FAFNIR Nordic Journal of Science Home Journal For Authors Editors and Contact Info Fafnir Proudly Presents: Issue 1/2014 is Now Out! Dear readers we are proud to present the first s -- issue of Fafr''-.Vonfc Jouma' of Scenes Fictic S'2 Farias. Research! This issue themed 'Opposing Forces", contains four articles that are fruits of the 2013 FINFAR seminar organised under the same theme In addition to the articles. Fair, -1 2014 offers you a seminar report, the history of FINFAR and a thcught-provoking piece on the relationship between speculati.e fiction and mainstream literary theory. The .s- " si issue of Fa:-'challenges its readers to put on their thinking caps, and get engaged in the discussion! Table of Contents: Fafnir 1/2014 • Editorial • Deposing Forces and Ethical Judgments in Samuel Delany's S:=-s m My Pocket ks Ss"'S of Sand (Par.: Yaatanenj • Agents or Pawns? Po.ver Relations in V.llliam Gibson's Bigend Trilcg_, (Esko Suoranta • What is it that Fanfiction Opposes? The Shared and Communal Features of F'teZj/Serenity Fanfiction (Hanna-Riikka Roine} • Gocd and Evil in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lege-.danum: Concerning Dichotomy between Visible and Invisible (Jyrki Korpja: • Scholars Opposing Forces. Report on FINFAR 2013 Meeting (Katja Kontturi) • FINFAR: A Gift from Fandom to Academia (Liisa Rantalaiho) • Peeking into the Neighbouring Grove Speculative Fiction in the Work of Mainstream Scholars (Merja Potanen) • Call for Papers for the 3 2014 issue of =s""'> P.S. The •vebpages of Fair>are still under construction Unfortunately we do not yet have the option of downloading the articles and other material of the first issue as PDF. We ..ill have it functional soon - in the meantime, thank you for your patience! We hope you enjoy our firs: e^e_r issueJnjitm!. ftWr-l :■: c Journal of S: s ice - and rs-sj Research- :3s Z342-200S Proudly powered by WnrdPress I Theme: Exscunc by Kortstg-' : S'snin. And Siegfried thought he killed Fafnir How wrong he was ! (From Witamedia Commons