ,% 7 k-h 33 [ft] & £16 Af*J 18 M 45 #3 22 7|f 44 JO 22 44 4 8 30 30 £-< 36 & 30 ft 36 &o 26 -b 3 4 37 21 37 37 39 T> 5 T> 18 T> Ü 28 4 Lvv-J — 3 14 38 7 IS 18 0 1 A 17 — > A 1 [ft] A-C m 37 37 AL ± 15 — 247 — Reading Index ii/At [to] l±tzt>-< m 33 ^7 26 (±& i 38 fi&L 38 !i^-T 24 lifc-f 24 (äft-tiä 3 til* * y 29 liA-v> (iA-v^ [A£ 17 ^ y ± 4 ^ y (D-h 17 rsy jiy 41 [r>: 7 at i§ 19 @d 41 k: 12 k A 17 k e 23 k 31 1} \$z\-& 27 r> (iL 40 k' (i L-ä 4 24 kf w 44 fi 24 17 r>-< \±tz m 5 «9 5 Vtz*) 18 ft 17 ky 42 A 3 A 1 % 32 l>t — 3 ft 7 3 m 9 k + 7 3 m 9 r>-*?-f ft 26 m 25 k a 7 44 m 25 13 15 k" a 7 40 m 14 £>"b-< 13 16 10 5 13 40 k > a pa 35 30 26 k"> 16 14 14 4 IS 11 7 15 44 7 15 10 7 16 19 7 Iff 20 7* 18 7" to 45 77 m 40 m 43 36 m 30 if 39 m 30 ?! 39 m 30 44 77 m 34 # 45 _- 3 0 1 3 A 2 7" 7 7 m 31 ± 38 n 43 ± 38 ft 26 43 18 26 33 17 8 8 — 248 — Reading Index "7 V 4 Zfy 4 f> 7 £ x. •fy 9 £-lf& sp 18 £-t 13 m 37 ¥ 40 6 £ f so 37 £h-t 43 £h-h 43 v > ^\ y M 24 % 43 sty- m 16 m 21 A-x. h 17 15 A-f 10 35 *<7 39 41 & 45 tt 16 36 h m 21 6 m 9 38 [*] 41 10 •v m 40 12 13 45 12 40 •V7 31 — 249 — Reading Index tit 37 a7 41 m 37 [6] D7 3 % 8 n y nffl 42 5 y 4 9 A 3 7 7 23 [fc>] 1 V 7 V 7 *fr 29 31 7 IS 9 m [*)] 7 25 16 '1%, 11 4 03 33 '1 16 % 4 15 u a 22 m 37 16 'J Ü 25 % 4 18 4 t>-f-tiz> >[±\ 36 24 At 24 htz< L fA 2 zx*y 03 33 21 ^/:L IA 2 10 'J JL 7 30 17 m 12 31 frtz-h & 17 m 30 'J 3 7 n 23 t>h-n 36 U 3 7 26 m 33 U] 'Ja1) 28 h-h m 33 V 3 7 PS 40 ill 28 =f 25 'J 3 7 4 33 i m 3 >; > ft 5 Repetition symbol 35 10 Ü 28 3 7 10 37 20 42 3 7 # 25 3 7 34 [tl] 37 42 v— « 40 26 X 0-0 3 W IL 42 «t-Ä 37 22 «t-tr 9 v y Ml 21 10 v y Ä 31 37 J: t>-v^ 38 [3] «t t>-h §§ 38 A*. 0 3 n & 32 -250- Radical Index ŠPUffSI U£<^/i,, Radical Index) &*imv& 1. (A) : M 4 5 f* 5 8 ft 11 19 it 22 m 24 24 ft 27 íl 31 If 32 ffi 35 m 35 ít 37 37 40 2 . Co) : üfc 28 Bf 37 3 . i í±;} : * 19 ft 19 m 43 4. (Jel :4í 5 15 15 24 25 5 . ? : 5S 21 51 33 6 . 9 10 í# 11 ÍS 15 m 41 42 7 . 'I-fetó :tt 16 \n 36 14 45 8. (*} 14 íl 30 íff 30 ft 30 fx 30 ÍT 30 33 9 . V í*) 11 vi 11 n /M « 17 22 •Ä 22 n 25 25 /m 26 26 30 m 30 30 30 30 iß 31 í± 32 36 43 ÍŽ 45 10. p : P$ 17 18 m 39 -251- Radical Index (*) : tffl 5 37 12. B (B) : m 5 8 10 SI 10 11 m 14 23 HI 26 13.* (*) # 5 5 11 *r 20 m 20 29 31 32 14.* (73) m 31 Sc 39 m 41 15.* 31 16.5 : m 22 44 17.« (I*!) 34 37 18.