Essays Titles A. The North Syrian City-States A.1. The Storm God Temple at Aleppo: Typology and Architectural History A.2 Changing Form and Meaning in the Processional Imagery at Carchemish A.3 The Royal Buttress at Carchemish and the figure of Yariri A.4 Analysis of the Kulamuwa Orthostat at Zincirli B. The Neo-Assyrian Capitals B.1 The Representation of the Enemy in the Neo-Assyrian Palace Reliefs from Assurnasirpal II to Assurbanipal B.2 The role of cuneiform inscriptions in the Neo Assyrian Palace Reliefs and its evolution through time B.3 The Siege of Lachish B.4 Warfare in the Neo-Assyrian Reliefs B. The representation of nature and landscape in the Neo-Assyrian reliefs B.5 Representation of Perspective and Narration Styles in the Neo-Assyrian Reliefs B.6 The Head of Teumman B.7 Assurbanipal’s Garden Party B.8 Typology and Function of the Throneroom Suite in the Neo-Assyrian Palace Architecture B.9 Did the Assyrian Palaces have second stories? C. The Neo-Babylonian Empire C.1 What do we know about what the ziqqurat of Babylon looked like and how do we know it? C.2 The Neo-Babylonian Kings as Archaeologists