1   L.05  Exercise  2       姓名:_____________________________   (ㄧ) 受不了 < --- > 受得了 grammar review V.得了 < --- > V.不了 be able to < --- > not be able to; do not have the ability to do something. e.g.1 他的视力很好,不论多远的东西都看得了。< --- > 他的眼睛瞎了,什么东西都看不了。 e.g.2 陈老师很能吃辣,再辣的菜她也吃得了。 < --- > 这盘清蒸鱼太烫了,我吃不了。 V.得 Resultative Complements < --- > V.不 Resultative Complements Trying to do something and succeed. < --- > Trying to do something but fail. e.g.1 白板上的字很大,我看得到 / 看得见。 < --- >白板上的字太小了,我看不到 / 看不见。 e.g.2 陈老师是大胃王,五盘清蒸鱼她也吃得下。 < --- > 我已经吃了太多好吃的菜,这盘清蒸鱼我吃不下。 ² 问问你的同学,什么(事/人/东西)让他们受不了? / 他们受不了什么(事/人/东西)? 同学 1. 同学 2. 同学 3. (二)modal verbs 能,会,要,肯,敢(dare to),可能,可以,应该,愿意。 Modal verbs such as "想" xiǎng, "要" yào, "可以" kěyǐ, "会" huì are often put before verbs to show will, capability or possibility. putting "不" bù before the modal verbs is the negative forms of these verbs. 肯 modal verb (be willing to) ≠ 肯定 adv. (definitely) e.g.1 网友 A:「你肯不肯跟我见面?」网友 B:「我肯定肯跟你见面?」 e.g.2 王朋:「你敢吃臭豆腐吗?」李友:「我不敢吃臭豆腐,不过我敢吃蟑螂。」 ² Using modal verbs to form a question sentence. 1. 2.     2     (三)还 / 又 / 再 adv. Basic Chinese word order --- S. + auxiliary Verb + Verb +O. ___________before modal auxiliary verb; ___________after modal auxiliary verb Semantic meaning 还(still;again)/ 又(again) /再(again) Tense 还(future tense; something not happened yet ) 又(realized; something happened) two methods to indicate unrealized situation: ○1 +modal verb or ○2 +要是 subjunctive mood 再(future tense; something not happened yet ) Place in the sentence Tense ___V 吗? V 不 V? Subjunctive Mood Imperative Mood 还 又 V+了/VP+了 再 VP+了 e.g.1 下星期阿红________要去一次上海。 e.g.5 今天考了听力,明天________要考口语。 e.g.2 晚上的舞会你________去不去? e.g.6 你好好休息,我会________来看你。 e.g.3 后天你________来我家吗? e.g.7 爷爷要是________病倒了就麻烦了。 e.g.4 他昨天刚吃了饺子,今天________想吃。e.g.8 要是他________来了,你就带他来见我。 (四)別 adv. ________ mildly forbidden ≒ ________ strongly forbidden ________ strongly forbidden(in written language) e.q.1 大家别笑,我的话还没说完。 e.q.2 请不要在此处停车。 e.q.3 请勿吸烟。请勿抽烟。 ² Say something to inform your classmates here comes the teacher.