* 8 33 194 : & 2 m 16 ft 22 ft 25 #C 26 # 43 20. £ (*) 43 *i 22 m 23 & 24 25 ft 31 #fr 31 «1 32 21.1 (w) • pj§ 9 Wt 9 Ht 11 OP 11 8E 27 29 HÄ 29 39 m 41 H 42 pre 42 45 22.1 (*) '. 27 11 38 44 23.4 :§£ 19 35 24.! (&) 9 & 11 It 19 25. ,| (.1) : 1R 18 m. 29 40 34 38 31 34 -252- Radical Index n. 0 1 i. A: 11 17 m 21 Aft 41 2 . J): (73) w 16 44 3 . '] : 16 32 «J 33 8« 37 4, n: ft 18 it 22 it 44 5 . n : (P) ft 25 33 43 6 . \ ■ SB 18 20 7 . X: fie 9 Be 22 » 22 & 32 8. rr: 8 14 Pit 19 30 9 . a: 01) 5 10 35 10. (w tk 9 14 28 11. (3f) 11 B# 11 14 # 31 12. « : m 25 Ü 28 m 34 m 43 13. I : BB 21 m 33 5S 36 41 -253- Radical Index : It 6 'Jf 9 9" 14 a 16 18 a 18 20 21 fi-23 'a 26 28 29 32 33 s¥ 34 35 * 13 38 38 ir 38 » 40 r 41 íl 42 ** 44 45 ft 45 1. ^ 2. 3. f 5. -W- 6. ° (p) 7. e (B) 8. (±) 9. ^ 2 Ä 9 12 12 Av a 29 7 t=i wn 8 10 7Í 10 rU 20 % 15 # 16 if 18 £ 18 7 8 12 12 12 39 % 42 —H-* 7 3? 7 12 * 12 14 6 5E 15 a ^7 19 ¥ 16 JE 45 14 17 * 23 45 M IL X 16 29 a/» aa 42 ^ í@ /E 12 21 24 25 38 43 26 27 36 41 -254- Radical Index 10. (EH) BB 23 11. :^ 2 -t 33 36 12. : 25 21 2? 34 'M 39 13. (ft) : £ 21 36 38 45 14. (ffl) 12 12 12 IV. 2. ii 3. p (□) 4. -fc: 5. Q (0) 6. (•CO 7. 7f^ (*) 8 • ;vnn 9c Hi 7C 5E» X e3 9 12 23 23 '26* 12 15 42 B 23 27 31 28 15 16 16 18 ^3 "S ^3 6 8 26 BB jg? ^ ^ /C*\ yQi* JiXj^ >Ui^ 23 28 29 31 37 1111 - 45 □ PP 34 35 26 32 3? 34 36 1=1 35 37 ^ ^ ]g 36 36 -255- Radical Index 14 16 Fl 22 19 21 P. m 9 21 24 27 35 39 "44^ -256- Radical Index -257- Radical Index 3® : lU l T 4 Jll 1 4 P 1 4 ± 2 10 2 I 19 2 35 3 3 75 3 ± 4 4® : b 1 1 2 2 3 /\ 3 R 3 4 6 ■x 7 7 8 -n 10 10 15 15 16 Jh 17 & 25 26 36 38 44 l zt 2 3 4 4 g 6 6 w 15 ± 15 17 22 ö 23 24 IE 28 ft 33 ffl 34 ¥ 40 41 42 42 & 43 6® : "g* 3 3 6 * 6 * 6 8 Ä 16 16 ll 18 25 33 7® : $ 1 8® : & 2 9® : g 10 6 i iW Ä 37 39 40 44 9 18 17 18 ii H 23 ffi 29 15 28 n PP 35 27 29 33 38 37 m 39 io® : I 4 HV 7 7 inj 27 -258- ;*3ÍÍ500I!?: : ± 115 li IS i i I S II i I Í S í I it # E ft I lElMiti^llíil & *š * # x m m m m íŕ p ä s s í ií -ä ii fffi m 1£ '/í SIJ 1* (120) ä* (g) M(5É) iff (*š)í# # m * rt * m « tk h (t) mm mm) £ ÍL (It) UŽ s. w m & (am ffl(E) f g ü(^) «($) ^ m (si) It500^ -261- •;ií#^lndex (T*ffl) }H^#-§-JII^Í)||^^| Basic Kanji Book vo.2T^§ LfcgS^WlcÄ-JI II m (ľ:j ti rsijpi: ffisipij ntamt. a^ubkbx^l fzm^^ m AiiBKBtCíif i^x^^mm 252 BKB-23 253 BKB-23 a 254 BKB-23 255 