HOW TO WRITE AN ABSTRACT (SUMMARY) This should be a FORMAL WRITTEN SUMMARY. It should not sound like you are speaking about your presentation. The topic and content are the most important, not the act of presenting. To begin, the summary should include a good topic sentence and purpose statement. Then you write a brief explanation/description of your main ideas. Don't be afraid to write more than one paragraph. To end, you should have a good conclusion/thesis statement rounding out your most important idea, showing its importance. 1. The abstract should be handed in printed on the day of your presentation 2. It should be between 150 and 250 words long. Write the word count (can be found in Word – Tools Nastroje) on the bottom line. 3. Include your name and group number on the first line 4. Please make sure you've read Seminar 2 and write the abstract accordingly.