Brief Guidelines for Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES)2014/2015 Edited by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office(TECO), Prague 28/01/2014 1. Purpose HES is established by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to encourage international students (Mainland China, Hong Kong & Macao SAR students are not eligible) to undertake Huayu courses in Taiwan, in order to provide them with opportunities to increase their understanding of Taiwanese culture and society, and to promote mutual understanding and interactions between Taiwan and the international community. 2. Award Value: monthly stipend of 25.000 NTD. 3. Duration a. The duration of the one-year scholarship is from September 1st to August 31st of the following year. b. Scholarship funding will become effective on the date of the recipient's enrollment. Scholarship funding will end according to the scholarship's expiration date or if the scholarship is revoked. If recipients fail to come to Taiwan for enrollment during the designated time, they will forfeit their right to retain their scholarships. 4. Quota for scholarship: Eight scholarships will be offered for Czech nationals in 2014/2015. ( Note : Among those. 2 for one-year period. 6 for six-month period) 5. Eligibility Applicants must be above the age of 18. He/She must be a Czech national with a high-school diploma, an excellent academic record, and good moral character. Applicants are ineligible if they meet any of the following criteria: a. Is an overseas Chinese student or a national of the R.O.C. b. Is currently registered as a student at Mandarin Language Center or has undertaken degree study in any university or college in Taiwan. c. Has already received a HES or a Taiwan Scholarship in the past. l d. Is an exchange student to Taiwan, during the scholarship period. e. Is currently receiving financial benefits from the Taiwan government or any other educational institution in Taiwan. 6. Application Applicants should send the following documents, along with 2014 HES Checklist(see Appendix 1), before 31st March, 2014 to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office(TECO), Prague. a. Completed Application Form(see Appendix 2). b. A photocopy of passport or any other documents that can verify the nationality of the applicant. c. A photocopy of the certificate of the highest credential and transcript. d. Proof of application to a Mandarin Language Center approved by the ROC government (see Appendix 3 for the list). e. Two letters of recommendation. 7. Application period: 01/02/2014-31/03/2015 (The deadline for submitting applications is 31st March, 2014 based on post office stamp) 8. Selection Procedure a. Upon reviewing applications, TECO, Prague will select successful candidates and alternate candidates which will be placed on a waiting list. b. Date and time of interview will be further noticed to selected applicants before 30th April, 2014. c. If a successful candidate waives his/her right to a scholarship before arriving in Taiwan, his/her slot will be filled by one alternate candidate that has been selected by TECO, Prague. 9. Terms and Conditions for Recipients a. The recipient should study at a registered Mandarin Language Center approved by the MOE. b. The recipient should apply for admission according to the regulations of the center. Once admitted, the recipient should send a photocopy of the 2 admission letter to TECO, Prague before 30th June. 2014 for confirmation. Recipients who do not send in their documents before the deadline will be disqualified from the scholarship selection process. c. The recipient should undertake at least 15 hours of language courses each week. d. Recipients of a maximum one year scholarship can request a one time only transfer to another Mandarin Language Center with permission of the original Mandarin Language Center. e. If the recipient concurrently accepts scholarships from other sources, he/ she will lose their placement in the scholarship program. He/She will also have to return the funds granted for those months that he/she received multiple scholarships. f. Mandarin Language Centers have the right to terminate or revoke a scholarship if the recipient's academic performance, moral character, or attendance record are not up to their standards. g. Recipients of scholarship longer than six months are required to join Taiwan's National Health Insurance plan. But before enrolling in the National Health Insurance plan (normally takes about 6 months), they must also purchase other forms of medical insurances. 10. Please find detailed information on "Ministry of Education HES International Student Directions'^Amended on December 22, 2011) (see Appendix 4). Download: Attachment 1: 2014 HES Application Checklist Attachment 2: HES Application Form Attachment 3: List of Mandarin Language Center Attachment 4: Ministry of Education HES International Student Directions 3 Application Form for ROC (Taiwan) Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship 2014~2015 INSTRUCTIONS: This application form should be typed and completed by the applicant. Each question must be answered clearly and completely. Detailed answers are required in order to make the most appropriate arrangements. If necessary, additional pages of the same size may be attached, •j'tf AJJH^Ifi^Mfc 1. PERSONAL DATA fäA&^W Í4 a.NAMEM^ Title : Mr./Mrs./Ms. Surname (Lastname) it : Given Name(s) ;& ■ Chinese Name ^X&t^ : Please attach a photograph that has been taken within the last 3 months. b. CITY and COUNTRY OF BIRTH c. NATIONALITY @ It *Note: If you are an overseas Chinese student, or hold a valid R.O.C. passport, you are not eligible to apply. d. CONTACT INFORMATION ffftíš-i&iit - tíž • Permanent Address^jcAitfjt : Mailing Address (If different from above^-^.tfeJaL : Telephone "ftS : E-mail■ Cell phone: e. SEXte#J □ Male H □ Female-fe: f. MARITAL STATUS □ Singled □ Married 6,^ g. DATE OF BIRTH (Day a/Month B /Year #-): h. PAST RESIDENCE in TAIWAN DNever 3r; □ Yes.from (dd/mm/yr) to (dd/mm/yr);^; • jt& ilB W; 1 reason for staying in Taiwan^ &: i. Taiwan Scholarship/ Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Award History & # DNone d Yes, from (dd/mm/yr) to (dd/mm/yr);^ ■ ^£ Type(s) of Scholarship Awarded: j. HEALTH CONDITION d Excellent CH Good ED Fair k. ANY CHRONIC DISEASES d NoneJfe CH Yes^f—Please specifying b/j : 1. CONTACT PERSON, IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY A NameM^: Relationship M#,: Addressitbit: Telfiff: E-mail t^f-#p#: 2. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCYt&f fä;*; LANGUAGE PROFICIEN CY COMPREHENSION It- READING 1ft WRITING S SPEAKING t£ CHINESE Excelle Good ä Fair Excellent Good a Fair Excellent fl Good Fair Excellent Good Fair rJ ENGLISH Other (please state) 2 3. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND $tf*# Level Name of Institution Country/City Period of Enrollment f£ # #■ Secondary Education "f ^ Undergraduate Level Education A* Graduate Level Education 4. REFERENCES feX-JM* (A) f# Name *£;g Position^,^ Phone, E-Mail or Mailing Address^t§&iH ^JtbAL 5. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT i^Sl (Use one line for each position) Position Company/Organization Period of Employment I^iP»l Responsibilities 6. PRESENT EMPLOYMENT SLJft&ft. a. COMPANY/ ORGANIZATION b. POSITION c. Fromfe^ Q & d. CONTACT INFORMATION «f&TJfIR, Address fcfefet : Tel ^£f£ : Cell phone: Fax : E-mail = 3 e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION CH Govt. Ministry/ L"D University/ CH Govt./State-owned AgencyiEi^t^n Institution Enterprise # CD Locally-owned L~H Joint Venture CH Foreign-owned □ NGO Enterprise 7. LANGUAGE CENTER WHERE YOU PLAN TO ATTEND IN TAIWAN#|*ttf t