Lesson 21 I ;2ii I I7h 1 -fäÜiPI (-T^Verb) The following word rM5£j is used as a noun in the sentence. % 12 M W 56<*f § -e-f o '1 like studying.' But when r—is added, it can be used as a verb. m*Bm%*L£< 'I studied Japanese.' There are a number of words which can be used as both a noun and a verb. Look at the following examples and pay attention to the particles. £ J: "9 ft A L- *> -9 It A § K» "5 <£PI> Noun the study of Japanese the practice of Kanji the study of literature Verb to study Japanese to practice Kanji to study literature Some r—verbs, however, take different particles. £73 . (to CA a question to the teacher going to America for study marriage with him to ask the teacher a question to go to America for study to get married with him — 201 — Lesson 21 Some r— ~t %>j verbs are usually used without any particle in a sentence because they include a meaning which corresponds to N + V constructions as follows. T¥ Oft*) tbg (L^:<) = *0 f] Choose the words which can be used as verbs with ]Bfft(tttV\ a watch) >' ]%&0f . healthy) > ] H.Pfi ( D ^ "9 L i , an address) 0 ] < L *9> "5 , learning) >. ] mta (If A, , language) ]^J£(-fc*< , shortage) A a problem) 1 a telephone) >: ] zstt L * , a company) ] ^ih (*> 7 L, stoppage) x X a hospital) ] , sightseeing) 3 ] M-fcti L * o, going out) )]'Jf H(§ C < , returning to one's country) — 202 — Lesson 21 3--y h 2 2 - 1 . ^(DS^^ ( Kanji Writings) knead (fc-*) u> (14) t r IP It It ^fKftA • Ltj> & to practice f practice (11) Si f fK&^H to learn ^IfOfrK • L®l)~th to learn fi'R (L v9> ^ • ifr'A,) a habit, a custom M endeavor (10) / n ft HA • # j: ■?) 1"£ to study 228 229 230 — 203 — Lesson 21 §4 ' force, ^ strong (11) -i ft 5fi(oJ:)v» strong (§ i n • i 7)~t%> to emphasize M&irtA, 1 In)t4 to study . grind sharpen (9) r r V if W^SOt^ ' § l)~t%> to study, to research fifflfc OtA* • L *>"?)"?"& to study and train to carry to » extremity (7) 1 if ^5F^u^f (t^"• § »9> *5 • C i) a research institute Wi&la'UtA • § *9>") • L^) a researcher ffl stay detain (10) c 6-7 tj77 n 77 m ffl ffl • t*b) a registered letter (19 q 7 • < ) -f %> to study abroad — 204 — Lesson 21 V s s quality question (15) i 1 ft ft ft ft ft s t quality Lo) nature, character KFp^(L.o • & A,)-j-& to ask a question m inquire question (11) i r r p p' n h pi ih Ppl(t) V^(ib) to make inquiries UPpI(ti? ■ & A,) to visit H(tV») the question title theme (18) I n 0 0. 0 as Pnt3S(£^ • £fv*) a question, a problem ISlKfc • /iv>) a topic JfilKLi* < • homework il% (£V • a title answer (12) ; to answer :!Sg(^ • t ?)"f & to reply %5-(Z.?z) z_ an answer Lesson 21 3; (*K1~^) lodging dwelling * t' > JL * (11) N f ^ltfi(Lv9>< • £fv>) homework fi#(L*9>< • L^O a dormitory Tsvfi(tKb < • 1± <)-tZ> to stay 2 — 2 . i5c 2. mvzth 3. rn^^-h 4. g^-ts 5. nm-tz 6. 7. ^ 8. 9. as io. mm II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 2. mnAot, M^W^L/jo-e-r^o 5. i(o^iim#^t>tt^o — 206 — Lesson 21 6. ymfgoX^i-tfrb, SBT-^ffl^ilLif( 7. *<£>Alii££jö*#K'*\ ^Sv»14ä-c1-o 8. B^trti, JEniz&&fäiz%vtzAt)i?o ■H Iii 2-3. m%$m (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. I. a question 2. homework 3. to answer 4. to learn 5. to study Lkd< £l> 3£ ft*b 6. to practice 7. to research 1-& ^A, ti9 L-Kb-5 t KD 9 8. to study abroad 9. to ask a question 10. to learn ■fh I r~ii"* *»< L K» 7 II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. review 2. the title of the book m CO L Kb r> 3. student dormitory 4^ -li-o Lkd < L-'P 207 — Lesson 21 4. to learn English 5. to answer a question 6. nature 1 7. to practice Kanji 8. to study Japanese 4- L KD Ö 1- 1-s 9. to study biology 10. to stay 11. a custom Ä *5< i H» -5 Lt9> < l±< L Kb *) HI. Write the following sentences using kanji. e.g. frtiit -t>t9>^r<<7) #*<-£v> -e-fo 2. -£A,-£v><7) < ta ^ í> A. LT, LoU^ L£„ (§#) to visit 3. t5?v^ < CÁ,t ij^t>^ t& fcšti, fertile ottžLi^o 5. Lí>A,£VHoi,vc, ^A,^ T'J *JH T'J $ T'J % T'J *JII T'J ffl + T'J T'J T 'J ¥A,%W (when) o^v»$i-^0 X.X., i&lilitA,^ (almost) ^Htto ^tlfi^^A (bedclothes) T*1"^o (when you sleep) O^V^i"^0 1/^X.o — 209 — Lesson 21 7 'J : v^x., *>ri*v>£1-0 7 'J : (iv^0 H -.frfr^tz \%7L\t ( ) -etido 7'j : Z^x-to mm] i. ±<7>y-A #JH£X^ (team) liv» Ex. S3 — 211 —