THE SECRET BOOK3 ACCORDING TO JOHNb Contents i 1 The teaching [of the] savior and [the revelation] of the mysteries, [which] are hidden in silence [and which] it (the savior) taught to John [its] disciple. I. F R A M E ST O R Y (INTRO D U CTIO N) Dialogue of John and a Pharisee 5 Oncec upon a time when John the brother of James, one of the sons s o/Zebedee, was going up to the templed *a Pharisee named Arimanios encountered him and said to him, Where is your teacher, the man that you used to follow? i) And he (John) said to him, He has returned to the place from which he came. 12,13 The Pharisee said to him, • That Nazarenec has greatly misled you, unfilled your ears with lies, closed [your hearts], “and turned you away [from] the traditions o f your [ancestors]. II. JO H N ’S N A R R A T IO N John’s distress 17 When V heard these words, I turned away from the temple towards 20,21 the barren mountain,B«and I was very distressed, saying, •How indeed 22 vvoj the savior chosen? *And why was he sent into the world by his 23,24 parent who sent him? “A nd who is his parent who [sent him]? “And 26 what is that realm like, to which we shall g o l *For what [. . ,]he told us that this realm [ . . .]has been stam ped in the mold o f that incorruptible realm, and did not tell us what that other one is like. Appearance of the savior 30 At the moment that I was thinking these thoughts, lo, the heavens 31 opened, “and all creation shone with light that [. . .] below heaven. Title 1 a. Greek apokryplton, lit. “ concealed (thing)." b. In the manuscripts, the title is found after the text (at 32:7f). c. For the meaning of italics, see the introduction to BJn, “ T ext." d. The Jewish temple of god in Jerusalem. Ancient Christian tradition (cf. Acts 2:46f) held that the earliest Christians in Jerusalem continued to take part in the Jewish religious cult of the temple. e. "N azarene": Gk. nasdraios, “ person from N azareth." Traditionally the term was also held to mean “ one who is observant," and sometimes referred to members of a Jewish-Christian sect of that name or to Christians in general. f. From here until 31:3I f the narrator is John. But starting at 2:9f, John's narration quotes a long speech of the savior. g. O r “ toward the desert." The Judaean Desert begins at the back of the Mount of Olives, which on the other side overlooks the site of the temple. 29 T H E S E C R E T B O O K A C C O R D I N G TO J O H N 3:28 33,1 And the [. . .] world moved. 2 •For my part, I was afraid, [. . .] saw 3 within the light a child standing before me. «When I saw [. . .] like an 4 elderly person. »And it changed (?) [its] manner of appearance to be like 5,6 a young person. •[. . .] in my presence. «And within the light there was 7 a multiform image ( ? ) . »And the [manners of appearance] were appearing 8 through one another. »[And] the [manner of appearance] had three forms. 9 [It]3 said to me, John, John, why do you have doubts, and why [are 11.12 you] afraid? «Are you alien to this kind of thing? «This is to say, do not 12.13 be timid. »It is I who am with [you (plur.)] always, 'it is I who am [the 15 father]; it is I who am the mother; it is I who am the son.b«It is I who 16 am the undefiled and the unpolluted. »[Now I have come] to teach you (sing.) what exists, and what [has come to be], and what must come to is be, •so that you might [know about] the invisible realm [and the] visible 19 realm; •and to [teach you] about the perfect [human being], 20 Now, then, lift up your [face] to hear and [learn about] what I shall say 22 to you today, •so that you too might convey it [to those who are] like 23 [you] in spirit, «and who are [from] the immovable race of the perfect human being [. . .], so that [they] might understand [. . .]. III. T H E SA V IO R ’S T E A C H IN G The parent of the entirety 26.26 It said to me: »The unit (monad), since it is a unitary principle o f rule, 28 has nothing that presides over it. •[. . .] god and parent of the entirety 30 [. . .] presides over [. . .] incorruptibility,0«existing [in] uncontaminated 32 light, toward which no vision can gaze. 'This [is] the invisible spirit. 33 It is not fitting11 to think of it as divine or as something of the sort, 35,36 for it is superior to deity; •nothing presides over it, for nothing 3 has 1 mastery over it; «[it does] not [exist (?)] in any state of inferiority, [. . .] 4 exists in it alone.3 [. . .] because it lacks nothing. «For it is utter fullness, without having become defective in anything so that it might be completed 6,7 by [it]: •rather, it is always utterly perfect in [. . .]. «It is unlimited because nothing [exists] prior to it so as to bestow limit upon it; 9 unfathomable, because nothing exists prior to it so as to fathom (?) if, 10,12 immeasurable, because nothing else has measured it; •invisible, because 13 nothing else has seen if, •eternal, since it [exists] unto eternity; 14 ineffable, since nothing has been able to reach it so as to speak o f if, is unnameable, since there is nothing that exists prior to it so as to give a 17 name to it. •It is immeasurable light, which is uncontaminated, holy, 18,20 and pure-, «it is ineffable and perfect in incorruptibility: «not inperfection, 22 nor in blessedness nor in divinity; «rather as being/ar superior to these.b 22,24 It is not corporeal, it is not incorporeal, «it is not large, it is not small, 24.26 it is not quantifiable, nor is it a creature. «Indeed, no one can think o f 26 it. «It is not something among the existents; rather it is something far 28 superior to these: «(yet) it is not as though it were “ superior” -, rather, its proper characteristic is not to share in eternal realms (aeons), or in 2 a. As is explicitly stated in 30:Ilf, the the invis'ible, [which] presides over the enspeaker of the teaching is forethought, or the tirety, which [exists in] its incorruptibility." Barbélô. Forethought is genderless because d. The description of god that follows it is simultaneously male and female (cf. resembles some accounts in second-century 5;6f). Platonist philosophy; see “ Historical Introb. “ [father]. . . m other . . . son” : one of duction” to Part One. the basic structures of the Barbêlô aeon (cf. FTh, EgG, IrG). A similar triadic structure, 3 a. MS BG instead has “ For, it is eternal." but without this terminology, is present in b. MSS BG and NHC III next have “ It is Zs, Fr, 3Tb. neither infinite, nor has it been limited; rather, c. MS BG instead has “ the [. . .] god, it is something superior to these." parent of the entirety, the holy [spirit (?)], EgO 50:3 F r 61:32 IrSat 1.24.1 IrG 1.29.1 IrU nid 1.30.1? EpA 40.5.2; 3Tb 121:33 v.32 FTh 35:7 v.33 Fr 62:27 Fr 63:5 3Tb 121:30 3:30 T H E S E C R E T BO OK A C C O R D I N G TO J O H N 30 spans of time. »For whatever shares in an eternal realm has been 31 prepared beforehand.c •And it [has not been] divided by time [. . .] any 33.34 other, fo r it does not receive anything. «For [ . . .] d «For [ . . .] it, so that 36 it might receive from [. . .]. »For it gazes upon itself [alone (?)] within 1 4 its perfect light. »For it is majesty;“ it is an immeasurable [. . ,].b 3.3 [It is] eternity, [as] bestowing' eternity.“1»It is life, as bestowing life. 4,5 It is blessed, as bestowing blessedness. »It is acquaintance, as bestowing 6.7 acquaintance. »[It is] good, as bestowing goodness.' »[It is] mercy, [as 7.8 bestowing] mercy and ransom. »It is grace/ as bestowing grace. »(It is all these things) [not] as possessing (attributes); rather, as bestowing (them). 9 [It is] immeasurable, incorruptible light,s [in so far as I can speak] 10 with you (sing.) about it. »Its [eternal realm] is incorruptible, at peace 13 and dwelling in silence, at repose, utterly (?) preceding. »[It] is the head of all the aeons, since it is this which in its goodness bestows strength upon them. i5,i6 Indeed, we [are] not acquainted with [. . .]; »we do not (?) know [. . .] except [for] what has been shown forth out of it,h that is, [the] parent: 19 for it is the parent that spoke to us. »For it is this that gazes at its own 21,22 self in its light around it, »that is, the wellspring of living water;' »gives 22 unto all the aeons', »and in every way [thinks of (?)] its image, beholding 24 it in the wellspring of the [spirit]j and »exercising willk in its [watery] light, [that is,] the wellspring of the pure, luminous water around it, Production of forethought 26 And its thinking produced something, and the thinking was disclosed, 29 standing [plainly] in its presence in the brilliance o f its light. »This is the first power, which exists prior to all (others), and which was shown forth (?) out of its thinking, that is, the perfect forethought o f the 32 entirety. »The light of this (thought) [. . .] light, the power of the [. . .], c. MS NHC 111 instead has “ prepared by others.” d. MS BG instead has “ And it is not in need, (for) nothing at all exists prior to it." 4 a. Or “ magnitude.” b. Instead of these two sentences, MSS BG and NHC III have simply "(It is) the immeasurable m ajesty." c. Because it “ bestows eternity," it might itself be termed "eternity." The savior qualifies these epithets at 4:8f. d. MS BG next has " It is light, which bestows light." e. MS BG next has "and doing goodness— not as though possessing (something); rather, as bestowing." f. Or "loveliness": Greek klmris. g. MSS BG and NHC III next have "W hat shall I say to you concerning it? The incomprehensible is the image of the light, in terms of what I can think about. Indeed, who can ever think about it?" h. “ Indeed . . . of it” (4:15f): MSS BG and NHC III instead have "F