The Postcolonial Novel Richard J. Lane polity Copyright © Richard J. Lane 2006 The right of Richard J. Lane to be identified as Author of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published in 2006 by Polity Press Reprinted 2008 Polity Press 65 Bridge Street Cambridge CB2 1UR, UK Polity Press 350 Main Street Maiden, MA 02148,USA All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. ISBN-10: 0-7456-3278-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-7456-3278-0 ISBN-10: 0-7456-3279-3 (pb) ISBN-13: 978-0-7456-3279-7 (pb) A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Typeset in 10.5 on 12 pt Bembo by SNP Best-set Typesetter Ltd, Hong Kong Printed in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall For further information on polity, please visit our website: Masarykova Univnratoľ Filozofická fakulta. Ústíaóní knihovna Přír.č Sign Syst.č. G9