MINU NIMI ON... My name is... uw (Tekst nr 15) ^ Bill Gates D Mis / Kuidas on sinu nimi? - What is your name? ° Mis / Kuidas on teie nimi? - What is your name? D Aga sinu / teie perekonnanimi? - But your last name? ° Teie nimi, palun. - Your name, please. D Minu nimi on........- My name is ° Mina olen........- I am -........ 0 Kuidas palun? - I beg your pardon, (if you don't hear the first time) ° Saage tuttavaks, see on Please meetlet me introduce 1. © ° See on minu tookaaslane / kolleeg / sober / sobranna/ tuttav / naaber / iilemus. This is my colleague / friend / (female) friend / acquaintance / neighbour / boss. n Vaga meeldiv! - Nice to meet you! QQ In Estonian we say: Very nice! Mi 11 ul samuti/ kal - Nice to meet you too! ^ ^ I have too! Kuulake ja vastake! Listen and answer. (Tekst nr 16) CD: Kuidas on sinu nimi? Teie: AAUlW HMVii OK,... . 2. Lugege ja koostage sarnaseid dialooge! Read and make similar dialogues, l. A: Tervist! B: Tere! A: Minu nimi on Öie. B: Öie? A: Jah, Öie. Aga mis sinu nimi on? B: Mina olen Ülar. A: Kuidas palun? B: Ü - 1 - a - r. Ülar. A: Väga meeldiv. B: Minul samuti. (ees)nim/i, first name nim/i, -e, -e (firma nimi) company name perekonna/ nimi, -nime, -nime last name sôb/er, -ra, sôpra friend sôbranna, -, -t (female) friend naab/er, -ri, -rit neighbour kolleeg, kolleegi, kolleegi colleague tôôkaasla/ne, -se,-st colleague 4. Minu nimi on. 31 iilemus, -e, -t boss, chief tuttav, -a, -at acquaintance samuti, ka also tuttavaks saama, tuttavaks saada, saan tuttavaks to meet, to get acquainted with meeldiv, -a, -at nice 2. Mari: Saage tuttavaks, see on minu kolleeg Tiina ja see on minu hea tuttav Joosep. Tiina: Väga meeldiv. Joosep: Väga meeldiv. 3. A: Kuidas on teie eesnimi? B: Margus. A: Ja teie perekonnanimi? B: Pärn. A: Kuidas palun? B: Pärn. A: Aitäh! A: Mis on sinu nimi? B: Pjotr. Aga sinu? A: Peeter. Kas sa ráágid eesti keelt? B: Jah, natuke, aga ráágime parem vene keeles. A: Kahjuks ma ei oska iildse vene keelt. A: Saage tuttavaks, see on minu naaber Ene, see on minu tóókaaslane Marina, see on minu sober Juan, see on minu hea tuttav Merle, see on minu iilemus Toivo ja see on Julia. B: Kas ta on ka sinu kolleeg? 4. A: Teie nimi, palun! B: Dan Ojasoo. A: Kas Dan vöi Tan? B: Dan. A: Ei ole, Julia on \ minu sôbranna. 1. A: Tere! B: Tere päevast! A: KuidAS OK/ ttUs HIMii? B: Minu nimi on Toomas Luik. Aga kuidas on teie nimi? A:.............................................................................. B: Väga meeldiv. A:.............................................................................. 2. A:.............................................................................? B: Parle Tamm. A:.............................................................................? B: Parle Tamm. A: Väga meeldiv! B:.............................................................................. 32 Tere! 3. A: Saage tuttavaks, see on minu.....................................Hanna, see on minu hea Raina, see on minu.................................................Teet, see on minu......................... Maksim ja see on minu..........................................Mary. B: Väga........................................ Mis on sinu perekonnanimi? Kuidas on Kuidas ) \ s I palun? < sinu eesmmi: i? 5. Tolkige! Translate. * 1. My name is..........................................................................2. Let me introduce....................................... ......................................3. What is your name?............................................................................................? 4. Nice to meet you!.......................................................................................! 5. Your name, please........... .............................................................................6. Nice to meet you too.................................................. 7. What is your last name?........................................................................................? 8. Let me introduce you - this is my colleague Mart Kaur............................................................................................................ 9. Is it your boss?....................................................................................? 10. Please meet my neighbour. KELLE? MILLE? OMASTAV KÄÄNE. Whose? Of what? Case OMASTAV. This is a very important case, since the formation of ALL other cases, except for osastav, are based on the genitive case. The case omastav answers the question KELLE? whose? MILLE? whose? of what? Words in this case always end with a vowel: -A (kella), -I (kooli), -E (nime), -U (turn), -O (loo), -U (suu), -6 (nod), -6 (do), -A (Ma). Besides other meanings (which we will discuss later) the case denotes that something belongs to someone or something. 