Brief Guidelines for Taiwan Scholarship Program Posted by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Prague on January 28, 2014 I. In an effort to encourage outstanding international students (excluding students from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau) to undertake degree studies in Taiwan so as to familiarize themselves with the academic environment in Taiwan and promote communication, understanding and friendship between Taiwan and countries around the world, the Ministry of Education (MOE) establishes the following guidelines for the Taiwan Scholarship Program. II. The MOE awards outstanding CZ students undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Taiwan by awarding each recipient of the Taiwan scholarship the following: (i) Tuition and payment of academic fees, including credit fee. Upon validation of tuition and above fees, the MOE awards each recipient per semester up to NTD40,000. If the total amount of these fees should exceed NTD40,000, the remainder of all costs shall be covered by either the recipient, or the recipient's college, whereas over NTD40,000 are the sole responsibility of the recipient. Tuition and academic fees do not include any of the following: administration fees, thesis advising fees, insurance premiums, accommodation, internet access, all of which are payable by the recipients. (ii) Subsistence allowance: The MOE offers each recipient undertaking undergraduate studies a monthly stipend of NTD 15,000 and those undertaking postgraduate studies a monthly stipend of NTD20,000. IE. Duration of Scholarships: (i) The maximum period of each scholarship is four years for undergraduate programs, two years for master programs, and four years for doctorate programs. The maximum i length of the total awards for each recipient undertaking a combination of studies is five years. (ii) Annual award periods begin on September 1st and continue until August 31st of the following year. Recipients must arrive in Taiwan and enroll at their admitting universities/colleges within this period unless delays have been approved by the relevant institutions and the MOE. If recipients fail to arrive in Taiwan for registration during this period, their award will be revoked with no deferrals. (iii) Subsistence allowances begin from the month of the recipients' registration at the universities/colleges and end when the award period expires or upon the recipients' graduation, withdrawal, suspension, expulsion, or revocation of the scholarship. IV. Eligibility: (i) Applicants must be a foreign national with a high-school diploma or post-secondary degree(s), an excellent academic record, and good moral character. (ii) Applicants are ineligible if they meet any of the following criteria: 1. Are R.O.C. nationals or overseas Chinese students 2. Have already registered or have obtained student status at any university/college in Taiwan. However, graduating students pursuing further studies are exempt from this rule. 3. Have already studied in Taiwan for the same level of degree as the one in which they currently intend to enroll. 4. Are exchange or dual/joint degree students admitted in accordance with academic cooperation agreements between universities/colleges in Taiwan and in other countries. 5. Have been a recipient of the Taiwan Scholarship for a total over five years. 6. Have had their Taiwan Scholarship or Huayu Enrichment Scholarship from the MOE revoked in the past. 2 7. Are recipients of any other scholarship or subsidy offered by Taiwan government or education institutions in Taiwan. This excludes subsidies offered by universities/colleges to cover tuition and other fees exceeding the scholarship limit. (iii) Applicants should apply directly for admission within the deadlines specified by each university/college listed in the "Association of Taiwan Scholarship Program Schools" (see Appendix 1). Applications for admission other than the universities/colleges participating in the Taiwan Scholarship Program are automatically disqualified and will not be returned. Applicants should send the following documents before 31s' March. 2014 to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office(TECO). Prague. Failure to include any of these documents makes the application incomplete, and the applicant will not be further considered for the scholarship, nor receive any further notice: (i) Completed Taiwan Scholarship Application Form(see Appendix 2). (ii) A copy of the applicant's passport or other nationality certificates. (iii) A copy of the highest degree and academic transcripts. If issued by educational institutions outside of Taiwan, these documents must be authenticated by an overseas Representative Office of the Republic of China (Taiwan) or be sealed and delivered by the awarding institutions. Documents in a language other than Chinese or English must be translated into Chinese or English and the translated documents must be authenticated. (iv) A copy of admission application materials to universities/colleges in Taiwan (e.g., copies of application fee remittance, application form, receipt of application from universities/colleges, or e-mails ). (v) A copy of a language proficiency certificate: 1. A copy of results of Level 3 or certificate for the "Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language" (TOCFL) Basic or above. 