in.» TG 2. 3. $ 4. ííEíifctť)^ 11. 5. flJ&jfÄJÔ^^^Tto 12. 6. ^ i3. 14. / N x" □ Lesson 4 That university is famous. 2. ^ §j ^ffl^^m^tbto I remembered an important appointment. I will carry out the necessary procedures. 4. m±txt> H -go fc% He is very kind. 5. ft fij %mm^m £ tt/io Useful tools were invented. I make a special order. /i a c ^ ^ It is too simple. 8. ff j^. %mm%bt>fr&0 If it is a simple question, I can understand it. 9 ■ # M & * $ - y fiM-C t What sports are you good at? 10. @ ft i:SU0 C ^t Please speak freely. 11. ^^£##£#6 To Let's establish world peace. 12. S ^ I heard the regrettable result. 13. ^ ^ W I was asked to do a hard/important job. 14- |i4W*So I am in an awkward situation. 62 m. / M \ 1 . ■9 ^ 3. E Ä, t* L § i9> 1 if i Ľ ty 1 X 7 10. oskami-*0 11. ä^fbÔ^Cofco 12. ff-^^ádZ^^&áo 13. ^Ä^ÍtoT^^o 14. 15. 16. 53 □ Lesson 4 A : 7°7X 9. §l(£>/.i:*<)& 3. 11^)5: 4- )& 6- 64 (J)^üM0M^MtMW^^M Japanese adjectives and Kanji adjectives 1^6 M (context)-C^V^tt h tit to %ti?tl ill-fated gH(»tv^i<)4 insincere, fickle rash, hasty light, nimble light, witty, clever ••• weak feeble, weak-hearted 8§I0i ( feeble, weak poor, scanty weak, sickly ■•• healthy healthy, sound wholesome ••• equal equal, impartial equal, even high, high-grade equal (for two) ■■• right jBI(-t*:vva><)& accurate, exact normal, regular justifiable, right formal, official (/:L)M ■•■ certain certain, sure accurate, exact clear, precise #jfi|(T§:a><)fc precise, accurate □ Lesson 4 ■®i?W&$®LZ-%> to teach earnestly to oppose strongly M. ^^/Mk/nX/^ \Z\t£Z> to become- [ ~^~h to make it ~ #1. %>ktz0' That teacher is earnest. ^.(D^MH^Mtz^tZo His objection was strong. rW^Pfcl/TOfflSc Usages as nouns 66 M. ^&£H%1~&o freedom ^ #r 4" i "t" & o equality AA<7)#ll£ &#X.&0 happiness fa o importance ^lfctt^&&frf)fc£1"&o flexibility x^M2 xHlt$ xf:S$ xjfei>£ x^2 OIEI XnTfg x^ x» x g Stt x^gft Xjf&kft xiBift Xnjfg$ #0 £>' U feMtt healthy —* 1iJ^#J& healthful ^PSl^ peaceful —*■ ^P^nKl^ peaceful, amicable 4 - 7];/. 0|S|Um^Zi&otcs ife^&Tt^ii Synonyms using the same Kanji 67 □ Lesson 4 )fc IBt(^v^»<)fc BJ3#i(#>v^<)& -?)4 I Ip-^ (7^1 C ) ^ # 4 iru ,1 m p. 315 p. 320 11 '196 P) III ffe 20 p. 256 p. 276 p. 251 68 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 'J&§£& n. ^rfij^ 13. ňltlí: 14. ^fggfc 15. f£^£ 16 i. ^a,& ( Ü 3. mm wk mm ) -etc 4. ( ti ft l Mt-3 1^ iHfr Í^JÚL M ! □ Lesson 4 5. z-omimmK ( mm mm i 1 jäJ? rU0l mu I 7. ( P3ľ rej. 8. i£&<7)pJÜf± ( trt* 9. M^Ž^^li, n;>^ ( 10. z\ ( ^ mn m im \ 12. iOéífc-CíiHtefe^í)^^ ( I ^ TO JE^ 13. H^AJäfeD! ( ŕ» ft® gft e» i 14. ^Aiigv^oti ( 15. 4Míá, ^ £ ( 16. mm mm um \ 17. zWMttM^ft^i ) & u/% * (o x\ \mx\m žtix\t*Zo i JE* I 70 3. ( 4. JIICO ( r( ) %mm±, ( sound body)j b V^> -9 0 ) Mifc^Wi%> (a sound mind in a UMÍ1) It A. t) At 8. ifrfWfoô*( lt*<>-1 10. fä, ( :í á. s* t 'MM nm mi nm srn pt 3Ě /ĽA iE ľ -sr mm mm 72 □ Lesson 4 IV. tizi-:j&mm* S0 i>(Dff£iff£<^í, m^tz kcoiáítíštf -C ( i . ) Kféfc>&&t*U;ř& fc^jô^riN WuMíO (j . ) '^^^X^h^Xhhio 72 (ii>J:5 b -tři1 -S>< b -ttľ »l> L -tri» ~N X X X x X TO it® x x n/íi X x fem #» EIS ttbx&žtLiio mmmm (^P.58) ^iHi^Tn^iTOcfe^tLr 73 (i ŕ) r|üj tf>g&m<£> rüj t rItj <7)f|5m<7) rMj (i, IwiCBfcLT^i Hláii^ÄR** koglJ^COgßf-C-to ÜU<£> rüj O^P^(á, "moon" M(^) K(-t) Jffi(i±vo S(vo □ (<*>) Ä(tt) ^Ot) f(<^) Jg^tf) s-:s=-ig:-3i"i:e-3^-! 74