Prehistoric Pottery from the Ancient Near East - Discussion themes Monday May 6 – Introduction & History Pottery Studies 1) Orton, C, P. Tyers & Vince, A. 1993 “History of Pottery Studies”, in: C. Orton, P. Tyers, and A, Vince, Pottery in Archaeology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 3–22. 1) Bernbeck, R. and Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2012 Selected part from "Established paradigms, current disputes and emerging themes: the state of research on the Late Neolithic in Upper Mesopotamia“, in: Nieuwenhuyse, O.P., Bernbeck. R., Akkermans, P.M.M.G. amd Rogasch, J. (eds.), Interpreting the Late Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia, Turnhout, Brepols. Read the two pieces of literature. Think about it for a while, have some coffee, then write down your thoughts on the following two questions: 1) Why would you want to study pottery? 2) What problems do Bernbeck and Nieuwenhuyse identify in making a Late Neolithic chronology on the basis of pottery? Make sure your answers reach me latest Tuesday evening. We shall discuss these issues with the group on Wednesday afternoon.