o r none of us has become acquainted with the properties of the immeasurable except for what has been shown forth by it." i. MS BG next has "the light full of sanctification. The wellspring of the spirit streamed down from the living w ater of the light." j. Three metaphors in this passage (4:19- 36f) gloss over the difficult traditional problem of why a second principle (here called forethought, Barbelo) would come to be "produced” from a perfect first principle (the parent). (1) The parent is a detached eye whose function is simply to look. It is surrounded by reflective "luminous w ater" so that it must "gaze at its own s e lf’; its own “ image" that it sees becomes objectified as a second principle, "the image of the perfect invisible virgin spirit." (2) The parent is an abstract intellect whose function is simply to think. It initially has no other object of thought than its own self; the act of “ thinking" or thought becomes objectified as a second principle, “ the perfect forethought." (3) The parent is a "spring o f living (running) w ater" whose function is simply to overflow endlessly. The overflow becomes objectified as a second principle, the Barbelo ("great overflow": see “ Historical Introduction" in Part One). Note that the first metaphor implies that in the beginning there might have been something together with the parent ("its light"). M etaphors like these are used in a similar context by Platonist philosophers roughly contemporary with the author of Bin. k. Or "d esire." Zs 128:27 ? Fr 67:24 F r 64:30 FTh 46:16 + EgG 62:9 Zs 17:11 FTh 35:1+ EgG 51:22 IrG 1.29.1 EpG 25.2.2 v.29 10:20 31 T H E S E C R E T BO OK A C C O R D I N G TO JOHN 34.36 that is, the image of the perfect invisible virgin spirit.1*T/i/s is the power, the glory of the Barbelo,1" the (most) perfect glory 5 among the aeons, the glory of the manifestation, which glorifies the virgin spirit and praises 3,4 it, ‘ for because of the latter it was shown forth.“ *It is the first thinking of the spirit’s image.b 3,6 It (the Barbelo) became a womb for the entirety,0 «for it was prior to all (others), (being) the mother-father, the first human being, the holy spirit, the thrice-male,dthe three powers; the thrice-androgynous name; and (was) the (most) eternal aeon among the invisible. 14:18 FTh 38:11 v.36 Th 13:2 RAd 64:6 EgG 52:2 IrG 1.29.1 EpG 26.10.4 + FTh 38:14 + Its request for more eternal realms: prior acquaintance io And the emanation, that is, the Barbelo, made a request of the EgG 51:22 invisible virgin spirit, that it be given prior acquaintance [prognosis) . lrG1291 i4 ,i4 And the spirit consented.0 «And when it had consented, prior acquain- 15 tance became disclosed. ♦A nd prior acquaintance stood at restralong with forethought, which derived from the thinking of the invisible virgin spirit; is and it glorified the spirit and the Barbelo, the spirit’s perfect power, 19 for prior acquaintance had come to exist because o f the Barbelo. Incorruptibility 20 And furthermore, the Barbelo made a request that it be given r r 86.32 21,22 incorruptibility. "And the spirit consented. «While it u '« .v consenting, R t f r ;» ? ? 23 incorruptibility became disclosed. «And [they]8 stood at rest along with 24 thinkingh and prior acquaintance; •and they glorified the invisible' and the Barbelo because of which they had come to exist. Eternal life 26,27 And the Barbelo made a request that it be given eternal life. «And the e®g 51:22 28 invisible spirit consented. «And while it was consenting, eternal life lrG l'29'1 30,30 became disclosed. «And they stood at rest, «and they glorified the invisible spirit and the Barbelo because of which they had come to exist. Truth 32,33 And furthermore it made a request that it be given truth, «And the iro 1.29.2 34 invisible spirit consented. «And truth became disclosed. 35.35 And they stood at rest, «and they glorified the 6 acceptable (?), invisible spirit and its Barbelo, because of which they had come to exist. 2 This is the quintet of aeons belonging to the parent, which is the first 3Tb 12009 human being,“ the image of the invisible spirit, namely; 1. “ the perfect invisible virgin spirit'': the parent. m. For the meaning of this name, see “ Historical Introduction" in Part One and note 4j. S a. MS BG next has "and thinks about it." b. MS BG instead has “ the first thinking, the spirit's image." c. "entirety": the sum total of spiritual reality deriving from the Barbelo. d. "thrice-m ale": cf. EgG, note 51f. e. “ consented": here and throughout this passage, the Coptic word can be translated also "gazed out." f. To “ stand at rest" is philosophical jargon for the state of permanence, non-change. and real being, as opposed to what exists in instability, change, and becoming. g. I.e. prior acquaintance and incorrupti­ bility. h. I.e. forethought, the Barbelo. i. The "perfect invisible virgin spirit," the parent. 6 a. Forethought (cf. 5:6f). The quintet is made up of "forethought" and its four emanations. The four emanations are here considered to be mere aspects of their source, so that also the quintet as a whole can be spoken of as "the image of the invisible spirit," i.e. as being forethought, the Bar­ belo. 6:5 T H E S E C R E T BOO K A C C O R D I N G TO J O H N 5 forethought, which is the Barbelo and thinking; prior acquaintance; incorruptibility; eternal life; truth.b s This is the androgynous quintet of aeons, that is, the group of ten aeons,c which constitutes the parent.d Begetting of the self-originate io And it' gazed at the Barbelo, (who was) in the uncontaminated lightr 12 around the invisible spirit and (in) its radiation. «And the Barbelo 13 conceived by it, »and it begot a luminous spark consisting of'light in an image that was blessed, though not equal to its parent’s magnitude. is This was the only-begotten offspring of the mother-father® which ap- 16 peared, «and the mother-father’s only begetting; (it was) the onlybegotten of the parent, the uncontaminated light. Its anointment is And the invisible virgin spirit rejoiced at the light that had come to exist and that had been shown forth out of the first power of the spirit’s 23 forethought, who is the Barbelo. «And the spirit anointed it (the spark) 24 with its own kindness" until it became perfect, »needing no further kindness since it had been anointed with the kindness of the invisible 26 spirit. »And it stood at rest in the presence of the spirit, which was 28 pouring upon it. »And the moment that it received from the spirit it glorified the holy spirit' and perfect forethought, because of which it had become disclosed. Its request for coactors 33 And it made a request that it be given a coactor, namely intellect. 34.34 And the spirit consented [. . .]. »And while the invisible spirit was i consenting, 7 intellect was disclosed. »And it stood at rest along with 3 the anointed (Christ)," glorifying the spirit and the Barbelo. »And all these beings came into existence within silence." 4 And thinking" wished to make b. MSS BG and NHC III omit "tru th " from this list, counting “ the Barbelo" and "thought” as the first two members. c. "forethought, . . . prior acquaintance, incorruptibility,. . . life, truth" are all grammatically feminine words in Greek (pronoia, prognosis, aphtharsia, zde, aielheia), and are here perhaps said to have grammatically masculine consorts, thus adding up to ten. Such an arrangement is hinted at in 7:11f and is explicit in IrG. d. Lit. "w hich is the parent" (MS NHC III, "w hich belongs to the parent"). The parent " is" its emanations even while being distinguishable from them, just as forethought " is" its emanations but is also distinguishable from them (cf. note 6a). e. The parent, the invisible spirit. f. MS BG instead has “ The Barbelo. the uncontaminated light, gazed intently at it"; NHC 111, "the Barbelo gazed intently at the uncontaminated light." something by the Word (or verbal g. “ the m other-father” : forethought (the Barbelo); cf. 5:6f. Forethought's four emanations in the quintet (6:5f) merely "ap peared"; they were not "begotten offspring" of forethought and the parent. h. "kindness": Greek khrestotes, Once "anointed," the only-begotten will be both khrestos, “ kind," and khristos "the anointed." The two Greek words were pronounced identically at the time that BJn was written. i. "spirit . . . holy sp irit. . .": the parent. 