presentation Assessment criteria Considerthe following criteňa befare making your presentation: í.Organisation - preparedness - logical sequence - introduction - purpose statement - outline - sign-posting language - k y points - summary - conclusion - closure - timing 2. Content - topic coverage - relevant to humanities and social sciences - informative - understandable - interesting - enteňaining 3. Language - appropriate to audience - explanation of jargon - voice - speed - volume _ clarity - intonation - grammatical accuracy - correct pronunciation of key words 4. Body language - eye contact ( with the whole class, not only tt,e teache$ - good use of notes; not reading large parts of the presentation _ stance, enthusiasm 5. Visuals - appropriate - supportive - clear 6. Questions - handling of the discussion - clear, appropriate responses 7. Sources - reliability - bibliography format .::it| : vl UAL oUTLINE oF KEY PRE ENTATIoN PolNTs TlTLE Youmayu easub-heading Make it interesting & informative oUTLINE main points: 1 2 3 Don't write structural words here like introduction, umíTBry, discussion, 0urces PolNT 3 Signalto end after your last point PolNT 1 Give supportirg ideas and examples sUMMARY Give one sentence for each rnain point, not just a list of the main poin (i.e. do not repeat your or!;inal outline) PolNT 2 Give supportir ideas and exarnples lNTRODUCTION Purpose Statement Why and how is your toph importanP coNcLUsloN Thesis statement ln one or two sentence, why a"d how is what you've just said important? cLoslNG Thanking audience and inviting questions sourcg should be shown at the end