US_162 PROBLEMS OF ART AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN GLOBAL CONTEXT: CRITICAL READING Seminar Syllabus Elena Khokhlova, MA TUES: 11.03 TUES: 25.03 TUES: 8.04 TUES: 22.04 TUES: 6.05 IN TRANSITION. AGE OF MASS PRODUCTION AND THE NEW PHILOSOPHY Case: Chaplin, Charles. Modern Times - Factory Scene (1936) Keywords: Production, Masses, Market and Commodity, Ideology, Post- modernism, New ideas, Simulacrum, Virtual Reality Important sources: Baudrillard, Jean. For a Critique of the Political Economy of Sign: drillard.theartauction%20.pdf Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and Simulation: udrillard_Simulations_and_Simulacra.pdf Debord, Guy. The Society of the Spectacle: ive/debord/society.htm Jameson, Fredric. Postmodernism and Consumer Society: meson_Postmodernism_and_Consumer_ Society.pdf Further reading: Baudrillard, Jean. The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures Baudrillard, Jean. Articles: -baudrillard/articles/ Encyclopedia of postmodernism / edited by Victor E. Taylor and Charles E. Winquist. Marx, Karl. The Capital (Vol 1, Part 1, chapter 1, section 1, 4): /marx/works/download/pdf/Cap ital-Volume-I.pdf Žižek, Slavoj. The sublime object of ideology Elaboration of an idea: Can and should art be politically or economically free? Political and Social Context of New Art 1. New social, political and economic systems and their influence. 2. New philosophy: postmodernism as critique of modernity. 3. New realities: Simulacrum and Simulation. 4. New art as a product of “modern times”. IN TRANSITION. AGE OF MASS PRODUCTION AND THE NEW ART Case: L. H. O. O. Q. by Marcel Ducham p (1919) / Damien Hirst, The Physical impossibil ity of death in the mind of someone living (1991) Keywords: Simulation. Masses, Serialism, Repetition, Pastiche, Kitsch, Bricolage, Remake, Sequel. Important sources: Adorno, T., Horkheimer, M. Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception: ive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm Adorno, Theodor. Aesthetic Theory [chapters Art, Society, Aesthetics; Society; and other voluntary]: /04/aesthetictheory.pdf Barthes, Roland. Rhetoric of the image: classes/berlin/barthes.pdf Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ect/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm Further reading: Adorno, Theodor. The Culture Industry / Selected Essays on Mass Culture /filo/adorno_culture_industry.pdf Barthes, Roland. Death of Author: Gustafson/FILM%20162.W10/readi ngs/barthes.death.pdf Tzara, Tristan. Dada Manifest 1918: ai/DadaSurrealism/DadaSurrRea dings/TzaraD1.pdf Elaboration of an idea: What is the functional and conceptual difference between the primary art object and its copies, remakes and simulations? 2 1. Culture Industry realm and its critique. 2. The product of new art: new understanding, new features, new perception. 3. Production of new art: simulation, copying, series, repetitions, remakes, sequels. 4. Conceptual deviations of new art and post-modernity: critical approach. ART, CULTURE AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES. ECONOMIC APPROACH TO THE NEW ART. Case: JWT Amsterd am. Rembra ndt’s “Night Watch” Keywords: Culture Industry, Creative Industries, Cultural Product. Symbolic Exchange, New Economy, Cultural marketing, Art marketing, Culture / Art Important sources: Dolgin, Alexander. The Economics of Symbolic Exchange: Dolgin, Alexander. Manifesto of the New Economy / The Second Invisible Hand of the Market: Hesmondhalgh, David. The Cultural Industries (2nd edition) Seabrook, John. Nobrow: the culture of marketing, the marketing of culture Further reading: Caves, Richard. Creative Industries / Contacts between Art and Commerce Adorno, Theodor, The Culture Industry / Selected Essays on Mass Culture ilo/adorno_culture_industry.pdf Lebrecht, Norman. When the Music Stops / Managers, Maestros and the Corporate Murder of Classical Music Elaboration of an idea: How does the clash of art and new media and commerce (in the form creative industries) influences production and consumption of art? What is the difference between art and creative industries? 1. Economic influence and context of new art: adaptation of art (industries) – adaptation of economics (new economy). 2. Art and creative industries: transformation of escape? 3. Principles of producing / packaging / advertising / consuming in creative industries. 4. Art and symbolic exchange: aspects, problems, solutions. ART / BUSINESS. CASE STUDY Case: Kristin J. Lieb: Gender, Brandin g, and the Modern Music Industry. Keywords: Art Business, Marketing and Selling Art, Cultural Product, Price Politics, Targeting, Production and Consuming of New Art Important sources: Kristin J. Lieb: Gender, Branding, and the Modern Music Industry. Velthuis, Olav. Talking Prices: Symbolic Meaning of Prices on the Market of Contemporary Art Thompson, Don. The $12 Million Stuffed Shark: The Curious Economics of Contemporary Art Further reading: Benhamou-Huet, Judith. The Worth of Art: Pricing the Priceless Kotler, Ph., Scheff, J, Standing room only: strategies for marketing the performing arts Robertson, Iain. The Art Business Elaboration of an idea: How does cultural product differ from any other product to sell/consume ? 1. Business strategy for art: planning, production, targeting, placement, advertisement. 2. Price politics in art and creative industries. 3. Modern music industry as an example of creative industry. 4. Modern music brands as cultural products. IN TERMS OF DISCUSSING ART… FINAL DISCUSSION Case: Portfolio of Andy Warhol Keywords: Mass / Unique, HighBrow, MiddleBrow, LowImportant sources: Warhol, Andy. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol Further reading: Machin D. Analysing Popular Music: Image, Sound and Text Elaboration of an idea: Which social, political, economic 3 Brow, No Brow; The New Aesthetics. Beardsley, Monroe. Aesthetics: Problems of the Philosophy of Criticism Binkley, Timothy. Piece: Contra Aesthetics: homasbinkley.pdf Dickie, George. What is art? An Institutional Analysis: /49779208.pdf Seabrook, John. Nobrow: the culture of marketing, the marketing of culture Gans, Herbert. Popular Culture and High Culture and other ideas (The Global Context) influence the art of post- modernity and form creative industries? 1. From unique to mass, from high-brow to low-brow, from art to creative industries. 2. New aesthetics: adaptation to new art? 3. Philosophy of Andy Warhol and philosophy of new art. 4. Warhol’s heritage in global context.