7 a. "anointed" (cf. note 6h) and "C hrist" are the same word in Greek. b. In some gnostic systems (e.g. IrV) “ silence" is distinguished as an entity that coexisted with the ineffable parent in the beginning, c. MSS BG and NHC III instead have "and thinking. The invisible spirit wished to make som ething." IrG 1.29.1 FTh 37:31 EgG 55:11 IrG 1.29.1 IrUnid 1.30.1 EpS 39.3.5 Zs 131:14 IrG 1.29.1 EgG 51:22 33 T H E S E C R E T BO OK A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N 8:7 6.7 expression)11of the invisible spirit. »And its will became deed, «and was disclosed along with intellect and the light, and glorified it.' 9.10 And Word (or verbal expression) followed after will. «For by the Word, the anointed (Christ) divine self-originate made the entirety (or all things). ii.12 Now, eternal life is with its will. «And intellect is with prior acquaint­ ance/ Its establishment as god of the entirety 13 They stood at rest and glorified the invisible spirit and the Barbëlô, 15 for because of the Barbëlô they had come to exist. «And the holy spirit8 perfected the divine self-originate,1' the offspring of itself and the Barbëlô, « so as to make the offspring stand at rest before the great invisible virgin 19 spirit.1*The divine self-originate, the anointed (Christ), who glorified the 22 spirit with a great voice, was shown forth by forethought. »And the invisible virgin spirit established the self-originate as true god over the en- 25 tirety, «and subordinated to it (the self-originate) all authority and the 27 truth that was in it (the spirit), *so that it might know about the entirety: 27,29 which is called by a name that is superior to every name, *for that name will be uttered to those who are worthy of it. Appearance of four luminaries and twelve eternal realms 30 For by the gift of the spirit, out of the light that is the anointed (Christ) and out of incorruptibility/ the four luminaries from the divine selforiginate gazed outk so as to stand 8 before it. 1 And the three: will, thinking, and life. 2 And the four powers: intelligence; loveliness; perception; prudence." Harmozel 4 Now, loveliness dwells at the eternal realm (aeon) of the luminary 6 Harmozel, and is the first angel. ‘ And with this eternal realm (aeon) are three additional aeons: 7 loveliness; truth; form.b d. “ Word (or verbal expression)": the divine Logos. e. The parent (?). f. See note 6c. g. MS NHC III instead has “ the great invisible spirit." h. "self-originate" (Greek autogenes): the anointed (Christ). i. MSS NHC II and IV here erroneously insert “ of." j. MS NHC II here erroneously inserts "o f." k. MSS BG and NHC III instead have "appeared." 8 a. "A nd the three . . . prudence": the Coptic text of MS NHC II may be slightly garbled here. MSS BG and NHC III here list "loveliness; intelligence; perception; prudence." The parallel in IrG has "loveliness; perception; intelligence; prudence." b. Greek morphë. EgG 51:22 FTh 37:3 + EgG 51:22 FTh 38:33 + EgG 62:11 Zs 29:1 IrG 1.29.2 IrG 1.29.2 T H E S E C R E T B O O K A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N Ôroiaêl 8 Now, it is the second luminary Ôroiaêl that has been established in 10 charge of the second eternal realm, «and with it are three additional aeons: 11 afterthought;' perception; memory. Daueithai 12 Now, the third luminary is Daueithai, which has been established in 14 charge of the third eternal realm, *and with it are three additional aeons: is intelligence; love; ideal form.d Eleleth 16 Now, the fourth luminary Eleleth was established in charge of the is fourth eternal realm, *and with it are three additional aeons; is perfection; peace; wisdom (Sophia), 20 Those are the four luminaries that stand before the divine self-originate, 22 and those are the twelve aeons that stand before the offspring of the great self-originate anointed (Christ),' through the desire and the gift of 25 the invisible spirit. "The twelve aeons belong to the offspring of the self- 26 originate. *And it was by the will of the holy spirit that the entirety became strong through the self-originate. Appearance of four archetypes 28 Then—(deriving) from prior acquaintance and perfect intellect through [disclosure] of the desire of the invisible spirit and the desire of the selforiginate— the perfect human being, the first manifestation and true 34 (person), was named • “ the Geradamas (Ger-Adamas)” r by the virgin 35 spirit. ‘ And that being was established upon the first 9 eternal realm (aeon) with the great self-originate and anointed (Christ), at the first 3.4 luminary Harmozel, «and its powers" dwell with it. *And the invisible gave to it an invincible intellectual faculty. s And it (the Geradamas) spoke, glorifying and praising the invisible spirit, and said, 7 “ Because of you the entirety has come to exist; 8 And it is unto you that the entirety will return. 9 And for my part I shall praise and glorify you and the selforiginate along with the triple aeonb—the father, mother, son, the perfect power.” c. Greek epinoia, d. Greek idea. e. “ offspring of the . . . anointed": the Geradamas (8:34f). f. "G eradam as (Ger-Adam as)," known in some works as "A dam as"; the name recalls both "A dam ," the first human being, and Greek adamas. "steel, hard, unyielding." The prefix "G er-" has been explained as Gk. hier- from hieros, “ holy"; in any case the name is a neologism in gnostic myth. MS BG instead has "A dam ," NHC III "A dam as." 9 a. Cf. 8:2f. b. Forethought, the Barbelo; cf. 2; 13f, RR 93:8 F i’h 39:13 3Tb 123:16 EgG 68:9 IrG 1.29.4 15:9 RR 88:13 EgG 61:5 Zs 6:21 + 3Tb 118:25 IrG J.29.3 2:13 EgG 50:23 35 T H E S E C R E T BO OK A C C O R D I N G TO J O H N ii And it established Geradamas’s son Seth upon the second eternal realm, before the second luminary Oroiael. 14 And in the third eternal realm, upon the third luminary Daueithai, the I? posterity of Seth was established, »and also the souls of the holy persons, is And in the fourth eternal realm were established the souls of those who were not acquainted with the fullness and did not repent at once, 22 but rather held out for a while and then repented. «They came to exist 23,24 at the fourth luminary Eleleth. »These were engendered beings,' »and they glorified the invisible spirit. 24:34 RAd 65:5 EgG 62:30 Zs 6:2 ! + 3Tb 118:10 v.I4 EgG 111 56:3 Zs 7:6 + 3Tb 120:9 V.18 Zs 27:27? Production of wisdom’s offspring: Ialtabaoth 25 Now, the wisdom belonging to afterthought,dwhich is an aeon, thought a thought derived from herself, (from) the thinking of the invisible spirit, and (from) prior acquaintance. 28 She wanted to show forth within herself' an image, without the spirit’s 30,31 [will]; »and her consort did not consent. »And (she wished to do so) 3i without his pondering: »for the person of her malenessf did not join in 33 the consent; »for she had not discovered that being which was in harmony 34 with her.* »Rather, she pondered11 without the will of the spirit and without acquaintance with1that being which was in harmony with her. 35 And she brought forth. 10 1 And because of the invincible power within her," her thinking did not 2 remain unrealized. »And out of her was shown forth an imperfect s product, that was different from her manner of appearance, »for she had 6 made it without her consort. »And compared to the image of its mother it was misshapen, having a different form. RR 94:2 FTh 39:20 EgG III 57:5 Zs 9:16 IrG 1.29.4 EpG 25.2.2 Its concealment by wisdom 7 Now, when she saw that her desired artifact was stamped differently— serpentine, with a lion’s face,band with its eyes gleaming like flashes of 11.12 lightning—»she cast it outside of her, outside that place, »so that none 13 of the immortals might see it: »for she had made it without acquaintance. 14,15 And she surrounded it with' a luminous cloud. »And she put a throne 16 in the midst of the cloud, »so that no being might see it except for the 19 holy spirit called “ mother of the living.’ ’d »And she called its name Ialtabaoth.' 23:20 5:6f, and note 2b. "the triple aeon" is found in MS NHC 111; the other MSS here have lit. “ the aeons, the three." c. MS NHC HI instead has "T hey will remain at the luminary Eleleth, assembling there." d. Lit. “ of afterthought," perhaps looking forward to the events described in )4:9f. MSS BG and NHC III do not have this phrase, instead having "N ow , wisdom our sibling." e. "within herself": or "by her own m eans." f. "the person of her m a le n ess'M S S BG and NHC III instead have "her consort, the male virgin spirit." g. MS NHC III instead has "not discovered her consort." h. MSS BG and NHC III instead have "consented." i. Or "knowledge o f in the sense of sexual intercourse. 10 a. MS BG instead has "growing strong because of the vulgar [prounikos) element within her." b. “ serpentine . . . face": MS BG instead has "w ith a snake's face and a lion's face." c. MSS BG and NHC III instead have "she harnessed it in." d. Wisdom. MS BG instead has “ life (Zoe), mother of all." e. The spelling of this name fluctuates among "Ialdabaoth.” "Ialtabaoth," and "A ltabaoth." For its meaning, see RR note 95b. io: 19 T H E S E C R E T BOO K A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N Its theft of power from wisdom 19.20 This is the first ruler, •and it took great powerr from its mother, retreated from her, and moved out of the place where it had been born. 23 Taking possession (of another place), it made for itself other eternal 26 realms (aeons) inside a luminous, fiery blaze, which still exists.