亲属称谓: 媳妇xí fù(daughter in law)←→女婿nǚ xù(son in law) 婆婆pó po(mother in law)←→公公gōng gong(father in law) 父母←→孩子 长辈zhǎng bèi(the older generation)←→晚辈wǎn bèi(the younger generation) 辈份关系(hierarchy relation) …俩 (the two people of…) 母子俩 父女俩 夫妻俩… 跟签证有关的词汇: 申请…签证shēn qǐng…qiān zhèng (apply for…visa) 探亲签证 tàn qīn qiān zhèng(the visa of visiting family) 签证过期 guò qí (visa expiration) 过海关 hǎiguān (to go through the Customs) 跟衣服有关的词汇: 衣柜 衣服、鞋子 袜子、裤子、裙子 跟服装(outfit)有关的动词: 「穿」chuān 衣服 (wear the clothes)←→脱tuō衣服(take off the clothes) 戴帽子dài mào zi (put on the hat)←→脱帽tuō mào (take off the hat) ※给…戴绿帽 绑bǎng /系xì鞋带(tie the shoelace)←→松开sōngkāi 鞋带(loosen up the shoelace) 描述(describe)心情(mood): 心疼téng: feel sorry for sb and want to give comfort. 心痛 tòng : heart ache J心痛的感觉 倔强juèjiàng: stubborn in a childish way 闹情绪nào qíng xù ←→ 情绪平静下来qíng xù píng jìng xià lái 发脾气fā pí qì ←→ 脾气降了下来pí qì jiàng le xià lái 情绪化qíng xù hu 心思细腻/敏感xīn sī xì nì 歇斯底里/神经质xiē sī dǐ lǐ 无奈wú nài : sb. feels like he/she cannot do anything about sth. 保持沉默bǎo chí chén mò : remain silence 哄hǒng : to sweet talk sb. like talking to a child, so that the person is willing to cooperate e.g. 哄她吃饭 不买账 bù mǎi zhàng 谈条件 tán tiáo jiàn 说过的话要算数suàn shù→说话算话 : to keep sb’s words/ promise 在心里暗笑àn xiào : to smirk without showing it 施展…shī zhǎn: perform表演某种才艺 ~厨艺chú yì : cooking skill ~法术fǎ shù : magic/trick related to religion or certain beliefs 魔术:magic 中国菜:糖醋里脊táng cù lǐ jǐ、油闷大虾yóu mèn dà xiā、中式凉面liáng miàn (sweet-sour pork; pan-fried jumbo shrimp; Chinese cold noodle) 看到有人打架或吵架… 插手chā shǒu : to stick into sb’s business 「路见不平,拔刀相助」lù jiàn bù píng,bá dāo xiāng zhù zhù 毕竟bì jìng (after all…) 亚洲人:「我希望毕业以后找到好工作然后结婚,毕竟我都三十岁了!」 欧洲人:「我希望毕业以后能找到好工作、享受生活,毕竟我才三十岁。」 看来(Judging from it),亚洲人和欧洲人的观念还真不一样。 如今rú jīn (till now) 事到如今都已经「生米煮成熟饭」了,还能怎么样? 副词: 气喘吁吁地qì chuǎn xū xū: pantingly 坚定地说jiān dìng dì;de: to talk in a firm voice 眼巴巴地看着yǎn bā bā : to stare with yearning 成语: 大开眼界dà kāi yǎn jiè : wide open sb’s eyes e.g. 出国让我大开眼界 大饱眼福dà băo yăn fú : to get satisfied by visual entertainment e.g. 这个派对上有很多美女,让我大饱眼福。 心领神会xīn lǐng shén huì : to understand by heart or intuition e.g. 一看到她的表情,我就心领神会了。