Lesson 16 I *16B | b 11-m^ms JBSH03l¥ - 2 - ( Kanji for Adjectives - 2 -) There are two types of adjectives in Japanese. One type ends with -I* (c.f. L8) and another type ends with when they modify nouns. The -& ending adjectives can be divided into five groups as follows. 1. Hiragana + & 2. Katakana + & (smart) (handsome) (rich) 3. one Kanj i + Hiragana + & L-r -r *s 4. two Kanji + & TC^i* §K#J* ffi^Jfc ^Rli& tfrlrfc ^A. 9 -A. ^A, D^>X i ±¥* *$J4 5. prefix + two Kanji + & The Hiragana endings change as follows. Present affirmative quiet mwx-r k i n d Present negative Past affirmative Past negative : l^^li^J^H^A, H^J^ii^J^X (c«0 (i;*) tit Lesson 16 a kind teacher to teach kindly kind and gentle ■ft You can make -& adjectives by adding -ft to the English adjectives as follows. /n>-^A (handsome) ft 7.-7- h (smart) ft 'J -y f" (rich) 4 T 9 7 7 7 (deluxe) & [tlA. L »0 9] Guess the meaning of the following adjectives. tf j. - t 4 7 ;u ft tr? 7* ft Adjective + Noun : iH>ft^m a quiet room §H^C(2ft^£|! Adjective + Verb to speak quietly Adjective + Adjective quiet and light Lesson 16 7h2 2 - 1 . 3P?3; UK origin, source base (4) —" T 7L xB (^X • Co) healthy, fine New Year's Day spirit, mind air, atmosphere (6) / a. • *>)^ a feel 3^1 (T^ * §) weath ing er i ? • #) mood, a sickness state of mind have, exist possess (6) ; r * * to exist, to have • 0 i <) & powerful £>V*)& famous i#> 9) "t" to possess 170 171 172 1 * r\ Lesson 16 name, famous members 5 3 £ (6) 9 %M (fc • £ it) a name ££Ji (fc • r • Nagoya &$f(£>V> • Li) famous places %yfa(#>V> • .£0) special products a parent kinship Lfc-Lv» (16) % f IF fl(&^) a parent 3C&(*>*> • fc^) father 8(Lfc)LV» intimate, friendly it-^O(LA, • -£o)& kind cut, end moderate l-S/io- -fey (4) - t #K§)& to cut 't) a postage stamp TO(£o--£) a ticket ^ (fcV» • -tto) & important ft current, traffic convenience tr > (9) r f (/:i)l) a letter, news ffi^IJ (-^A-* 0) & convenient I^K-^ • < -9 • airmail ffiF/H^A -Li) a toilet Lesson 16 M profit proficient (7) >* f £fU(0tf?9 • %)% left-handed ^Mi^l • advantageous (*5 • t) interest fijffl ((9 • J: 1) f & to use un-, in-not 7/7*-(4) — 7" ^HEC-s* • ^a,) & inconvenient ^FjI a,) & unlucky ^JI(A"t<)t4 to lack of • LA • -£o)fc unkind young (8) -— -r- f * ^(fo^)Vi young 3=r(;b#4)£ youthfulness (W- i<0) a young man early (6) n e ^(Ji*)v> early < early, soon #■11 (■?" "7 * X "9) early morning Lesson 16 'ft ■ busy (6) > - t it(v^^) la> busy #Ht(£ • J3T3)4 very busy 2 — 2. WtfctiAsL®? ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. II 2. £fu 3. £l> 4. ^ 5. ftU> 6. 7£Ja&^W 7. 8. 9. \m\tz% io. II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. i^o^inifsr-ei-^o %:M.\i-jt%\zt^hX L i do 4. £*M^%£^-^<7)j£Mf£ i Ltzo mh\*tXi>W$X-Ltzo Lesson 16 5. d£>fljfcli3yl^Al;:A$W*ab i~to This song is popular among young people. 6. !!!#■< l^tiM^iLfco I got up early in the morning and went to the quiet place. 7. Z<7}£tl\,^j;ty¥tt%,(7)jzty% i>*± 9 * ft r ft Lesson 16 H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. uneasy 2. advantageous 3.disadvantageous 4. to lack of ft ft ft ®0 *< 5. intimate 6. a parent 7. a feeling 8. powerful 9. a postage stamp 10. a ticket *> *) X < 11. important 12. t ft ft to T 13. air mail ft ft I > -tfO 14. sea mail 15. mail 16. quick delivery 16 ft -9 § Kb 9 I^ft . a young woman 18. early morning 19. early time fc/vft *> ± -5 20. famous products Lesson 16 b 3-WtM% rLZttts IrITT^oj (What is his job?) Various persons wrote about their own jobs. Read the following passages and guess what each job is. Choose from below. 1. %$L 2. V>t^ 3. 4. &S 5. *m 6. ?I 7. 8. iLXk^ 9. ^i-f rUX 10. AMF tz%^%x, mthwt-to 1-^lb, ^^^T§-C"1-0 <^io^S±7^T^;BS£f^^£1-^fb, £v^A,"C1-„ * Adverbs of frequency : v^-o^ always <£ < often t § if § sometimes fc^Tl1 in most cases Lesson 16 < T (In a Hospital) > 1 f 4. 3. 2. l. 5. 6. 7. A □ 1. £tt Otto ft) a reception 2. IIS (IStrLo) an office 3. m\ (^v»»tvo an accountant a pharmacy 5. F*tf4 an internal medicine department 6. /hM4(t j: *>\zir) a pediatrics an ear and nose department 2 f n. 12. 10. vy hfy 13. 8. ft-W (ft» a surgical department 9. &jgcf£# (tM:n a nephrology department 10. U' > Y y>H a X-ray room 11. &im& (-£^tt^tt» an orthopedics department 12. mm Aft an obstetrics & gynecology department 13. (^X^) an ophthalmology department @) • >b*m mm 10^0 ZBft _mm&B us /g mm Lesson 16 medicine for internal use Mr. / Mrs. / Miss — directions for — day(s) every ~ hour(s) ~ & (oo^) mm u»< «t ^) — packet(s) to be taken ~ tablet(s), —- capsule(s)