« «And it became stupefied inh its madness, which still is with it. Its creation of other rulers 27 And it engendered for itself authorities:' 2s the first is named Athothj who is called . .]s” by the races; 30 the second, Harmas," the eye o ffire\ ' 31 the third, Kalila-Oimbri1(or Kalila-Kimbri); 32 the fourth, label;"1 33 the fifth, Adonaios, who is called “ Sabaoth” ; 34 the sixth, Cain, whom the races of humankind call “ the sun” ; 36 the seventh, Abel;" 36 the eighth, Abrisene;0 37 the ninth, lobe!; II i the tenth, Armoupieel;0 1 the eleventh, Melkheir-Adonein;b 2 the twelfth, Belias, whopresides over the depth of Hades.c 4 And it (the first ruler) established seven kings in charge of the seven heavens, one per firmament of heaven; and five in charge of the depth 7,8 of the abyss, to reign. »And it shared some of its fire with them, «but it did not bring forth any of the power of the light that it had gotten from its mother. «For, the first ruler is dark and is without acquaintance. «For 12 when light mixed with darkness it made the darkness bright. «But when 13 darkness mixed with light it darkened the light, «so it was neither luminous nor dark, but rather was dim. is Now, this dim ruler has three names: 16 the first name is laltabaoth; the second, Saklas;d the third, Samael.' f. Cf. 10: If. in 13:2 If this act is described as the sixth; count ''C ain ’' (called either as theft. “ K ainan-Kasin" or "K ainanand Kae, called g. MS BO instead has “ an eternal realm Cain") as seventh; and do not mention (aeon), flaming with fire and luminous, where “ A bel." it now is." o. MS BG, "A biressine"; NHC lit, "Abih. MSS BG and NHC III instead have ressia," “ harnessed to." i. MSS BG and NHC 111 next have “ (i.e.) the twelve angels—each of them unto its own 11 a. MS BG instead has “ Harm oupiael"; eternal realm (aeon), after the prototype o f NHC III, “ Arm oupiael." the incorruptible eternal realms. And it made b. MSS BG and NHC III, simply seven angels for each one of them, and three “ Adonin." powers per angel [BG next has "all told 360 c. MSS BG and NHC III next have “ Now, i.r/r), consisting of angelic beings and trios they all have other names deriving from of pow ers") after the image of the original desire and anger. In short, they all have pairs prototype that was before them, Now, the of names: one set given them after the suauthorities were shown forth in the first perior glory, the other corresponding to the begetter and the first ruler of the darkness, truth that shows forth their nature. And out of lack of acquaintance of the one that Saklas called them by their names with refbegot them; and these are their nam es." erence to external appearance and with refj. MS BG instead has “ lao th "; NHC 111, erence to their powers. Now, over intervals "H ao th ." of time they withdraw and grow faint; therek. MS BG, “ H erm as." after they grow strong and increase." I. MSS BG and NHC III, simply "G alila." d. “ Saklas” (Aramaic “ fool"): a convenm. MSS BG and NHC III, “ Iobel." tional name of Satan in Judaism, n. MSS BG and N HC III count “ SabaSth" e. “ Sam ael": Aramaic “ blind god.” 4:29 RR 86:28 F lh 39:28 IrO 1,29.4 EpG 26.1.9 RR 87:4 + RR 95:1 + EgG 111 57:21 IrG 1.29,4 EpG 25.3.5 11:31. 12:20 15:19 RR 95:13 + 11:26 IrG 1.29.4 IrSal 1.24.1 RR 96:3 + 37 T H E S E C R E T B O O K A C C O R D I N G TO JOHN 12: 18.19 And the ruler is impious, in its madness that is with it. «For it said, 2 1 “ It is I who am god, and no other god exists apart from m e,” ‘ for it 22 did not recognize whence its strength had come. «And the rulers made 23 seven powers for themselves; »and the powers made six angels for each 25 of themselves, *so that they amounted to 365 angels.r 26 And these are the bodies belonging to the names (?):8 26 first, Athoth,h with the face of a sheep;1 27 second, Eloaios, with a Typhonian face (i.e. the face o f a donkey); 28 third, Astaphaios, with the fa ce o f a hyena; 29 fourth, Iao,j with the face o f a serpent and having seven heads; 31 fifth, Sabaoth,k with the face of a dragon (or snake); 32 sixth, Adonin, with the face of an ape; 33 seventh, Sabbede,1with a glowing face of fire. 34 This is the septet of the week."' 35 Now, Ialtabaoth had many 12 outward appearances, and relied upon 2,3 all of them, *so as to show any one o f them according to wish; »and dwelled in the midst of seraphim. 4,5 It (the ruler Ialtabaoth) shared its fire with them.“ ‘ The reason it dominated them was because of the mother’s luminous power of glory 8.9 that belonged to it. »For this reason it called itself god. «And it did not believe in the source from which it had come. 10.12 And it mixed with the authorities residing with it. “While it was thinking and while it was speaking, the seven powers came to exist; 13.14 and it assigned a name to one power after another.b *It began from above; ij first is kindness,8 with the first (power), Athdth;d 17 second, forethought: with the second, Eloaio;' 18 third, divinity: with the third, Astaphaios; 19 fourth, lordship: with the fourth, Iao; 20 fifth, kingship: with the fifth, Sanbaoth;r 22 sixth, zeal: with the sixth, Adonein; 23 seventh, intelligence: with the seventh, Sabbateon.8 25.26 And each of these has a firmament in its own eternal heaven.h “And they were named after the glory of the heavenly realm, for the [. . .] 28 power. «And they exercised power through the names that they had 3o been given by their first begetter; “but the names allotted to them according to the glory o f the heavenly realm led to their overthrow and 33 powerlessness: «and so they have pairs o f names. f. "A nd it shared . . . 365 angels" (11:7- 25f) is not present in MSS BG and NHC til. See, however, note lOi. g. Translation uncertain. MSS BG and NHC HI instead have "A nd the names of glory belonging to those in charge of the seven heavens are as follows." h. MS BG instead has "Iao th "; NHC III, "A tho." i. MSS BG and NHC HI, " o f a lion." j. MS NHC III, "la z o ," k. MSS BG and NHC III, "A donaios," 1. MS BG, "Sabbataios"; NHC III, "Sab- badaios." m. MSS BG and NHC III next have "It is these beings that preside over the w orld." 12 a. MSS BG and NHC III next have “ but it did not bestow on them any of the uncontaminated light, i.e. the power, that it had detached from its m other." b. MS BG next has "and appointed authorities" (NHC III is imperfect here). c. In MS BG the list is somewhat different: (1) forethought; (2) divinity, (3) kindness; (4) fire (cf. “ zeal"); (5) kingship; (6) [intelligence); (7) wisdom (Sophia). d. MS BG instead has “ Iaoth." e. MS BG, "E loaios." f. MS BG, “ Sabaoth." g. MS BG, "Sabbataios." h. MS BG, “ has a firmament and an eternal realm (aeon) in its own heaven." 13:5 + Is 45:21 Is 46:9 Is 45:5 19:2 EpG 26.9.6 vs.26 11:4, 12:15 15:14, 17:8 + RR 95:2 IrUnid 1.30.5 EpA 40.2.3 EpG 26.10.1 10:28 + 11:26 + 12:33 T H E S E C R E T BO OK A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N Creation of the universe 33 And it (the first ruler) put all things in order,' according to the image of the original aeons that had come to exist, so as to 13 make all things : in the incorruptible manner: «not that the ruler itself had seen the 2 incorruptible, «but rather, the power within it, which it had gotten from its mother, and which had begotten within it the image of the ordered world.“ laltabaôth’s arrogance 5 And seeing the creation surrounding it and the multitude of angels 8 around it that had come to exist out of it, it said to them, «“ For my » part, I am a jealous god. »And there is no other god apart from m e.” 9 In uttering this it signified to the angels staying with it that another god 12 did exist. »For if no other one existed, of whom would it be jealous? The mother’s “ movement” 13.14 Then the mother began to move. «She knew about the lack when the is radiation of her light diminished. «And she grew darker, for her consort had not come into harmony with her. IV . D IA LO G U E O F JO H N AND T H E SA V IO R A . IN T E R P R E T A T IO N O F G E N E S IS 1 -4 The meaning of “ move” 17 And I said, Sir, what is meant by “ m ove” ? is But it laughed and said, Do not suppose that it means “ over the 21 waters” as Moses said. «No, rather when she saw the imperfection that had come to exist and the theftb that her offspring had committed,' she repented. 24 And in the darkness of unacquaintance, forgetfulness came over her. 25 And she began to be ashamed, moving back and forth. •And she did 26 not rashly try to return, hut rather she went back and forth. «And the going back and forth is the meaning of “ m ove.” 27.28 Now, the arrogant (ruler) had gotten power from its mother. «For it 28 was without acquaintance, «since it thought that no other existed but its 30 mother alone. «And seeing the multitude of angels that it had created, accordingly it exalted itself over them. Repentance and elevation of wisdom 32 But when the mother learned that the garm ent o f darkness had not come to exist perfectly, she knew accordingly that her consort had not 36 been in harmony with her, «and she repented 14 with much weeping. i ,2 And the entreaty o f her repentance was heard, «and all the fullness lifted up praise on her behalf unto the invisible virgin spirit, and it 5 consented." «And while the holy spirit was consenting, the holy spirit i. Or “ fashioned all things." At this point the story begins to parallel Genesis (Gn I: If). 13 a. “ And they were named . . . ordered world” (12:26—13:2f): this passage is not present in MS BG (NHC III is imperfect here). b. Of wisdom’s power (cf. 10:20f). c. “ the imperfection . . . com m itted": MS BG instead has “ the imperfection and the coming rebellion of her offspring." d. MS BG, “ the aborted foetus," perhaps correctly (NHC III is imperfect here). Ialtabaoth is meant. 14 a, “ c o n s e n te d here and throughout this passage, the Coptic verb can be translated also “gaze out," Gn i;l RR 94:34 + FTh 40:4 Zs 10:1 IrSat 1.24.1 EpS 39.1.4 11:18 RR 94:21 FTh 44:1 EgG 111 58:23 IrG 1.29.4 IrUnid 1.30.6 EpG 25.2.3 v.8 Ex 20:5 Dt 49:9 v.9 Is 45:5 Gn 1:2 22:22 Gn 1:2 FTh 40:3 EgG 111 59:6 Zs 10:7 IrG 1.29.4 EpG 25.2.4 39 T H E S E C R E T BO O K A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N ? poured over her something of the fullness of all. «For her consort did 8 not come to her (in person); «rather, it came to her through the fullness, 9 in order to rectify her lack.b «And she was conveyed not to her own ii eternal realm but to a place higher than her offspring, «so as to dwell in the ninthc (heaven) until she rectified her lack.d Projection of an image of a human being 13.14 And a voice emanated from above the exalted aeons: «“ The human is being exists, and the child of the human being.” ' «But laltabaoth the first ruler listened and thought that this voice came from its mother, is and it did not know where it had come from. is And the holy mother-fatherr and complete, perfect forethought, the image of the invisible, i.e. of the parent of the entirety in whom the entirety had come to exist, the first human being, showed them® that it 24 had revealed its image in a representation like a portrait statue. «And 26 all the eternal realm of the first ruler trembled, «and the foundations of 26 the abyss moved. «And through the waters that are over the material realm, the bottom [shone] because of the [appearance] of its image that had appeared. 