Prehistoric Pottery from the Ancient Near East - Discussion themes Tuesday May 9 – The "time of painted pottery" 1) Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2008 “Feasting in the steppe: Late Neolithic ceramic change and the rise of the Halaf”, in: Córdoba, J., Molist, M., Carmen Pérez, M., Rubio, I. & Martinez, S. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid, UAM: 691-708. 2) Bernbeck, R. 2008 “Taming time and timing the tame”, in: Córdoba, J., Molist, M., Carmen Pérez, M., Rubio, I. & Martinez, S. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid, UAM: 709-728. Cruells, W. and Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2004 “The Proto-Halaf period in Syria. New sites, new data”, Paléorient 30/1: 47-68. Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2010 “A household affair? Pottery production in the Burnt Village at Late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad”, in: Bolger, D. & Maguire, L. (eds.), The Development of Pre-state Communities in the Ancient Near East: Studies in Honour of Edgar Peltenburg, Oxford, Oxbow: 97-105. Dooijes, R. & Nieuwenhuyse, O.P. 2009 “Ancient repairs in archaeological research; a Near Eastern perspective”, in: Ambers, J., Higgit, C., Harrison, L. & Saunders, D. (eds.), Holding it all together, London, Archetype: 8-12. Read the various pieces of literature, especially Reinhard Bernbeck (2008) and Olivier Nieuwenhuyse (2008). Both papers try to make sense of the same phenomena; what are the main similarities and differences between the two approaches? Make sure your answers reach me latest Thursday evening. We shall discuss these issues with the group on Friday.