3 2. For applications to all-English programs, a copy of TOEFL test score or other recognized English language proficiency exam results or an English program diploma recognized by local government must be submitted. Nationals of English-speaking countries are exempt from this requirement. (vi) Two letters of recommendation, signed and sealed in envelopes (i.e. from the principals, professors, or supervisors). Photo copies and email submission of letters of recommendation will not be considered. (vii) Study program or research plan. VI. Application period: From 1st February to 31s' March of 2014(The deadline for submitting applications is 31st March , 2014) VH. Quota for scholarship: Seven scholarships will be offered for CZ nationals in 2014 to study undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at universities in Taiwan. VIII. Selection Criteria: (i) Recipients' academic study goals should be consistent with national development plans of the Czech Republic so as to assist in the growth of industry, economy and education. (ii) Recipients should achieve an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above, and a postgraduate GPA of 3.5 or above (on a 4.5 scale). Where grade conversion calculation differs, Taiwan Representative Offices will base their conversion calculations on the aforementioned calculation guidelines to select outstanding applicants from prestigious universities/colleges. (iii) Interviews must be conducted in person so as to interact with the applicants. 4 (iv) Priority will be given to applicants with a certificate in TOCFL-levels intermediate or above. For applications to all-English programs, a copy of TOEFL test score or other recognized English language proficiency exams at the intermediate level or a test score of over 75% must be submitted. (v) Applications must be completed in full. IX. Selection Notice: (i) Upon reviewing applications and conducting interviews, TECO, Prague will select successful candidates and alternate candidates which will be placed on a waiting list. Candidates and their awarding universities/colleges are to be notified by 31st May, 2014. (ii) Successful candidates should submit a copy of their letter of admission to TECO, Prague for verification by 30fh June, 2014; should candidates fail to submit this letter within the specified time period, they must submit a written explanation and request verification from TECO, Prague. Failure to be admitted into a university /college or failure to submit documents within the specified time period will both result in disqualification, and alternate candidates on the waiting list will be offered a scholarship by TECO, Prague. X. Other key provisions: 1. Scholarship applicants should apply directly for admission to universities/colleges listed in the "Association of Taiwan Scholarship Program Schools" (see Appendix 1) within the application deadlines. 2. Other than tuition and other fees, recipients are responsible for the payment of all other expenses. In case of financial hardship, recipients may apply to their registered universities/colleges for payments to be deducted from their subsistence allowances. 3. Should the recipients' academic and conduct performances or their attendance record fall below the required standard of 5 their registered universities/colleges, their scholarships will be suspended or revoked in accordance with the rules and regulations of the universities/colleges. 4. Should recipients receive simultaneously any other award or subsidy granted by Taiwan government agencies or education institutions in Taiwan, upon verification, their Taiwan scholarships will be revoked and any stipends and subsistence allowances given to them during the overlapping period must be returned. 5. Recipients are required to join Taiwan's National Health Insurance plan. But before enrolling in the National Health Insurance plan (normally takes about 6 months), they must also purchase other forms of medical insurance. 6. Upon enrollment at universities/colleges in Taiwan, recipients are not allowed to study in any other country as exchange or dual/joint degree students. 