30 And when all the authorities and the first ruler were dumbfounded,11 33 they saw that the whole lower part shone; «and by the light, they saw in the water the representation of the image. 15 Creation of the animate Adam i.2 And it (the first ruler) said to the authorities dwelling with it, «“ Come, let us make a human being after the image of god“ and after our images, 3.5 so that the human being’s image might serve as a light for us.” «And they performed the act of creation by means of one another’s power, 6 according to the characteristics given to them. «And each of the authorities'1put into that being’ s soul' a characteristic corresponding to 9 the representation of the image that they had seen. «And they made a ii subsistent entity, after the image o f the perfect first human being. «And they said, “ Let us call him Adam, so that we might have hisd name as a luminous power.” 13 And the powers began: 14 the first, kindness,' made an animate elem ent of bone. 15 The second, forethought, made an animate element of connective tissue. 16 The third, divinity, made an animate element o f flesh. b. "F o r her consort . . . her lack": MSS BG and NHC 111 instead have “ H er consort came down to her to rectify her lacks (plural). It was pleased to rectify her lacks by the agency of forethought." c. In the list of twelve aeons given In 8:7f, the ninth from the bottom Is afterthought. d. By returning to regain the stolen power ("lack") in the person of life (Zoe), a luminous afterthought sent from afterthought proper. e. "hum an being . . . child of the human being": or "m an . . . son of m an"; i.e. the Geradamas and the great Seth. f. MS BG instead has “ the holy perfect parent." g. All the rulers. h. MSS BG and NHC III instead have “ bent dow n." 15 a. Forethought, the "first human being." b. MSS BG and NHC III instead have "pow ers." c. Or "anim ate (subsistence)." The original reading of the text is uncertain here. d. For convenience of identification, the name Adam is hereafter picked up by “ he" in the English translation. e. In MS BG the list is somewhat different: (1) divinity; (2) kindness; (3) fire (cf. "zeal"); (4) forethought; (5) kingship; (6) intelligence; (7) wisdom (Sophia). f. “ animate elem ent” : lit. "so u l,” Greek psykhe. 23:20, 25:9 EgG 61:14 + Zs 45:17 EgG III 59:4 IrSat 1.24.1 30:19? Gn 1:2b Gn 1:3 Gn 1:4a Gn 1:26 RR 87:23 + FTh 40:24 IrUnid 1.30.6 EpS 39.2.1 8:28 12:15 15:18 T H E S E C R E T B O O K A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N is The fourth, lordship, made an animate element of marrow.8 19 The fifth, kingship, made an animate element of blood. 20 The sixth, zeal, made an animate element of skin. 22 The seventh, intelligence, made an animate element of hair.h 23.24 And the multitude of angels stood before him. «And the seven substances of the animate subsistence1were taken by the authorities, 26 so that the regularizing of limbs and parts and the joining, i.e. ordering, of each of the constituents might be brought about. 29 The first,j Raphao, began by making the crown of the head; Abron (?) made the skull; Meniggesstroeth made the brain; 32 Asterekhme, the right eye; Thaspomakha, the left eye; 33 leronumos, the right ear; Bissoum, the left ear; 35 Akioreim, the nose; 16 1 Banenephroum, the lips; Amen, the front teeth; Ibikan, the back teeth; 2 Basiliademe, the tonsils; Akhkha, the uvula; 3 Adaban, the back of the neck; Khaaman, the neck bone; Dearkho, the throat; 5 Tebar, the right shoulder; [. . .], [the] left shoulder; 6 Mniarkhon, the [right] elbow; [. . .], the left elbow; 7 Abitrion, the palm of the right hand; Euanthen, the palm of the left hand; Krus, the back of the right hand; Beluai, the back of the left hand; 9 Treneu, the fingers o f the right hand; Balbel, the fingers of the left hand; Krima, the fingernails; 12 Astrops, the right nipple; Barroph, the left nipple; 13 Baoum, the right armpit; Ararim, the left armpit; 14 Arekh,“ the bodily cavity; Phthaue, the navel; Senaphim, the abdomen; 16 Arakhethopi, the right side; Zabedo, the left side; 18 Barias, the lower back on the right; Phnouth, the lower back on the left; is Abenlenarkhei, the marrow; Khnoumeninorin, the skeleton; 20 Gesole, the stomach; Agromauma, the heart; g. MS BG next has "and all the system of the body." h. MS BG next has "and they set all the body in order"; NHC III, "and they set all [the] human being in order." i. Or "soul." j. The following passage, 15:29—!9:8f . , Book o f Zoroaster"), is not found in MSS BG and NHC III. 16 a. Or “ A rekhe." 41 T H E S E C R E T BOO K A C C O R D I N G TO J O H N 17:12 Band, the lungs; Sostrapal, the liver; Anesimalar, the spleen; Thopithro, the intestines; Biblo, the kidneys; 24 Roeror, the connective tissue;b 24 Taphreo, the vertebrae; 25 Ipouspoboba, the veins; Bineborin, the arteries; Latoimenpsephei, the pneumatic1-' system within all the limbs; 28 Entholleif.J, all the flesh; 28 Bedouk, the right buttock (?); Arabeei, the left (buttock (?)); 29 {. . .)/ the penis; Eilo, the testicles; Sorma, the private parts; 30 Gormakaiokhlabar, the right thigh; Nebrith, the left thigh; Pserem, the muscles of the right thigh; Asaklas, the muscle of the left thigh; 34 Ormaoth, the right knee; Emenun, the left knee; Knuks, the right leg; 17 1 Tupelon, the left leg; 2 Akhiel, the right ankle; Phneme, the left ankle; Phiouthrom, the right foot; Boabel, the toes of the right foot; Trakhoun, the left foot; Phikna, the toes of the left foot; Miamai, the toenails; o Labernium, (the . . 7 N ow, those which are ordained in charge of the preceding are seven in number: 8 Athoth; Armas; Kalila; label; Sabaoth; Cain; Abel. 8 And those which provide activation in the limbs are, according to parts: 10 first the head, Diolimodraza; 10 the back of the neck, Iammeaks; 11 the right shoulder, lakouib; the left shoulder, Ouerton; 12 the right hand, Oudidi; the left hand, Arbao; the fingers of the right hand, Lampno; the fingers of the left hand, Leekaphar; b. Or "nervous system .” words, having "Arabeei, the left penis." c. Or “ respiratory." d. The word “ (buttock) (?)" and the an- 17 a. One or more words are inadvertently gel's name are missing. Through an inad- omitted here. vertence, MSS NHC II and IV omit a few the right nipple, Barbar; the left nipple, Imae; the chest, Pisandiaptes; the right armpit, Koade; the left armpit, Odeor; the right side, Asphiksiks; the left side, Sunogkhouta;b the bodily cavity, Arouph; the abdomen, Sabalo; the right thigh, Kharkharb; the left thigh, Khthaon; all the private parts, Bathinoth;' the right knee, Khouks; the left knee, Kharkha; the right leg, Aroer; the left leg, Toekhtha; the right ankle, Aol; the left ankle, Kharaner; the right foot, Bastan; the toes o f the right foot, Arkhentekhtha; the left foot, Marephnounth; the toes of the left foot, Abrana. 29 [And (?)] seven, i.e. 7, were [ordained (?)] in charge of the preceding: i7:s 30 Mikhael; Ouriel; Asmenedas; Saphasatoel; Aarmouriam; Rikhram; Amiorps. 32,33 And those which are in charge of perception are Arkhendekta; «and the 34 one that is in charge o f reception,dDeitharbathas; *of imaging,' Oummaa; 35,i of [harmony (with imaged information)], 18 Aakhiaram; *of all impulse to action,“ Riaramnakho. 2 And the wellspring o f the demons that are in all the body is divided s in four: heat, cold, wetness, dryness. «And the mother of them all is matter. 6 Ruling over heat (is) Phloksopha; cold, Oroorrothos; dryness, Erimakho; wetness, Athuro. io And Onorthokhrasaei the mother of all these stands in their midst, of 13 unlimited extent; and she is mixed with all of them. «And truly she is matter, for they are nourished by her. H The four leading demons: T H E S E C R E T BO OK A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N 15 Ephememphi belongs with pleasure; 16 Ioko, with desire; 17 Nenentophni, with grief; is Blaomen, with fear. b. Or "Sounogkhouta." 18 a. "reception . . . imaging . . . (harc. Or "T habin." mony) . . . impulse to action": jargon from d. Or "perceived inform ation." the ethical division of Stoic philosophy. e. O r "received inform ation." 15 17 18 19 20 22 22 1705 43 T H E S E C R E T BO OK A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N 19: 18,19 And the mother of them all (is) Esthensis-Oukh-Epi-Ptoe.b «And out of the four demons came passions. 20 From grief; envy; fanaticism; pain; distress; contention for victory; lack of repentance; anxiety; mourning; and so forth. 24 From pleasure come many imperfections and vain boasting, and the like. 26 From desire: anger; wrath; [bitterness]; bitter lust; insatiableness; and the like. 30 From fear: terror; entreaty; anguish; shame. 3i,32 Now, all these are as it were virtues0 and vices. *And the thought of 1 their truth is Anaio (?), which is the head of the material soul: 19 »for it dwells with Esthesis-Zoukh-Epi-Ptoe.a 2,3 Here is the number of the angels: all told, they amount to 365; »and they all labored at him (the human being), until limb by limb the animate and material body6 was completed. 