TAH ESTI K. Alphabet. 'min Aa Aa pronounced like a Bb M Bb b Cc Co Cc like ts in 'cats' Dd M Dd d Ee a Ee like e in 'send' Ff Ff f Gg Gg like g in 'great' Hh Hh like h in 'horse' Ii Ji, Ii like ee in 'see' Jj If Jj like y in 'you' Kk Kk k LI LI 1 M m dim M m m Nn Mv Nn n Oo Or Oo like o in 'long' Pp Pp P Qq Qq q Rr Rr r Ss Ss like s in 'stable' Šš Si - like sh in 'show' Zz Zz z Žž % — like s in 'treasure' Tt % Tt t Uu Uu like oo in 'soon' Vv %r Vv V Ww Wur Ww w 06 Of - like [a] in 'loan' Áa - like a in 'cat' 06 Of - like o in German ' Ůú — like ii in German ' Xx Xx X Yy Yy y 10 Terel Reading in Estonian is not very difficult. Estonian letters are pronounced as they are spelled. The stress is always on the first syllable. You should only pay attention to the following: in Estonian there are very many double letters (a long or overlong sound), and what is most important- you have to pronounce ALL letters. The duration of a sound can change the meaning of the word. For example, j u st (cheese) - just (just) kass (cat) - kas (whether, if) puudel (poodle) - pudel (bottle) lammas (sheep) - lamas (he lay) Also important are the letters with dots on top. Their pronunciation resembles a bit some pronunciations in English. For example, the vowel 'a' is like 'a' in 'cat'. 0 is a sound unique to Estonian. It sounds like the first part of the vowel sound in words like 'bowl' and 'loan', looma - looma, kabi - kiibi, uks - iiks, kull - Mill D 6i, 6u, 6e, 60, 6a ° kolblik, kSigepealt, korval, onneks, Tonu, olu, ohtu, opilane, opetaja, oli, v5i, nous ° a, a, a, a, a ° ai, au, ae, ao, ae ° amm, jaama, seejarel, nadal, jaa, jalle, jatma, tadi, vaimees D 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 D 6i, 6m, 6e, or, 6a ° too, moodas, poorduma, koogivili, sooma, 66, tookoht, koha, tootu D ii, ii, ii, u, ii ° iii, iim, iia, iio, lie D iileeile, iiks, kiisima, iiritus, iilehomme, iiliopilane, iilikool, iitlema, liikkama, piisiklient, miindivahetus, tiilitama Vaadake! Kuulake! Korrake! (Tekst nr l) Look! Listen! Repeat! □ o, o, o, o, o Tahestik. 2. Vaadake! Kuulake! Korrake! (Tekst nr 2) Look. Listen. Repeat. 1. kaila vett - vaikekaia ( water - small ) 2. palju koli - lahen k li (a lot of junk - I go to sch< ) 3. minu male - lahen m le (my -1 go to the ) 4. laks kuuri - ksri koer (he went to the - dog) 5. minu padi — paadi varv (my - the colour of the ) 6. raagin male - mine male (I will tell my - go away) 7. pa e tahele - palju panne (pay attention - a lot of pai is) 8. ka;e lehed - palju ka e ( leaves - a lot of ) 9. minu k su - ara kisu (my kitty - don't ) 10. ara jama - mine jaama (don't - go to the ) 11. pole kodus - minu p le ( home - to my ) 12. pikk rivi - anna riivi (a long ! i tie - give me the gj 13. korge r del - tulen r del (a tall - I'll come on Fri* 14. suur nina - Niina tootab (a big - is working) 15. keda ootad - k tin vett ( 10 are you waiting for - Minu padi. Paadi värv. Ara kisu! Näe, kiisu! 1 _ Kase lebed. Palju kasse. HAKKAME PIHTA! Let's begin! (Tekst nr 3) ° Tere! - Hi! ° Tervist! - Hello! 0 Tere hommikust! - Good morning! n Tere paevast! - Good afternoon! D Tere ohtust! - Good evening! D Head aega! - Goodbye! ° Nagemiseni! - Goodbye! ° Nagemist! - See you! Bye-bye! ° Kohtumiseni! - See you! Koike head! - All the best! D Head paeva! - Have a nice day! ° Head ood! - Good night! hommik, -u, -ut morning paev, paeva, paeva {pronounce overlong) day f—^ Kuulake ja korrake! Listen and repeat! (Tekst nr 4) 2. Tervitage voi jatke hiivasti! Say hello or good-bye! ohtu, -, -t evening aeg, aja, -a time 66, -, -d night hea, -, -d good koik, koige, -e all kuula/ma, -ta, -n to listen 1. Hakkame pihta! 13 l. A: Tere! 3. A: B: Ter&pdevrut! B:Head66d! 2. A: Tervist! B:............... 4. A: Kohtumiseni! B:.....................! 5-A:.....................! B: Tere paevast! 6. A:.....................! B: Nagemiseni! 7. A: Tere ohtust! B:.....................! 8. A:.....................! B: Koike head! Kuulake ja vastake! Listen and answer. (Tekst nr 5) CD: Kohtumiseni! Teie: HeaA/a^aJ 5. Tolkige! Translate. * 1. Good evening! ............. 2. Goodbye! .................... 3. Good night!................. 4. All the best!................. 5. Hello! .......................... 6. Good morning! ... 7. Hi! ........................ 8. Good afternoon! ... 9. See you! ............... 10. Bye-bye! ............. 