1 II Ill NIMETAV OMASTAV OSASTAV Kelle? Whose? Mille? Whose? Of what? . Minu nimi on... 33 ema, -, - mother, mum I II NIMETAV OMASTAV isa, -, - Kes? Who? Kelle? Whose? father, dad Mis? What? Mille? Whose? Of what? tuttav tuttava too, -, -d tookaaslane töökaaslase work; job ema ema isa isa par/k, -gi, -ki number numbri park naaber naabri sober söbra restoran, -i, -i sobranna söbranna restaurant auto auto polikliinik, -u, -ut outpatient hospital pan/k, -ga, -ka bank kontor, -i, -it office kot/t, -i, -ti bag numb/er, -ri, -rit number A/8/ Sometimes a word in the case omastav coincides with the same word in the case nimetav (the nominal case), ema, ema - mum, mum's isa, isa - dad, dad's n Auto number on 765 MGE. The number of the car is 765 MGE. Kelle too see on? Whose work is it? See on dpilase too. It is the student's work. 1. dpilase too student's work 2. ema kott mum's bag 3. isa pastakas dad's pen 4. arsti too doctor's work 5. sobranna telefon girlfriend's phone 6. tookaaslase maja colleague's house 7. ulemuse arvuti boss's computer (töö) Kelle oma see on? Whose (work) is it? See on öpilase oma. It is the pupil's (work). öpilase oma ema oma isa oma arsti oma pupil's mum's dad's doctor's söbranna oma girlfriend's tookaaslase oma colleague's ülemuse oma boss's 34 Tere! Kelle kott see on? Kellejomaisee on? Whose bag is it? See on arsti kott. It's the doctor's bag See on arsti oma. It's the doctor's. Whose is it? || Please notice that the word oma denotes belonging! 6. Tolkige! Translate. * 1. Whose work is it? KelU too se& on£ It's the teacher's work. Je& ok/ o^etajo/ too. 2. Whose bag is it? It's the doctor's bag. 3. Whose bank is it? It's mum's bank. 4. Whose work is it? 5. Whose is it? It's the teacher's. 6. Whose is it? It's the doctor's. 7. Whose is it? It's mum's. 8. Whose is it? It's dad's work. It's dad's. Keü& arimti se& okJ Seeoh/sekretáriaruwtu (Seeowsekretári>ornoJ). KtlU/telefon... See on... . Kelle...? JÉĚS> | ^% m NAABER TOOKAASLANE PILLE OPILANE SOBRANNA OPETAJA 4. Minu nimi on.. 35 MITMUS. The plural form. The case omastav helps to form the plural. The word should be put in the case omastav and the ending -d should be added. I II NIMETAV OMASTAV ■=> + -D Kes? Who? Kelle? Whose? MITMUS Mis? What? Mille? Whose? Of what? the plur al keel keele keeled (languages) arst arsti arstid (doctors) restoran restorani restoranid (restaurants) park pargi pargid (parks) naaber naabri naabrid (neighbours) sober söbra sobrad (friends) 8. I NIMETAV Kes? Who? Mis? What? II OMASTAV Kelle? Whose? Mille? Whose? Of what? + -D MITMUS the plural l. pilt pildi JpilAidj (pictures) 2. paev pdeva (days) 3. sober sobra (friends) 4. tookaaslane tookaaslase (colleagues) 5. kontor kontori (offices) 6. keel keele (languages) 7. arst arsti (doctors) 8. sobranna sobranna ((female) friends) 9. maja maja (houses) 10. polikliinik polikliiniku (outpatient hospitals) 11. pank panga (banks) 12. park pargi (parks) 13. restoran restorani (restaurants) 14. kolleeg kolleegi (colleagues) 15. tuttav tuttava (acquaintances) 16. too too (jobs) 36 Ter el THIS 6? «fei I SEE Kes see on? Who is this? See on inimene. This is a human being. Mis see on? What is this? See on kott. This is a bag. Kelle oma see on? Whose is this? (the bag) See on arsti oma. This is the doctor's. THESE NEED Kes need on? Who are these? Need on inimesed. These are people. Mis need on? What are these? Need on kotid. These are bags. Kelle omad need on? Whose are these? (the bags) Need on arsti omad. These are the doctor's. 9. * 1. Mt&cL on inimesed. 2. Kelle telefon S&£> on? 3........................... on naabri auto. 4. Kelle pildid .......................... on? 5........................... on opetaja opikud. 6. Saage tuttavaks, .......................... on minu úlemus Piret. 7...........................on opilased. 8. Saage tuttavaks,..........................on minu sob rad lati ja Kalle. 9. Kas..........................on arst? 10. Kas..........................on opilase rood? 11, Kelle raha ..........................on? 12...........................on ema raha. 10. Tolkige! Translate. * 1. Who is this?...............................................? This is dad's secretary................................................... 2. Whose doctor is this?..........................................? This is mum's doctor.......................................... 3. What is this?......................? This is the computer of a (female) friend............................................. 