fm(ym j l e s s o n..............................b] fA©t~^&bXh^> My Favorite Restaurant 044 jR (tftfU'east *ö (t>a*t <'*X east exit ( r -y* 3 r>) Tokyo 052 jS.'JJ" (rfr^V) five minutes -f~9" (^I'vyv) ten minutes (v7>) oneself (^>^>) half (east) (8) - r f> ^ e f ^ ^. 053 (minute; to divide) (4) ' ^ ft 045 Cl S (Kl) west BO (CLCfe) west exit it© (*?-fe-f) northwest (*>■•)--f) Kansai region $ § ?t± (-fev-fe-f) teacher fcsl last week fclC (j3*C) ahead ^^^^^^ (west) 1 " f fi fi Ä B 054 (ahead) (6) ' " * *■ ^- ^ 046 ~f> f$j (&&&) south p&O (#&# 1- southeast (#?-t:-f) student t± (-feV-t'-f) teacher (•5*^1.4) to be born /3E ('f 'yya^C-f-f F) once in a life time (south) (9) - * (*• ft ft ft r*j Ä $5 055 (birth) (5) ' >~ >f % 047 SI if-7 if--v Jt (W^) north itO (3 north exit iftifc (h^*^) Tohoku region JtSUt (**?M Hokkaido m im (^-f #?-b-f) college student (iJiJgiO big (>/f*.J'4) tough tfefcfc) adult (north) (5) - i t üb* it 056 (big) (3) - £ 048 Jto north exit O (<*fe) mouth AD (->">3>>) population if? (^ftf?) university ^ife. (#^-1) student ^^st (#»/3<» school ^.l: to study (mouth) (3) l rr n 057 (learning) (8)* -f 049 K v a -y ■> jL-y Ü£ (T-S) to exit tÜD (T-<-^) exit (fi"f) to take something out th^5 (J/a-y-t-*-) attendance 'hwdi (*^A"7) export Z- y j'fh (tY -f a 5-) foreign country ?mia (Jj-t=i?*J» foreigner ?}- (ft) outside (to exit) (si i + + tfc dtj 058 (outside) (5) i 7 9 9\ 9\ 050 (&£*) right >'hlS (#-(37) foreign country (^-fe'y) right turn £:£ (+TJ--7) right and left < C + 11 (^^M^) China si (< C) country (right) (5) / 9- f & (country) (8) 1 n n m n h h a 051 terns & (V-tc*)) left (-9-t'y) left turn (In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.) (left) (5) - J- P if £