BKB-23 256 ta BKB-23 ist 257 m BKB-23 7C0-LÍÍ- 258 BKB-23 'Ja1) 259 BKB-23 <-tí v 260 m BKB-23 -> 261 BKB-23 l^*> •> + [fe¥í] 262 Ö BKB-23 /N í' 263 H BKB-23 < 6 < 6-1 > 3^ 264 BKB-23 •fe* 265 BKB-24 áo-é? ■?) : ÍS-Ž\Ý" 266 BKB-24 -> y 267 3S BKB-24 268 BKB-24 ŤZ--0 : tz-X £ 269 BKB-24 270 BKB-24 -> 271 BKB-24 íi : (i •> 272 & BKB-24 J/a1} 273 Ä BKB-24 y-f 274 íf BKB-24 375 BKB-24 ^ > 276 BKB-24 277 In BKB-25 ^7 278 BKB-25 279 SI BKB-25 {±^-nž : \Ztl-ir U 280 BKB-25 -262- Index {tmm 281 X 282 =f 283 jj? 284 285 286 287 288 ^ 289 JC 290 #C 291 292 H- 293 %k 294 |jg 295 i$ 296 Hf 297 ^ 298 igf 299 300 ft 301 ^ 302 % 303 Ü 304 $Ž 305 Ü 306 |S 307 |i 308 J| 309 jgj 310 H 311 ^ 312 BKB-25 BKB-25 BKB-25 BKB-25 BKB-25 BKB-25 BKB-25 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-26 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-27 BKB-28 3 •Šl£-tZ : ŕ-f ■7 ay fco * ->a*7 h1? $>->-'* > hŤzŤz-fr\^ 3btztz-£Z> ■ hfzfz-ihh ty y zt y g "ť 'J 3 "7 y- -> + >>> f y */:t-Í4 : bŤztz-t>Z> hfztz-fr hiztz-fr Zh-Vh : Zh-il^ Zh-\r% n'-} [Ml] u 3 -7 -263- Index (T£fB) 313 m BKB-28 77 314 ŕr BKB-28 ť y 315 IE BKB-28 -feY -> 3 ^ fzfž-t tě 316 BKB-28 317 BKB-28 K1* 318 7ü BKB-28 319 BKB-28 h-} 320 II BKB-28 Mz-^ 321 & BKB-28 o-<* 322 BKB-28 ii-tz 323 BKB-28 *Ľ 324 BKB-29 325 m BKB-29 >ry y y mm 326 BKB-29 is i, J,y of, 327 BKB-29 o-<" -try 328 BKB-29 -try t-< mímm 329 BKB-29 l±-T ii-XÍ : liŕz-t 330 a-□ BKB-29 71 ľ 331 BKB-29 3 7 [ÍSŤ] 332 BKB-29 Í/ i 333 BKB-29 57 334 BKB-29 oyz.-z>: «;--t 335 BKB-29 %y 336 íl BKB-30 337 í/T BKB-30 -try 338 ft BKB-30 (á 6-ô 339 & BKB-30 h 7 340 n BKB-30 7" 341 m BKB-30 •> y 342 m BKB-30 -fe> 343 Oil BKB-30 U a 7 /KS*'] 344 BKB-30 -> 3 7 345 BKB-30 §-£■5 : t-*4 ^7 -264- 346 m BKB-31 tzlLf u 3 347 BKB-31 ■Y? 348 BKB-31 ry 349 BKB-31 •J a y 350 ím BKB-31 \ĺ 351 BKB-31 V 7 y 3^7 352 m BKB-31 f y 353 SÉ BKB-31 354 *fr BKB-31 ý? 355 iô BKB-31 >\7 356 BKB-31 h 7 357 BKB-31 *a7 358 m BKB-32 359 & BKB-32 ;\y 360 m BKB-32 h 7 361 BKB-32 3 7 i C-X.J : í« 362 fi BKB-32 363 BKB-32 ijy -tírl 364 ^ BKB-32 365 BKB-32 y y 366 S§ BKB-32 □ 367 BKB-32 368 £ BKB-32 369 f; BKB-32 370 BKB-33 371 BKB-33 r>-< 4y 372 BKB-33 373 BKB-33 374 BKB-33 375 Ď BKB-33 3- it L, i-flĚíf] 376 M. 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Z C/) x > o o ISBN4-89358-119-8 C3081 ¥2500E 1923081025009 9784893581198