Prehistoric Pottery from the Ancient Near East - Discussion themes Tuesday May 7 – The earliest pottery in the ancient Near East 1) Nieuwenhuyse, O.P., Akkermans, P.M.M.G. & Van der Plicht, J. 2010 “Not so coarse, nor always plain – the earliest pottery of Syria”, Antiquity 84: 71-85 2) Hayden, B. 1995 “The emergence of prestige technologies and pottery”, in: Barnett, W. K. and Hoopes, J.W. (eds.), The Emergence of Pottery: Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies (The Emergence of Pottery. Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies, Washington, Smithsonian: 257-265. Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2009 “The Late Neolithic ceramics from Shir: a first assessment”, Zeitschrift für Orient Archäeologie 2: 310-356. Nishiaki, Y. & LeMiere, M. 2005 “The oldest Pottery Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia: new evidence from Tell Seker-al-Aheimar, the Khabur, northeast Syria”, Paléorient 31/2: 55-68. Read the first two pieces of literature. Those really interested (a.k.a. 'nerds'): also read Nieuwenhuyse 22009 and Nishiaki and Le Miere 2005. Have a nice cup of tea while writing down your thoughts on the following simple question: Why did Neolithic people in the Near East begin making pottery? Make sure your answers reach me latest Tuesday evening. We shall discuss these issues with the group on Wednesday afternoon.