6 Now, others, whom 1 have not mentioned to you (sing.), preside over 8 the rest of the passions; *and if you want to know about them, the matter is written in the Book o f Zoroaster. His immobility 10 And all the angels and demons labored, until they put the animate 13 body in order. *And for a long time their product existed inactive and immovable.0 Passage of wisdom’s power into Adam 13 So when the mother wished to recover the power that she had surrendered to the first ruler, she entreated the greatly merciful motherb. I.e. Greek aisthesis oukh epi ptoa, b. “ and materia!“ : with these words the “ perception not in a state of excitem ent": narrator anticipates slightly, since the mamore Stoic ethical jargon, a description of terial body's creation is described at 20:28f. the psychic state of the virtuous person. The present passage tells only how the “ anc. Or “ valued categories." imate , , . body was com pleted." c. MSS BG and 19 a. Greek for either “ perception not in a the seven authorities could not raise it; neistate of excitem ent" or “ the seven percep- ther could the 360 angels that had constructed tive faculties not in a state of excitem ent"; the chains." cf. note 18b. 11:25 Porph 16.3 + RR 88:4 IrSat 1.24.1 irU nid 1.30.6 10:19 RR 87:4 FTh 40:25 IrSat 1.24.1 IrUnid 1.30.6 T H E S E C R E T BOO K A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N is fatherd of the entirety; «and by divine counsel the mother-father sent 21 five luminaries' in place off the angels of the first ruler. ‘ [And] they counseled it (the ruler), and in consequence, the mother’s power was extracted from it. 22 Indeed, they said to Ialtabaoth, “ Blow some of your spirit into his 25 face and his body will arise." ‘ And Ialtabaoth blew some of its spirit, that is, the power of its mother, upon him. 27.28 It did not understand, since it existed without acquaintance. ‘ And the mother’s power left Altabaoth (i.e. Ialtabaoth) and entered the animate body, which they had labored at after the image of the aboriginal existent. Relegation of Adam to the realm of matter 32.34 The body moved, became strong, and shone. «And in that moment 1 the rest of the powers became envious; 20 *for by the efforts of ail of 2 them he had come to exist, «and they had given their power to the 3 human being.“ «And his intelligence became stronger than those which had made him, and stronger than the first ruler. 5 Now, when they knew that he shone, thought more than they did, and was naked of imperfection, they took him and cast him down into the lower part of all matter. Sending of a helper (life) to Adam 9 But the blessed, beneficent, compassionate mother-father had pity on 13 the mother’s power, which had been extracted from the first ruler; *and furthermore (had pity) because they were about to gain control over the 14 animate and perceptible body. «And by its beneficent spirit whose mercy is great it sent unto Adam a helper, a luminous afterthought,b which 19 derived from it and which was called life (Zoe), *And afterthought rendered assistance to the whole creature, suffering along with him;' 20.21 leading him into his fulfillment;d •teaching him about his descent as the 23 posterity— »about the way of ascent, by which he had descended. 24 And the afterthought of the light hid within Adam so that the rulers 27 might not understand, »and that rather the afterthought' might be a rectification of the mother’s lack/ Creation of Adam ’s material body 28 And the human being became visible because of the light’s shadow 30 that existed within him, «and his thinking surpassed all those who had 32 made him. «When they looked up, they beheld that his thinking was 33 higher. «And along with all the host of rulers and the host of angels, 35 they made a plan. ‘ Taking fire, earth, 21 and water, they mixed them 2 together with the four fiery winds. *And they became forged to one 4 another, and a great disturbance was made. *And they brought him into d. Forethought. e. MS BG instead has “ sent the selforiginate and its four lum inaries.“ r. MSS BG and NHC III, “ after the manner of.“ 20 a. MS NHC III next has “ And he bore (within him) the souls of the seven authorities and their pow ers.“ b. Forethought (the “ mother-father") sends wisdom back down into the material world from her temporary residence in the ninth heaven, the realm of the aeon afterthought (14:1 If). Wisdom as an envoy o f forethought is called forethought’s afterthought, an “ afterthought, which derived from it.“ c. Or “ to all creation, suffering along with them .“ d. Or “ fullness.” e. “ the afterthought” : MSS BG and NHC III instead have “ wisdom (Sophia) our sibling that resembles us.” f. I.e. might bring about the reclamation of the missing power. EgG 111 65:23? Gn 2:7 RAd 64:22 + RR 88:3 F fh 45:28 IrUnid 1.30.6 IrUnid 1.30.8 20:19 + RR 88:13 Th 14:10 + FTh 35:12 IrSat 1.24.1 Gn 3:20 Th 16:11 FTh 35:12 v.19 20:3. 20:30 21:14, 22:15 22:28, 28:2 Gn 2:18 RAd 64:12 RR 88:17 IrUnid 1.30.12 v.2l 3St 127:20 IrUnid 1.30.9 20:19 + RR 87:23 + Gn 2:7 45 T H E S E C R E T B O O K A C C O R D I N G TO JO H N 22: the shadow of death, in order to perform again the act of modeling, out 7 of earth, water, fire, and the spirit that derives from matter— «that is, out of the ignorance of darkness, and desire, and their counterfeit spirit." 9 That is the caveb of the remodeling of the body in which the brigands 12 clothed' the human being, the bondd of forgetfulness. «And he became 13 a mortal human being. *It is he who was the first to descend, and the first to separate. 14 But it was the afterthought of the light within him that was raising his thinking. His introduction into paradise 16 And the rulers brought him and put him in the garden (paradise). 18,19 And they said to him, “ Eat” — namely, at leisure. "For in fact their food' 21 is bitter, and their beauty is lawless; «while their enjoyment is deception, their trees are impiety, their fruit is incurable poison, and their promise 24 is death. «And it was in the midst of the garden that they put the tree of their life. Trees of paradise 26 Now, I shall teach you (plur.) what is the mystery of their life, the 29 plan they made with one another, the image of their spirit:r «its root is 31 bitter; its branches are deadly; «its shade is hateful; deception resides 33 in its leaves; «its blossom is the anointing of wickedness; its fruit is 34.36 death; «its seed is desire; and it is in the dark that it blossoms. «The 2 dwelling place of those who eat 22 of it is Hades, «and the darkness is their realm of repose. 3 But as for that tree which is called by them the tree of acquaintance with good and evil, and which is the afterthought of the light, they" remained in its presenceblest he' gaze upon his fulfillment and recognize 9 the nakedness of his shame. «But I rectified them so that they ate. The snake 9 And I said to the savior, Sir, was it not the snake that taught Adam to eat? 11.12 The savior laughed and said, «The snake taught them to consume imperfection consisting o f the sowing o f desire for corruption, so that 15 he (Adam) might become useful to it. «And it knew that he was disobedient to it' because of the light of the afterthought dwelling within him and is making him more upright in his thinking than the first ruler. «And it 21 a. “ counterfeit": or “ mimicking, imitative." Cf. 29:14f. MS BG instead has “ adversarial spirit.” b. "shadow . . . cave (Greek spélaion)" (21:4-9f): Platonist clichés for the material world, based ultimately on Plato’s Republic, book 7. “ C ave” is also traditionally associated with “ brigands" (21:9f). c. The “ brigands" (a cliché for demons) are the rulers: the material body is here likened to the soul's garment in which it is “ clothed," another cliché. d. “ bond": a Platonist cliché for the material body. e. Or “ enjoym ent." f. The counterfeit spirit. Instead of “ the image of their spirit" MSS BG and NHC III have “ namely their counterfeit spirit that derives from them so as to turn him back, so that he might not know his fulfillment (or fullness). That tree is of the following sort." 22 a. The rulers. b. “ remained in its presence": MSS BG and NHC III instead have "gave the command not to taste of it, i.e. not to hearken to it; for the commandment was directed against him ." c. Adam. d. Or “ fullness.” e. The snake is identified with one of the rulers, as in Irllnid. 22:32 + Gn 2:21 20:19 + Gn 2:15 RR 88:24 F fh 44:19 Gn 2:9 RR 89:34 trG 1.29.3 IrUnid 1.30.9 EpG 26.2.6 Gn 3:4 20:19 + 22:20 T H E S E C R E T BOO K A C C O R D I N G TO JOHN wanted to extract from Adam the power that it had imparted to him. 20 And it caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. Creation of Eve 21 And I said to the savior, What does “ deep sleep” mean? 22,23 And it said, It is not as you have heard that Moses wrote; «for in his First Book (i.e. Genesis) he said that he made him lie down: no, rather 25 (it means) in his perceptions/• For also he said through the prophet, “ I shall make their hearts8 heavy, that they might not understand, and might not be able to see.” 28,29 Next the afterthought of the light hid within him. «And the first ruler 31 wanted to extract it from his side. «But the afterthought o( the light is 32 incomprehensible: »although the darkness was pursuing it, it could not comprehend11 it. 32 And it (the ruler) extracted a portion of his power from him and performed another act of modeling, in the form of a female, after the 36 image of the afterthought that had been shown forth to it. «And into the modeled form o f femaleness it brought 23 the portion it had taken from the power0 of the human being— not “ his rib,” as Moses said. 4.5 And he saw the woman beside him. «And at that moment the luminous afterthought was shown forth, for it had removed the veil from around 8 his heart; *and he became sober out of the drunkennessbof the darkness. 