7. Recipients are not allowed to work illegally (including part-time work) while in Taiwan. XI. Please find detailed information on "Revised Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines" (see Appendix 3). Please send your application documents for Taiwan scholarship before deadline (31st March, 2014), based on post office stamp. Taipei Economic and Cultural Office , Prague Evroposka 2590/33C, 160 00 Praha 6 Czech Republic Date and time of interview will be announced to selected applicants later. For more information, details, and/or requirements, please contact Anna Gaurova /Steven Yang Tel:+420 -233 320 606 Fax:+420-233 326 906 6 Download: Attachement 1: Association of Taiwan Scholarship Program Schools Attachement 2:Application Form Attachement 3:Revised Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines 2014 Taiwan Scholarship Application Checklist 7 Form A (For new applicants only) {For official use only) Application No._ 4#3t*£tf»*(2014) APPLICATION FORM FOR A TAIWAN SCHOLARSHIP-INSTRUCTIONS: This application form should be typed and completed by the applicant. Each question must be answered clearly and completely. Detailed answers are required in order to make the most appropriate arrangements. If necessary, additional pages of the same size may be attached. ;iMt*fr t 1ft K.i$1t < ■ • Please check. #i££lTi&fi Which type of scholarship are you applying for? □ Undergraduate Scholarship □ Master Scholarship -t $ □ Doctoral Scholarship if i 1. PERSONAL DATA iSA^flf a-NAME *U Title HUJ : Mr./Mrs./Ms. Surname (Lastname) it : Given Name(s) ;£ '• Chinese Name fy$L-&& '• Please attach a recent photograph taken within the last 3 months. b- CITY and COUNTRY OF BIRTH A±.ftTPrA«*J c- NATIONALITY g& *Note: If one or both of your parents was an ROC national at the time of your birth, you are an ROC national as well and therefore not eligible to apply. d. PARENTS' INFORMATION FATHER SC MOTHER # Name Nationality Place of Birth JllÜi: Name Nationality g#: Place of Birth tfi -1 - e- CONTACT INFORMATION Permanent Address ^C^34iit : Mailing Address (If different from above)#p^rJtb£t : Telephone tt£ : E-mail : Cell phone f- SEX ttflj □ Male )B □ Female ~k B- MARITAL STATUS □ Single □ Married h- DATE of BIRTH (Day 0 /Month /Year •#■): i. PAST RESIDENCE in TAIWAN □ Never 5; □ Yes, from (dd/mm/yr) to (dd/mm/yr).^ ■ &i£B$ reason for residence ^te^-i: j. Taiwan Scholarship/ Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Award History iJf &^£r/^ □ None Jfe; □ Yes, from (dd/mm/yr) to (dd/mm/yr); £. ■ fell a ft Type(s) of Scholarship Awarded: k- HEALTH CONDITION □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair 1 CHRONIC DISEASES □ None £ □ Yes Please specify H3 : m- CONTACT PERSON, IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY Name4±;§: Relationship flfl#,: Address Akit: Telephone tf£: E-mail «^$p#: Cell phone -^#1: 2. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY COMPREHENSION ft READING ft WRITING £ SPEAKING «, Excellent ft Good a Fair Excellent ft Good ft. Fair Excellent ft Good ft. Fair *T Excellent ft Good a. Fair CHINESE ENGLISH (Oilier, please state) 3. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND &t 1f £ Level Name of Institution Country &City fett Period of Enrollment Secondary Education + Undergraduate Level Education A# Graduate Level Education 4. REFERENCES (A) f Name Position Telephone, E-Mail or Mailing Address %$£8J$%hk,&. 5. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT (Use one line for each position) X#MM Position Jpyjjr Company/Organization Period of Employment Responsibilities -3- 6. PRESENT EMPLOYMENT a- COMPANY/ ORGANIZATION b POSITION c. From B #] d. CONTACT INFORMATION Address itlitt: Telephone %$£ ' Cell phone -f-;&: Fax f# : E-mail t-HP# = e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION mm* □ Govt. Ministry/ □ University/ □ Govt./State-owned Agency ÄJfMPfl Institution Enterprise 'iHr££ D Locally-owned D Jointventure □ International D NGO Enterprise Enterprise Hßfr&fl #ÄÄHBMa*t f. PRESENT DUTIES & YEARS OF EMPLOYMENT 7. UNIVERSITY/DEPARTMENT WHICH YOU PLAN TO ATTEND IN TAIWAN #fc«t1*4LA University affiliated language center: University/college and department: -4- 8. PLEASE BRIEFLY STATE YOUR STUDY PLAN WHILE IN TAIWAN *frffii&M:tt**f-4 9. DECLARATION: I declare that: D lam neither concurrently an ROC national, nor an overseas compatriot of the ROC; I I I am not currently undertaking studies in Taiwan for the same educational level as the scholarship type for which 1 am applying; Q lam not applying for this scholarship as an exchange student resulting from an agreement signed between my home institution and any Taiwan university/college; I I The information I have given on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Applicant's Signature Date / /