4. What are these?..........................? These are the bank's offices.......................................................... 5. Whose is this?....................................? This is the secretary's............................................................ 6. What is this?.............................................? This is a colleague's pen................................................ 7. Whose books are these?......................................................................................................................? These are the student's books.............................................................................................................. 8. What are these?..................................? These are the doctor's bags................................................. 9. What is this?............................................? This is a restaurant........................................................ 10. Who is this?...........................................? This is an acquaintance.................................................. 11. Whose exercise is this?......................................................................................................................? This is a student's exercise................................................................................................................. 12. Whose place is this?............................................? This is a friend's place....................................... 13. Whose money is this?.................................................? This is dad's money. 14. Is it your pen?...................................................? No, not mine..................... 4. Minu nimi on... KELLE? Minu, sinu, terna... Whose? My, your, his, her... How to say my name, or your name? We need again the case omastav. I NIMETAV Kes? Who? I OMA Kelle? I STAV Whose? A/B/ Possessive pronouns also have a short form mina minu - mu my minu oma mine in the case omastav. sina sinu - su your sinu oma yours tema tenia - ta his, he tema oma his, hers - meie meie - me our meie oma ours teie teie - te your teie oma yours nemad nende - nende their nende oma theirs Ii. Ühendage! Connect. * l. mmu me 2. sinu mu 3. tema te 4. meie nende 5. teie su 6.nende ta 12. * 1. minu - IMMs 2. meie -.......... 3. teie - 4. tema ■ SPiKKF.:{ M 11 S u T a M e T e Nende Mu Su Ta Me Te 0* &f 5. srnu - 6. nende f 13. * 1. MÜUUjmy) tuttav. 2...........................(his) ema. 3...........................(your (sing.)) sober. 4...........................(their) töökaaslane. 5...........................(your (pi.)) kolleeg. 6...........................(our) naaber. 38 Tere! 14. Küsige ja vastake! Ask and answer. m. Kelle- IcoKtor see öhJ Seeok/imJmaa/kxxttor. Kelle-...? See-... . Kelle,...? liBli SINA PANK / 15. Tolkige! Translate. * l.This is our office...................................................................................2. This is my house.................... ..........................................................3. Who are these? These are your (pi.) doctors................................ .......................?......................................................................4.This is my family...................................... ..................................................................5. This is his name..................................................................... ...................6. What is this? Is this their work?...........................................................?............................ .......................................................? 7. Is it your (pi.) park?.......................................................................? 8. This is their outpatient hospital..............................................................................................9. Whose bank is this? This is her bank..............................................................................?...................................... ............................10. Who are these? These are my teachers.................................................................? ................................................................................................11. Is it your (sg.) pupil?.............................. 4. Minu nimi on.. 39 SEDATE JUBA OS KATE. This you already know. l. Tolkige! Translate. * 2. Kiisige ja vastake! Ask and answer. Ktudas on/ testi/ (ceeies "to know"? OsioMUb - OSatHU KuidcuS OK/ eettLk&eUs "You're welcome". PolbtiwMsmart. Kuidas...?