9 And he recognized his partner in essence, and said, “ This now is bone li of my bones and flesh of my flesh. «Therefore man will leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife, and they shall both become one flesh. For his consort will be sent to him,” 20 Now, wisdom (Sophia) our sibling, who innocently descended' in order to rectify her lack, was therefore called life (Zoe)— i.e. mother of 25 the living— by the forethought o f the absolute power o f heaven. «And 25 [. . .] him [. . .]. «And thanks to it (life) they tasted perfect acquaintance. 26 I m yself was shown forth in the manner o f an eagle upon the tree of acquaintance— which is the afterthought deriving from the uncontami- 30 nated, luminous forethought—*so that I might teach them and raise them 31 out of the depth of sleep. «For they both dwelled in a corpse/ and knew 33 that they were naked. «The shining afterthought was shown forth to them, raising their thinking. The expulsion from paradise 35 But when Aldabaoth (i.e. Ialtabaoth) knew that they had withdrawn 37 from it, it cursed its earth. *It found the female preparing 24 herself for i ,2 her male— *he was master over her,“ «for he was not acquainted with the mystery that had come to pass from the holy plan. 4.4 And they were afraid to rebuke it (Ialtabaoth). »And he (Adam) 6 showedb its lack of acquaintance that is within it to its angels. «And it' 7 expelled them from the garden, «and clothed them in obscure darkness. f. MSS BG and NHC III instead have “ rather, it covered his perceptions with a veil and weighed him down with uncon­ sciousness,“ g. MSS BG and NHC III, “ the ears of their hearts.“ h. Or “ seize.“ 23 a. W isdom’s “ pow er” is now divided between Adam and Eve; by them it will be transmitted into succeeding generations in the form of soul, cf. 26:26f. b. Another common cliché for unperceptiveness, especially typical of gnostic texts, c. As the luminous afterthought. d. “ corpse,“ or “ fallen thing“ : the body. 24 a. “ It found. . . over her" (23:37-24: If): MSS BG and NHC fif instead have “ And what is more, it gave over the female so that the male might be m aster over her.“ b. Or possibly “ it (laldabaóth) dis­ played.“ c. MS BG instead has “ its angels.“ Gn 2:21 RR 89:3 13:18 IrSal 1.24.2 20:19 + 21:13 Gn 2:21 RR 89:7 + IrU nid 1.30.7 EpS 39.2.1 Gn 2:23 RR 89:13 14:8 + 10:16 Gn 3:20 RR 90:19 IrU nid 1.30.8 Gn 3:17 v.l Gn 3:16 Gn 3:24 47 T H E S E C R E T BO OK A C C O R D I N G TO J O H N 25:16 Cain and Abel 8 And the first ruler saw the female virgind standing with Adam, and saw that the living, luminous afterthought had been shown forth within 12,13 her. «And Aldabaoth became filled with lack of acquaintance. «Now, the forethought of the entirety learned of this, and sent certain beings, 15 who caught life (Zoe) up out of Eve. «And the first ruler defiled her,' and begot on her two sons— the first and the second, Eloim and Iaue.f i8,i9 Eloim has the face of a bear; Iaue, the face of a cat. «One is just, the 20 other is unjust: Iaue is just, Eloim is unjust. «It established Iaue in charge of fire and wind, and established Eloim in charge of water and 24 earth. «And it called them by the names Cain and Abel, with trickery in mind. 26 And to the present day sexual intercourse, which originated from the 28 first ruler, has remained. «And in the female who belonged to Adam it 29 sowed a seed of desire; «and by sexual intercourse it raised up birth in 31 the image o f the bodies. «And it supplied them some of its counterfeit 32 spirit. «And it established the two rulers in charge of realms, so that they ruled over the cave.® Seth 34 Now, after Adam had known the image of his own prior acquaintance,h he begot the image 25 of the child of the human being,“ and called him Seth, after the raceb in the eternal realms. 2 Likewise, also the mother sent down her spirit' in the image of the female being that resembled her, as a counterpart of what is in the 5 fullness; «for shed was going to prepare a dwelling place for aeons that were going to descend. Oblivion of Adam and Eve 7 And they were given water of forgetfulness' by the first ruler, so that they might not know themselves and realize where they had come from. 9 And so the posterity temporarily remained, rendering service, so that whenever the spiritf would descend from the holy aeons it might rectify 14 the posterity and heal it o f the lack: «so that the entire fullness might becom e holy and without lack. B. THE SALVATION OF SOULS The spirit of life 16 And I for my part said to the savior, Sir, will all souls then be saved and go into the uncontaminated light? d. Eve. e. Carnal Eve, from whom wisdom has now escaped. f. “ Eloim . . . Iaue": in Genesis and other Old Testam ent books Elohim and Yahweh (Jehovah) are names of the creator of this world, the god of Israel. g. I.e. the material world (cf. note 21b). h. Had had intercourse with Eve. 25 a. Or "th e son of m an." b. Or "after the m anner of birth." c. To compensate for the departure of the spiritual element from Adam, Eve,, and their first two offspring (cf. 24:13f), wisdom now sends the “ spirit" of life to humankind. It will remain in Seth's posterity as the element capable of being awakened and saved by true religion. d. “ the female being . . . she” : possibly Seth’s sister and wife, Norea, known from other Sethian texts where considerable emphasis is placed upon her role in establishing the posterity of Seth; cf. RR 91:34f; EpS 39.5.2-3; EpG 26.1.If. e. Or “ deep sleep." f. Forethought (the “ holy spirit") as sav­ ior. Gn 4:1 RAd 66:25 RR 91:11 EgG 71:6 lrtlnid 1.30.9 EpS 39.2.1 EpA 40.5.3 v.13 RAd 64:28 RR 89:25 RAd 67:2 Th 18:28 Gn 4:25 RR 91:30 EgG 71:10 IrU nid 1.30.9 EpS 39.2.4 EpA 40.7.1 RAd 65:5 9:11 v.2 EpG 26.1.7 + ? RAd 65:9 RAd 73:10 RR 92:30 14:8 + 25.'18 T H E S E C R E T BO OK A C C O R D I N G TO JOHN is It answered and said to me, The matters that have arisen in your mind 2o are important ones: «indeed, it is difficult to disclose them to any but those who belong to the immovable race,® upon whom the spirit of life 25 will descend and dwell with power.b «They will attain salvation and 26.26 become perfect. «And they will become worthy of greatnesses. «And there they will become purified of every imperfection and of the anxieties 29 of wickedness: «being anxious for nothing except incorruptibility alone; 3« meditating on it thenceforth without anger, envy, grudging, desire, or 33 insatiableness as regards the entirety; «restrained by nothing but the 35 subsistent entity of the flesh, which they wear, «awaiting the time when i they will be visited 26 by those beings who take away, «Such souls are 3 worthy of eternal, incorruptible life and calling: «abiding all things and enduring all things so that they might complete the contest and inherit eternal life. 7 I said to him, Sir, can the souls upon whom the spirit of life has descended, but who did not perform these deeds [attain salvation]? io It answered and said to me, If the spirit descends upon them, it is 12,12 quite sure that they will attain salvation; «and they will migrate. «Indeed, i4 the power will descend unto everyone“— «for without it no one can stand 5 up. «And after they are begotten, if the spirit of life increases— for the power comes (to them)— it strengthens that soul,b and nothing can 20 mislead it into the works of wickedness. «But those upon whom the counterfeit spirit descends will be beguiled by it and go astray. 22.23 But for my part I said, «Sir, so when the souls of these people have come forth from their flesh, where will they go? 25.26 And it laughed and said to me, «The soul— which means the p o w e rwili increase within it (the flesh) more greatly than the counterfeit spirit; 28.28 for it (the soul) is strong and will flee from wickedness. «And by visitation of the incorruptible it will attain salvation and be taken into the repose of the aeons. The counterfeit spirit 32 But for my part I said, Sir, then where will the souls of these others, who have not known to whom they belong, reside? 35 And it said to me. In the case of those others, the counterfeit spirit 1 has increased 27 within them while they were going astray. «And it 2 weighs down the soul, «and beguiles it into the works of wickedness, 3.4 and casts it into forgetfulness" (or deep sleep). «And after it has come forth it is given into the charge of the authorities, who exist because of 6 the ruler. «And they bind it with bonds and cast it into the prison.b 8 And they go around with itc until it awakens out of forgetfulness and io takes acquaintance unto itself. «And in this way, when it becomes perfect it attains salvation. u.12 But for my part I said, Sir, how is it that «the soul becomes thinner and thinner, returning then to the nature of its mother or to the human being? 14.16 Then it was happy when I asked it this, and said to me, «You are g. The posterity of Seth. h. Or "w ith the pow er." 26 a. Wisdom’s "pow er" (19:28f) is transmitted, "descends," to all the posterity of Adam in the form of soul, the animating element. b. The Coptic text of MS N H C II is slightly corrupt here. MS NHC III instead has "A fter a person is begotten, the counterfeit spirit of life of [. . .1 is introduced. Now, if the strong (i.e. true) spirit of life (comes), the power or (soul) becomes strong [and is not) misled into wickedness." 