A1 SEMINAR 10 – ANSWER KEY Popular Culture Tasks 1-4: based on class discussion Task 5 1) scribbling, 2) paintings, 3) development, 4) railways, 5) chalk, 6) buildings, 7) boundaries, 8) continued, 9) colourfully, 10) trains, 11) immortalize, 12) developed, 13) drawings, 14) associated Task 6 – Listening 1) One of the most iconic images of this presidential election was created not by Barack Obama’s campaign, but by a Los Angeles street artist. 2) I’ve been making images designed to be engaging, provocative and iconic for twenty years. 3) Young people and artists respond to authenticity. This is the rare case that a mainstream politician is not behaving like a used car salesman – this is someone who I think has integrity. 4) The Internet allows these things to travel far and wide very quickly; it manifested physically but even more so digitally. 5) I wanted to share my art with an audience and the most direct way to do it, especially before the Internet, was to go find derelict spaces and abandoned buildings, electricity boxes on corners and just put posters up. 6) What I’m doing really is in the spirit of all of my counter cultural activities, questioning the dominant paradigm, because it is an opportunity to change the dominant paradigm. Task 7 – based on class discussion. Task 8 1 The films at the festival will be simultaneously translated. 2. All the guests were warmly welcomed at the reception. 3. The study was done in a holistic way. 4. The material of his suit feels very smooth. 5. Although the children were enthusiastic, the new fad was received coldly by the parents. 6. He stayed up all night and worked hard to get his project done on time. 7. The singer’s voice sounded very clear at last night’s concert. 8. She looked beautiful in her designer evening dress. 9. The audience responded very appreciatively. 10. Although he looked hard at the photo, he hardly recognized anyone. 11. The musician played so romantically on his guitar. 12. He looked at the project from a scholarly and aesthetic point of view.* Note: * The word scholarly is an exceptional adjective. 13. Some people in the audience were so noisy that I could hardly understand what the actors were saying. 14. Let´s go straight home after the performance ends. Note: * The word straight uses the same form for both the adverb and adjective. 15. I nearly missed the beginning of the play. 16. As an actor he is highly appreciated. 17. I have a monthly subscription to the theatre.