Lesson 34 — v V 1 ^ i L i i fy *> 7*~7 x7'-> %t>A, =1 V 7° 11 (£ bedding A/ft fflSä kitchen utensils tri Li-) i tableware M (7-) : #jl £Ä iä HÄ m-ä ffl* tlÄ (*) :&f? ftff ftf* (^v^) ä (£>-L35) : fäPap M4pap itföpan Ott x nX>L) — 113 — Lesson 34 a. - y h 2 2-1. m-^om^n a board, table base 9 4 (5) \ n a cJ (tz^) a table, a platform ni& (/"i^ • £,) a plateau — a ' one (for machines) p!(/:^ • -SO) a typhoon window i £ y ^ (11) 1 1 is 380 381 Miit.') a window ^M^it"^ • -ir-) • tH^) an alumni association ■S □ ( J if ■ C ) a window, a counter J. equipment instrument (8) ] n n @ j. J. J. 382 JtA {< • J: ^)1"& to take (medicine) ffiUi =t ') • ^ < 1 Western clothes paper journal V (10) t 1 if & (^) paper (T • a letter #f (£) £K;(75f&) paper for folding ^|A(Oj;-9 - L) a cover 386 Lesson 34 MM <^J:^ t>3> mm term, affix resign (13) t i r r ^It (C * L «t) a dictionary (-tiro • t) an affix rough ■ miscellaneous (v*) (14) -ft r iff *t#(£*o • ^^) noise }g$t(^< • complicated • J:t) miscellaneous duties *$t^t(-T-5 ■ § AO a dust cloth record magazine (14) .> > > ft -> PI $i&£(£'o • L) a magazine BilSG-o ' L) daily records j§ITIJs£( l i# 0 • 7^ • u) a weekly magazine — 116 — Lesson 34 2-2. mfrwm 1. 2. MMc 3. ±^ 4. nm 5. 6. ítlí 7. 8. fflÄ 9. 10. &P 1. ^Ä^^íéíá5P^-C^A^«íi3P^1-o 5. BmBi±^i&*n^tzt)ms&*mA,tzt) trotte 1-1a 8. ^(7)éJ5ff(á^^A# < -C^ŽV^0 9. ^(O^lliÄ^+^o^^, JMLT<ŕi£^c — 117 — Lesson 34 2-3. 1. a table 2. a window 3. paper 4. a dress 5. a magazine i if frfr 2*o L 6. a letter 7. a tool 8. tableware 9. an errand 10. a dictionary t; Li l 1. stationery 2. bedding 3. a musical instrument MA. <* LA <* A5o 4. a fire extinguisher 5. to use 6. a tool L «t 9 ^ £ 65 118 — to prepare 8. a kitchen 9. a plateau 10. a sleeping car =fc i ^ e z. h *> la, 11. western clothes 12. Japanese kimono 13. origami art 14. to take medicine 15. a window 16. a weekly magazine 17. noises 18. an English-Japanese 19. for ladies dictionary ft. Lesson 34 h 3 to ftL^ffl$*M}itifth%tftll£ti:t) t-£A,a X'tfrb, hfrLfrh rfrtW HAv^t, Ic^o^ti^j tpf^|f0 to -ti£ rfelrt (^o^j tm^to f^Afi, -A7H±fric*> Eott&tt fitf&Oi-t^o ^<^^WJo^li, S^A^^to ♦ ^St^T^) a home Mc? ( § i 0 fi^) a dressing table tsipi, old times trt#> a daughter ■o&fiZ) to go into bankruptcy, to be ruined (l > o !3°-7 ) on the other hand ^Ip Of o ^ *9> "?) one's monthly salary 2^5> for two months Now, Well, 4. 7frB£> r-^j t^^ti, {uJXtfro 5. _L<7):£fcf£A.-t\ Hy57:^^^fitSl^t^ 6. hktzmiXtt, M*&t&B#, ¥7kteffi$:ltffr Lesson 3-1 H ± (fe <7) L i n ) Special Exhibition Hall Hftfl^qq (O L * o 2 -7 if t»0 A) Art and Craft 5 F m^S^pn f"C'A §-£'.>OA &ff £JL ^a. 4 F =f-& - >% ^ ^k*-fl3unp J/cJt- 3&^<*) Toys iS.gg i < ) Kimono 3F W±(LAl)fJg Men's Fashion ?- 7 :M m±m. (LA L Co) Men's Shoes 2 F *§ A (A L A) J]R Women's Fashion ij v a T ^ • ^ i T Casual Wear $nn$t:^f (<£ 9 OA £*o t)\) Women's Goods and Accessories 1 F JtAHtU* LA Co) Women's Shoes fkffipn (It L I ^ OA) Cosmetics B 1 (LiOAA^i;/&-f>^ L i) Cloakroom ^^O^^M^^O^(i,M^O^^^tTtt(iHH^Tt^o a. ^ c. & d. f-yvn-^- e. f. g. 7-^-^(T)y^y Y h. ^Ofr l j. fcA-t k. x*-h i. na: (<*>^u) m. n. -kz h 7 MPgcoif 3ii*o *-ta»o £ * -f ft i if - v>Ptt^o Electric Appliances Household Goods Watches and Jewelry — 122 —