11. Have a good day! MA, SA,TA,ME,TE, NAD 1, you, he/she/it, we, you, they Personal pronouns have two forms in Estonian: a long form and a short form. MINA / MA - I MEIE / ME - we SINA / SA - you (sing.) TEIE / TE - you (pi.) TEMA / TA - he, she, it NEMAD / NAD - they Estonian lacks distinct words for 'he, she, it'. The word tema (ta) is used for all three. The meaning can be determined only from the context in which the word is used. When addressing a person, there are two ways. If you know the person well (you are on a first-name basis), you use sina (sa). The second person plural form teie (te) is used to show respect when addressing a person you are not familiar with or are not on a first-name basis with. 6. * 7. Uhendage! Connect. * 1. ma - l4iWJb 1. ma.. nemad 2. sa -................. 2. sa tema 3- ta -................. 3. ta meie 4. me -............... 4. me sina 5- te -................. 5-te mma 6. nad -.............. 6. nad teie 14 Tere! 8. * 1.1- mittfu 2. he -.......... 3. you (sing.) 4- they -....... 5. you (pi.) - 6. we - ......... 9. * 1. sina - id/ 2. tema - .... 3. meie -..... 4. teie -....... 5. mina - .... 6. nemad - . Kuulake j a näidake! Listen and show. (Tekst nr 6) MA SA TA ME TE NAD CD: sina Teie: A MA OLEN NAINE, SA PLEDGEES I am a woman, you are a man... Ma olen mees. I am a man. Sa oled mees. You are a man. Ta on mees. He is a man. Me oleme mehed. We are men. Te olete mehed. You are men. Nad on mehed. They are men. Kes ta on? Who is he (she)? Ta on ôpetaja. He (she) is a teacher. 11. * 1. Ma ol&Ksopetaja. 2. Sa.................ôpetaja. 3. Ta.................ôpetaja. 4. Me.................ôpetajad (teachers). 5. Te.................ôpetajad. 6. Nad.................ôpetajad. Kes sa oled? Who are you? Ma olen ôpilane. I am a student. 12. * 1. AA&o\eme sekretärid (secretaries). olen inimene. on inimesed (people). . oled ôpilane. on sekretár. , olete ôpilased (pupils). s?> Ma OLEN Sa OLED Ta ON Me OLEME Te OLETE Nad ON 1. Ilakkame pihta! 15 MAjEI OLENAINE, SAjEI OLE MEES... I am not a woman, you are not a man... inime/ne, -se,-st human (being) sekretár, -i, -i secretary ôpetaja, -, -t teacher ôpila/ne, -se, -st pupil kes who mees, mehe, meest man nai/ne, -se, -st woman ole/ma, olla, -n to be You can say he is not a man, she is not a woman in two ways. You only need to add ei ole or pole. EI OLE Ma Sa Ta Me Te Nad > *ei ole naine. * ei ole naised. (to be) NOT I am not a woman. You are not a woman. He/she is not a woman. We are not women. You are not women. They are not women. POLE Mina > Sina * pole naine. Tenia > Meie > Teie * pole naised. Nemad > 13- * 1. Te ei oLťôpetaja. 2. Sa ei.................mees. 3. Me ei.................sekretärid. 4. Nad ei................. ôpilased (pupils). 5. Ma ei.................Anneli. 6. Ta ei.................Rein. 14. * 1. Mina ôpilane. 2. Nad ....................... ôpilased. 3. Me ei...................... ôpetajad (teachers). 4. Ta ................... ôpilane. 5. Teie ei ................... mehed. 6. Me .................... ôpilased (pupils). 7. Sa...................ôpilane. 8. Teie ei...................ôpetaja. 9. Teie...................ôpilased. 10. Kes nad ...................? 11. Sina ei...................sekretár. 12. Nemad...................naised. 13. Tema ei................... Mart. 14. Kes te...................? 15. Kes sa...................? 15- I 1 Kuulake, näidake ja koostage lause! * (Tekst nr 7) Listen, show and make a sentence. OLEN OLED ON OLEME OLETE OLE CD: Sina .... Teie: + A 16. Tolkige! Translate. * 1. She is a pupil..........................................................2. Who are you?................................................? 3. He is not Indrek...............................................................4. He is a pupil........................................ .............................5.1 am not a secretary.................................................................................6. Who are you?.....................................................? 7.1 am a human being....................................................... 8.1 am not Katrin..............................................................9. She is a woman....................................... ..................................10. You are not a man!.........................................................................................! 16 Terel