27 a. Cf. 22:23f, 25:7f. b. Cause it to become reincarnate in another material body ("prison"). c. In cycles of reincarnation. RAd 66:1 + RR 96:22 + F rh 41:21 EgG 74:30 IrSat 1.24.2 EpS 39.2.4 EpG 26.6.2 RAd 76:21 49 T H E S E C R E T B O O K A C C O R D I N G TO J O H N 29:8 17 truly blessed, for you have understood! ’ That soul will be made to follow 19 the guidance o f another in which the spirit o f life resides, «and by that 20 other it attains salvation, «and so is not cast into flesh again. Apostates 21 And I said, Sir, where will the souls go of those who have gained acquaintance and then turned away? 24 Then it said to me, They will be taken to the place where the angels 26 of poverty go— «it is the place where no act of repentance is performed— 27 and they will be kept until the day when those who have uttered blasphemy against the spirit will be tortured and punished with eternal punishment. C. THE ENSLAVEMENT OF HUMANKIND Destiny 31 But for my part I said, Sir, where did the counterfeit spirit come from? 33 Then it said to me, It is the mother-father who is greatly merciful, the holy spirit who in every way is compassionate and 28 suffers with you 2 (plur.), that is, the afterthought of the luminous forethought." «And it raised up the posterity of the perfect race, raised their thinking, and raised up the eternal light of the human being. 6 When the first ruler knew that they were greatly superior to it and that they thought more than it did, it then wanted to arrest their pondering; and it did not realize that they were superior to it in thought 11 and that it could not lay hold of them. «In the company of its authorities, 12 that is, its powers, it made a plan. «And in turns they fornicated with 13,15 wisdom; «and by them, destiny was begotten as bitterness (?); «this is the last and varied bond, which is of diverse sorts, for they (the 17 authorities) differ from one another. «And it is difficult and overpowers that being with whom the deities, angels, demons, and all the races have 21 mingled down to the present day. «For out of that destiny were shown forth all impieties; violent action; blasphemy and the bond of forgetful- 24 ness; lack of acquaintance; «and all burdensome precepts, burdensome 26 sins, and great fears. «And thus they made all creation blind so that the 29 deity above them all might not be recognized. «And because of the bond of forgetfulness, their sins became hidden (to them); for they had been bound with measures, times, and ages, since it exerted mastery over all. The flood and Noah 32 And it (the ruler) repented o f all things that had come to exist because 34 of it. «Again it made a plan: to bring down a flood 29 upon the human creation. 1 But the greatness of the light of forethought taught Noah, and he 4 preached to all the posterity, that is, the children of humankind. «And 6 those who were alien to him did not pay heed to him. «They did not— 7 as Moses said— hide in an ark; «rather, it was in a certain place that 8 they hid. «Not only Noah, but many other people from the immovable 28 a. The text may be corrupt here. Possibly some words have been left out, as follows: “ The mother-father that is greatly merciful, the holy spirit that in every way is compassionate and suffers with you (plur.), (. . .), that is, the afterthought of the luminous forethought.“ Instead of “ m other-father,“ MS BG has simply “ m other.“ EpG 26.10.7 + 20:19 + RR 87:17 FTh 43:13 RAd 69:2 RR 92:3 EgG 72:10 IrU md 1.30.10 EpS 39.3.1 EpG 26.1.7 v. 1 Gn 6:5f IrUnid 1.30.10 EpG 26.1.7 + ? RAd 69:19 RR 92:8 29:12 T H E S E C R E T BO O K A C C O R D IN G TO JO H N 12 race, went into a certain place and hid within a luminous cloud. «And n they recognized his absolute power. ‘And with him was that being which belonged to the light, who had illuminated them. The counterfeit spirit i4,i6 For it (the ruler) had brought darkness down over all the earth. «And 17 in the company of its powers, it made a plan. *It sent its angels to the daughters of humankind to take some of them unto themselves and so 20 to raise up a posterity as a comfort for themselves. »And at first they 21 did not succeed. «Then after they had not succeeded, they assembled 23 again, and all together made a plan. «They made a counterfeit spirit in the image of the spirit that had descended, by which they would befoul 26 the souls. «And the angels changed in image, after the images of their spouses,“ filling them with the spirit of darkness, which they mixed with 30 them, and with wickedness. «They brought gold, silver, gifts, copper, 33 iron, metal, and all kinds of raw materials. «And they beguiled the people who followed them into great anxieties, 30 leading them astray in many 2 errors. «Humankind grew old without having any leisure, and died without discovering any truth or becoming acquainted with the god of 4 truth. «And thus was the whole creation perpetually enslaved, from the foundation of the' world down to the present time. 7 And they married women and begot children out of the darkness, 8.9 after the image of their spirit. «And their hearts became closed and hardened with the hardness of the counterfeit spirit, down to the present time. V . PO EM O F D E L IV E R A N C E 11 Then“ 1, the perfect forethought of the entirety, transformed myself into my posterity. 13 For, I existed in the beginning, traveling in every path of travel. is For it is I who am the riches of the light; 15 It is I who am the memory of the fullness, 17 And I traveled in the greatness of the darkness, 17 And I continued until I entered the midst of the prison. 19 And the foundations of chaos moved. 20 And for my part, I hid from them because of their evil; 21 And they did not recognize me. 21 Again I returned, for a second time. 23 And I traveled, coming into the beings of the light— 24 I, who am the memory of the forethought. 25 I entered the midst of the darkness and the interior of Hades, striving for my governance. 27 And the foundations of chaos moved, as though to fall down upon those who dwelt in chaos and destroy them. 30 And once again I hastened back to my luminous root,b 31 Lest they be destroyed before their time. 32 Yet a third time I traveled— 33 I who am the light that exists within the light, 29 a. Or ''doubles.” instead have simply "then in the beginning the blessed mother-father, who is greatly 30 a. The following passage, 30:1 If (“ Then merciful, takes form in its posterity. I have I . . .") to 31:27f (“ in your ears” ) is not come to the perfect realm (aeon)." present in MSS BG and NHC III, which b. Or "source,” RAd 70:16 Gil 6:2 Gn 6:5 RR 97:1 FTh 36:4 + 14:26? FTh 47:11 EpS 39.3.1 RR 96:28 + 51 T H E S E C R E T B O O K A C C O R D IN G TO JO H N 34 I the memory of the forethought— 35 So that I might enter the midst of the darkness and the interior 31 of Hades: i I filled my face with the light of the end of their realm. 3 And I entered the midst of their prison, 4 Which is the prison of the body. 4 And I said, “ O listener, arise from heavy sleep.” 6 And that person wept and shed tears, heavy tears; 7 And wiped them away and said, “ Who is calling my name? 9 “ And from where has my hope come, as I dwell in the bonds of the prison?” 10 And I said, “ It is 1 who am the forethought of the uncontaminated light; 12 “ It is I who am the thinking of the virgin spirit, 13 “ And I who am leading you to the place of honor. 14 “ Arise! Keep in mind that you are the person who has listened; 15 “ Follow your root, which is myself, the compassionate; 16 “ Be on your guard against the angels of poverty and the demons of chaos and all those who are entwined with you; 20 “ And be wakeful, (now that you have come) out of heavy sleep and out of the garment in the interior of H ades.” 22 And I raised and sealed that person, with the light of the water of five seals,“ 24 So that from thenceforth death might not have power over that person. 25 And lo, now I shall enter the perfect eternal realm: 27 I have completed all things for you (sing.) in your ears. 28 For my part, Ib have told you (sing.) all things, so that you might write them down and transmit them secretly to those who are like you 31 in spirit. «For this is the mystery of the immovable race.c V I. F R A M E ST O R Y (CO N CLU SIO N ) 32 And the savior transmitted these things to him (John) so that he might 34 write them down and keep them safe. «And it said to him, “ Cursed be anyone who sells these in exchange for a bribe, for foodstuffs, for drink, i for clothing, or for anything else 32 of the sort.” «And these things were transmitted to him mystically; and immediately, it vanished from before 4 him. «And he came to his fellow disciples and informed them of what 6 the savior had told him. « J e s u s (Is) T h e A n o i n t e d ( C h r i s t ) ! “ A m e n ! 1* 31 a. The "five seals” are associated with the reception of gnosis in gnostic baptism (for which, see “ Historical Introduction" in Part One). b. The savior, forethought. c. MS BG here adds: "N ow , the mother came before me once again. M oreover, these are the things she did in the world. She caused the posterity to stand at rest. I shall tell you (plur.) about what is going to come to pass." 32 a. “ the anointed": the divine self-originate (cf. 6:23f). This is the only reference in BJn to the Incarnation. Because it does not occur within the central body of the work, some scholars have suspected that it is not part of the original but rather is a pious exclamation added by an ancient Christian gnostic copyist or editor. On the other hand, for gnostic elaborations of the Incarnation, see FTh, EgG, IrUnid, EpS, EpA, EpG; and probably RAd. b. In the manuscripts the title of this work is written after the text (at 32:7f). IrSat 1.24.2 + RAd 66:1 FTh 35:21 4:26 + FTh 49:27 + EgG 56:25 RAd 85:3 Fr 68:16