TELL CHAGAR BAZAR G71 23 4 5 - Ft". 7: After Mallovvan 1936: figs. 8: 8, 19: 8, 19: 6, 20: 14 (stone). TELL CHAGAR BAZAR G7A i-:.,. H: After Mallovvan 1936: fig, 10: 4. TELL CHAGAR BAZAR G177 Ft- 9- No 2 is schematic icf. Mallovvan 1937: pi. XVlíl: A.6); "others after Mallowan 1937: figs. 12: 24. IS: 6, 2x 7. 540 TELL CHAGAR BAZAR G178 2 'ig. 10: After Mallowan 1937: fig. 19: 11. TELLCHAGAR BAZAR G188 3 4 5 6 -Fig. 11: After Mallowan 1937: figs. 12: 1, 18: 7,25: 1,25:2,25:3. TELL CHAGAR BAZAR G190 .TTT 2 3 A 5 - Fig. 12: No. 2 is schematic. Others after Mallowan 1937: tigs. 20: 7, 18: 13, 25: 9, 541 TELL MOHAMMED ARAB 49V:1B - Fig. 13: Unpublished. Ct". feoaf 1983a: 74; Ro.ať 1983b: 88-89 (MA 82. 94-96), 92 pi. 2: 94: Kiliick 198 542 TELL MOHAMMED ARAB 49V:20 brick vaulting t O 50cm 01 - Fig. 14: Unpublished. Cf. Roaf 1983a: 74; Roaf 1983b: 88-90 (MA 76, 97-98); Killick 1987: 216-217. 543 TELL MOHAMMED ARAB 50T:172 TELL MOHAMMED ARAB 501 = 173 02 - Fig. 16: To be published in K'illick, in prep. TELL MOHAMMED ARAB 50U-180 - Fig. 17: To be published in Killick. in prep. 545 TELL MOHAMMED ARAB 50V:28 motting 'A \ . Fi, 18: Unpublished. Cf. Roaf life: 74; Roof 1983b: 86-87 (M1A 49 67 [= 5)V:02 04 o« "50V:02.0? 68 [second sealing, not on oar plan]); Kiiiick 1987: 216-217 [adult only]. TELL MOHAMMED ARAB 50VH23 50 cm 02 ,,,, !9- To be published Killick. „ prep. For the coppcr/bronzc pin (^.123.02), see Roaf 1984: pi. XIH: I (opp. p. 149), p. 153 [misnumbered "50U:Io8.U4 j. 546 TELL MOHAMMED ARAB 51U: 176 - Fig. 20: To be pubiislied in Killick. in prep. 547 TELL MOHAMMED ARAB 5^23 21 - Fig. 2 i: continued on facing page 548 26 14 - Fig. 21: Pkm and some grave goods unpublished. 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